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目的:应用高分辨CT*(HRCT)扫描方法,增加对头颅腔隙梗塞诊断的可靠性。材料和方法:对临床疑有腔隙的病人,在基底节区及可疑部位加用HRCT扫描,遇到腔隙病灶与像素颗粒难以区分时在相同层面或上下1~2mm处做HRCT扫描。结果:有489例常规CT正常的病例中发现了腔隙灶,在遇到的502例不易诊断的可疑病灶中,经HRCT确诊的真正腔隙灶300例,伪腔隙(像素)202例,同时发现HRCT对正常脑组织结构的显示要较常规CT优越得多。结论:HRCT不仅能提高腔隙性梗塞的检出率,还能辨伪腔隙,是弥补常规CT对腔隙诊断不足的较好手段。  相似文献   
1600 K和20 GP温压条件下的顽火辉石电导率   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在温度750~1600 K和压力10~20 GPa条件下,借助于Kawai-5000多面顶砧高温高压设备,就位测量了(Mg0.9Fe0.1) SiO3 顽火辉石的电导率.实验结果显示,顽火辉石的电导率在高温区以小极化子机制为主,在低温区以质子导电为主,因为实验后的样品中有一定的水含量.另外,X射线衍射实验表明压力(20 GPa)诱发了顽火辉石向林伍德石的相变,这是我们首次在顽火辉石的电导率实验中观测到林伍德石含水相变,而且含水林伍德石的电导率与已有的实验结果相当一致.  相似文献   
川西地区小震重新定位及其活动构造意义   总被引:77,自引:18,他引:59       下载免费PDF全文
使用双差地震定位法对川西地区1992~2002年的13367个小震进行重新定位, 初步分析了地震活动性与地表活动构造的关系及其揭示的构造信息. 重新定位后,地震活动沿活动断裂成线(带)状分布现象非常突出,呈现出与地表活动构造的密切关系:结构简单的单一走滑断层具有上宽下陡的花状结构特征,拉分盆地与逆断裂具有线性而发散的分布式结构特征,逆断裂之下还存在缺震层. 此外,沿活动断裂带地震活动还具有空间分段性,揭示出局部地段存在着隐伏活动断裂和可圈定为地震危险区的地震空区. 震源深度分布显示,川西高原在15~20km的深度范围内普遍存在厚度约5km的缺震层,以高温高压实验结果为基础,通过计算川西地区地壳强度表明,大约14~19km的深度范围花岗岩处于塑性流变状态,说明缺震层的出现具有地壳物质塑性变形基础.  相似文献   
Kuiper带是指太阳系内位于离太阳 30~ 50AU一个区域。 1 992年该区域陆续发现了一群半径在几十到几百公里的小天体。这些小天体在Kuiper带的分布是极其不均匀的。Kuiper带小天体的发现对人们认识太阳系的形成与演化有重要的意义。本文回顾了近年来国际上在Kuiper带小天体动力演化方面的研究 ,着重分析了目前国际上几种用以解释其非均匀分布的动力学机制 ,并提出目前该领域的一些尚未解决的问题。  相似文献   
同一震源区两次地震到达某台站的直达P波、S波零频观测谱值之比与其辐射图型因子之比线性相关,而后者取决于震源机制的几何特性。用波形记录计算谱振幅相关系数,认为该系数是震源机制异同的归一化数值描述。据此对2003年青岛序列及冀鲁豫交界地区小震集中区地震事件进行聚类分组,给出序列事件的滑动平均相关系数的时序曲线。研究结果表明:青岛序列的滑动平均相关系数时序曲线存在由一致到发散的变化过程,即震源区应力场强度由相对集中向逐步分散过度;冀鲁豫交界地区小震集中区谱振幅相关系数较低,震源机制各不相同,区域应力积累没有形成任何一个优势方向。  相似文献   
鱼类过坝后的上溯行为对鱼类寻找适宜的产卵、索饵等功能性栖息地至关重要。现阶段我国大多数研究聚焦于鱼类上溯通过鱼道的游泳行为量化,而过坝后的上溯行为分析鲜有报道。本研究在金沙江下游支流黑水河松新坝址处利用PIT(passive integrated transponder)遥测技术对松新电站过鱼对象短须裂腹鱼(Schizothorax wangchiachii)过坝后的上溯行为开展监测,考虑监测过程中水文情势变化对过坝后上溯行为的影响,采用生存分析方法,构建了耦合多因素(流量、水温、河道涨落水率、昼夜节律、肥满度等)的Cox风险比例回归模型,利用AIC模型准则筛选出最优模型参数,识别了影响鱼类过坝后上溯成功率的关键因素。结果表明:(1)短须裂腹鱼在松新鱼道的上溯效果显著优于河道;(2)水温及河道涨落率是影响短须裂腹鱼过坝后上溯效果的关键因素;(3)水温与短须裂腹鱼过坝后河道上溯成功率呈负相关,当水温超过短须裂腹鱼最适温度后,河道上溯成功率随着温度的上升呈递减趋势;河道涨落水率与短须裂腹鱼过坝后河道上溯成功率呈正相关,其中涨水情势下短须裂腹鱼河道成功上溯的概率高于落水,河道上溯成功率随着涨...  相似文献   
Alpine glacial basins are a significant source and storage area for sediment exposed by glacial retreat. Recent research has indicated that short‐term storage and release of sediment in proglacial channels may control the pattern of suspended sediment transfer from these basins. Custom‐built continuously recording turbidimeters installed on a network of nine gauging sites were used to characterize spatial and temporal variability in suspended sediment transfer patterns for the entire proglacial area at Small River Glacier, British Columbia, Canada. Discharge and suspended sediment concentration were measured at 5 min intervals over the ablation season of 2000. Differences in suspended sediment transfer patterns were then extracted using multivariate statistics (principal