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The 2nd Member of Kongdian Formation has been made up of a large number of oil shale and mudstone in the Kongnan aera of Huanghua depression around the Bohai Bay. In the Kongnan area, the lake basins were very large and deep during the deposition of the 2nd Member of Kongdian Formation. During that period,the lakes were sealed, uncommunieated with the sea water and the paleoclimate was very warm and wet in Kongnan area. Analyzing the content of the trace element and the rare earth element, carbon and oxygen isotope in the disquisition, The authors prove the two views correct.  相似文献   
郑斌嵩  牟传龙  梁薇  陈超 《地质学报》2018,92(7):1524-1540
在扬子地台东南缘,下寒武统龙王庙阶清虚洞组主要由浅水碳酸盐岩组成。在野外露头剖面实测和室内镜下薄片观察的基础上,大量风暴沉积被发现于不同剖面清虚洞组的不同层位中,同时大量风暴诱发形成的沉积构造被识别出来,包括侵蚀基底、粗粒滞留沉积、粒序层理、平行层理、丘状交错层理(少见并且值得怀疑)以及沙纹层理,组成了多种类型的风暴沉积序列。结合更靠扬子东南缘的深水剖面中重力流沉积的缺乏,可以推断早寒武世龙王庙期扬子地台的沉积模式为碳酸盐缓坡。结合风暴的形成机制以及清虚洞组风暴沉积的发育特征(尤其是粗粒滞留砾屑的定向排列和典型丘状交错层理的缺乏),可以推断研究区风暴沉积形成于强烈的冬季风暴作用,并且早寒武世龙王庙期华南的古地理位置应当位于中纬度地区,这一结论对一些著名的全球古地理重建方案提出了质疑。同时中纬度地区大规模发育蒸发岩和碳酸盐岩还佐证了寒武纪地球处于热室(Hothouse)时期。  相似文献   
The thickest section of Early Jurassic strata known from onshore Ireland (total Jurassic thickness 566 m) is reported from the Ballinlea-1 well (Rathlin Basin) situated on the north coast of Northern Ireland. A biostratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental assessment is presented for this section largely based on calcareous benthic microfossils (foraminifera and ostracods). The Early Jurassic Waterloo Mudstone Formation (Lias Group) of Northern Ireland has previously received little micropalaeontological attention, therefore this work provides an opportunity to enhance palaeogeographic and palaeoenvironmental understanding for the Early Jurassic of the province, and this paper illustrates the key microfossil taxa of this age from Ireland for the first time. The records, based on ditch-cuttings samples, demonstrate a stratigraphical range from Hettangian to Early Pliensbachian, consistent with other wells and boreholes in this basin. The assemblage compositions are comparable to those elsewhere in the European boreal Atlantic realm. Hettangian to earliest Sinemurian microfossil assemblages are generally of low diversity and are numerically dominated by metacopid ostracods with occasional influxes of foraminifera. Gradually, foraminiferal abundance (often dominated by species of the Lagenida) come to exceed those of the ostracods in the Early Sinemurian reaching their greatest diversity in the Late Sinemurian. The sediments are considered to represent an inner to mid-shelf environment throughout while the record thickness for this region indicates ongoing syn-sedimentary fault movement along the basin margins within this period.  相似文献   
Fine characterization of pore systems and heterogeneity of shale reservoirs are significant contents of shale gas reservoir physical property research.The research on micro-control factors of low productivity in the Qiongzhusi Formation(Fm.)is still controversial.The lower Cambrian Qiongzhusi Fm.in the Qujing,Yunnan was taken as the object to investigate the influence of mineral compositions on the phys-ical properties of the reservoir and the heterogeneity of shale,using the algorithm to improve the char-acterization ability of Atomic Force Microscopy(AFM).The results showed that:(1)The pores are mainly wedge-shaped pores and V-shaped pores.The pore diameter of the main pore segment ranges from 5 to 10 nm.Mesopores are mainly developed in the Qiongzhusi Fm.shale in Well QD1,with the average pore diameter of 6.08 nm.(2)Microscopic pore structure and shale surface properties show strong hetero-geneity,which complicates the micro-migration of shale gas and increases the difficulty of identifying high-quality reservoirs.