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In coordination with Global Cryosphere Watch (GCW) initiated by World Meteorology Administration (WMO), a regional observation network is proposed based on existing stations/sites over High Asia and cryospheric elements required by GCW. Thus, High Asian Cryosphere (HAC) network is preliminary designed, composing of seven "supersites", each containing several reference sites. The network covers major mountain ranges in High Asia, such as East Tianshan, Qilian, Tanggula, Nyainqentanglha, Himalayas as well as the central and eastern Qinghai-Xizang (Tibet) Plateau. Although multiple cryospheric elements were observed at the existing HAC network, many others, which are required by Integrated Global Observation System-Cryosphere Theme (IGOS-Cryosphere), are not yet included. More comprehensive observations are necessary to be included into "supersites" of HAC, so that the basic requirements for validation of satellite data, assimilation and coupled regional models can be met.  相似文献   
The observed South Asia High (SAH) center is characterized by two distinctive equilibrium modes during boreal midsummer, namely the center of SAH is located between 82.5o--92.5oE for the Tibetan Plateau mode and between 55o--65oE for the Iranian Plateau mode, respectively. The present study describes the ability of 15 coupled general circulation models (CGCM) used in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes (IPCC) 4th Assessment Report to reproduce the observed bimodality of the SAH. These models reveal a wide range of skill in simulating this bimodality. Nearly half of the models reproduced the bimodality, while the other half of the models did not simulate well these two modes whereas usually preferring one mode. The models that reproduced the bimodality of the SAH present similar horizontal and vertical circulations as those features from the NCEP reanalysis data. The results from these models identify the warm characteristics of the SAH and indicate that these two modes have different dynamic and thermodynamic properties. Different characteristics of the simulated sensible heat and latent heat related to precipitation partly contribute to the difference in the simulations of the SAH bimodality. The majority of these models that prefer to simulate the Tibetan Plateau mode produce a small sensible heat flux difference between the Iranian Plateau and the Tibetan Plateau, and also generally simulate a very strong false precipitation center over the east of the Tibetan Plateau, which indicates strong latent release and thereby contributes to the preference of the SAH center on the Tibetan Plateau. Whereas, the models that reproduce the bimodality of the SAH tend to simulate large precipitation over the southern Himalayas and no obviously false precipitation is produced over the east of the Tibetan Plateau. In addition, the models resolution may also have important impacts on the simulations of precipitation.  相似文献   
北极海冰对2008年1月乌拉尔高压异常的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
2008年1月我国南方发生了大范围的雨雪冰冻灾害天气,造成此次灾害的一个重要原因是乌拉尔高压异常的长期维持,而作为下垫面的海洋,2007/2008冬季环北欧海海冰异常偏少。观测资料合成分析表明,乌拉尔山地区出现高压异常与巴伦支海和喀拉海的海冰偏少存在密切对应关系。利用大气环流模式试验研究了(90°W~60°E)区域海冰异常对大气的影响,模拟结果显示海冰对乌拉尔高压异常有正的贡献,线性模式诊断表明天气尺度瞬变波是海冰影响乌拉尔高压异常的一种重要机制。  相似文献   
Features of atmospheric circulation and thermal structures are discussed using the NCAR/NCEP data to reveal the reasons for the late onset and anomalous southward persistence of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon (SCSSM) in 2005. The results show that three factors are crucial. First, a strong Arabian High overlaps with a high-latitude blocking high and channels strong cold air to southern Asia. Second, the Tibetan Plateau has a bigger snow cover than usual in spring and the melting of snow cools down the surface. Third, the Somali Jet breaks out at a much later date, being not conducive to convection over Indochina. The former two factors restrict atmospheric sensible heating over the Tibetan Plateau and nearby regions while the third one limits latent heating over Indochina. All of the factors slow down atmospheric warming and postpone the onset of SCSSM. Long after the onset of SCSSM, strong cold air over India advances the Southwest Monsoon northward slowly, resulting in weaker convection and latent heating over the Tibetan Plateau and nearby areas. The negative feedback conversely inhibits further northward movement of Southwest Monsoon.