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东海西湖凹陷始新统平湖组沉积层序特征及控相机制讨论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
西湖凹陷平湖组(E_2~(2-3)系海陆过渡相沉积。海平面升降变化控制了不同成因类型砂体的空间展布。在钻井剖面上,可识别多种沉积层序。作者从岩心、测井、古生物诸方面分析了各种沉积层序的形成过程,揭示了海平面升降对沉积过程的控制作用。  相似文献   
福建省大田县广平含煤区推覆构造特征及找煤预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈开彪 《中国煤田地质》2006,18(2):16-17,70
通过对区内推覆构造及地层等的研究,认为广平含煤区推覆体下蕴藏着丰富的煤炭资源,童子岩组煤系地层埋藏深度主要受发育于童子岩组上部的F1、F2推覆断层控制,并圈定出煤炭资源预测前景较好的3个区作为煤炭勘查后备基地。  相似文献   
华北陆块东南缘凤台组的底部和中部存在磷结核。这些磷结核的发现表明,凤台组(至少有部分地层)可能形成于温暖的海相环境。凤台组底部与中部磷结核的地球化学特征分析表明,2个层位磷结核的沉积构造环境存在差异,凤台组底部形成于地幔活动较强的海相环境,而中部形成于地幔活动性较弱的闭塞环境。  相似文献   
洪友崇 《地质通报》2006,25(5):560-564
记述了原长翅亚目化石(Protomecoptera Tillyard,1917)在中国陕西铜川中三叠统中的首次发现,填补这个亚目化石在中国的空白.根据脉序特征,确定是2个新属、种:Glytochorista martynovae gen.et sp.,Phyllochorista orientis gen.et sp.nov.,属这个亚目的汤姆蝎蛉科Tomichoristidae O.Martynova,1958,从而将这个科的化石推向最高层位,即从早二叠世推向中三叠世,跨时5000多万年.从这个意义来讲,对研究该科从古生代晚期向中生代早期的演化有一定的重要参考价值.化石采自铜川中三叠世铜川组下段上部灰绿色泥页岩.新属、新种属于陕西昆虫群(系中三叠世陕西动物群或陕西生物群的一个化石门类)铜川昆虫组合的新成员,时代相当于欧洲拉丁尼期(Ladinian stage).  相似文献   
塔中奥陶系碳酸盐岩的勘探始于1989年,直至2005年发现塔中Ⅰ号坡折带奥陶系碳酸盐岩凝析气田,探明加控制石油地质储量1.5×108t(油当量),是我国目前发现的第一个奥陶系生物礁型大油气田。油气的主力产层位于上奥陶统良里塔格组上部,储层为受坡折带控制的陆棚边缘礁滩体石灰岩。油气沿坡折带呈带状展布,为整体含油的大型准层状岩性油气藏。论述了塔中碳酸盐岩大油气田的勘探历程、主要地质特征,以及对海相碳酸盐岩勘探的启示。  相似文献   
通过钻井、测井资料分析,建立了台兴油田下第三系阜宁组(Ef3)下亚段测井相与沉积微相的关系,研究了台兴油田的沉积微相类型及主要含油气单元———各砂体沉积微相的平面展布特征。研究表明,Ef3下亚段主要砂体沉积微相类型为水下分流河道、河漫滩、河口砂坝以及席状砂沉积微相。  相似文献   
陕北斜坡东部延长组油气勘探目的层系为长2油层组和长6油层组,属典型的低渗—超低渗储层;富含有机质的烃源岩为油气的生成提供了物质保障;广泛发育的泛滥平原相、沼泽相泥岩为油气成藏提供了良好的盖层条件。通过研究认为延长组油气成藏类型以构造—岩性复合油气藏为主,含油气性主要受物性、岩性及岩相等因素影响。有利的沉积相带、运移输导条件及鼻状隆起构造共同控制了延长组主力油层的分布。  相似文献   
通过山西宁武地区高山湖泊湖相沉积地层的浅井挖掘,在天池湖泊群一带发现了厚度大于6m的以草炭、泥炭、粘土及砂层为主的湖相沉积物。根据实测的干海、天池和琵琶海3条剖面,将分布于高山湖盆区内的湖相地层划分为12层,层序地层显示出以干海为代表的古湖泊由浅湖→滨湖→沼泽的演化趋势。湖相沉积的14C法测年结果为10950~260aBP,ESR法年龄测定结果为(9±3~8±1)ka,这表明高山湖盆内湖相沉积的形成时代为全新世。根据沉积相、岩相组合等特征,结合同位素测年、孢粉分析、微体古生物鉴定等资料,首次建立了山西宁武地区高山湖泊全新世湖相沉积地层序列,并将该套地层命名为干海组。  相似文献   
天津蓟县雾迷山组高频旋回沉积特征   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
天津蓟县剖面的中元古界雾迷山组是一套厚达3 300 m的碳酸盐岩地层,其中广泛发育具有近似对称相序组构的雾迷山旋回层,属于特殊的环潮坪型碳酸盐米级旋回层序。在对旋回层内部岩石成因单元的类型及组合分析的基础上,建立了雾迷山旋回层的基本模式和沉积环境模式,并对成因单元的岩石磁化率特征及其对高频旋回的反映进行了探索。认为雾迷山旋回层为沉积环境的水深由较浅—较深—较浅—暴露条件下的沉积,可能代表真正的沉积旋回;其成因单元之间具有明显的有序叠置形态,表明它有可能是与米兰柯维奇旋回具有成因关联的高频率海平面变化所控制的自旋回沉积作用的产物。  相似文献   
