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Chemical trends from north (amphibolite facies) to south (granulitefacies) along a 95 km traverse in Tamil Nadu, Southern India,include: whole-rock depletion of Rb, Cs, Th and U, enrichmentin Ti and F, and depletion in Fe and Mn in biotite and amphibole;increases in Al and decreases in Mn in orthopyroxene; enrichmentof fluorapatite in F. K-feldspar blebs are widespread alongquartz–plagioclase grain boundaries, and could indicateeither partial melting or metasomatism. In the northernmostportion of the traverse the principal rare earth element (REE)-bearingminerals are allanite and titanite. South of a clinopyroxeneisograd, monazite grains independent of fluorapatite are themajor REE- and Th-bearing phase. Further south independent monaziteis rare but Th-free monazite inclusions are common in fluorapatite.During prograde metamorphism, independent monazite was replacedby REE-rich fluorapatite in which the monazite inclusions laterformed. The loss of independent monazite was accompanied bya loss of whole-rock Th and possibly a small depletion in lightREE. Most mineralogical features along the traverse can be accountedfor by progressive dehydration and oxidation reactions. Trace-elementdepletion is best explained by the action of an externally derivedlow H2O activity brine migrating from a source at greater depth,possibly preceded or accompanied by partial melting. KEY WORDS: granulite facies; charnockite; metasomatism; Archean; Tamil Nadu, India; fluorapatite; monazite; allanite; titanite; biotite  相似文献   
Numerical model simulations of sea-breeze circulations in the presence of idealized topography are subjected to dimensional analysis in order to capture the dynamics of the sea-breeze circulation combined with an upslope-flow circulation. A secondary objective is to reconcile previous results based on observations. The analysis is based on a scaling analysis of sea-breeze speed, depth and volume flux. This study is motivated by the fact that the literature of sea breezes interacting with upslope flows is generally qualitative. Results show clear scaling regimes and strong interaction between the two thermally driven circulations. We distinguish three regimes, depending on slope length, slope angle, stability and surface heat flux. The first and third regimes obey the scaling laws of pure sea-breeze scaling. The second regime shows a significant decrease in the scaled volume flux relative to pure sea-breeze scaling. Dynamical relations in the second regime show a strong influence on the circulation of upslope stable air advection.  相似文献   
新化—城步地区泥盆纪沉积相类型较丰富,可划分7个相组、17个相。最突出的特征是在两个碳酸盐台地之间发育有一较深水的盆地,即台盆。西部的碳酸盐台地与台盆之间的边缘无明显的陡坡,属于J.F.Read所称的碳酸盐等斜缓坡。区内沉积相,尤其是在棋梓桥晚期——佘田桥期,大体上呈北北东向展布。构成这一特殊沉积格局的主要原因是该区沉积相受加里东运动期间形成的基底断裂控制。区内台盆演化可分为初始台盆、台盆扩展、台盆稳定、台盆最大扩展、台盆收缩变浅、台盆残余凹陷等六个阶段。  相似文献   
The Lower Permian (Artinskian to Sakmarian) Pebbley Beach Formation (PBF) of the southernmost Sydney Basin in New South Wales, Australia, records sediment accumulation in shallow marine to coastal environments at the close of the Late Palaeozoic Gondwanan ice age. This paper presents a sequence stratigraphic re‐evaluation of the upper half of the unit based on the integration of sedimentology and ichnology. Ten facies are recognized, separated into two facies associations. Facies Association A (seven facies) comprises variably bioturbated siltstones and sandstones with marine body fossils, interpreted as recording sediment accumulation in open marine environments ranging from lower offshore to middle shoreface water depths. Evidence of deltaic influence is seen in several Association A facies. Facies Association B (three facies) comprises mainly heterolithic, interlaminated and thinly interbedded sandstone and siltstone with some thicker intervals of dark grey, organic‐rich mudstone, some units clearly filling incised channel forms. These facies are interpreted as the deposits of estuarine channels and basins. Throughout the upper half of the formation, erosion surfaces with several metres relief abruptly separate open marine facies of Association A (below) from estuarine facies of Association B (above). Vertical facies changes imply significant basinward shift of environment across these surfaces, and lowering of relative sea level in the order of 50 m. These surfaces can be traced over several kilometres along depositional strike, and are defined as sequence boundaries. On this basis, at least nine sequences have been