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In north-east Brazil, Archean and Paleoproterozoic cratonicblocks are enclosed within a network of Brasiliano-age (0·7–0·55Ga) metasedimentary foldbelts. The unfoliated Coronel JoãoSá granodiorite pluton, which contains magmatic epidoteand strongly resorbed clinopyroxene, intrudes the SergipanoFoldbelt. Zircons yield a concordant U–Pb crystallizationage of 625 ± 2 Ma; titanite ages are approximately 621Ma. Discordant zircons suggest inheritance from at least twomagma sources of ages <1·8 and >2·2 Ga.Model calculations based on diffusion parameters and Rb–Srisotope data from separated minerals indicate that the plutoncooled at a rate of 36°C/Myr. Whole-rock element compositionsand initial Sr–Nd isotopic compositions that are heterogeneouson all length scales suggest magma mixing. Trace-element concentrationsand Nd isotope data argue against a contribution from a contemporaneousmantle-derived magma. Values of magmatic Nd (at 625 Ma) resemblecontemporary Nd for local supracrustal rocks and basement, compatiblewith anatexis of a crustal source. In north-east Brazil, cratonicblocks could have amalgamated with foldbelts that originatedas: (1) a mosaic of island arcs and arc basins (traditionalallochthonous model), or as (2) extensional continental sedimentarybasins (but not oceanic crust) later involved in collision (autochthonousmodel). The Coronel João Sá isotopic and chemicaldata support an autochthonous origin. KEY WORDS: Brasiliano Orogeny; granodiorite pluton; Rb–Sr isotopes, Sm–Nd isotopes; U–Pb isotopes, magma cooling rate  相似文献   
The O'okiep Copper District is underlain by voluminous 1035–1210Ma granite gneiss and granite with remnants of metamorphosedsupracrustal rocks. This assemblage was intruded by the 1030Ma copper-bearing Koperberg Suite that includes jotunite, anorthosite,biotite diorite and hypersthene-bearing rocks ranging from leuconoriteto hypersthenite. New sensitive high-resolution ion microprobeage data demonstrate the presence of 1700–2000 Ma zirconas xenocrysts in all of the intrusive rocks, and as detritalzircon in the metasediments of the Khurisberg Subgroup. Thesedata are consistent with published Sm–Nd model ages ofc. 1700 Ma (TCHUR) and c. 2000 Ma (TDM) of many of the intrusivesthat support a major crust-forming event in Eburnian (Hudsonian)times. In addition, U–Th–Pb analyses of zirconsfrom all major rock units define two tectono-magmatic episodesof the Namaquan Orogeny: (1) the O'okiepian Episode (1180–1210Ma), represented by regional granite plutonism, notably theNababeep and Modderfontein Granite Gneisses and the Concordiaand Kweekfontein Granites that accompanied and outlasted (e.g.Kweekfontein Granite) regional tectonism [F2(D2)] and granulite-faciesmetamorphism (M2); (2) the Klondikean Episode (1020–1040Ma), which includes the intrusion of the porphyritic RietbergGranite and of the Koperberg Suite that are devoid of regionalplanar or linear fabrics. Klondikean tectonism (D3) is reflectedby major east–west-trending open folds [F3(D3a)], andby localized east–west-trending near-vertical ductilefolds [‘steep structures’; F4(D3b)] whose formationwas broadly coeval with the intrusion of the Koperberg Suite.A regional, largely thermal, amphibolite- to granulite-faciesmetamorphism (M3) accompanied D3. This study demonstrates, interalia, that the complete spectrum of rock-types of the KoperbergSuite, together with the Rietberg Granite, was intruded in ashort time-interval (<10 Myr) at c. 1030 Ma, and that therewere lengthy periods of about 150 Myr of tectonic quiescencewithin the Namaquan Orogeny: (1) between the O'okiepian andKlondikean Episodes; (2) from the end of the latter to the formalend of Namaquan Orogenesis 800–850 Ma ago. KEY WORDS: U–Pb, zircon; O'okiep, Namaqualand; granite plutonism; granulite facies; Koperberg Suite; Namaquan (Grenville) Orogeny  相似文献   
This study reviews the origin of two approximately east‐west‐trending synclines in the Lake Julius area at the eastern edge of the Leichhardt Rift. The genesis of one of these structures can be found in a north‐south shortening event (D1) that occurred at the beginning of the compressional Isan Orogeny (at ca 1600 Ma). Metasediments in a cross‐rift were rammed against a competent buttress defined by the pre‐existing rift architecture, producing the approximately east‐west‐trending Somaia Syncline and its associated axial‐plane slaty cleavage. In contrast, the Lake Julius Syncline was produced by reorientation of an originally approximately north‐south‐trending (D2) fold, in a transpressional zone adjacent to a strike‐slip fault, at the end of the Isan orogeny. The effects of late fault movement can be partially reconstructed, based on correlations assuming that regionally developed trains of upright folds formed during the peak of the Isan Orogeny (D2). These folds have been offset, as well as having been tightened and disrupted at the same time as fault movements took place. The overall pattern of movement in the Lake Julius region can be explained as the result of an ‘indentor’ ramming into the ancient edge of the Leichhardt Rift, which acted as a buttress.  相似文献   
通过对南岭西段花山和姑婆山花岗岩基地质-岩石地球化学特征研究,判明它们的侵位深度(5.5km)、围岩温度(196℃)及岩浆初始温度(950℃),建立起花山和姑婆山岩基的数学计算模型,计算得出:花山-姑婆山花岗岩熔体侵位后,其初始温度降低至结晶温度所需的时间(△tco1)分别为4.14 Ma(花山)和4.36Ma(姑婆山...  相似文献   
