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苏德尔特油田贝16断块兴安岭群沉积特征与储层非均质性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在岩心观察描述、测井及开发动态资料综合分析的基础上,对苏德尔特油田贝16断块兴安岭群储层沉积特征及非均质性进行了研究,并分析了它们对注水开发的影响。结果表明:研究区在兴安岭群沉积时期主要发育滨浅湖沉积背景下的扇三角洲前缘的沉积,其中扇三角洲前缘水下辫状河道不等粒砂岩及粗砂岩储层物性最好,河口坝中粒砂岩次之,远砂坝粉砂岩最差;除了Ⅱ油组以外,其它油层的储层非均质性较强。应当根据沉积微相的平面分布特征及储层非均质性的强弱采取不同的开发措施。  相似文献   
油田注水开发是保持地层能量,提高采收率的有效手段.海拉尔地区由于粘土矿物含量高,在开发过程中储层遇水易泥化、坍塌,严重影响油气的有效开采.通过X射线衍射、偏光显微镜观察和扫描电镜分析,确定了海拉尔盆地贝16断块兴安岭群储层自上而下存在三种粘土矿物组合:蒙脱石 高岭石 (绿泥石)→高岭石 伊/蒙间层 伊利石 (绿泥石)→伊利石 绿泥石 绿/蒙间层 伊/蒙间层.粘土总量在9.1%~69.1%之间,由地层浅部到深部呈现由高到低的变化规律.详细研究了水敏性极强的钠蒙脱石及其间层矿物,认为凝灰物质的水解蚀变以及长石和中、酸性岩屑在成岩过程中的次生变化是造成海拉尔地区粘土含量高的主要因素.  相似文献   
针对气象资料难以满足高斯分布的情况,引进了具有耐抗性的三组耐抗线方法,分析了满足不同信度情况下最小二乘回归和三组耐抗线的差异,并用西藏近30 a气温资料进行了检验。结果表明三组耐抗线方法比最小二乘法研究气候变化趋势有明显优势;采用最小二乘法得到的西藏气候变暖估计偏高。  相似文献   
朱晖  周元昆  李迅  周丽英  赵云 《云南地质》2010,29(1):53-55,52
矿床产于断层破碎带中,受断层和地层层位控制,与迤纳厂矿床具有一定的相似性。铁矿为中低温热液裂隙充填型脉状矿床,而铜矿床应为沉积——变质型。  相似文献   
In the Upper Murray Valley, Victoria, Late Silurian, high‐Si igneous rocks, which are closely associated with alkalic, basaltic dykes, were emplaced at high crustal levels following the peak of the Benambran Orogeny, which deformed and metamorphosed the Wagga Zone in Late Ordovician‐Early Silurian times. These rocks, which are informally termed ‘the Upper Murray high‐Si magmatic suite’, include leucogranites, rhyolite dykes and flows, and ash‐flow tuffs characterised by the following features. They are transitional from mildly peraluminous to mildly metaluminous; they represent relatively anhydrous magmas, in which halides were important volatile constituents; they have high Si, total alkalies, Rb, Th, U, Nb, Sn and heavy rare earth elements; and they are relatively repleted in Mg, Ca, Sr, Eu, V, Cr and Ni. In these respects and in their post‐orogenic setting and close association with alkalic basalts, they resemble many post‐orogenic granitoids from elsewhere. Such granitoids appear to have formed as partial melts during crustal extension following major episodes of deformation and high‐Si magmatism. A residual granulitic crust, from which an earlier generation of granitoid magmas had been extracted, is argued to be the source rock‐type for these post‐orogenic magmas. Tectonic extension, affecting such a crust, was accompanied by deep fracturing and basaltic vol‐canism. Mantle‐derived, CO2‐ and halide‐rich fluids moved into the residual crust, causing widespread metasomatism, and emplacement of basaltic magma caused temperatures to rise until melting took place and a second group of magmas was produced. This model explains most aspects of the trace and major element