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陆相层序地层学是层序地层学今后进一步发展的一个重要研究领域和方向。因此,探索不同构造背景下、不同类型陆相盆地层序的边界性质、内部结构特征、控制因素及其模式将极大地丰富和完善层序地层学的理论与方法。本文通过对塔里木盆地北部早白垩世陆相前陆盆地地层进行层序地层分析,确定出4个层序边界,划分出1个超层序和3个三级层序,识别出冲积体系域(AST)、湖泊扩展体系域(EST)和湖泊萎缩体系域(CST),并探讨了陆相前陆盆地层序地层的特征及其控制因素。研究表明,构造作用是控制该陆相前陆盆地层序形成与发育的首要因素;远离和邻近南天山造山带的盆地南、北两侧构造作用的不均一性,造成层序边界性质、体系域特征等在南、北两侧存在很大差异;层序内部体系域发育的不完整性(即由两个层序界面限定的一个三级层序在全盆范围内仅发育一种或两种体系域),反映了陆相层序的复杂性和特殊性。  相似文献   
滇黔桂地区晚震旦世陡山沱期构造-层序岩相古地理   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
层序地层是在一个等时地质年代格架内从三维空间上认识一个有成因联系的沉积组合体,层序内部沉积地质体的性质、叠置关系和沉积相演变与海平面升降周期变化有对应关系。对滇黔桂地区晚震旦世陡山沱期层序地层研究,笔者在上扬子浅海区对晋宁王家湾上震旦统剖面进行实测,拟建立浅海区基干层序剖面,并把陡山沱组划分为一个2级层序和四个3级层序;在深海区对广西灵川西岭剖面进行实测,拟建立深海地区的基干层序剖面。然后在研究区进行辅助对比剖面的观测,以编制该区二级层序海侵体系域和高水位体系域的构造-层序岩相古地理图。通过这些研究,使人们从另一个角度去揭示和认识该区在陡山沱期的构造运动、沉积物组合特征与海平面变化的关系,从而更进一步弄清该区的时空演化特征。  相似文献   
The Gosainkund–Helambu region in central Nepal occupies a key area for the development of Himalayan kinematic models, connecting the well‐investigated Langtang area to the north with the Kathmandu Nappe (KN), whose interpretation is still debated, to the south. In order to understand the structural and metamorphic architecture of the Greater Himalayan Sequence (GHS) in this region, a detailed petrological study was performed, focusing on selected metapelite samples from both the Gosainkund–Helambu and Langtang transects. The structurally lowest sample investigated belongs to the Lesser Himalayan Sequence; its metamorphic evolution is characterized by a narrow hairpin P–T path with peak P–T conditions of 595 ± 25 °C, 7.5 ± 1 kbar. All of the other samples here investigated belong to the GHS. Along the Langtang section, two tectono‐metamorphic units have been distinguished within the GHS: the Lower Greater Himalayan Sequence (L‐GHS), characterized by peak P–T conditions at 728 ± 11 °C, 10 ± 0.5 kbar (corresponding to a T/depth ratio of 22 ± 1 °C km?1), and the structurally higher Upper Greater Himalayan Sequence, with peak metamorphic conditions at 780 ± 20 °C, 7.8 ± 0.8 kbar (corresponding to a T/depth ratio of 31 ± 4 °C km?1). This confirms the existence of a main tectono‐metamorphic discontinuity within the GHS, as previously suggested by other authors. The results of petrological modelling of the metapelites from the Gosainkund–Helambu section show that this region is entirely comprised within a sub‐horizontal and thin L‐GHS unit: the estimated peak metamorphic conditions of 734 ± 19 °C, 10 ± 0.8 kbar correspond to a uniform T/depth ratio of 23 ± 3 °C km?1. The metamorphic discontinuity identified along the Langtang transect and dividing the GHS in two tectono‐metamorphic units is located at a structural level too high to be intersected along the Gosainkund–Helambu section. Our results have significant implications for the interpretation of the KN and provide a contribution to the more general discussion of the Himalayan kinematic models. We demonstrate that the structurally lower unit of the KN (known as Sheopuri Gneiss) can be correlated with the L‐GHS unit; this result strongly supports those models that correlate the KN to the Tethyan Sedimentary Sequence and that suggest the merging of the South Tibetan Detachment System and the Main Central Thrust on the northern side of the KN. Moreover we speculate that, in this sector of the Himalayan chain, the most appropriate kinematic model able to explain the observed tectono‐metamorphic architecture of the GHS is the duplexing model, or hybrid models which combine the duplexing model with another end‐member model.  相似文献   
