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The first Podocarpaceae wood record is described from the Mulichinco Formation (Valanginian, Lower Cretaceous), Neuquén Basin, Argentina. The specimen was directly associated with a middle caudal vertebra of a diplodocid sauropod dinosaur. A new species – Podocarpoxylon prumnopityoides – is proposed based on features that include the presence of abietinean wood type (tracheid radial pitting), plus podocarpoid (cupressoid type) and some dacrydioid (taxodioid type) cross-field pits, diffuse axial parenchyma and low rays. This combination of anatomical characters is comparable to both Prumnopitys and Podocarpus, whereas the type of pits in the cross-fields resembles some members of the extant Prumnopitys. This is the first unequivocal record of the Family Podocarpaceae in the Valanginian of South America and confirms the hypothesis that the divergence between the “Podocarpoid-Dacrydioid” and “Prumnopityoid” clades occurred earlier than the Early Cretaceous.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地延长组沉积后期的侵蚀谷发育十分广泛。在盆地西南缘镇泾地区三维地震所做的延10底等t0图上可以识别出沿NE、NW延伸的主谷和沿NW、NE次谷体系。地震剖面上主谷为宽缓的不对称\  相似文献   
The Xiangshuyuan Formation (middle Rhuddanian to middle Aeronian stages of the Llandovery Series, lower Silurian) records a shelly fauna representing recovery after the end-Ordovician mass extinction in a well-oxygenated shallow carbonate platform of the Upper Yangtze region, South China Block. Carbon isotope stratigraphy is documented from limestone sequences of the formation at the Qiankou section, northeast Guizhou. The early Aeronian carbon isotope excursion (EACIE, with an amplitude of about 2 ‰ and peak value of 2.44 ‰) is identified in the middle and upper parts of the formation (Ozarkodina obesa conodont Biozone). The EACIE recorded herein correlates well with those in Baltica, Canada, and the United States; together with its records from organic material (δ13Corg) the data verify that the EACIE is a global event. The beginning of the EACIE can be used as a chemostratigraphic marker defining the Rhuddanian/Aeronian boundary in strata that lack high-resolution biostratigraphic constraints.  相似文献   
The Formation Evaluation Tool (FET) introduced in the paper represents a new generation of formation evaluation systems developed and manufactured by China Oilfield Services Limited (COSL), CNOOC, using a FET technology transfer from Crocker Research, Australia. The system has been applied successfully in the Bohai Sea and South China Sea. For instance, a multilayered oil and water system has been confirmed with the aid of accurate formation pressure tests, even in very thin beds and edge water reservoirs, overcoming the difficulty of determining this kind of oil-water and gas-water contacts. Moreover, the FET pumping and real-time fluid monitoring function allows acquiring a true sample of formation fluid unpolluted by drilling mud which plays an important role in determining the fluid properties of the target stratum and analyzing the fluid component. The principles and purpose of the Formation Evaluation Tool (FET) will be briefly introduced and successful examples of the application of the technology will be described in detail in this paper.  相似文献   