chemistry of post‐orogenic, high‐Si igneous rocks and, for the Upper Murray high‐Si suite it also provides an explanation for variations in trace elements and isotopic characteristics. Other processes, such as crystal fractionation, magma mixing, thermogravi‐tational diffusion, and separation and loss of a volatile phase, provide explanations for variations within individual units of the suite, but they do not explain overall variations or the highly fractionated nature of the suite.  相似文献   
The Liaohe Group is an important Paleoproterozoic stratigraphic unit in the northeastern part of the North China Craton and is traditionally subdivided into the North and South Liaohe Groups. Associated with both the North and South Liaohe Groups are voluminous Paleoproterozoic granitoid rocks, named the Liaoji granitoids. Different tectonic models, including terrane amalgamation, continent–arc collision and rift closure, have been proposed to interpret the tectonic setting and evolution of the North and South Liaohe Groups and associated Liaoji granitoids. At the centre of the controversy between these models is whether or not the North and South Liaohe Groups developed on the same Archean basement. Nd isotopic geochemistry of the Liaoji granitoids provides important constraints on this controversial issue. The Liaoji granitoids associated with the North and South Liaohe Groups display similar εNd values, restricted to a narrow range from 0 to 2, implying that these granitoid rocks were derived from the same or a similar magma source. Moreover, the Liaoji granitoids associated with the North and South Liaohe Groups have similar Nd model ages (TDM), ranging from 2.4 to 2.6 Ga, suggesting that the protoliths of the Liaoji granitoids associated with both groups may have formed simultaneously, and that the basement rocks underneath the Liaoji granitoids and associated North and South Liaohe Groups belong to the same continental block rather than two different blocks. Combining lithological, structural and geochronological considerations, we interpret the North and South Liaohe Groups as having developed on a single late Archean basement that underwent Paleoproterozoic rifting associated with the intrusion of the Liaoji granitoids and the formation of the Liaohe Group, and closed upon itself in the Paleoproterozoic.  相似文献   