recognized in the upper half of the formation, each of which is < 10 m thick, condensed, incomplete and top‐truncated. Sequences contain little if any record of the lowstand systems tract, a more substantial transgressive systems tract and a highstand systems tract that is erosionally truncated (or in some cases, missing). This distinctive stacking pattern (which suggests a dominance of retrogradation and progradation over aggradation) and the implied relative sea‐level drop across sequence boundaries of tens of metres are remarkably similar to some other studies of continental margin successions formed under the Neogene icehouse climatic regime. Accordingly, it is suggested that the stratigraphic architecture of the PBF was a result of an Icehouse climate regime characterized by repeated, high‐amplitude cycles of relative sea‐level change.  相似文献   
Facies, geometry and key internal stratigraphic surfaces from eight Cretaceous and Eocene clastic shoreline tongues have been documented. The regressive parts of all the studied tongues represent storm‐wave influenced strandplains, deltas or fan‐deltas, and the regressive shoreline trajectories varied from descending to ascending. The transgressive parts of the tongues are dominated by either estuarine or coastal‐plain deposits. The distance from the coeval, up‐dip non‐marine deposits to the basinward pinchout of amalgamated shoreface sandstones, measured along depositional dip, is here termed the sand pinchout distance. The study shows that the angle of regressive‐to‐transgressive turnaround (defined by the angle between the regressive and subsequent transgressive shoreline trajectories) and the process regime during turnaround largely control the sand‐pinchout distance. The amount of transgressive erosion can also partly control the pinchout distance, but this parameter was comparable for the different examples presented here. If the type of depositional system at turnaround and the depth of transgressive erosion are constant, small angles of turnaround are associated with large pinchout distances, whereas larger angles of turnaround result in smaller pinchout distances. The model developed allows sand‐pinchout distance to be predicted, using data for the landward parts of shoreline tongues. The dataset also shows that steeply rising (aggrading) shoreline trajectories tend to produce more heterolithic sandstone tongues than those formed by lower‐angle trajectories.  相似文献   
The evaporitic Hessian Zechstein Basin is a sub‐basin of the Southern Zechstein Basin, situated at its southern margin. Twelve facies groups were identified in the Zechstein Limestone and Lower Werra Anhydrite in order to better understand the sequence‐stratigraphic evolution of this sub‐basin, which contains economically important potassium salts. Four different paleogeographic depositional areas were recognized based on the regional distribution of facies. Siliciclastic‐carbonate, carbonate, carbonate‐evaporite and evaporite shallowing‐upward successions are developed. These allow the establishment of parasequences and sequences, as well as correlation throughout the Hessian Basin and into the Southern Zechstein Basin. Two depositional sequences are distinguished, Zechstein sequence 1 and Zechstein sequence 2. The former comprises the succession from the Variscan basement up to the lowermost part of the Werra Anhydrite, including the Kupferschiefer as part of the transgressive systems tract. The highstand systems tract is defined by the Zechstein Limestone, in which two parasequences are developed. In large parts of the Hessian Basin, Zechstein sequence 1 is capped by a karstic, subaerial exposure surface, interpreted as recording a type‐1 sequence boundary that formed during a distinct brine level fall. Low‐lying central areas (Central Hessian Sub‐basin, Werra Sub‐basin), however, were not exposed and show a correlative conformity. Topography was minimal at the end of sequence 1. Widely developed perilittoral, sabkha and salina shallowing‐upward successions indicate a renewed rise of brine level (interpreted as a transgressive systems tract), because of inflow of preconcentrated brines from the Southern Zechstein Basin to the north. This marks the initiation of Zechstein sequence 2, which comprises most of the Lower Werra Anhydrite. In the Central Hessian Sub‐basin, situated proximal to the brine inflow and on the ridges within the Hessian Basin, physico‐chemical conditions were well suited for sulphate precipitation to form