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川西坳陷侏罗系天然气气源对比研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
川西坳陷侏罗系天然气具有δ13C1<δ13C2<δ13C3 的正常系列分布特征,为典型的热催化成因的煤型气,天然气母质类型主要为腐殖型。通过岩石组合特征分析,认为侏罗系天然气大部分来源于上三叠统须五段源岩,须四段和侏罗系本身源岩(如自流井组暗色泥岩)可能也有一定贡献;轻烃特征研究也说明了须五段源岩对侏罗系天然气有较大的贡献;δ13C1-Ro关系更进一步说明了侏罗系天然气主要来源于须五段烃源岩,而孝-新-合地区须四段和自流井组源岩可能有一定程度的贡献。  相似文献   
运用区域地面地质、地震、钻测井等资料的综合分析,对库车坳陷中生界的盆地结构、构造样式、中生界各层序原始地层厚度和沉积相分布、古隆起形态、区域构造演化等方面进行研究,重建了库车坳陷中生代盆地构造古地理,并对盆地原型成因进行分析。库车坳陷残留中生界总体上为北厚南薄、北剥南超的地质结构,北部强烈角度不整合在南天山海西期褶皱带,南部微角度不整合面在寒武-奥陶系之上,南部边缘沿着温宿-西秋-牙哈古隆起有基底断裂活动。北部单斜带为冲积扇和辫状河三角洲,克拉苏构造带为深湖,南部沿着古隆起带为缓坡三角洲、浅湖。库车坳陷中生代原型盆地位于南天山海西期造山带和塔里木克拉通边缘过渡带之上,地壳均衡可能是盆地沉降的主要动力。南缘古隆起带在南天山洋扩张期为塔里木克拉通台地与被动大陆边缘的台地边缘,南天山洋闭合期为前陆隆起带,发育基底断裂和断块差异活动,在中生代有继承性活动,晚新生代新天山挤压隆升使古隆起带发生挤压变形,成为新天山逆冲变形造山楔的前锋。  相似文献   
压(扭)性动力学环境下动力机制转换与板内沉降坳陷形成   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国大陆自海西构造运动末期-印支构造运动初期,各主要洋盆基本碰撞关闭并褶皱成山,焊接为统一大陆板块,构成中新生代山-盆体系,形成在印度板块和太平洋板块夹持作用下,以板内构造特点发展演化的格局。板内盆地是指中国大陆在二叠纪末(或三叠纪初)大洋板块关闭,焊接为一体的大陆板块全部或基本转为陆相沉积时期的重要构造类型。中国西北区中新生代盆地形成演化进程归属汇聚板缘洋壳俯冲或碰撞构造动力远距离传递影响下的板内构造动力学和运动学作用范畴。文章通过对中国西北部中新生代盆地在压性、压扭性动力场环境中,不同类型原型盆地(或坳陷)的沉降运动轨迹和方式,及其形成、演化过程的构造及沉积层系蕴育的构造运动学过程遗迹及后期演化、改造的证据研究,探索盆-山耦合动力系统的构造运动学过程及其对构造变形体系的制约机制,以揭示中国西部盆-山耦合体系构造动力学机制及其动力转换。  相似文献   
川西坳陷中段新场地区天然气研究及气源对比   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
经过大量学者多年的研究总结,川西坳陷中段新场地区具备良好的生、储、盖等成藏组合。结合地质背景及碳同位素、轻烃的研究,认为新场地区天然气主要是Ⅲ型干酪根的煤型气,气藏主要分布在上三叠系的须二段和须四段,以及中侏罗系、上侏罗系地层中。  相似文献   
三肇凹陷扶杨油层为典型大型凹陷向斜区油气倒灌式成藏,利用300条地震剖面、825口井曲线、11口井岩芯和探评井试油资料对扶杨油层断层特征及运动期次、油气下排深度、储层沉积特征等油气成藏主控因素综合研究表明:T2断层受控于基底断层、下部火山口、斜向拉张和伸展量差异四种因素具有平面密集成带、剖面“似花状”组合特征,且油气成藏期活动的油源断层多数为断层密集带边界断层;理论计算超压驱动油气下排深度和实际油底包络面统计扶杨油层含油厚度约为200m;重矿物分析扶杨油层主要受北部拜泉—青冈和西南保康物源影响,两物源在徐家围子地区交汇后向东流出;沉积微相揭示扶杨油层发育向上逐渐退积的河控浅水三角洲沉积体系,顶部为三角洲前缘亚相,中—下部为三角洲分流平原亚相,其中扶Ⅰ7—扶Ⅱ1小层为水退最大期,是油气富集主要层位。明水组末期青山口组源岩达到生油高峰,油气在超压作用下沿开启的断层密集带边界断层幕式下排后沿两侧上升盘河道砂体做短距离侧向运移,即断层密集带两侧地垒或断阶块为油气富集区,而断层密集带内多为地堑式组合,不利于油气聚集,在成藏模式指导下刻画出47个油气富集目标区,为松辽盆地北部扶杨油层下一步的勘探与开发指明了方向。  相似文献   
济阳拗陷草古100平19井奥陶系储层原油,饱和烃馏分均已损失殆尽,仅残余藿烷系列化合物;同时,芳烃馏分化合物也已损失殆尽,仅残余三芳甾烷系列化合物。上述芳烃化合物俱已损失殆尽的蚀变特征,在相关文献中的报道较为少见。原油中不受水洗作用影响的正构烷烃和不受生物降解作用影响的有机硫化合物(苯并噻吩和二苯并噻吩)均已损失殆尽,显然暗示了原油蚀变是遭受水洗作用和生物降解作用共同作用的结果。原油芳烃馏分的“UCM”鼓包幅度明显大于饱和烃馏分的“UCM”鼓包,暗示了芳烃化合物的降解速率平行甚至超过饱和烃的降解速率。原油中低分子量芳烃化合物的快速降解,暗示了油藏可能是在氧化条件下而非在还原条件下发生蚀变的。  相似文献   
许金洪  林莉珍 《台湾海峡》1999,18(3):248-252
本文讨论1961 ̄1996年11月份福建省莆田地区出现暴雨过程的成因,分析表明暴雨的发生与南海东部沿海热带气旋(或低压)的例槽和北方冷空气共同影响密切相关,并讨论其形势特点、分析其物理量特征,同时进行对比分析。  相似文献   
In order to acquire a better velocity structure of the crustal and uppermost mantle beneath Shanxi area, we obtain the group and phase velocities of Rayleigh wave of the periods 8s to 50s in Shanxi and adjacent area using ambient seismic noise recorded at 216 broad-band stations. All available vertical-component time series for 2014 have been cross-correlated to yield estimates of empirical Rayleigh wave Green's function. Group and phase velocity dispersion curves for Rayleigh wave are measured for each interstation path by applying frequency-time analysis. It describes finer velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle in Shanxi, which reflects the geological structure characteristics at different depths. The resolution is within 50km and the resolution of part periods can reach 40km.The Rayleigh wave group and phase speed maps at short periods(8~18s and 10~22s)show clear correlations with shallow geological structures. Mountain areas on both sides of Shanxi depression zone show apparent high-velocity anomaly, except for low-velocity anomaly in the Taiyuan Basin, Linfen-Yuncheng Basin