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运用岩性一岩相和地球化学方法对东乌旗满都胡地区中晚泥盆世塔尔巴格特组碎屑岩进行了研究,探讨了其碎屑岩岩相、物源区及地球化学特征,将区内塔尔巴格特组划分为2种沉积相、5种沉积亚相。地球化学分析结果表明:塔尔巴格特组砂岩和泥岩具高SiO2、K20和A12O3/(Na2O+CaO)值,低CaO含量特征,其碎屑物质来源于相对稳定的大陆源区;稀土元素配分曲线具轻稀土富集,重稀土比较平坦,轻重稀土分留明显,砂岩(La/Yb)N=6.66~11.15,平均值为9.01,泥岩(La/Yb)N=4.7~7.39,平均值为6.14,并伴有明显的Eu负异常。在La-Th—Sc、Th—Sc—Zr/10构造环境判别图解中,多数落入被动大陆边缘区域;主量元素构造判别图中也显示具有被动大陆边缘和活动大陆边缘的特征。结合区域分析,笔者认为塔尔巴椿特组碎届岩形成干被动大陆边缘环境。  相似文献   
通过岩石薄片、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、压汞分析及粘土矿物X衍射分析等资料,从储层的岩性、成岩作用、孔隙类型及影响孔隙结构的因素方面,对阿尔及利亚三叠盆地泥盆系Siegenian组储层的微观特征及成岩作用对其影响进行了研究。研究结果表明,该储层以石英细砂岩、粉砂岩为主,成分成熟度高。储集空间主要有原生粒间孔、粒内溶孔、粒间溶孔、铸模孔、胶结物内溶孔及构造裂缝6种,主要以次生溶蚀孔隙为主,且首次在研究区发现了石英溶蚀孔,并研究了碱性流体的来源。孔隙结构以细孔、细喉-微喉型为主,少量中孔细喉型和微孔微喉型。成岩作用类型多样,在区内发现了碱性溶蚀作用。成岩作用对储层发育具有重要的影响,压实、胶结作用是导致孔隙度和渗透率降低的主要因素,溶蚀作用是区内储层改善的最重要的成岩作用类型。X区块勘探程度低,明确其储层微观特征有利于X区块的进一步勘探开发。  相似文献   
对秦祁结合部位宝鸡地区香泉正长花岗岩进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb年龄和岩石地球化学研究。结果显示,锆石~(206)Pb/~(238)Pb年龄加权平均值为410±5Ma(MSWD=0.20,n=18),限定该岩体的形成时代为早泥盆世。香泉正长花岗岩具有高硅(SiO_2=69.63%~73.94%)、富钾(K_2O=4.24%~4.88%,K_2O/Na_2O=1.23~1.44)、富铁(TFe_2O_3=2.10%~3.70%,TFe_2O_3/MgO=3.88~6.84)、低镁(MgO=0.31%~0.94%)、低磷(P_2O_5=0.08%~0.21%)的特征,属准铝质、高钾钙碱性系列。香泉正长花岗岩稀土元素含量较高(318×10~(-6)~499×10~(-6)),表现出明显的负Eu异常(δ Eu=0.37~0.46),富集Rb、Th、Zr、Sm、Ga(10000×Ga/Al=2.59~2.93)等微量元素,贫Ba、Nb、Ta、Sr,整体表现出A型花岗岩特征。结合区域资料认为,香泉正长花岗岩形成于造山后环境,为低压环境下长英质地壳物质部分熔融成因。  相似文献   
通过对巴西某铁矿磁异常的处理分析,总结了层控型磁铁石英岩铁矿的磁异常特征,并利用化极与三维反演相结合的数据处理与分析手段,对磁异常携带的磁性体信息进行了更深的剖析和提取,通过化极结果圈定了磁性分布范围,利用三维反演结果确定了磁性体在地下的展布形态,钻孔验证结果充分说明物探推断的准确性.工作区位于低磁纬度区,这里提出的数据处理方法为低磁纬度区磁异常的认识提供了成功实例.  相似文献   
安徽省黄山地区唐家坞组生物地层   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
安徽省南部黄山市刘村一带唐家坞组的时代以往归为晚志留世,新近在唐家坞组中采获腕足类、瓣鳃类、腹足类等多门类化石,并首次采获胞石、鹦鹉螺等化石,其中胞石Conochitina(Densichitana)dens的时代为兰多维列世末至文洛克世初期,含这些化石的层位相当于秀山动物群的层位。结合地质情况分析,唐家坞组时限主要属于早志留世。  相似文献   
城镇化过程中,人口集疏是区域空间结构演化的根本动力。基于四普、五普、六普及2015年人口抽样数据,从多维视角分析京津冀地区近25年人口空间分布特征与集疏态势,研究发现:①京津冀地区人口总体分布仍呈西南稠密而东北稀疏格局,交通干线沿线人口地理集中度高;1990—2015年区县尺度上数量差异加剧,且在空间上存在强相关性:人口热点分布呈现以京、津和沿海区域为轴的“T”形结构,冷点区域则小幅扩张呈“C”形结构;②1990—2015年,京、津两市人口集疏空间表现出明显圈层特性,且人口扩散表现“核心-边缘”特性;河北各市人口集中在市辖区,且其周边区县人口流失程度呈阶段性加重。③综合城市规模等级与行政等级视角,城市规模与行政等级挂钩,城市行政等级越高其人口规模越大,人口集聚能力越强;主体功能分区视角下,开发区人口份额在提高,生态功能区人口份额在下降;京津冀地区人口集疏空间在2010年后发生转变,向沿海地区集聚趋势突出,表现出显著临海性。  相似文献   
碱性玄武岩形成的时限及其地质意义   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
中国华北克拉通及邻区的早前寒武纪不存在碱性玄武岩。全球范围内碱性玄武岩的形成也存在时限性,它们在中新生代以来相对大量的出现。碱性玄武岩可划分为钾质碱性玄武岩和钠质碱性玄武岩两大类,后者还可作进一步划分。它们在同位素组成和元素组成上存在相互过渡的变化,这与地幔源区外来加入物质的种类和比例不同有关。高压和低程度熔融是所有碱性玄武岩形成的必要条件。研究表明,碱性玄武岩形成具时限性主要与地球热状态从热向冷的历史演化有关。碱性玄武岩的形成需要地幔俯冲作用,可达到相当深度的地幔俯冲作用只是到了太古宙以后才发生,并在中新生代以来达到高潮。  相似文献   
