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Machiko  Tamaki  Yasuto  Itoh 《Island Arc》2008,17(2):270-284
Abstract   Paleomagnetic studies provide constraints on the geometric configuration of the eastern Eurasian margin on geological time scales. Characteristic remanent magnetization components were isolated from eight sites by progressive demagnetization executed on samples from 25 sites in the Oyubari area, central Hokkaido where the Late Cretaceous Yezo Group is distributed. After tilt-correction, all sites show normal polarity site-mean directions, and well-clustered directions pass a positive fold test and a correlation test. Planktonic foraminifera indicate an age range of Cenomanian to Turonian, and the studied section is correlated to the geomagnetic polarity chron C34n. Reliable formation-mean directions that have been corrected for post-depositional shallowing (D = 7.5°, I = 65.9°, α95 = 6.6°) are characterized by inclination data indicative of no significant latitudinal translation since the Late Cretaceous. Central Hokkaido has, therefore, been situated adjacent to easternmost Mongolia including Sikhote Alin around the present latitude since the Late Cretaceous. Declination data require significant differential rotation between Hokkaido and the eastern Asian margin, which may be indicative of rearrangement of crustal blocks along the continental margin.  相似文献   
藏南亚东地区前寒武纪结晶岩系以往统称为“聂拉木群”。本次研究发现该结晶岩系可划分为上、下两部分,二者之间原始接触关系为角度不整合。下部结晶岩系为本次新建的“亚东岩群”,其岩石组合为:下部为多种片麻岩夹少量细粒石英岩和黑云片岩;中部为多种混合岩;上部为多种片麻岩夹少量变粒岩、石英岩和片岩。不同部位的片麻岩和混合岩中含辉石岩、高压麻粒岩等“暗色”包体。研究表明,亚东岩群为角闪岩相─高角闪岩相变质作用的产物,经历了多期深部构造层次的韧性变形,与“聂拉木群”显著不同。因此,认为“聂拉木群”代表喜马拉雅地区全部“前寒武系”是值得商榷的。  相似文献   
We discuss the distribution of radial velocities of galaxies belonging to the Local Group. Two independent samples of galaxies as well as several methods of reduction from the heliocentric to the galactocentric radial velocities are explored. We applied the power spectrum analysis using the Hann function as a weighting method, together with the jackknife error estimation. We performed a detailed analysis of this approach. The distribution of galaxy redshifts seems to be non‐random. An excess of galaxies with radial velocities of ∼24 km s–1 and ∼36 km s–1 is detected, but the effect is statistically weak. Only one peak for radial velocities of ∼24 km s–1 seems to be confirmed at the confidence level of 95%. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
The Term, Lawn, Wide and Doom Supersequences represent tectonically driven, second‐order sedimentary accommodation sequences in the Isa Superbasin. The four supersequences are stacked to form two major depositional wedges or packages extending south from the Murphy Inlier onto the central Lawn Hill Platform. A major intrabasin structure, the Elizabeth Creek Fault Zone separates the two depositional wedges. The Term and Lawn Supersequences each form a thick, crudely fining‐upward sedimentary succession. The basal part of each supersequence comprises sand‐dominated facies, deposited under lowstand conditions. The overlying transgressive deposits comprise thick successions of carbonaceous, shale‐prone sediment that represents times of increased accommodation. Synsedimentary fault activity along the northwest‐trending Termite Range Fault and major northeast‐trending faults including the Elizabeth Creek Fault Zone resulted in overthickened sections