松辽盆地科学钻探工程松科二井获取了白垩纪陆相沉积资料,其中连续、多参数、高分辨率的地球物理测井资料为研究松辽盆地地层的沉积速率变化规律提供了机会。本文利用GR、Th、K、Th/K多种测井数据,采用天文旋回的方法来计算松科二井登娄库组地层的沉积速率,并探讨影响地层沉积的主控因素。多种测井数据的频谱分析结果表明了登娄库组地层记录着米兰科维奇旋回信息,这说明登娄库组沉积过程受天文轨道驱动力影响。Th测井数据对天文旋回信息的敏感性强,综合考虑多种测井数据的测试结果获得了连续、相对准确的地层沉积速率。登娄库组地层沉积速率从下往上整体呈现为由高到低的趋势。登二段至登三段时期地层沉积主要受盆地断陷活动控制,地层整体具有高沉积速率特征,最高达到16.2 cm/ka。随后至登四段时期由于断陷活动逐渐减弱,盆地向区域坳陷的构造格局转化,登四段整体具有沉积速率较低的特征,最低为5.9cm/ka。该研究建立了松科二井登娄库组地层连续的沉积速率剖面,为揭示松辽盆地由断陷活动过渡到坳陷活动的地质规律提供了测井证据。  相似文献   
魏凯  邓校国  付杰  张智勇  李凯 《探矿工程》2022,49(5):194-201
福山凹陷流沙港组致密砂岩是海南福山油田勘探开发的重要目标之一。受复杂构造演化影响,该区致密砂岩具有砂泥薄互层明显、低孔低渗、高温等特征,为了解决以往储层改造中经常出现的施工压力高、缝高失控、砂堵、单井产量低、压裂后产量下降快等问题。借鉴非常规体积压裂技术,采用变排量、人工隔层控缝高、暂堵转向等工艺,同时进一步优化压裂液,应用纳米增效洗油剂,在福山油田致密砂岩开展了4口井次试验。研究结果表明:非常规体积压裂技术可有效降低砂堵风险,提高福山油田致密砂岩储层的改造效果。变排量、人工隔层控缝高、暂堵转向压裂等储层改造工艺的实施,有效控制了缝高,提高了储层的压开程度。纳米增效洗油剂的应用,最大限度地降低了液体对地层和裂缝的伤害,发挥了纳米液滴渗吸洗油作用,增加了油气井的稳产期。  相似文献   
Extraordinarily well preserved fern macrofossils of Ruffordia goeppertii (Dunker) Seward (Schizaeales, Anemiaceae) are described from the Lower Cretaceous (late Aptian) Nova Olinda Member of the Crato Formation, northeast Brazil. The identification is based on the morphology of macrofossils and in situ spores, taken from organically preserved material. This extinct, relatively small fern exhibits dimorphic fronds with sterile and fertile pinnules and schizaeoid sporangia, including cicatricose spores. The growth form with clearly differentiated sterile and fertile pinnae may be interpreted as an ancestral state in the phylogeny of the extant genus Anemia. The abundance of this fern reflects its role as ground cover in at least partly (dry) sunny areas, possibly in fern savannah-like habitats, with adaptations to survive drought stress. Finds of Ruffordia in northern Gondwana extend the wide palaeogeographic range of this taxon.  相似文献   
广西荣华锰矿位于三叠系百逢组,在该地层中发现的工业锰矿床尚未见报道。通过对该矿区大比例尺地质填图,并结合地质工程和测试分析等手段,对矿床地质背景、沉积环境、矿体和矿石特征、沉积演化等进行分析研究,推测荣华锰矿为沉积-淋滤锰帽型矿床,矿体顺层分布于靠近罗楼组碳酸盐岩的百逢组第一段泥岩、泥质粉砂岩中,严格受地层和构造控制。矿石主要由偏锰酸矿、软锰矿等组成,矿石品位偏低,伴生Co等金属元素。百逢组之下的碳酸盐岩和百逢组第一段浊积砾岩层可作为该类锰矿上下界线典型的找矿标志。中三叠世桂西北处于盆包台构造格局,中晚古生代富含锰的台地在三叠纪遭受风化剥蚀,成矿元素被带入弧后盆地。随着特提斯洋闭合,挤压作用使盆地面积变小,水位加深,氧化还原界面波动,在百逢组第一段锰元素初步富集。后右江盆地抬升露出水面遭受剥蚀,风化淋滤作用最终形成该区顺层分布的氧化锰矿床。桂西广泛出露百逢组地层,其第一段具有良好的找矿前景。  相似文献   
为总结渝东南下寒武统牛蹄塘组页岩裂缝特征及其分布的主要控制因素,通过页岩露头、岩心和薄片裂缝观察、描述,探讨了页岩裂缝的成因类型、分布特征及裂缝分布与脆性矿物含量、页岩层厚、岩石力学性质、构造、页理发育和有机质含量及热演化程度的关系。结果表明,牛蹄塘组页岩裂缝从成因上分为构造裂缝、成岩裂缝及异常高压裂缝。牛蹄塘组页岩主要发育近东EW向、NE向和近SN向三组构造裂缝,近EW向一组裂缝最发育。裂缝以高角度剪切裂缝为主,规模较小,储集能力一般,主要起渗流作用。脆性矿物含量是控制页岩裂缝形成和分布的主要内因,外因主要是岩层厚度、岩石力学性质、构造应力与构造部位,页理发育影响页理缝及低角度滑脱裂缝的形成和分布,异常高压裂缝的形成与有机质含量有关,受有机质热演化程度的控制。  相似文献   
刘欢  孙淑芬  朱士兴 《地质通报》2015,34(09):1715-1725
通过对河北宽城地区高于庄组微古植物进行系统采样,利用化学浸解法,获得了大量微古植物信息,在80件样品中发现微古植物个体5000余粒,共鉴定出41属108种(含1个新属,9个新种,38个未定种),其中包括丰富的多细胞植物化石及其碎片。根据微古植物化石的分布和特征,划分出4个化石组合。与下伏长城系微古植物相比,高于庄组微古植物具有明显的差异。这些微古植物的发现为地球早期生物演化、区域地层划分和对比,以及生物成矿和成油研究提供了重要信息。  相似文献   
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