The Qilian Orogen of north western China records mid-Paleozoic collisional suturing of arc and continental blocks onto the south western margin of the North China craton. Silurian strata from the retroarc foreland basin mark the transition from ocean closure and northward subduction to the initiation of collision suturing. Detrital zircons were analysed from the western and eastern parts of the basin and show a spectrum of ages from Archean to Paleozoic with major age concentrations at around 2.5 Ga, 1.6 Ga, 1.2 Ga, 0.98 Ga, 0.7 Ga and 0.45 Ga. Archean age grains are derived from the North China craton, whereas the Central Qilian Bloc, which lies to the south provides the likely source for the bulk of the Proterozoic detritus. Paleozoic grains are restricted to Early Silurian samples from the western part of the basin and are considered to have been derived from the magmatic arc related to ocean closure and ultimate collision of the Central Qilian Belt with the North China craton.  相似文献   
Few long-term studies have explored how intensively managed short rotation forest plantations interact with climate variability. We examine how prolonged severe drought and forest operations affect runoff in 11 experimental catchments on private corporate forest land near Nacimiento in south central Chile over the period 2008–2019. The catchments (7.7–414 ha) contain forest plantations of exotic fast-growing species (Pinus radiata, Eucalyptus spp.) at various stages of growth in a Mediterranean climate (mean long-term annual rainfall = 1381 mm). Since 2010, a drought, unprecedented in recent history, has reduced rainfall at Nacimiento by 20%, relative to the long-term mean. Pre-drought runoff ratios were <0.2 under 8-year-old Eucalyptus; >0.4 under 21-year-old Radiata pine and >0.8 where herbicide treatments had controlled vegetation for 2 years in 38% of the catchment area. Early in the study period, clearcutting of Radiata pine (85%–95% of catchment area) increased streamflow by 150 mm as compared with the year before harvest, while clearcutting and partial cuts of Eucalyptus did not increase streamflow. During 2008–2019, the combination of emerging drought and forestry treatments (replanting with Eucalyptus after clearcutting of Radiata pine and Eucalyptus) reduced streamflow by 400–500 mm, and regeneration of previously herbicide-treated vegetation combined with growth of Eucalyptus plantations reduced streamflow by 1125 mm (87% of mean annual precipitation 2010–2019). These results from one of the most comprehensive forest catchment studies in the world on private industrial forest land indicate that multiple decades of forest management have reduced deep soil moisture reservoirs. This effect has been exacerbated by drought and conversion from Radiata pine to Eucalyptus, apparently largely eliminating subsurface supply to streamflow. The findings reveal tradeoffs between wood production and water supply, provide lessons for adapting forest management to the projected future drier climate in Chile, and underscore the need for continued experimental work in managed forest plantations.  相似文献   
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