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IntroductionOn the basis of our understanding of ecological principles, we can expect that global changes in climate, atmospheric composition and land use should affect the structure, function, productivity and the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems[1-3]. It is crucial for scientists to gain capacity to obtain sufficient data and effective understanding of ecosystem behaviors at larger scales, to extent models developed from local experiments to large areas where ground truth data are s…  相似文献   
谢群 《铀矿地质》2006,22(2):125-128
本文总结了粤北喀斯特地区某桩基础工程的施工过程,论述了喀斯特地区的溶洞特征及所采取的处理措施。  相似文献   
We use high resolution Monte Carlo simulations to study the dispersive mixing in two-phase, immiscible, porous media flow that results from the interaction of the nonlinearities in the flow equations with geologic heterogeneity. Our numerical experiments show that distinct dispersive regimes occur depending on the relative strength of nonlinearity and heterogeneity. In particular, for a given degree of multiscale heterogeneity, controlled by the Hurst exponent which characterizes the underlying stochastic model for the heterogeneity, linear and nonlinear flows are essentially identical in their degree of dispersion, if the heterogeneity is strong enough. As the heterogeneity weakens, the dispersion rates cross over from those of linear heterogeneous flows to those typical of nonlinear homogeneous flows.  相似文献   
以中国大陆科学钻探实时记录网页的开发为例,介绍了在开发网络数据库时,利用Excel组件作输入界面,实现查询界面上表格的表头和表尾不动、而中间行可以滚动,实现回次滚动查询和界面实时刷新。  相似文献   
天津市堆山造景工程地基稳定监测与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
堆山造景工程是一项利用建筑渣土,在坑塘上进行堆载的市政工程。通过对堆山造景工程的工程地质条件分析,结合工程设计、施工工期等条件,提出了清理淤泥、设置反压平台、排水、控制堆填速率等促进地基稳定的防治措施。利用孔隙水压力监测、侧向位移监测及分层沉降监测等原位监测数据,以复合型法进行反演力学计算参数,并将反演结果用于该工程地基稳定性的模拟,以指导后期工程以及类似工程的建设。  相似文献   
在对二维周期基数插值小波的尺度函数和小波函数研究的基础上,对二维周期基数插值小波的对偶尺度函数和对偶小波进行了研究,得到了一系列重要的结论。  相似文献   
An integrated wavelet concept of physical geodesy   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
For the determination of the earth's gravity field many types of observations are nowadays available, including terrestrial gravimetry, airborne gravimetry, satellite-to-satellite tracking, satellite gradio-metry, etc. The mathematical connection between these observables on the one hand and gravity field and shape of the earth on the other is called the integrated concept of physical geodesy. In this paper harmonic wavelets are introduced by which the gravitational part of the gravity field can be approximated progressively better and better, reflecting an increasing flow of observations. An integrated concept of physical geodesy in terms of harmonic wavelets is presented. Essential tools for approximation are integration formulas relating an integral over an internal sphere to suitable linear combinations of observation functionals, i.e. linear functionals representing the geodetic observables. A scale discrete version of multiresolution is described for approximating the gravitational potential outside and on the earth's surface. Furthermore, an exact fully discrete wavelet approximation is developed for the case of band-limited wavelets. A method for combined global outer harmonic and local harmonic wavelet modelling is proposed corresponding to realistic earth's models. As examples, the role of wavelets is discussed for the classical Stokes problem, the oblique derivative problem, satellite-to-satellite tracking, satellite gravity gradiometry and combined satellite-to-satellite tracking and gradiometry. Received: 28 February 1997 / Accepted: 17 November 1997  相似文献   
Constructal view of scaling laws of river basins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A. Heitor Reis   《Geomorphology》2006,78(3-4):201-206
River basins are examples of naturally organized flow architectures whose scaling properties have been noticed long ago. Based on data of geometric characteristics, Horton [Horton, R.E., 1932. Drainage basin characteristics. EOS Trans. AGU 13, 350–361.], Hack [Hack, J.T., 1957. Studies of longitudinal profiles in Virginia and Maryland. USGS Professional Papers 294-B, Washington DC, pp. 46–97.], and Melton [Melton, M.A, 1958. Correlation structure of morphometric properties of drainage systems and their controlling agents. J. of Geology 66, 35–56.] proposed scaling laws that are considered to describe rather accurately the actual river basins. What we show here is that these scaling laws can be anticipated based on Constructal Theory, which views the pathways by which drainage networks develop in a basin not as the result of chance but as flow architectures that originate naturally as the result of minimization of the overall resistance to flow (Constructal Law).  相似文献   
龙胜地区镁铁质侵入体:年龄及其地质意义   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
对镁铁质侵入体进行了单颗粒锆石U-Pb年代学和Sm-Nd同位素示踪研究。结果表明:镁铁质侵入体是起源于长期亏损地幔源区的岩浆在760Ma侵位结晶的产物,其侵位过程中遭受地壳物质的混染。该年龄结果限定了丹洲群地层的沉积上限年龄,并为龙胜地区不存在蛇绿岩套的认识提供重要的年代学制约。镁铁质岩浆的形成、侵位可能与Rodinia超大陆~825Ma裂解之后的另一次裂解事件相联系。  相似文献   
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