(3)The increase of clay mineral content intensifies the compaction and then destroys the pores.Conversely,brittle minerals can protect pores.The support and protection of brittle minerals to pores space depend on their content,mechanical properties and diagenesis.(4)Compression damage to pores,large microscopic roughness and surface fluctuations and strong pore structure heterogeneity are the reasons for the poor gas storage capacity of the Qiongzhusi Fm.,which will lead to poor productivity in the Qiongzhusi Fm.  相似文献   
川东北地区不同构造带地层水化学特征与油气保存的关系   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
判断油气藏保存条件的优劣,除了盖层和断层封闭性之外,还有油气水的化学特征,如地层水的交替或油气散失。通过对川东北地区地层水的水型、矿化度、水性系数等参数的综合分析认为,川东北宣汉—达县地区与通江—南江—巴中地区的地层水具有矿化度高和氯镁系数越大,变质系数、脱硫系数和碳酸盐平衡系数就越小的特点。矿化度、水性系数及水型的变化具有很好的一致性,表明该区存在有利于油气保存的水文地质条件。  相似文献   
东营凹陷牛38井沙三段高分辨率旋回地层研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
自然伽玛测井资料取自山东省东营市胜利油田的牛38井。该井的沙河街组划分为四个段,其中沙三段依据含艾氏鱼群组合的鲱科化石和沉积物旋回堆积速率(AR)等研究,可与北美始新统绿河组进行对比。根据上世纪90年代沙三段古地磁研究结果,井深3263m处C18n.1n/C18n.1r界线调整为38.975MaBP。通过频谱分析和数字滤波计算,得出了沙三段几个界线的年龄值,其中,在沙三下、中亚段界线算出的36.9MaBP,岁差旋回幅度有明显变化,这一变化与Palike(Palikeetal.,2001)在ODP71线1052孔中发现的类似图像(36.7Ma)可比较。  相似文献   
深入探究页岩气富集机理是保障勘探开发高效推进的基础。本研究通过对四川盆地五峰组—龙马溪组页岩气勘探开发实践的系统分析,梳理总结前人研究成果,从生成机理、运移机理、赋存机理和保存机理四个方面对海相页岩气富集机理进行了深入分析,并讨论了深层和常压页岩气的勘探开发潜力。结果表明:在生成机理方面,埋藏史和热演化史控制了页岩生排烃史、生排烃量和现今含气量;页岩气运移机理涉及运移动力、运移相态、运移方式和运移通道四方面内容,页岩气运移主要是烃源岩内的初次运移,同时讨论了初次运移的影响因素;在赋存机理方面,甲烷—页岩间表现出单/多分子层吸附和微孔充填等多种赋存机制,组分润湿性和孔隙有效性是决定甲烷吸附赋存和解吸运移的关键;在保存机理方面,盖层和物性自封闭是主要的保存机理,构造运动引起的裂缝—流体活动是页岩气保存条件遭到破坏的主要原因,流体活动时间和期次研究是页岩气保存条件和含气量定量评价的重要内容。页岩气富集机理的系统分析和创新认识为页岩气勘探开发评价提供了重要依据,建议加强页岩气演化历史全过程的动态评价。结合深层和常压页岩气勘探实践,分析了深层和常压页岩气的成因机制及主要特征,指出了下一步攻关内容及勘探方向。  相似文献   
以古近系渐新统下干柴沟组上段(E23)为研究对象,在精细岩芯观察和钻(测)井资料综合分析的基础上,结合重矿物组合、ZTR指数、砂岩碎屑组分、粒度累积概率图和砂地比等参数综合分析结果,对柴达木盆地南八仙地区E23湖盆扩张期弱退积型浅水三角洲物源方向、砂体展布规律和沉积微相发育演化进行了深入研究。结果表明:① 南八仙地区E23沉积时期物源主要来自南祁连山中酸性岩浆岩和中高级变质岩发育区,物源方向为近北东—南西向,稳定重矿物(磁铁矿、石榴子石、白钛矿和锆石)含量高(质量分数介于81. 0%~99. 9%)、不稳定重矿物(绿帘石和角闪石)含量低。② 南八仙地区E23沉积时期为浅水三角洲—滨浅湖沉积环境,主要发育水下分流河道砂体,岩性主要为岩屑长石砂岩,其次为长石岩屑砂岩,砂体的成分成熟度一般中等—较差、分选磨圆度中等—较差,粒度概率图以反映河流作用的一跳跃一悬浮式为主;沉积构造类型多样,主要发育块状层理、正粒序层理、平行层理和槽状交错层理。③ E23沉积时期,南八仙地区继承性发育3条北东—南西向呈条带状展布的砂体富集带(砂地比值介于35%~65%之间),早期到中期砂体发育程度增强,呈进积式;中期到晚期砂体发育程度有所减弱,呈弱退积式。④ E23沉积时期,南八仙地区处于浅水三角洲前缘亚相沉积环境,持续发育3个呈北东—南西向展布的沉积朵叶体,主要发育水下分流河道微相,其次为水下分流间湾微相,早期到中期浅水三角洲前缘发育规模增大,中期到晚期发育规模减小。  相似文献   
Lacustrine turbidite of Chang-7 Member in the studied area consists of sihstone and fine sandstone with respect to grain size, which is feldspathic lithie sandstone, syrosem arkose and arkose with respect to mineral constitution affected by provenance. There are such apparent signatures as lithology, sedimentary structure, sedimentary sequence and well logs, to recognize turbidite. During the paleogeographic evolution of Chang-7 Member, lake basin and deep lake are both at their maximum extent during Chang-73 stage, resulting in the deposition of Zhangjiatan shale with widespread extent and of turbidite with fragmental-like. Deep lake line is gradually moving toward lake center and turbidite sand bodies are gradually turning better with better lateral continuity, connectivity and more thickness, from stages of Chang-73, Chang-72 and Chang-7t, which can be favorable reservoir in deep-water.  相似文献   
张耀堂  王万能  赵见波  袁永盛  李锁明  张宏辉  郑洪福  李金旺 《地质论评》2024,70(3):2024030033-2024030033
侏罗纪温室气候是中生代以来重要的气候变暖事件,全球关于该事件的研究主要集中在海相地层中,关于陆相地层的研究较少,滇中禄丰川街盆地沉积了完整的侏罗纪地层,为研究侏罗纪温室地球气候环境提供了良好的载体。本次工作通过对川街盆地早—中侏罗世陆相红层的岩石地层、微量元素地球化学研究认为,滇中地区早侏罗世早期主要为高温、湿润的气候环境,早侏罗世晚期气候波动剧烈且频繁,湖泊盐度急剧上升,气温缓慢下降,在即将进入中侏罗世时气温骤然上升,水体盐度快速降低,发生“T—OAE事件”,之后则保持较为稳定的高温、干燥的气候环境。通过对滇中侏罗纪恐龙埋藏层位的研究发现,早侏罗世晚期气候环境的突变层位与该层位位置相当,沉积特征及地球化学特征表明恐龙的集群性埋藏与该事件有着密不可分的关系。  相似文献   
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