component and cluster analysis). Results showed that each gauging station was dominated c. 80% of days by diurnal sediment transfer patterns and ‘low’ suspended sediment concentrations. ‘Irregular’ transfer patterns were generally associated with ‘high’ sediment concentrations during snowmelt and rainfall events, resulting in the transfer of up to 70% of the total seasonal suspended sediment load at some gauging stations. Suspended sediment enrichment of up to 600% from channel storage release and extrachannel inputs occurred between the glacial front and distal proglacial boundary. However, these patterns differed significantly between gauging stations as determined by the location of the gauging station within the catchment and meteorological conditions. Overall, the proglacial area was the source for up to 80% of the total suspended sediment yield transferred from the Small River Glacier basin. These results confirmed that sediment stored and released in the proglacial area, in particular from proglacial channels, was controlling suspended sediment transfer patterns. To characterize this control accurately requires multiple gauging stations with high frequency monitoring of suspended sediment concentration. Accurate characterization of this proglacial control on suspended sediment transfer may therefore aid interpretation of suspended sediment yield patterns from glacierized basins. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A scientific collaboration between TÜB?TAK National Observatory (Turkey), Kazan State University (Russia) and Nikolaev Astronomical Observatory (Ukraine) involves observations of minor planets and near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) with the 1.5 m Russian-Turkish telescope (RTT150). Regular observations of selected asteroids in the range of 11-18 magnitudes began in 2004 with the view of determining masses of selected asteroids, improving the orbits of the NEAs, and studying physical characteristics of selected asteroids from photometric observations. More than 3000 positions of 53 selected asteroids and 11 NEAs have been obtained with an internal error in the range of 30-300 mas for a single determination. Photometric reductions of more than 4000 CCD frames are in progress. Masses of 21 asteroids were estimated through dynamical method using the ground-based optical observations, mainly from the RTT150 and Minor Planet Center. A comparison of the observational results from the RTT150 in 2004-2005 with observations of the same objects at other observatories allows us to conclude that RTT150 can be used for ground-based support in astrometry for the space mission GAIA.  相似文献   
把小流域水文生态研究,分解为小流域水分行为、生态效应及其优化调控研究3个方面。在分析国内外研究现状与问题的基础上,指出了其需要系统加以探讨的若干内容,认为由此可构建流域水文生态学的基本框架,进而发展流域水文生态学。  相似文献   
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