华北秦皇岛地区的中奥陶统马家沟组以广泛发育海相白云质灰岩、灰质白云岩和白云岩为特征。在石门寨奥陶系亮甲山剖面,马家沟组自下而上识别出四类碳酸盐岩:含白云石泥晶灰岩(类型I)、细-粉晶白云岩(类型II)、“麦粒状”细-粉晶白云岩(类型III)和钙质泥晶白云岩(类型IV)。类型I主要由泥晶方解石构成,含三叶虫和介形类生物碎片,少量自形的粉晶白云石呈“漂浮状”分布于压溶缝合线内,基质中少见。岩相学和地球化学特征表明此类白云石形成于埋藏成岩期压溶作用之后,压溶缝为云化流体提供通道,压溶缝内泥质组分的成岩转化可能为白云化作用提供了部分镁离子来源;类型II白云岩主要由自形、半自形不等粒粉晶-细晶白云石构成,白云石普遍具有“雾心亮边”,在背散射和阴极发光照片中白云石可见清晰的多圈亮、暗相间环带。环带和带间主量元素的差异表明白云石经历了埋藏成岩期多期成岩流体的改造;类型III白云岩中白云石呈单向延伸的“米粒”或“麦粒”状,粉晶为主,晶体长轴方向具有垂直结晶轴c的特点,白云石具富铁、贫锰、锶的特点,长、短对角线上钙、镁离子的微小差异以及阴极发光特征表明此类白云石也经历了埋藏成岩期的改造,成岩流体使白云石发生微溶作用可能是导致白云石晶体单向延伸且光学性质固定取向的主要原因;类型IV为钙质泥晶球粒白云岩,含石膏假晶,白云石多为微晶和微亮晶,球粒也多由微晶白云石构成,溶孔发育,但全被亮晶贫铁方解石充填,此类岩石的白云化作用发生得很早,可能形成于潮上带澙湖或潮坪环境。综上所述,研究区马家沟组碳酸盐岩具有经历了不同类型及多期白云化作用的特点。自剖面底部向顶部,白云石的有序度由0.8降至0.47,而去云化作用则呈现逐渐增强的趋势。  相似文献   
侯彦冬  姬书安 《地质通报》2017,36(7):1097-1103
鄂尔多斯盆地下白垩统志丹群产出丰富的四足类动物化石:龟类、离龙类、鳄形类、鹦鹉嘴龙类、剑龙类、甲龙类、兽脚类、鸟类和早期哺乳类。采自内蒙古杭锦旗老龙豁子志丹群罗汉洞组剑龙类关联的荐椎与肠骨化石新标本,其形态特征显示该标本可被归为鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙(Wuerhosaurus ordosensis)。该标本解剖学研究表明,鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙腰带还具有以下特征:上髋臼面前缘向后凹而后缘内侧更加内凹。鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙(Wuerhosaurus ordosensis)和新疆准噶尔盆地的平坦乌尔禾龙(Wuerhosaurus homheni)在腰带上存在明显区别:(1)鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙肠骨前突延伸较短,肠骨前突背缘向后逐渐向背侧拱曲、高度逐渐加大,而平坦乌尔禾龙肠骨前突后端背腹缘大致平行;(2)鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙上髋臼面较小;(3)鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙左右肠骨前突延伸方向与中轴线之间的夹角略小于平坦乌尔禾龙。这些区别进一步表明,鄂尔多斯乌尔禾龙和平坦乌尔禾龙是不同的种。  相似文献   
寇彩化  刘燕学  李廷栋  黄河  张恒 《地质通报》2017,36(8):1393-1406
桂北丹洲群顶部拱洞组粉砂岩的碎屑锆石的阴极发光图像和Th/U(0.2~2.4)值显示,它们均为岩浆成因的锆石。锆石~(206)Pb/~(238)Pb年龄分布在730~769Ma和771~850Ma之间,这些锆石的Hf同位素成分范围较大,ε_(Hf)(t)值和二阶段Hf模式年龄(T_(DM2))分别为-18.4~11.4和1020~2812Ma。此外,样品中还有一些年龄较老的锆石颗粒,~(207)Pb/~(206)Pb年龄为1910~3140Ma,ε_(Hf)(t)值和二阶段Hf模式年龄(T_(DM2))分别为-13.6~3.4和2740~3635Ma。结合前人的研究推测,桂北丹洲群拱洞组沉积年龄小于等于706±10Ma,物源主要由扬子板块新元古代岩浆岩组成,也有少量太古宙岩浆岩的加入。推测中国华南地区存在对应于Rodinia超大陆聚合相关的格林威尔运动的响应。根据已测锆石的ε_(Hf)(t)值和Hf二阶段模式年龄推断,研究区地壳生长主要经历3个阶段:(1)3.64~3.25Ga,初生地壳出现在3.64Ga;(2)2.98~2.37Ga;(3)2.19~1.28Ga,地壳生长的主要时期。  相似文献   
出露于扬子板块北缘大洪山地区的花山群自下而上由一套以砾岩为主的粗碎屑沉积和一套以砂质板岩为主的细碎屑沉积组成,伴随有拉斑玄武质岩浆活动。花山群整体变质程度不高,形成构造环境复杂,对其构造属性及其与区内所谓的花山"蛇绿混杂岩"的时空关系一直存有争议,它们对新元古代Rodinia超大陆在扬子板块北缘的汇聚-裂解响应具有重要的制约意义。笔者在花山群六房咀组下部细砂岩中采集玄武质熔结凝灰岩夹层样品1件,碎屑岩样品2件,在上覆地层南华系莲沱组采集碎屑岩样品1件;对玄武质熔结凝灰岩进行了SHRIMP锆石U-Pb同位素测年,对碎屑岩样品进行了LA-MC-ICPMS锆石U-Pb同位素测年。获得玄武质熔结凝灰岩锆石U-Pb年龄814.7±7.3 Ma;花山群的碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄谱存在三个明显的峰值:~900 Ma、~2050Ma和~2650 Ma,最显著峰值为~2650 Ma,上覆莲沱组碎屑岩年龄谱的三个峰值为:~900 Ma、~2050 Ma和~2500 Ma,最显著峰值为~2050Ma,三件碎屑岩样品均与扬子板块的碎屑锆石U-Pb年龄统计峰值一致。花山群的碎屑源区可能包括下伏中元古代打鼓石群、太古宙鱼洞子杂岩以及崆岭杂岩。结合前人年代学研究资料和区域构造成果分析,花山群沉积时代应为820~815Ma,形成于伸展构造背景,与花山"蛇绿混杂岩"不是同期同构造背景的产物;花山"蛇绿混杂岩"与花山群沉积建造依次反映了扬子板块北缘由挤压构造背景向伸展构造背景的转换过程。花山群中的碎屑沉积物与基性火山岩、火山碎屑岩属于裂解背景下形成的同时代沉积-火山建造;结合前人在扬子板块周缘发现的大量约820 Ma酸性—基性岩浆活动记录以及同时代(820~800 Ma)的沉积地层,推测花山群形成于Rodinia超大陆裂解背景之下,与超级地幔柱活动有关。  相似文献   
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