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杨仕升 《华南地震》1997,17(4):42-47
应用人工神经网络的方法,利用30次强震震后1天和2天内的地震资料作为学习样本,对广西及其邻区发生的4次地震的震型作了早期预测判定,结果表明应用效果较好,正确率达75%。该方法值得进一步研究。  相似文献   
Electric field effect on animals has been studied to investigate its relation with seismic anomalous animal behaviors(SAABs)in China.Freshwater eel,crucian carp,catfish,and soft-shelled turtle responded to the threshold electric field of 1-10 V/m,while duck,goose,cat,sheep,pig,dog,and chicken all responded to the ground electric field of about tens of V/m,depending on the species as well as on individuals.Most of the behaviors caused by electric field were similar to those reported as SAABs such as alignment,sudden movement,panic,and convulsion.The intensity of electric field due to a major earthquake would have been over these threshold values.Numerical estimation based on an electromagnetic model of a fault has been made to induce SAABs as electric shocks to pulsed electric fields in electro-physiology.The seismic electric signals(SES)intensity might be estimated from the observation of SAABs.  相似文献   
如实记述了1995年度中国大陆及边邻MS≥7.0地震活动的时、空演变与华北(φN30°~φN42°,λE105°~λE125°)地震活动等有关的试验预报的实况。对过去的预报办法提出了一些改进意见。  相似文献   
Tourism in Southern Africa is synonymous with the wildlife safari. In the post-colonial era the establishment of so-called ‘peaceparks’ that straddle the borders of states has come to be seen as a key not only to increasing tourism in the Southern African region, but also to the modernizing of conservation policies and the development of rural economies. This paper focuses on the global and continental presence of transfrontier conservation areas, the link between conservation and tourism development, and the current factors that constrain and influence the realization of an ‘African Dream’ — ‘establishment of the greatest animal kingdom’. The unstable political situation in Zimbabwe and how this negatively affects wildlife conservation and tourism in the Gonarezhou part of the Greater Limpopo Transfrontier Park, serves as a case study. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
徐忠  娄昭 《世界地理研究》2004,13(3):25-29,49
当前,世界政治形势处于动荡催生调整,调整蕴含机遇,在单极与多极矛盾的碰撞与互动中,正在形成某种更有效的机制,培育更为成熟、理性竞争的意识,促使各主要大国为世界的持久和平与繁荣共同担负起应有的责任。因此,国家经济安全是世界各国都普遍关注的战略问题。本文首先总结了就当今世界政治发展的四个特点,并在分析国际形势新变化对中国经济安全影响的基础上,提出了维护我国经济安全的六点思考。  相似文献   
The most significant damage on highway bridges during the recent earthquakes in Turkey (Kocaeli and Duzce earthquakes) and Taiwan (Chi–Chi earthquake) was the result of fault ruptures traversing transportation infrastructure. This phenomenon and its consequences accentuate the need to examine surface rupture hazards and to identify those areas at risk. This understanding can help to develop remedial measures for both structural and geotechnical engineering. For that purpose, damage to highway bridges during the recent events was reviewed. The total collapse of the highway overpass in Arifiye, during the Kocaeli earthquake, was investigated. The major problems under consideration (in Arifiye) were: (i) dislodging of the bridge spans, and consequently, the total separation of the reinforced concrete girders from the piers; and (ii) the stability of a mechanically stabilized earth wall (MSEW) system under extreme loading conditions. The results of the structural and geotechnical investigations presented herein can be taken in consideration to improve transportation infrastructure against surface rupture hazards.  相似文献   
辽宁省的鞍山、本溪两市为我国重要的钢铁基地,各矿山长期生产遗留的铁尾矿问题越来越引起人们的重视,如污染环境、诱发地质灾害等,如何解决已成为地质、环保、水工界的关注。  相似文献   
一次辽宁秋季暴雨天气的诊断分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙欣  蔡芗宁  黄阁 《气象》2007,33(9):83-93
使用1.0°×1.0°NCEP再分析资料,对2006年10月21—22日深秋暴雨在天气形势分析的基础上,进行物理量诊断。结果表明:在有利的环境背景形势下,高位涡从对流层高层向低层伸展并形成湿位涡柱,引起气旋性环流与低涡环流叠加。对流层低层的湿斜压性增强,引起低层的锋区加强及垂直涡度发展,高空入侵干冷空气锲入底层,低层暖湿空气强迫抬升,使地面发展为气旋;高低空急流耦合产生上升气流,同时较强的补偿下沉运动激发上升运动加强,使次级环流加强,触发不稳定能量的释放;低空急流和超低空急流向辽宁输送暖湿空气及能量,对流层中低层形成湿柱并积聚高不稳定能量;中尺度气旋、高低空急流、湿位涡柱、次级环流上升支、地面高水汽含量湿区、高假相当位温出现的时间、强度、位置和结构决定了暴雨的时间和落区。  相似文献   
利用2.5°×2.5° NCEP/NCAR月平均资料、1°×1° FNL再分析资料、国家气候中心1951年至2016年1月西太平洋副热带高压脊线和西伸脊点两项环流指数,从事件实况(降水、气温和冰冻灾害)、环流条件、能量条件、水汽条件和动力条件几个方面出发,对2008年1月10日至2月2日和2016年1月20至25日发生在中国南方的两次低温雨雪冰冻天气过程做了对比分析。研究表明:(1)"0801南方雪灾"的主要特征表现为降水范围大、过程持续时间长、灾害重;2016年1月低温雨雪冰冻过程的主要特征表现为降水范围小、过程持续时间短、灾害轻。"0801南方雪灾"冷空气强度不如2016年1月强。(2)造成"0801南方雪灾"的亚欧大环流背景为"北脊南槽"型,2016年1月低温雨雪冰冻的亚欧环流形势中低纬同位相,从西伯利亚到伊朗为脊,中蒙由低涡控制。(3)与"0801南方雪灾"相比,2016年1月低温雨雪冰冻期间我国南方对流层中下部10°~20° N的温差较强。(4)"0801南方雪灾"水汽输送偏北(到达34° N)且更高(到达300 hPa),2016年1月低温雨雪冰冻期间水汽输送偏南(到达28° N)且较低(到达400 hPa)。(5)"0801南方雪灾"水汽输送轨迹在5 000 m、3 000 m和1 500 m高度均以西南路径为主,2016年1月低温雨雪冰冻期间水汽输送轨迹在5 000 m、3 000 m和1 500 m高度均以西北路径为主,冷空气沿着低压底部从西北移至南方变性增湿。(6)2008年1月26至28日整层垂直运动弱,但向上扩展高(至200 hPa);2016年1月22日至24日垂直运动强,但扩展高度低(500 hPa以下)。  相似文献   
2014年4月大气环流和天气分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
樊利强  张涛  孙瑾 《气象》2014,40(7):898-904
2014年4月大气环流特征为,北半球极涡呈单极型分布,中心位于喀拉海北端附近;亚洲大陆东部高压脊强度偏强,导致4月我国气温较常年同期(11.0℃)偏高1.1℃,为1961年同期以来第五高值。东亚大槽强度和位置、南支系统和西北太平洋副热带高压接近常年平均状况。4月全国平均降水量为43.7 mm,比常年同期略偏少。月内,江南南部和华南等地出现短时强降水、雷雨大风等强对流天气;北方地区出现多次沙尘天气过程;此外,部分站次出现极端高温、极端降温事件。  相似文献   
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