of parts of the Term and Lawn Supersequences in regional depocentres. A regional extensional event occurred during Wide Supersequence time, and resulted in strike‐slip deformation, uplift and tilting of fault blocks and erosion of underlying Lawn sequences. This tectonic event created small, fault‐bounded depocentres, where basal silty turbidites of the Wide Supersequence are locally thickened. Denudation of fault blocks in the hinterland provided increasing coarse clastic sediment‐supply forming thick, sand‐dominated, lowstand deposits of the upper Wide Supersequence. Overall, the Wide Supersequence exhibits a coarsening‐upwards facies trend. Tectonic quiescence resulted in the accumulation of siltstone‐dominated transgressive and highstand turbidite deposits in mid‐Wide time. The base of the Doom Supersequence comprises thick, feldspathic, debris‐flow sandstones signalling a new provenance. Decreasing accommodation is reflected by coarsening‐ and shallowing‐upwards facies trends in late Doom time. Declining accommodation and the end of sedimentation in the Isa Superbasin were most likely initiated by deformation at the start of the Isan Orogeny.  相似文献   
在黔东南出露的一套新元古界下江群浅变质碎屑岩中产出众多石英脉型金矿床(点),有关该类矿床的成因问题,特别是金的物质来源一直是研究的热点,因此下江群地层岩石的含金性以及元素地球化学特征也倍受关注。本文对贵州锦屏地区新元古界下江群浅变质岩及典型矿床的微量及稀土元素进行了系统测试,通过对比分析发现:下江群剖面的每个组均富集As、Ba、Zr、Ti;亏损Cr、Rb、Sr、Ta、Sc等元素,从番召组到平略组,元素组合演化呈明显相似性和继承性。含凝灰质多的番召组和清水江组地层中金含量较高,并且含金高的层位稀土含量较低,地层中Au与壳源特征的Ag、Hg、As等低温元素关系最为密切,该区金的迁移、富集可能与地层的热液活动或区域变质作用有密切的关系。围岩、地层岩石与矿石的微量元素特征及REE组成模式体现了地球化学演化上的一致性及继承性,表明该区金矿成矿物质可能主要来自于地层,而平秋金矿部分含金石英脉矿石表现出与围岩地层不同的地球化学特征,其更接近下地壳或上地幔,说明可能有部分深部流体参与成矿。  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(16):2030-2059
Seismic and sequence stratigraphic analysis of deep-marine forearc basin fill (Great Valley Group) in the central Sacramento Basin, California, reveals eight third-order sequence boundaries within the Cenomanian to mid-Campanian second-order sequences. The third-order sequence boundaries are of two types: Bevelling Type, a relationship between underlying strata and onlapping high-density turbidites; and Entrenching Type, a significantly incised surface marked by deep channels and canyons carved during sediment bypass down-slope. Condensed sections of hemipelagic strata draping bathymetric highs and onlapped by turbidites form a third important type of sequence-bounding element, Onlapped Drapes. Five tectonic and sedimentary processes explain this stratigraphic architecture: (1) subduction-related tectonic tilting and deformation of the basin; (2) avulsion of principal loci of submarine fan sedimentation in response to basin tilting; (3) deep incision and sediment bypass; (4) erosive grading and bevelling of tectonically modified topography by sand-rich, high-density turbidite systems; and (5) background hemipelagic sedimentation. The basin-fill architecture supports a model of subduction-related flexure as the principal driver of forearc subsidence and uplift during the Late Cretaceous. Subduction-related tilting of the forearc and growth of the accretionary wedge largely controlled whether and where the Great Valley turbiditic sediments accumulated in the basin. Deeply incised surfaces of erosion, including submarine canyons and channels, indicate periods of turbidity current bypass to deeper parts of the forearc basin or the trench. Fluctuations in sediment supply likely also played an important role in evolution of basin fill, but effects of eustatic fluctuations were overwhelmed by the impact of basin tectonics and sediment supply and capture. Eventual filling and shoaling of the Great Valley forearc during early Campanian time, coupled with dramatically reduced subsidence, correlate with a change in plate convergence, presumed flat-slab subduction, cessation of Sierran arc volcanism, and onset of Laramide orogeny in the retroarc.  