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辐射沙洲南翼“水道-沙洲”系统与西太阳沙的稳定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对江苏岸外辐射沙洲动态和西太阳沙海域动力泥沙环境的分析,论述了西太阳沙演变的宏观背景;由实测固定断面资料、地形资料的对比得出近40年来西太阳沙表面形态和水下地形的变化;结合西太阳沙表面泥沙在波浪和波流共同作用下运动特性的水槽试验研究,分析了西太阳沙冲淤变化的动力机制。从“烂沙洋水道-西太阳沙-西太阳沙南水道”系统的角度研究了西太阳沙演变的控制因素和演变规律。  相似文献   
通过系统采集海底表层沉积样品进行粒度测试分析,对现代莱州浅滩地区的沉积类型、粒度特征、泥沙搬运方式、运移趋势及沉积动力、沉积机制进行了研究。结果表明,莱州浅滩是形成于松散碎屑堆积海岸岬角岸外的砂砾质水下沙洲/沙脊,它的形成深刻改变了浅滩地区原有的沉积动力和机制,在浅滩两侧海域各自形成了大致对称的潮余环流,分别与两个主要...  相似文献   
Models of factors controlling late Pleistocene pluvial lake-level fluctuations in the Great Basin are evaluated by dating lake levels in Jakes Valley. “Jakes Lake” rose to a highstand at 13,870 ± 50 14C Yr B.P., receded to a stillstand at 12,440 ± 50 14C yr B.P., and receded steadily to desiccation thereafter. The Jakes Lake highstand is roughly coincident with highstands of lakes Bonneville, Lahontan and Russell. The rise to highstand and recession of Jakes Lake were most likely controlled by a storm track steered by the polar jet stream. The final stillstand of Jakes Lake helps constrain timing of northward retreat of the polar jet stream during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition.  相似文献   
黄海南部海门近岸牡蛎礁发育的物质基础与环境背景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国的现代牡蛎礁多发育在河口,但位于黄海南部的海门市近岸牡蛎礁却发育在非河口地区。利用对岩芯和剖面进行的岩相、粒度、硅藻及14C年代等因子的分析测试数据,对黄海南部的海门市近岸牡蛎礁的发育场所和环境背景进行了探讨。结果发现,该地在距今5630年左右发生了一次重要的沉积环境变化,由之前的潮间带环境转变为之后的河口砂坝或者受河口影响的潮流砂脊相环境,形成了适宜牡蛎生长和牡蛎礁发育的条件。尽管牡蛎礁现在出露在粉沙淤泥质潮滩上,但是其发育的基底不是粉砂淤泥质潮滩,而是河口砂坝或者受河口影响的潮流砂脊。黏土矿物特征还显示出,海门牡蛎礁的发育还与长江口的影响密切相关。  相似文献   
Wave overtopping nearshore coastal structures, such as shore-parallel breakwaters, can significantly alter the current circulation and sediment transport patterns around the structures, which in turn affects the formation of tombolos and salients in the nearshore area. This paper describes the implementation of a wave overtopping module into an existing depth-averaged coastal morphological mode: COAST2D and model applications to investigate the effect of wave overtopping on the hydrodynamics and morphodynamics around a group of shore-parallel breakwaters. The hydrodynamic aspects of the model were validated against a series of laboratory conditions. The model was then applied to a study site at Sea Palling, Norfolk, UK, where 9 shore-parallel segmented breakwaters including 4 surface-piercing and 5 low-crested breakwaters are present, for the storm conditions in Nov 2006. The model results were compared with laboratory data and field measurements, showing a good agreement on both hydrodynamics and morphological changes. Further analysis of wave overtopping effect on the nearshore hydrodynamics and morphodynamics reveals that wave overtopping has significant impacts on the nearshore circulation, sediment transport and the resulting morphological changes within such a complex breakwater scheme under the storm and macro-tide conditions. The results indicate the importance of including the wave overtopping in modelling nearshore morphodynamics with the presence of coastal structures.  相似文献   
华南石炭纪岩关-大塘界线期牙形石地层分带   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
田树刚  M.科恩 《地质通报》2004,23(8):737-749
系统采集不同沉积相区和连续沉积的剖面,即浅海台地相广西柳江龙殿山剖面、台缘缓坡相云南施甸鱼硐剖面和台内盆地相广西柳州碰冲剖面,运用数理统计方法,研究了华南岩关—大塘界线过渡期牙形石的产出丰度和相分布,在恢复生物演化序列的基础上,对各剖面首先详细分带,再进一步综合成系统的5个牙形石带,即Gnathodustypicus-G.cuneiformis带、Gnathodustypicus-Protognathoduscordiformis带、Scaliognathusanchoralis-Gnathoduspseu-dosemiglaber带、Gnathoduspraebilineatus带和Paragnathodushomopunctatus带。以生物系统发生为标准,严格限定各带的界线,并与北美、西欧同期地层进行精确对比,为建立杜内阶—维宪阶界线的全球层型(GSSP)提供可靠依据。  相似文献   
南黄海辐射沙洲附近海域悬浮体的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对2003年春季(3-4月)和秋季(9月)南黄海辐射沙洲附近海域的悬浮体样品进行了空间分布特征、有机无机组成、粒度特征及其季节变化分析。结果表明:(1)2003年春季研究区内悬浮体浓度要普遍高于秋季的悬浮体浓度。悬浮体浓度最高值区位于长江口-老黄河口之间的近岸区。陆源物质为主的无机组分是悬浮体的主体成分,特别是在近岸浅水区和接近海底的底层水中尤为突出;(2)研究区海水中的悬浮体主要来源于辐射沙脊区(老黄河-长江复合三角洲)沉积物再悬浮;(3)悬浮体分布是风浪、潮流及沿岸流等多种因素综合作用的结果,而风浪和潮流是影响本区悬浮体分布的主要因素,巨大的风浪和强大的潮流造成辐射沙洲海底的沉积物再悬浮、搬运和再沉积,并在苏北沿岸流的作用下向沙洲外缘输运。  相似文献   