a thick cyclic succession. It consists of four parasequences that completely filled the increased accommodation space. In contrast, only minor sulphate accumulation occurred in the Werra Sub‐basin, situated further southwards and distal to the inflow. As a result of substantially different sulphate precipitation rates during increased accommodation, water depth in the region became more variable. The Werra Sub‐basin, characterized by very low sedimentation rates, became increasingly deeper through time, trapping dense halite brines and precipitating rock salt deposits (Werra Halite). This ‘self‐organization’ model for an evaporitic basin, in which depositional relief evolves with sedimentation and relief is filled by evaporite thereafter, contradicts earlier interpretations, that call upon the existence of a tectonic depression in the Werra area, which controlled sedimentation from the beginning of the Zechstein.  相似文献   
Object models are widely used to model the distribution of facies in a reservoir. Several computer programs exist for modelling fluvial channels or more general facies objects. This paper focuses on a marked point model with objects that are able to orient locally according to a vector field. In this way, objects with locally varying curvature are created. With this kind of objects it is possible to model complex depositional basins, that are not easily modelled with conventional methods. The new object type is called Backbone objects. The objects have a piecewise linear centerline and are able to follow the direction of a three-dimensional vector field locally in lateral and vertical direction. How well the objects follow the vector field is determined by three parameters. Use of different coordinate systems and mapping between the systems make it possible to generate Gaussian random fields that follow the shape and direction of the objects. The Gaussian fields can be used to model petrophysical variables, which is important for fluid flow modelling.  相似文献   
Wind speed profiles above a forest canopy relate to scalar exchange between the forest canopy and the atmosphere. Many studies have reported that vertical wind speed profiles above a relatively flat forest can be classified by a stability index developed assuming wind flow above a flat plane. However, can such a stability index be used to classify vertical wind speed profiles observed above a sloping forest at nighttime, where drainage flow often occurs? This paper examines the use of the bulk Richardson number to classify wind speed profiles observed above a sloping forest at nighttime. Wind speed profiles above a sloping forest were classified by the bulk Richardson number Ri B . Use of Ri B distinguished between drainage flow, shear flow, and transitional flow from drainage flow to shear flow. These results suggest that Ri B is useful to interpret nighttime CO2 and energy fluxes above a sloping forest. Through clear observational evidence, we also show that the reference height should be high enough to avoid drainage-flow effects when calculating Ri B .  相似文献   
中天山马鞍桥石炭纪沉积特征及构造意义   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
出露于中天山马鞍桥、巴仑台北的石炭纪地层属于大塘阶晚期至威宁期碳酸盐和碎屑岩的混合沉积。沉积特征和微量元素标志显示该套地层主体为潮坪-泻湖相沉积,仅顶部为河湖相沉积。砂岩的元素地球化学特征以及骨架颗粒的百分含量均显示,该套地层的蚀源区为岛弧火山岩系和中酸性花岗岩系的中天山微板块。有足够的证据表明该套地层形成于中天山微板块与南天山弧后盆地碰撞的挤压背景,即前陆盆地中,构造和海平面变化是该套充填物的主要控制因素。  相似文献   
Two consecutive multidisciplinary surveys, covering the north and north-western part of the Iberian shelf and slope during spring 2000, showed a dramatic change in the oceanographic conditions as a result of a southern water intrusion that replaced shelf and slope waters down to 300 m depth. The intrusion covered an alongshore distance of ∼400 km from the north of Cape Finisterre to the centre of the Cantabrian Sea, and was developed in less than a month between the two occupations of the same area. The analysis of surface currents from several buoys moored over the slope allow us to associate the emerging oceanographic configuration after the event with a strong and well-defined slope current, although during winter 1999-2000 the entrance of the Iberian Poleward Current (IPC) in the Bay of Biscay was very weak. The rapid development of the intrusion is discussed in relation with the unusual strong wind forcing pulse that occurred between the cruises. Our results highlight the importance of variability scales below seasonal (event-scale) in the Iberian margin.  相似文献   
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