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基于无砟轨道基床表层水力损伤病害产生机制,提出一种在基床表层上设置聚氨酯碎石防水联结层的水力损伤控制措施。通过建立级配碎石组(J-0)、透水型聚氨酯碎石组(J-5)及致密型聚氨酯碎石组(J-10)3组试验模型,研究聚氨酯碎石防水联结层的静动力特性、疲劳特性与防水特性。结果表明:静力加卸载作用下,J-10残余应变为2.6×10–6,最大位移约为1.0 mm,与下部基床表层级配碎石层变形适应性良好,耗能效果明显,在列车动力荷载水平作用下,可减小基床表层动变形与动应力幅值,增大动应力扩散范围;在长期动力循环荷载作用下,J-0与J-5在注水后结构层动力响应显著增大,而J-10动力响应在加载次数1~2万次后基本保持稳定;试验过程中J-10能够有效防止水分进入基床表层级配碎石层,而J-0与J-5水分不断下渗,引起级配碎石细颗粒损失。研究成果对整治多雨地区无砟轨道基床表层水力损伤病害具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   
青海省宝玉石矿产资源丰富,是我国宝玉石资源大省之一。现已发现宝玉石矿产地三十余处。发现宝石类矿物十余种,玉石、彩石、冻石十余种。已开发利用的有:祁连玉、中坝玉、金山玉、玛沁玉、祁连翠玉、乌兰翠玉(美酒玉)、格尔木玉、绿东陵石、红东陵石、绿松石、桃花玉、丹麻彩石、龙也彩石、西宁冻石、玛瑙等。  相似文献   
吕金波  李勇 《城市地质》2016,(3):96-104
北京地貌呈现"北京湾"特征,北山产铁,西山产煤,平原产地热。地质大厦院内东侧花坛摆放代表地球从老到新5个代(宙)的岩石,西侧花坛摆放阳坊花岗岩,体现了地质学为首都城市发展的贡献。太古代密云岩群表壳岩铁矿曾为首钢铁矿的主要原料,元古代雾迷山组汉白玉大理岩曾用于古都北京的建设,古生代马家沟组石灰岩中流出了优质饮用水,中生代窑坡组煤矿使西山成为中国地质工作的摇篮,新生代马兰黄土是中国最早研究的黄土,中生代形成的阳坊花岗岩曾用于北京1959年十大建筑的基石。  相似文献   
皇藏峪及周边地区具有得天独厚的地质构造条件和自然地理环境,地质遗迹众多,分布集中,保存完整,构成了以皇藏峪国家森林公园为中心的地质遗迹景观区。主要地质遗迹有推覆构造、寒武纪和前寒武纪典型地层剖面、榴辉岩等深源捕虏体、灵璧石、叠层石等,具有重要的科学价值和美学价值。可以利用已有皇藏峪国家森林公园的旅游资源和知名度,开发地质遗迹为主题的地质旅游,建设并申报地质公园,建设地质博物馆,同时要系统开展地质遗迹调查工作,以及地质现象的成因研究工作,做好地质遗迹保护。  相似文献   
和田仔料随着市场的追捧,其价格越来越高,仿制品层出不穷。借助宝石显微镜、偏光显微镜、X射线粉末衍射和红外光谱等测试手段,对武汉市徐东古玩珠宝市场上出现的一种仿黑皮仔料材料进行了宝石学、矿物学以及谱学特征鉴定。结果显示,该仿黑皮仔料材料由黑色霞石岩、白色软玉以及有机黑胶三部分拼合而成;其与黑皮仔料的主要鉴定特征在于:前者在横截面上有明显的拼合痕迹以及特征的红外光谱有机官能团区吸收峰。  相似文献   
从临安昌化镇和大峡谷镇采集了一百多个昌化鸡血石样品,分别对其作了岩石薄片鉴定、红外分析、X射线衍射分析,归纳总结了常见鸡血石种类的成分和岩性:冻地主要成分为地开石/高岭石,岩性为粘土质岩石;软地主要成分为强粘土化火山碎屑或粘土,岩性多为强粘土化凝灰岩-粘土质岩石;软刚地主要成分为蚀变火山碎屑/明矾石,岩性多为明矾石岩或中等粘土化/明矾石化凝灰岩;硬刚地主要成分为石英,岩性为弱明矾石化/弱粘土化凝灰岩;硬地主要成分为石英,岩性为弱-强硅化凝灰岩。  相似文献   

A theoretical explanation is advanced consisting of a five stage process for the formation of polygonal ground which consists of stone borders forming regular hexagons and soil centres. One of these stages, namely the onset of convection in a porous soil between temperatures of 0°C and approximately 4-6°C, is studied analytically. Darcy's law is employed but variable permeability is allowed for and a parabolic density dependence on temperature is assumed. It is found that the theoretical predictions of the aspect ratio agree very well with field studies when a constant upper surface heat flux condition is imposed and an upwardly stratified permeability is chosen. Field study data, which agree very well with the theory, are reported in detail.  相似文献   
在实地调研收集资料的基础上, 论述了贞丰竹林堡石林的地质背景、成景条件以及景观特征, 并对其美学价值进行了探讨。竹林堡石林位于早三叠世奥伦期相变带上, 是贵州三叠纪喀斯特石林的重要代表, 具有表观形态美、空间结构美、景观组合美等美学特征, 新发现的"新双乳峰"物质组成与原双乳峰同为安顺组白云岩, 是竹林堡石林不可分割的有机整体。   相似文献   
A shaking table testing program was undertaken with the main objective of providing basic information for the calibration of analytical models, and procedures for determining seismic response of typical stone masonry temples of the 16–18th centuries stone masonry construction in Mexico. A typical colonial temple was chosen as a prototype. A model at a 1:8 geometric scale was built with the same materials and techniques as the prototype, and was subjected to horizontal and vertical motions of increasing intensities. The maximum applied intensity corresponded to a base shear force of about 58 of the total building weight. Vertical component of the base motion significantly affected the response and increased the damage of the model. Damage patterns were similar to those observed in actual temples. Damping coefficients of the response ranged from 7 for undamaged state, reached about 14 for severe damage. The main features of the measured response were compared with those computed using a nonlinear, finite element model; for the latter, a constitutive law developed for plain concrete was adopted for reproducing cracking and crushing of the irregular stone masonry. Observed damage patterns as well as measured response could be reproduced with reasonable accuracy by the analytical simulation, except for some local vibrations, as those at the top of the bell towers. It can be concluded that the simple constitutive law adopted for the simulation was able to reproduce the experimental response with reasonable level of accuracy. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
探地雷达在淡水区浅水域的探测试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王国群 《物探与化探》2011,35(4):565-568
通过堤防护岸水域抛石探测、水下砼格及碎石层探测、江边堆场滑坡水域探测三个案例,说明探地雷达在淡水区浅水域探测效果。重点分析了探测对象所处环境的电导率、介电常数和探测所采用天线频率对探测效果的影响。探地雷达填补了浅水域工程勘察空白,研究成果对非水域探地雷达探测与检测具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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