By viewing satellite imagery, a striking large-scale dunefield can be clearly perceived, with a size of nearly 63 km long and 11 km wide, and trending NE–SW, on the right flank of the lower Laoha River, Northeast China. By means of remote sensing imagery analysis and field observation as well as a comparison with a small-scale dunefield on the right flank of the lower Xiangshui River, analogous to the case of the lower Laoha River, this paper presents a new mechanism for its origin and development. The results show that:(1) the large-scale dunefield bears a tile-style framework overwhelmingly composed of transverse barchanoid ridges perpendicular to the predominant winds, and inlaid diverse blowouts.(2) The small-scale dunefield, referred to as a primary structural unit of the large one, is typical of an incipient dunefield, following the same rules of evolution as the larger.(3) A succession of barchanoid ridge chains can steadily migrate downwind in much the same manner as surface wave propagation in air or water stimulated by an incised valley, and ultimately tend to bear roughly the same wavelength and amplitude under stable climate and hydrologic regimes.(4) The first ridge chain acquires its sand source substantially from the downwind escarpments exposing the loose Quaternary sandy sediments to the air, while the ensuing ridges derive their sands dominantly from in situ deflation of the underlain Quaternary loose sandy sediments in blowouts, partly from the upwind ridges through northern elongated horns. Theoretically, the sands from riparian escarpments can be transported by wind to the downwind distal end of a dunefield after sufficient long duration.(5) The lower Laohahe region experienced probably three significant climatic changes in the past, corresponding to the three active dune belts, suggesting that once a large-scale dunefield occurs, it is nearly impossible to be completely stabilized, at least in its central portions. At present, seasonal shrinkage and stagnation of the lower Laoha River, widespread farming and afforestation in the valley, and establishing windbreaks downwind of the valley as well as surrounding the dunefield, appear to have significantly modified local flow fields and sand sources, engendering significant degradation of the dunefield.  相似文献   
Many modern seafloor tectonic environments are host to hydrothermal systems and associated polymetallic sulfide deposits. Metal transport and precipitation are controlled by magmatic processes such as pre-eruptive degassing and the hydrothermal cycle. The original availability of Pb and other ore metals in a given setting is dependent on concentrations in the original magmatic source or additional enrichment processes. We have examined the Pb budget of melt inclusions from nine modern seafloor settings representing back-arcs, mid-ocean ridges and seamounts. Melt inclusions provide information on the characteristics of parental magmas, including insights into metal budgets. Trace element data in melt inclusions hosted in plagioclase, olivine and pyroxene were obtained by laser-ablation inductively-coupled mass-spectrometry.Results from back-arcs emphasize the impact of slab-subduction and dehydration processes on the chemical characteristics of generated magmas. Volatile- and fluid-mobile element-rich melt inclusions at Manus basin and Okinawa trough reflect a robust contribution of elements from the subducting slab as evidenced by relatively low Ce/Pb ratios. At Bransfield strait, on the other hand, melt inclusions are volatile poor, and fluid-mobile element ratios are similar to mid-ocean ridge values indicating little or no contribution from the slab. High Cu concentrations at Manus basin and Okinawa trough can be explained by fluxing of ferric iron from the subducting slab benefiting the production of sulfate over sulfide.Metal budgets for seamounts located on and nearby the axis of mid-ocean ridge segments appear to be independent of any input of mantle plume material. Results from the southern Explorer ridge (strong lower mantle influence, transitional- and enriched-MORBs), Pito and Axial seamounts (moderate lower mantle influence, transitional-MORBs) and a Foundation near-ridge seamount (little to no mantle influence, normal-MORB) show that, despite similar tectonic environments and varying contributions of mantle plume material, Cu, Zn and Pb values do not vary significantly between the enriched and non-enriched magma components of a given setting.  相似文献   
杨泽粟  张强  赵鸿 《中国沙漠》2014,34(4):1055-1063
于2011年在黄土高原半干旱地区以平地不覆膜为对照,研究了不同沟垄和覆膜方式对马铃薯叶片和土壤水势水势的影响。结果表明:不同沟垄和覆膜方式在不同土层和不同生育期对土壤和叶片水势的影响差异显著。(1)土壤水势日变化趋势:0~20 cm土层,土垄处理在开花期为先下降后上升型,土垄和覆膜垄处理在块茎膨大期为先下降后上升型,覆膜垄和全膜双垄沟播处理在成熟期为先下降后上升型,其余为逐渐下降型;20~40 cm土层,各处理土壤水势呈逐渐下降趋势。(2)叶片水势日变化趋势:开花期和块茎膨大期表现为双低谷型,双低谷分别在13:00和17:00,成熟期为“V”型,即单低谷型,低谷出现在17:00。各处理变化趋势相同,但水势存在差异。土垄处理在水分关键期(开花期和块茎膨大期)叶片水势显著高于其他处理,而全膜双垄沟播处理在成熟期最高。(3)生育期土壤水势和叶片水势均表现为先减小后增大的趋势。20~40 cm土层对叶片水势影响较大,土垄处理在该土层具有较好的水分状态,蒸腾作用较强加速了水分运移速率,是导致覆膜垄和全膜双垄沟播处理水势低于土垄的主要原因。在前期降雨较少的年份,由于较小的蒸腾作用,土垄处理可以保证马铃薯承受较小的水分胁迫;在前期降雨量较多的年份,覆膜垄和全膜双垄沟播处理则可以凭借其较大的蒸腾作用发挥较大的增产效果。  相似文献   
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