Doushantuo acanthomorphic acritarchs are large morphologically complex organic-walled microfossils broadly constrained between the 635 Ma Nantuo glaciation and the 551 Ma Miaohe Biota. They are potential biostratigraphic tools for subdivision and correlation of the Ediacaran System in South China. However, major variations in sedimentary facies and stratigraphic thickness present challenges in understanding the spatial and temporal distribution of these acritarchs. Further, the distribution of acritarchs in the Doushantuo Formation is associated with the presence of early diagenetic chert and phosphate, implying a certain degree of preservational bias and/or environmental control. The purpose of this paper is to document the stratigraphic distribution of Doushantuo acritarchs and to quantitatively evaluate their biostratigraphic significance and possible taphonomic–environmental biases, based on high-resolution paleontological data from six sections over 100 km in the Yangtze Gorges area, South China.A total of 1082 acritarch fossils were recorded from 84 chert horizons in the six sections of the study area. These chert horizons are not uniformly distributed throughout the Doushantuo Formation, thus the presence/absence of early diagenetic chert does play a role in controlling the distribution of acritarchs. The sampled chert horizons can be grouped into two stratigraphic intervals in the lower and upper Doushantuo Formation, respectively, based on regional stratigraphic correlation. Quantitative analysis shows that the two intervals are distinct taxonomically and largely independent of taphonomic or facies controls. Thus, the two intervals can be regarded as assemblage biozones. The lower biozone (biozone 1) is numerically dominated by Tianzhushania spinosa (n = 587; 68.3%) and Meghystrichosphaeridium magnificum (n = 74; 8.6%), whereas the upper biozone (biozone 2) is dominated by Ericiasphaera rigida (n = 104; 47.1%) and Tianzhushania spinosa (n = 34; 14.1%). The three most common genera, Meghystrichosphaeridium, Tianzhushania, and Ericiasphaera, have been identified in all sections. Correspondence analysis (CA), detrended correspondence analysis (DCA), discriminant analysis (DA), and pairwise comparisons of samples (Spearman rank coefficient and Jaccard–Chao index), all consistently support biostratigraphic zonations. Thus, the distribution of the Doushantuo acanthomorphs is primarily controlled by biostratigraphic position of samples, with facies and taphonomic differences playing a secondary role. Our case study suggests that acanthomorphic acritarchs can offer a viable tool for regional correlation of the Ediacaran System.  相似文献   
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