晚三叠世为中国南方重要的聚煤期,盐源地区晚三叠世含煤地层主要为博大组和冬瓜岭组。根据野外露头、探槽及岩心资料的沉积学研究,博大组沉积期由于北部长枪-琪木林岛链的障壁作用,主要发育滨岸潮坪沉积,以陆源碎屑岩夹泥质、砂质碳酸盐岩为主,物源区为东南部的康滇古陆,成煤环境为潮坪沼泽;冬瓜岭组沉积期由于大规模海退并伴随周围古陆快速抬升,盆地沉积以河流-三角洲相的碎屑岩为主,成煤环境以分流间湾沼泽为主。构造不整合面在盐源地区广泛存在,表现为博大组与舍木笼组之间、冬瓜岭组与博大组之间的平行不整合面;下切谷砂体底部河流侵蚀不整合面在冬瓜岭组广泛发育,三段、六段底部均见河床底部滞留沉积的粗砂、砾岩。本次研究主要根据区域性构造不整合面、河流侵蚀不整合面及河道砂体的发育特征等,建立了盐源地区晚三叠世层序地层格架,在盐源地区晚三叠世煤系中识别出5个层序界面,共划分为4个三级层序(层序I—IV)。其中层序I对应博大组;层序II对应冬瓜岭组一段和二段;层序III对应冬瓜岭组三段、四段和五段;层序IV对应冬瓜岭组六段、七段和八段。这些层序中,聚煤作用以层序II最强,其次为层序III;在层序内部,又以湖(海)侵体系域聚煤最好,高位体系域次之。  相似文献   
准噶尔盆地侏罗纪含铀岩系的层序划分与对比   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为对比分析准噶尔盆地侏罗纪含铀岩系的特征,在盆地北部、东部、南部筛选了3个钻透中下侏罗统西山窑组(J_2x)和八道湾组(J_1b)的钻孔,以岩性组合、沉积特征和测井曲线为基础,结合层序地层学原理和前人研究成果,对其含铀岩系进行了划分与对比。选择12个铀矿化异常孔编制了层序沉积连井模式图,讨论了层序充填及演化特征。结果表明:盆地不同位置地层层序差异较大,北缘从侏罗系下统三工河组到侏罗系上统齐古组(J_1s—J_3q)发育了3个三级层序和7个体系域。盆地东缘从侏罗系下统八道湾组到上统齐古组(J_1b—J_3q),发育了5个三级层序和12个体系域,整体经历了一个较为完整的湖侵过程,4个次级的湖侵湖退使湖平面达到最高位。南缘从侏罗系中统西山窑组到上统齐古组(J_2x—J_3q)发育了3个三级层序和7个体系域,经历一次构造隆升作用造成了大规模湖退事件和一次完整的湖侵事件。八道湾期至齐古期至少经历了两次完整的湖退、湖侵事件,整体上经历了一个先退积、后进积、再退积的过程。头屯河期湖退过程中形成的扇三角洲、辫状河砂体是主要的铀储层,也标志着一次重要的构造隆升事件。研究区岩相主要有辫状河、辫状河三角洲、湖泊、湖泊三角洲和扇三角洲5种沉积相类型和10种沉积亚相,含铀岩系亚相主要有辫状河道、扇三角洲平原、湖泊三角洲平原。西山窑组(J_2x)含煤建造上下发育2个区域性平行不整合面,界面之下发育大规模湖泊三角洲相的粘土层圈闭了上下两侧的砂体,是寻找砂岩型铀富集的有利区带。这些认识,不仅提高了准噶尔盆地侏罗系层序地层的对比划分的精度,而且对盆地控铀要素和形成环境研究及全面开展铀矿找矿工作意义重大。  相似文献   
兰州-民和盆地河口群层序地层格架特征及盆地演化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
兰州-民和盆地河口群形成于早白垩世,其间充填了巨厚的陆源碎屑物,碎屑物的组合内容和方式反映了冲积扇相、扇三角洲相、湖泊相沉积体系占主导。盆地地层层序具有退积型、加积型、进积型叠置的变化旋回,显示了全韵律的特点,代表了构造旋回幕的产物。根据盆地的发展演化特征和层序界面的确定,初步建立了盆地的层序地层格架,同时阐述了盆地的演化过程。  相似文献   
测井多尺度分析方法用于准层序自动划分研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
多尺度分析方法实现了信号分析的时频局部化,是测井数据时频分析与地质解释恰当的数学工具.测井资料作为地层岩性、物性的反映,其中必然蕴含了大量与沉积地层旋回变化有关的信息.以胜坨油田某井为例,采用db4最佳小波基分别对自然伽马、自然电位和声波等测井曲线进行了多尺度分析,将一维测井数据拓展为二维深度-尺度空间,提取小波变换系数的时频色谱信息和能量信息,从而确定出测井曲线识别准层序界面的最佳尺度.依据最佳尺度下的小波系数幅度振荡特征和时频色谱信息实现了对准层序界面的自动划分,与传统方法所划分的界面基本一致.这些探索为层序地层的定量划分提供了一种新的思路.  相似文献   
In Southern Ocean sediments south of the Antarctic Polar Front, the scarcity of calcareous microfossils hampers the development of sediment chronologies based on radiocarbon dating and oxygen isotope stratigraphy established from carbonate. In this study, radiometric dating, magnetic susceptibility (MS), biogenic opal content, diatom abundance fluctuation, and paleomagnetic information were investigated on a north–south transect of central Scotia Sea sediment cores to verify their reliability as stratigraphic tools in the study area. Radiocarbon dating on organic carbon humic acid fraction can be used to establish the stratigraphy of upper core sections, but regional comparison and correlation are needed to verify a possible bias by fossil carbon contamination. For the long-term stratigraphy, MS, which can be correlated to the Antarctic ice core dust/climate signal, represents the most valuable parameter. Fine-grained single domain magnetite, probably of biogenic origin, makes a significant contribution to the interglacial MS signal, while major contributions from detrital material affect the glacial MS record. The core from the southern Scotia Sea contains significant proportions of biogenic magnetite also in glacial sediments, suggesting depositional environments different from those of the northern Scotia Sea. Our data suggest low contributions of high-coercive minerals to the overall magnetic intensity of glacial and interglacial Scotia Sea sediments, which excludes dust as a main source of the magnetic signal. Opal content can be used to distinguish between cold and warm intervals for the past 300 thousand years. Abundance fluctuation patterns of diatom species Fragilariopsis kerguelensis and Eucampia antarctica are useful stratigraphic tools for periods back to Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 6. The Mono Lake geomagnetic excursion is identified in Scotia Sea sediments for the first time. Possible correlations of ash layers are suggested between Scotia Sea sediments and East Antarctic ice cores. They have potential to serve as additional age markers for further studies in this area.  相似文献   