Geological, geochronological and isotopic data are integrated in order to present a revised model for the Neoproterozoic evolution of Western Gondwana. Although the classical geodynamic scenario assumed for the period 800–700 Ma is related to Rodinia break-up and the consequent opening of major oceanic basins, a significantly different tectonic evolution can be inferred for most Western Gondwana cratons. These cratons occupied a marginal position in the southern hemisphere with respect to Rodinia and recorded subduction with back-arc extension, island arc development and limited formation of oceanic crust in internal oceans. This period was thus characterized by increased crustal growth in Western Gondwana, resulting from addition of juvenile continental crust along convergent margins. In contrast, crustal reworking and metacratonization were dominant during the subsequent assembly of Gondwana. The Río de la Plata, Congo-São Francisco, West African and Amazonian cratons collided at ca. 630–600 Ma along the West Gondwana Orogen. These events overlap in time with the onset of the opening of the Iapetus Ocean at ca. 610–600 Ma, which gave rise to the separation of Baltica, Laurentia and Amazonia and resulted from the final Rodinia break-up. The East African/Antarctic Orogen recorded the subsequent amalgamation of Western and Eastern Gondwana after ca. 580 Ma, contemporaneously with the beginning of subduction in the Terra Australis Orogen along the southern Gondwana margin. However, the Kalahari Craton was lately incorporated during the Late Ediacaran–Early Cambrian. The proposed Gondwana evolution rules out the existence of Pannotia, as the final Gondwana amalgamation postdates latest connections between Laurentia and Amazonia. Additionally, a combination of introversion and extroversion is proposed for the assembly of Gondwana. The contemporaneous record of final Rodinia break-up and Gondwana assembly has major implications for the supercontinent cycle, as supercontinent amalgamation and break-up do not necessarily represent alternating episodic processes but overlap in time.  相似文献   
《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3-4):155-164
New structural data pointed out the presence of an older scattered migmatization event (Devonian?, M1) overcome by the well known Variscan migmatization event (Lower-Middle Carboniferous, M2) related to the Late extensional tectonic that affected the High Grade Metamorphic Complex (HGMC) in the Variscan Belt of Sardinia (Italy). The M1 event is only recognizable in the kyanite – amphibole bearing migmatitic gneiss. Both migmatization events (M1 and M2) are characterized by a syn-tectonic non coaxial deformations (D1 and D2 deformational events). D1 shows a top to NW sense of shear while the D2 event a top to NE/SE sense of shear (the shear senses are considered at the present Sardinia – Corsica block position in the Mediterranean sea). The M2+D2 is characterized by a complicate, composite normal shear network; the M1+D1 by inverse shear zones. The M2+D2 is transposed by the late D3 strike slip shear event: the D3 is characterized by strike slip shear zones syn-kinematic to the emplacement of Late Carboniferous granitoids (320 Ma – 300 Ma). Despite the absence of geochronological data about the M1+D1 event, the field relationships suggest, for first time, an older migmatization process (Devonian?) syn-tectonic with the late stage of thickness of the Sardinia Variscan Belt. Similar evolutions are recognized in different segments of the Variscan Belt such as the Massif Central (France) or in the eastern mid-European Variscides.  相似文献   
The southeast Reynolds Range, central Australia, is cut by steep northwest‐trending shear zones that are up to hundreds of metres wide and several kilometres long. Amphibolite‐facies shear zones cut metapelites, while greenschist‐facies shear zones cut metagranites. Rb–Sr and 40Ar–39Ar data suggest that both sets of shear zones formed in the 400–300 Ma Alice Springs Orogeny, with the sheared granites yielding well‐constrained 40Ar–39Ar ages of ca 334 Ma. These data imply that the shear zones represent a distinct tectonic episode in this terrain, and were not formed during cooling from the ca 1.6 Ga regional metamorphism. A general correlation between regional metamorphic grade and the grade of Alice Springs structures implies a similar distribution of heat sources for the two events. This may be most consistent with both phases of metamorphism being caused by the burial of anomalously radiogenic heat‐producing granites. The sheared rocks commonly have undergone metasomatism implying that the shear zones were conduits of fluid flow during Alice Springs times.  相似文献   
The geological setting, petrography and bulk mineral chemistry of a monzodiorite and a presumably consanguineous megaporphyry with large (up to 25 cm) labradorite megacrysts, both intruding the upper Proterozoic Saramuj Conglomerate in south-west Jordan (south eastern shore of the Dead Sea), were examined. The crystallization temperatures of the monzodiorite and the megaporphyry as determined from pyroxene thermometry and supported by contact metamorphic mineralogy are about 700 and 900°C, respectively. The intrusion depth of the monzodiorite is about 3–4 km. The monzodiorite was emplaced in the Saramuj Conglomerate at about 595 + 2 Ma ago according to Rb/Sr and U/Pb age determinations.The stratigraphic positions of the monzodiorite, megaporphyry and their host rock (the Saramuj Conglomerate) were compared with time-equivalent lithologies in the Arabian-Nubian Shield. Correspondence to: H. Wachendorf  相似文献   
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