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西昆仑山前晚新生代磨拉石时代及意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
西昆仑山前柯克亚剖面晚新生代沉积记录了昆仑山乃至整个青藏高原的隆升过程.古地磁研究结果显示,西昆仑山前磨拉石形成于中新世晚期-上新世早中期,反映西昆仑山-青藏高原在中新世晚期有一次快速的隆升过程.孢粉记录结合区域地质资料分析表明,柯克亚剖面上部厚层砾岩的形成时代应为上新世早中期,而整个磨拉石开始沉积的时代应更早,为中新世晚期.沉积记录和气候变化显示了青藏高原在中新世晚期发生了显著的构造隆升事件.  相似文献   
孙崇波  李敏同  李俊  周洪兵  陈晓东 《地质论评》2023,69(2):2023020007-2023020007
笔者等通过对哀牢山—红河剪切带5件砂岩磷灰石样品裂变径迹分析,获得测试分析样品的表观年龄,对所有样品利用模拟退火法进行了热史模拟,取得其热演化史;得出哀牢山—红河剪切带在新生代发生了相似的构造演化过程,其经历了2次快速冷却剥露事件,分别发生在37~14 Ma和5. 1~0 Ma,平均冷却速率分别为3. 98℃/Ma和11. 15℃/Ma;在发生快速冷却的时间上,存在自东向西逐渐变晚的趋势,说明哀牢山—红河剪切带在新生代可能为自东向西的幕式隆升。  相似文献   
Landform analysis of basement rocks has been undertaken with the aid of digital elevation data, aerial photographs and field observations in central West Greenland (69°15′N–66°00′N). Palaeosurfaces have been identified, dated relatively to each other, used to quantify uplift and fault movements and also used to estimate differential erosion. Two types of palaeosurfaces were mapped across the Precambrian basement: a surface at low elevation with distinct hills (hilly relief), and two planation surfaces formed across different types of basement rocks. The hilly relief surface emerges as an inclined surface from Cretaceous cover rocks in Disko Bugt and is interpreted as a stripped late Mesozoic etch surface. This surface is cut off towards the south by a less inclined planation surface, which is younger and thus of Cenozoic age. It is similar to the post-Eocene (Miocene?) planation surfaces identified on Disko and Nuussuaq in other studies. The planation surface splits in two southwards towards high areas around Nordre Isortoq and Sukkertoppen Ice Cap. The upper planation surface forms near-summit areas of tectonic blocks dipping in different directions and with different tilts. The uplift centres define the crests of two mega blocks, separated by the ‘Sisimiut Line’ which coincides with the Precambrian Ikertôq thrust zone. A partially developed lower planation surface indicates a first uplift of maximum 500 m followed by a second uplift of maximum 1000 m. We infer that these uplift events occurred during the late Neogene based on correlation with similar surfaces on Nuussuaq and the timing of exhumational events estimated from apatite fission track analyses of samples from a deep borehole on Nuussuaq (reported elsewhere). The difference between a reconstruction of the upper planation surface across the entire area and the present topography was used as an estimate of erosion of basement rock since the formation of the upper planation surface. The erosion is unevenly distributed and varies from almost none on the well-preserved planation surfaces to 800–1300 m along valleys, and even more in the fjords. Erosion is less within areas of gneiss in granulite facies, than in areas of gneiss in amphibolite facies.  相似文献   
Uplift response of symmetrical anchor plates with and without grid fixed reinforced (GFR) reinforcement was evaluated in model tests and numerical simulations by Plaxis. Many variations of reinforcement layers were used to reinforce the sandy soil over symmetrical anchor plates. In the current research, different factors such as relative density of sand, embedment ratios, and various GFR parameters including size, number of layers, and the proximity of the layer to the symmetrical anchor plate were investigated in a scale model. The failure mechanism and the associated rupture surface were observed and evaluated. GFR, a tied up system made of fiber