由于露头资料缺乏,银额盆地生物地层研究一直较为薄弱,钻井的地层时代划分及主要油气产层时代归属存在较大争议。为了厘清银额盆地钻井所揭示的油气产层的地层时代,本研究对位于盆地西部乌珠尔坳陷的蒙额地1井下部岩芯样品开展了孢粉学研究工作。根据孢粉类群及其含量的变化,划分了2个孢粉组合:Osmundacidites-Deltoidospora-nonstriate bisaccate组合和Classopollis-Cyathidites-Quadraeculina组合。第一组合中裸子植物花粉和蕨类植物孢子含量相当,裸子植物花粉中无肋纹的双气囊花粉出现最为频繁,且多样性较高,并零星出现有具肋纹双气囊花粉,蕨类植物孢子以Osmundacidites为主,其他常见类群包括Lycopodiumsporites、Deltoidospora、Neoraistrickia等,均为我国侏罗纪常见属种,孢粉组合指示的地层时代为早侏罗世晚期,也可能下延至早侏罗世中期,气候温暖湿润;第二组合以Classopollis的高含量为特征,Quadraeculina和Cyathidites较第一组合含量增加,且未出现任何白垩...  相似文献   
Sandy hyperpycnal flows and their deposits, hyperpycnites, have been documented in modern environments and, more recently, in Cretaceous and Tertiary strata; they may be more common in the rock record, and within petroleum reservoirs, than has been previously thought. Muddy hyperpycnites also occur within the rock record, but these are more difficult to document because of their finer‐grained nature and lack of common sedimentary structures. This paper documents the presence of submarine slope mudstone and siltstone hyperpycnites (and muddy turbidites) in the delta‐fed, Upper Cretaceous Lewis Shale of Wyoming; based on field measurements, analyses of rock slabs and thin sections, and laser grain‐size distributions. Four lithofacies comprise laminated and thin‐bedded mudstones that are associated with levéed channel sandstones: (L1) grey, laminated, graded mudstone with thin siltstone and sandstone interbeds; (L2) dark grey to tan, laminated mudstone with very thin siltstone and sandstone stringers; (L3) light grey, laminated siltstones; and (L4) laminated mudstones and siltstones with thin sandstone interbeds. Two styles of mudstone grain‐size grading have been documented. The first type is an upward‐fining interval that typically ranges in thickness from 2·5 to 5 cm. The second type is a couplet of a lower, upward‐coarsening interval and an upper, upward‐fining interval (sometimes separated by a micro‐erosion surface) which, combined, are about 3·8 cm thick. Both individual laminae and groups of laminae spaced millimetres apart exhibit these two grain‐size trends. Although sedimentary structures indicative of traction‐plus‐fallout sedimentary processes associated with sandier hyperpycnites are generally absent in these muddy sediments, the size grading patterns are similar to those postulated in the literature for sandy hyperpycnites. Thus, the combined upward‐coarsening, then upward‐fining couplets are interpreted to be the result of a progressive increase in river discharge during waxing and peak flood stage (upward increase in grain‐size), followed by waning flow after the flood begins to abate (upward decrease in grain‐size). The micro‐erosion surface that sometimes divides the two parts of the size‐graded couplet resulted from waxing flows of sufficiently high velocity to erode the sediment previously deposited by the same flow. Individual laminae sets which only exhibit upward‐fining trends could be either the result of waning flow deposition from either dilute turbidity currents or from hyperpycnal flows. The occurrence of these sets with the size‐graded couplets suggests that they are associated with hyperpycnal processes.  相似文献   
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