and Weihe Basin. Especially, the areas of Youyu County-Pianguan County-Kelan County-Shuozhou City and Jingle County-Lishi District of Lüliang City in Lüliang Mountains, and Yu County-Fuping County-Yi County and Yangcheng County-Licheng County in Taihang Mountains, present higher velocity anomaly. In addition, the velocity is lowest in the Weihe Basin, and the amplitude of low velocity decreases gradually from the south to the north of the basins in Shanxi, which probably is related to the process of gradual stretching and development of the Shanxi rift zone from the southwest to the northeast. The obvious velocity difference across the latitude of 38°N exists at 18~30s period of phase and 24~35s period of group velocity maps, which is probably related to the deep and shallow Moho depth variation in the south and north of Shanxi and the suture zone of ancient blocks including "hard" southern block and "soft" northern block. At the same time, the research result of receiver function reveals that partial melting of the lower crust occurs in the northern Taihang Mountains, while the southern section remains stable(Poisson's ratio is above 0.3 in the northern Taihang Mountains and 0.25~0.26 in the southern section). The phase velocity map at 30~50s period clearly shows NW velocity gradient belt, and the low velocity anomaly in the northeast side may be related to Cenozoic volcanism. Meanwhile, the eastern border of Ordos block is the western faults of central basins in Shanxi depression zone. However, some research results indicate that the above border is Lishi Fault in the surface, inferring that the Ordos block shows a shape of wide in the upper and narrow in the lower part from the surface to deep. The Datong volcanic area at 18~45s period of phase and 24~35s period of group velocity maps shows low velocity of trumpet shape from shallow to deep, related to the upwelling of hot material from lower mantle in the Cenozoic causing a large area of intense magmatic activity. It indicates the more specific upwelling channel of Datong volcanoes simultaneously.  相似文献   
杨俊生  陈世悦  袁波 《世界地质》2010,29(2):314-322
对辽河西部凹陷欢喜岭地区层序地层的研究,总结出4种层序界面的识别方法:①钻井、测井资料;②泥砂比曲线;③小波变换;④地震时频分析。方法①表现为在沙河街组各三级层序界面处,岩性、相序、曲线形态和幅值有不同程度的突变;方法②表现为在一个完整的三级层序中,泥砂比曲线由小变大再变小,其中泥砂比值最大处为最大湖泛面(MFS)位置;方法③表现为在一个完整的三级层序中,谱系图从低频到高频再到低频的变化,在系数曲线上表现为一个或近似一个完整的振荡旋回,其中谱系图中高频部分对应着最大湖泛面位置;方法④在剖面上层序界面处为低频部分,高频部分是最大湖泛面位置。通过测井与地震信息相结合,综合运用4种方法识别出7个层序界面和6个最大湖泛面,由此建立了研究区的高精度层序地层格架。  相似文献   
Storm surges are abnormal rises in sea level along coastal areas and are mainly formed by strong wind and atmospheric depressions.When storm surges coincide with high tide,coastal flooding can occur.Creating storm surge prediction systems has been an important and operational task worldwide.This study developed a coupled tide and storm surge numerical model of the seas around Taiwan for operational purposes at the Central Weather Bureau.The model was calibrated and verified by using tidal records from seas around Taiwan.Model skill was assessed based on measured records,and the results are presented in details.At 3-minute resolution,tides were generally well predicted,with the root mean-square errors of less than 0.11 m and an overall correlation of more than 0.9.Storms(winds and depressions) were introduced into the model forcing by using the parameter typhoon model.Five typical typhoons that threatened Taiwan were simulated for assessment.The surges were well predicted compared with the records.  相似文献   
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