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滑坡频度-降雨量的分形关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
降雨-滑坡关系是对降雨引发的滑坡进行预报的一个重要基础。本文根据中国浙江省1990~2003年期间有明确日期和坐标记录的1414个滑坡数据和基本覆盖浙江全部陆地区域的1257个雨量站记录的日降雨量数据,研究了滑坡频度-降雨关系。研究结果表明,降雨引发滑坡的频度与降雨量之间遵循分形的幂指数关系,并且在两个尺度的降雨量范围内具有不同的标度指数。按照幂指数关系拟合的两条滑坡累计频度-降雨关系线交点(拐点)处的降雨量(Rin)指出了引发75%左右滑坡的累计降雨阀值的上边界(以THCR表示)。对1d、4d、6d和11d这4个累计降雨时段的研究表明,引发75%左右滑坡的累计降雨阀值分别为205mm(1d)、273mm(4d)、294mm(6d)、315mm(11d)。  相似文献   
The majority of landsliding episodes in the area north of Lisbon are associated with rainfall events of short (less than 5 days) medium (5–20 days) or long duration (more than 20 days). The precipitation regime in Portugal is highly irregular, with large differences between wet and dry years. We have assessed the impact of the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on both the winter precipitation and the timing and magnitude of associated landslide events. Results show that the large inter-annual variability of winter precipitation is largely modulated by the NAO mode. The precipitation composite corresponding to high NAO index presents a considerable lower median value (47 mm/month) than the corresponding low NAO index class (134 mm/month). The entire precipitation distribution associated with the low NAO index composite encompasses a wider range of values than the corresponding high NAO index composite. This non-linear behavior is reflected in the probability of occurrence of a very wet month (precipitation above the 90% percentile) that is just 1% for the positive NAO class and 23% for low NAO index months. Results for the low NAO class are crucial because these months are more likely associated with long-lasting rainfall episodes responsible for large landslide events. This is confirmed by the application of a 3-month moving average to both NAO index and precipitation time series. This procedure allowed the identification of many months with landslide activity as being characterized by negative average values of the NAO index and high values of average precipitation (above 100 mm/month). Finally, using daily data we have computed the return periods associated with the entire set of landslide episodes and, based on these results, obtained a strong linear relationship between critical cumulative rainfall and the corresponding critical rainfall event duration.  相似文献   
Representative landslide phenomena in western Greece induced by heavy rainfalls, in terms of the geological composition and structure of the affected materials, are thoroughly studied and analyzed. The studied cases involved composite landslides on weathered mantle of flysch and Neogene marls that constitute the most critical landslide prone geological formations in Greece. Their shear strength characteristics were determined from back analyses while low-cost remedial measures, focused on surface and groundwater control, were designed. The effective contribution of the finally constructed works on ground stabilization was systematically monitored by surface and subsurface measurements of ground displacements during a time period after their construction.  相似文献   
滑带土强度特性研究现状   总被引:20,自引:6,他引:20  
刘小丽  邓建辉  李广涛 《岩土力学》2004,25(11):1849-1854
滑带土强度特性对滑坡稳定性研究和滑坡防治工程设计具有重要意义。通过回顾国内外一些代表性工作,总结了其主要研究内容、研究方法和成果。研究内容包括5种特征强度:峰值抗剪强度、残余抗剪强度、完全软化强度、滑坡启动强度、长期抗剪强度以及相应的微观结构特征;研究方法以现场与室内试验为主,理论分析和反演分析为辅;研究成果主要反映在各种特征强度及其相互关系、剪切引起的微观结构变化特征方面。重点介绍了残余强度研究成果,包括其影响因素和数值估算。最后指出了研究工作中应该加强的几个方面,如特殊滑带土的研究(如砾质滑带土)、新的测试技术和研究方法的发展以及反分析法的正确运用等。  相似文献   
Ancient flow type landslides are relatively frequent fossil forms of the relief in mid-mountain conditions of the Czech Carpathian Mountains.Sixty rather distinctive displays of debris flows,rock avalanches,and debris avalanches have been mapped in the uppermost part of the territory.Unlike contemporary sporadic and low volume debris flows,ancient (Pleistocene and Lower Holocene) accumulations are a few orders of magnitude more extensive and were of considerable geomorphologic significance in forming the steep sections of mountain valleys and slopes.This geomorphic pattern does not hold for flow type slides,the source of which is material released as a consequence of numerous deep-seated landslides.Due to deep disruption of slopes,a few high-magnitude flow type landslides (e.g.,rock avalanches),quite rare in flysch mid-mountain conditions,also occurred in the Late Holocene.  相似文献   
山区滑坡的稳定性一直是倍受关注的一个重要安全问题。本文讨论了滑坡位移传统监测方法的缺陷和新型的基于GPS的自动监测技术所具有的独特优势,介绍了适用于山区公路滑坡位移监测的高精度的GPS技术。实践表明,采用GPS技术进行山区滑坡的稳定性监测,具有可操作性更强、精度更高、不受气候条件约束以及高度自动化等优点,能够为预测边坡可能出现失稳破坏的部位和变形破坏时间提供更可靠的监测资料,因而GPS监测技术值得在山区滑坡的变形监测领域中推广使用。  相似文献   
Predicting sediment yield at the catchment scale is one of the main challenges in geomorphologic research. The application of both physics‐based models and regression models has until now not provided very satisfying results for prediction of sediment yield for medium to large sized catchments (c. >50 km2). The explanation for this lies in a combination of the large data requirements of most models and a lack of knowledge to describe all processes and process interactions at the catchment scale. In particular, point sources of sediment (e.g. gullies, mass movements), connectivity and sediment transport remain difficult to describe in most models. From reservoir sedimentation data of 44 Italian catchments, it appeared that there was a (non‐significant) positive relation between catchment area and sediment yield. This is in contrast to what is generally