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the interannual variation of the West Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) intensity based on the data compiled by the Chinese National Climate Center. Monthly reanalysis data from National Centers for Environmental Prediction and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR) are also used to study the lead-lag relationship between WPSH intensity and surface heat flux anomalies. The three major findings are as follows: First, WPSH intensity presents good seasonal persistence, especially from winter to the ensuing summer. Persistence is more significant after 1977, especially from spring to summer, and from summer to autumn; persistence of anticyclonic anomalies are significantly better than cyclonic anomalies. Second, surface heat flux tends to present opposite anomalous patterns between the strong and weak years of the WPSH intensity, which is especially valid at the latent heat flux over the ocean. Simultaneous correlations between surface heat flux and WPSH intensity in each of the seasons are marked by similar key areas. Finally, surface heat flux from the preceding winter of a strong summer WPSH is quite similar to strong spring WPSH, but the positive anomalies over the northwest Pacific and south of Japan are notably stronger. The situations in the weak years are similar except for those over the northwest Pacific: winter surface heat flux shows negative anomalies for a weak spring WPSH, but positive anomalies for a weak summer WPSH. It is suggested that surface heat flux in the previous winter plays an important role in maintaining the WPSH intensity in the ensuing spring and summer.  相似文献   
华南地区汛期极端降水的概率分布特征   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
张婷  魏凤英 《气象学报》2009,67(3):442-451
利用1960-2005年华南地区71个测站的逐日降水量资料和NCEP/NCAR南半球月平均海平面气压场再分析资料,采用Le Page榆验、广义极值分布等统计诊断方法,研究了华南地区近46 a前汛期(4-6月)和后汛期(7-9月)极端降水的时空变化及概率分布特征.并讨论了南半球澳大利亚高压和马斯克林高压强度指数与华南汛期暴雨日数间年代际变化的关系.结果表明:(1)1992年华南地区降水发生了由减少趋势到增多趋势的突变,降水趋势发生突变后前汛期极端降水量和日极端降水强度有所下降,而后汛期则是显著增强.(2)华南汛期年平均日最大降水量、50 a一遇日最大降水量极值和暴雨日数的空间分布特征相似,即前汛期的空间分布自南向北呈现"低-高-低"的分布趋势,后汛期呈现由沿海到内陆的"高-低"的分布趋势.(3)1992年发生突变后,前、后汛期年平均日最大降水量和年平均暴雨日数显著增加和减少的空间分布基本一致.(4)就年代际变化而言,南半球澳大利亚高压和马斯克林高压的强度变化是华南汛期降水异常的重要气候背景,即当两高压处在同时增强时期时,华南前汛期极端降水处于偏少阶段,后汛期则处于偏多阶段.  相似文献   
Day-to-day precipitation data of Junes during the 43 years of 1958-2000 from stations to the south of Yangtze River are used to divide regions and run statistical analysis of sustained torrential rainfall processes. A preliminary analysis is then made based on it and the results show that June is the month in which torrential rains in the southern half of China take place frequently and sustained torrential rains occur at the same time in South China and the area to the south of Yangtze River. In addition, the analysis gives the basic features of sustained torrential rains of June in China and their interannual variability patterns, with the suggestion that the amount of these events increases significantly after the 1990s. Lastly, the sustained torrential rains occurring in Junes of 1994, 1998 and 2005 in the southern half of China are taken as examples in the research on the basic patterns and formation mechanisms of the evolution of double rain-bands during the rain season in South China and the area to the south of Yangtze River. The analysis shows that the large scale environment field in which sustained torrential rains occur is related to the stable sustaining of the South Asia High and upper level jet streams.  相似文献   
Summary  During the crossing of brittle rock formations at the L?tschberg base tunnel, failure phenomena have been observed both at the tunnel face and at the walls. A detailed analysis has been undertaken to explain these behaviours, based on the recent developments of Canadian research on brittle failure mechanisms. At the tunnel walls, a very good agreement is found between the calculated and observed damage and between two prediction methods, i.e. a semi-empirical failure criterion and elastic calculations with the “brittle Hoek-Brown parameters.” Near the face, due to the 3D nature of the stress conditions, some limitations of these approaches have been highlighted, and the growth of wall failure has been analysed. This research allowed a better understanding of the brittle rock mass behaviour at the L?tschberg base tunnel and showed that brittle failure processes dominate the behaviour of deep, highly stressed excavations in massive to moderately jointed rock. It also illustrates where improvements to the adopted approaches are required.  相似文献   
高分辨率遥感影像提取道路的方法综述与思考   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
 介绍了高分辨率遥感影像上道路的特征、模型和道路提取的基本思想,对已有的道路提取方法进行了分析,并对道路提取问题进行思考,提出下一步的研究方向。  相似文献   
张蕾  李海兵  孙知明  曹勇  王焕 《岩石学报》2019,35(6):1875-1891
目前缺乏来自于地震断裂带的假玄武玻璃的原始特征研究,制约着我们对地震孕震环境和地震发生机制的认识。本文以龙门山断裂带汶川科钻2号钻孔岩心的碎裂岩及花岗闪长岩为研究对象,通过氩气环境下的高温加热实验(最高温度达1750℃)、显微结构观察、地球化学分析和岩石磁学测试,探讨断裂熔融作用中单质铁的形成及其指示意义。花岗闪长岩和碎裂岩在1100℃时发生部分熔融作用,形成了非晶质和微晶;在≥1300℃时形成了大量单质铁组成的微球粒,可能是含铁矿物发生了以碳物质为还原剂的高温还原反应。高温实验后样品的磁化率值高于碎裂岩的磁化率值,新生成的磁铁矿是≤1100℃的样品高磁化率值的主要原因;熔融作用中形成的单质铁和少量的磁铁矿是≥1300℃样品高磁化率值的重要原因。结合前人对于快速摩擦实验熔体、地幔物质及陨石的研究,我们认为粘土矿物、硅酸盐矿物含量较多的断层泥在同震滑移中因热增压机制很难形成单质铁;而花岗岩、安山岩、辉长岩、闪长岩等岩浆岩和糜棱岩在流体作用弱和硫化物含量低的环境中易在大地震中形成单质铁。龙门山断裂带的假玄武玻璃的熔融温度≥1300℃,硫元素含量较低并发现有过剩铁元素。因此,表明龙门山断裂带的假玄武玻璃中可能形成了单质铁,其和磁铁矿是假玄武玻璃高磁化率值异常的重要原因,并指示了深部流体作用弱、硫化物含量低、还原性的孕震环境。  相似文献   
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