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(15):1865-1884
It is generally accepted that Neoproterozoic extension and dispersal of the supercontinent Rodinia was associated with mantle plume or superplume activities. However, plume-generated contemporaneous continental flood basalts (CFBs) have rarely been identified. In this study, we present geochronological and geochemical evidence for the basalts from the Liufangzui Formation of the Huashan Group in the Dahongshan region of east-central China. A representative sample yields a SHRIMP U–Pb zircon age of 824 ± 9 Ma, interpreted as the crystallization age of the rocks. Geochemically, these basalts belong to the subalkaline tholeiite series and display slight enrichments in light rare earth elements (LREE) and varying degrees of deficiency of high field strength elements (HFSE) such as Nb, Ta, and Ti. This pattern is very similar to that of CFBs from the Bikou Group and Tiechuanshan Formation in the northwestern Yangtze block in China and Siberia in Russia. The basaltic magmas underwent partially-fractional crystallization during ascent, but were not intensely influenced by crustal contamination. The characteristic element ratios and negative Hf isotopic analyses (?Hf(t) = ?6.6–2.6) in zircons indicate that the parental magmas of the basalts might have been derived from an enriched lithospheric mantle rather than from the depleted mantle such as normal mid-ocean ridge basalts (N-MORBs). The geochemical signatures and regional geological characteristics show that these basalts were formed along intraplate continental rifts rather than in island arcs or ocean basins. Considering the coeval basic volcanic rocks in South China, we propose that these Huashan Group basalts represent the remnants of plume-generated CFBs and have close spatiotemporal ties with a coeval basic igneous province in Australia. Our results support the Neoproterozoic location of the South China block adjacent to southeastern Australia in the reconstruction model of the supercontinent Rodinia.  相似文献   
刘函  王国灿 《地质通报》2012,31(9):1461-1468
北阿尔金拉配泉北侧米兰群混合角闪斜长片麻岩被2期基性岩墙群(辉绿玢岩和棕闪煌斑岩)侵位。本次分别对三者进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb同位素侧年。混合岩化角闪斜长片麻岩中锆石结晶年龄为2007Ma±25Ma,结合西北地区2.0Ga左右广泛的构造-热事件,可能与Columbia超大陆汇聚有关。辉绿玢岩和棕闪煌斑岩的年龄结构相似,锆石较老年龄组分分别为1962~2093Ma和1804~2038Ma,系在侵位时从围岩(混合角闪斜长片麻岩)中捕获的锆石的年龄;最年轻的年龄组分(79~94Ma)代表基性岩墙群的侵位时间,与阿尔金北缘断裂伸展活动有关;古生代年龄(288~504Ma)为岩墙群上侵过程中同化混染北阿尔金蛇绿混杂岩带部分岩石的年龄。  相似文献   
冀中能源张家口矿业集团有限公司地处冀西北,煤炭资源丰富,是河北省主要煤产地之一。由于多年开采强度大,后备资源严重匮乏,至2008年末,保有可采储量10023.1万t,按矿井实际能力375万t/a计算,剩余服务年限仅19.1a。按照《全国危机矿山接替资源找矿规划纲要》对危机矿山的定义,张矿集团中的康宝公司土城子井、涿鹿公司西寺湾井、怀来公司为资源严重危机矿山,康宝公司张纪井、蔚西公司、涿鹿公司西山坡井为资源中度危机矿山,牛西分公司为资源轻度危机矿山,宣东二号煤矿、涿鹿公司黄土湾井为无资源危机矿山。加强老矿区外围及深部找煤工作迫在眉睫。  相似文献   
张勤  杨玉华 《云南地质》2012,(2):139-143
眤博铜镍多金属矿处于哀牢山地体、红河裂陷槽、屏边西畴山弧交汇派生的北西多条线性断裂收敛区,辉长橄榄岩为铜镍钴容矿岩体。重磁推测基性岩体规模巨大,有较大远景。矿床类型为岩浆深部熔离—单成贯入式铜镍多金属矿。  相似文献   
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