expected from the theory of decreasing sediment delivery rates with increasing catchment area. Furthermore, this positive relation suggests that processes other than upland erosion are responsible for catchment sediment yield. Here we explore the potential of the Factorial Scoring Model (FSM) and the Pacific Southwest Interagency Committee (PSIAC) model to predict sediment yield, and indicate the most important sediment sources. In these models different factors are used to characterize a drainage basin in terms of sensitivity to erosion and connectivity. In both models an index is calculated that is related to sediment yield. The FSM explained between 36 and 61 per cent of the variation in sediment yield, and the PSIAC model between 57 and 62 per cent, depending on the factors used to characterize the catchments. The FSM model performed best based on a factor to describe gullies, lithology, landslides, catchment shape and vegetation. Topography and catchment area did not explain additional variance. In particular, the addition of the landslide factor resulted in a significantly increased model performance. The FSM and PSIAC model both performed better than a spatially distributed model describing water erosion and sediment transport, which was applied to the same catchments but explained only between 20 and 51 per cent of the variation in sediment yield. Model results confirmed the hypothesis that processes other than upland erosion are probably responsible for sediment yield in the Italian catchments. A promising future development of the models is by the use of detailed spatially distributed data to determine the scores, decrease model subjectivity and provide spatially distributed output. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
中国西北黄土地区地震滑坡基本特征   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
陈永明  石玉成 《地震研究》2006,29(3):276-280
针对西北黄土地区地震滑坡灾害严重的现象,对1654年天水南8.0级、1718年通渭7.5级、1920年海原8.5级和1927年古浪8.0级地震诱发的147个典型黄土地震滑坡进行了研究,分析了黄土地震滑坡的主要类型和基本特征,为黄土地区地震滑坡灾害的预防提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
The tectonically stable central highlands of Sri Lanka and its alluvial valleys are the source areas and sinks, respectively, for one of the most prolific Quaternary gemstone provinces in the world. However, the known 10Be/26Al cosmogenic‐nuclide‐determined low natural (preanthropogenic) denudation rates of 2–11 mm kyr?1, and resulting sediment fluxes, are grossly inadequate to deliver the vast throughputs of overburden required to concentrate the known gemstone deposits. Basin‐wide, unstable, slow‐moving channelized landslides and debris flows, aided by biotic factors, are the dominant mechanisms of mass‐wasting on hill‐slopes and bulk delivery of sediment to the alluvial valleys and fluvial networks. Channelization ensures modulated sediment transfer and run‐out during an erosional–depositional continuum. In a selected inventory of landslides, mobilized sediment volumes ranged from less than 1000 cubic metres to a maximum of ~800 000 cubic metres per event. Monsoonal rainfall (both cumulative seasonal and total daily thresholds) is the primary external factor, which interacts with colluvium thickness and steep slopes in triggering landslides. There are three to five ‘threshold’ rainfall events per year in the highlands that can be expected to generate landslides. They can occur under conditions of decreasing daily rainfall as the seasonal total rainfall increases. GIS databases show a very significant spatial overlap and direct causal linkage between several hundred landslide occurrences and the innumerable gem pits and mines in the catchments of the best known mining region of Sri Lanka. Landslide‐associated mass movements, besides providing significant numbers of gemstones to the alluvial valleys over time, are also a fundamental factor in the geomorphic evolution of the rugged central highland landscape. Rainfall‐driven landslide activity may be a natural geological response affecting erosional equilibrium in high‐relief tectonically stable terrains. Climatically forced base level changes will, over time, control sediment storage, removal or reworking in the valleys. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
New detailed swath bathymetry and backscatter data corroborate the existence of four large bulges on the submarine flanks of Reunion Island. These fan-shaped promontories are 20–25 km wide at the coastline and 70–150 km across the seafloor 40–50 km offshore. Their surfaces are characterized by a speckle sonar pattern, indicating the presence of large blocks up to several hundred meters across. Each bulge results from the superposition of multiple landslide deposits whose older ones are dissected and delimited by erosive channels as much as 200 m deep and 20 km long. The submarine flanks of Reunion Island are thus mostly built by accumulation of debris avalanche fans. Morphologic and geologic evidence define large subaerial source areas for these mass-wasting events. In particular, inferred headwalls of most landslides having affected the Piton des Neiges massif generally coincide with the boundaries of its cirques (Mafate, Salazie, and Cilaos), whereas recurrent landslides have resulted in the formation of large concentric amphitheatre structures through the Piton de la Fournaise massif. Thus, about 15 slide events accompanied growth of the Reunion Island shield since 2 Ma.Editorial responsibility: J. Stix  相似文献   
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