reinforcement polymer (FRP) strips and end balls, was connected to the geosynthetic material and anchored into the soil. Test results showed that using GFR reinforcement significantly improved the uplift capacity of anchor plates. It was found that the inclusion of one layer of GFR, which rested directly on the top of the anchor plate, was more effective in enhancing the anchor capacity itself than other methods. It was found that by including GFR the uplift response was improved by 29%. Multi layers of GFR proved more effective in enhancing the uplift capacity than a single GFR reinforcement. This is due to the additional anchorage provided by the GFR at each level of reinforcement. In general, the results show that the uplift capacity of symmetrical anchor plates in loose and dense sand can be significantly increased by the inclusion of GFR. It was also observed that the inclusion of GFR reduced the requirement for a large L/D ratio to achieve the required uplift capacity. The laboratory and numerical analysis results are found to be in agreement in terms of breakout factor and failure mechanism pattern.  相似文献   
为了从荷载传递微分方程导出具有实际意义的非线性解析解,建立一种简单的沿桩长轴力分布函数和位移分布函数之间的关系模型U(z)-?(z)是非常重要的。采用建立经验公式类数学模型的方法,从几何作图法获得的U(z)-?(z)曲线的形状入手,通过对若干个数学模型的试算,确定了指数形式的模型,并对模型中的参数意义和确定进行了讨论,认为参数?,b只与桩顶和桩底位移有关。  相似文献   
东海是月球上最年轻的多环撞击盆地,关于其形成机制的研究很多,但成果大都基于正撞击的机制提出的,虽然有部分学者提出东海是斜撞击的,但缺乏具体撞击参数。本文通过多源数据融合,综合分析LRO影像数据、LOLA地形数据、M~3高光谱数据和IIM高光谱数据,对东海地区的地貌特征、物质成分进行了较为系统的解译,发现在东海中央熔融区存在一条与东海撞击方向垂直的中央隆起区域(中央隆起线),其也是中央熔融区粗糙部分与光滑部分的分界线,结合撞击坑成坑理论,认为其可能是撞击过程冲击波作用引起的堆叠作用形成的。同时利用GRAIL数据及对该地区的重力异常的成因进行了分析,认为异常是由于压强、温度及岩石粘度的改变引起局部莫霍面抬升和中央熔融物的形成而出现的,进而估算出熔融物占盆地内物质的25%,约为1.1×10~6km~3。同时,对GRAIL数据的剖面分析结果也支持了本文的斜撞击理论。最后,综合多方面的信息和撞击理论获取东海盆地构造分布图,并根据中央隆起线、溅射物及线性构造的分布特征等,提出东海盆地理论上是由一直径在50~100km的撞击体以10~30km/s的速度自东偏北约20°~30°方向以20°~30°的角度斜撞击月表而形成的。这可为研究更早期的月球撞击坑提供理论参考。  相似文献   
柴达木盆地西部地区断裂类型及油气勘探意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
为研究柴西地区油气成藏及其与青藏高原隆升的关系,我们借助生长断层定性和定量分析,总结出该区断裂在演化上总体可归纳为两个主要形成时期和4种表现形式:早期形成时期(E1+2?N),中生代以来开始活动,多数终止于下油砂山组末(约14.9 Ma); 晚期形成时期(N?Q),上油砂山组开始活动,狮子沟组(约8.2 Ma)以来活动尤为剧烈,持续至今。在形式上主要表现为限于下或上构造层的生长断层; 贯穿下、上构造层的生长断层和后期断层4类。柴西地区的这种断裂构造特征,与青藏高原的分阶段隆升相对应,控制着该区的油气运移、成藏、保存及改造,对我们在柴西地区的油气勘探工作具有重大意义。  相似文献   
山西大同口泉山隆升-挠褶构造研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
张兆琪 《华北地质》2008,31(4):291-296
挠曲褶皱构造在山西广泛存在,大同市之西盆地边缘"口泉山断裂带"实际是一个大型挠褶构造带.以往的研究者仅把它当成几个断裂分段研究.认识和研究挠褶构造不仅能够在理论上取得进展,而且还能够指导煤矿勘探和开采,取得很好的经济效益.通过构造带上几个地方典型构造现象的研究得出,该构造带构造现象虽然复杂,但它并不是杂乱无章的,运用挠褶构造的理论上能够恢复它的原始形态以及它的发生发展的全过程.挠褶构造的形成与构造块体的隆升有关,其形成为:地幔柱隆升-地层上拱-挠褶-冲断走滑等.  相似文献   
黄陵隆起中-新生代隆升作用的裂变径迹证据   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对8个样品磷灰石裂变径迹年龄和3个样品锆石裂变径迹年龄的测定以及时间-温度热演化历史的反演,研究黄陵隆起中新生代的隆升作用过程,结果表明:黄陵隆起自晚三叠世200Ma开始隆升,表现为持续的隆升过程,经历了4个阶段:200Ma~160Ma±的缓慢隆升冷却作用阶段;160Ma~98.4Ma的快速隆升冷却阶段,岩体进入磷灰石部分退火带中;之后进入了一个构造相对稳定的阶段,样品滞留在部分退火带中;随后36.7Ma~28.4Ma以来,再次快速隆升剥蚀冷却。两次快速的隆升作用指示了中扬子地区两次强烈的构造活动和构造变革。作为印支期以来持续的古隆起,黄陵隆起周缘地区是中扬子地区海相油气运聚有利的指向区。  相似文献   
The Huimin (惠民) depression is a third-level tectonic element of the Bohai (渤海) Bay basin in eastern China. The central uplift belt is the most important oil and gas accumulation zone in the depression, but the lack of adequate geological studies in the area has greatly hindered exploration and development. In this article, using seismic data, fracture mechanics, and a combination of data on fault growth indices and fault throws, we present an analysis of tectonic activity in the central uplift belt and adja...  相似文献   
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