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The northern Wanganui Basin, New Zealand, is one of the key global sites for understanding marine cyclic sedimentation during the Quaternary. This paper presents the first evidence of marine cyclic sedimentation from its central-southern parts. Sedimentological, micropalaeontological and palynological analyses on a 280-m-deep borehole encountered units dating back to MIS 10. The sequence includes four marine cycles spanning MIS 9–5, which are overlain by terrestrial fluvial aggradation surfaces dating from MIS 4–2. Each marine unit represents a progressively shallowing depositional environment from the mid-shelf to coastal plain. This is overlain by a terrestrial sequence of lowstand fluvial terraces. Localized fault movements appear to have influenced the sedimentary character of the sequence during MIS 7a and 5e producing basement highs which provided protection to the shoreline. The cyclothems described in this paper now extend the already extensive, previously described record from MIS 17–10 to produce a combined eustatic record of Quaternary sea level change within the basin to MIS 5. They also provide an excellent example of the sedimentary response of a coastal basin to a progressive loss of sedimentation accommodation space.  相似文献   
据333个白云母b0值,结合区域地层和构造的研究成果,提出:(1)原称昌宁-孟连变质带解体为西盟-勐统变质带(加里东期中压变质带)和澜沧双变质带的高压亚带,两期高压变质作用分别与海西-印支期的洋壳消减和陆-陆碰撞有关;(2)石鼓变质带是三个逆冲岩片的叠置,各岩片内岩石的变质作用各具特色;(3)金沙江洋盆为地块间小洋盆,其消减及嗣后的弧-弧碰撞可能不产生高压变质作用。在此基础上探讨了白云母b0值在造山带研究中的意义。  相似文献   
基岩水与平原水转换关系的地球物理勘查技术探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基岩水与平原水转化关系的研究是搞清地表水与地下水转化途径、方式及流量进而进行水资源评价的一个重要内容.本文以河西走廊地区为例,分析了地球物理勘查技术对解决上述问题的可能性,同时结合该地区地质地貌特点,选用了EH-4电导率成像系统、自然电位法技术组合进行了实例勘查,取得了较好的效果,为前人的假说提供了科学依据,也为该内容的研究提供有效的手段.  相似文献   
Lake Balboa is a deep sinkhole lake in south Georgia. Subbottom acoustic profiling and long sediment cores reveal four stratigraphic units within >20 m of lacustrine fill above acoustically stratified and faulted Miocene/Pliocene overburden and basement Eocene limestone which hosts the Floridan Aquifer system (FAS). Fill consists of thin, rhythmically bedded, peaty sediments (Unit I), indicative of slow sedimentation in a shallow swamp until 13,110–12,680 cal BP, a mix of desiccated and over-consolidated clay and silty sand (Unit II) implying periodic subaerial exposure of the lake bed until 9470–9025 cal BP, and gyttja associated with a rapid 8 m rise in water level by 9120–9020 cal BP (Unit III), as well as an additional rise of 10 m to modern lake levels (Unit IV). Accumulation of nearly 4.5 m of low permeability gyttja, and higher lake levels have fundamentally changed exchange between surface water and groundwater, reducing by 40% or more the rate of vertical leakage to the FAS and increasing shallow aquifer discharge to the lake.  相似文献   
孟庆霞 《探矿工程》2009,36(12):59-61
在考虑工程地质条件和投资费用的前提下,介绍了素混凝土桩复合地基在侯马高层中的设计、施工工艺及处理效果,从而论证了素混凝土桩在侯马地区高层建筑地基处理中的可行性和实用性。  相似文献   
在搜集广阔渠截潜引水工程研究区地下水资源勘察和评价成果的基础上,经现场调研后,采用三维数值模拟对该区枯水期浸没灾害做了预测,并据此采用类比法对汛期浸没灾害做了初步评价,研究了不同季节和不同截渗墙长度的相应浸没范围大小和受灾对象,提出了减少浸没灾害和增大自流引水流量措施的建议,不仅对该工程截潜方案设计具有重要指导意义,而且对其他冲积平原区截潜工程方案设计也有一定的借鉴作用.  相似文献   

The point dilution test is a single-well technique for estimating horizontal flow velocity in the aquifer surrounding a well. The test is conducted by introducing a tracer into a well section and monitoring its decreasing concentration over time. When using a salt tracer, the method is easy and inexpensive. Traditionally, the horizontal Darcy velocity is calculated as a function of the rate of dilution and is based on the simple assumption that the decreasing tracer concentration is proportional both to the apparent velocity into the test section and to the Darcy velocity in the aquifer. In this article, an alternative approach to analyse the results of point dilution tests is proposed and verified using data acquired at a test site in the middle Venetian plain, northeast Italy. In this approach, the one-dimensional equilibrium advection–dispersion equation is inverted using the CXTFIT model to estimate the apparent velocity inside the test section. Analysis of the field data obtained by the two approaches shows good agreement between the methods and suggests that it is possible to use the equilibrium advection–dispersion equation to estimate apparent velocity over a wide range of velocities.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Associate editor K. Heal  相似文献   
研究采集了黑龙江松嫩平原南部28个夏季大气颗粒物样品,分析了不同粒径(TSP、PM10、PM2-5)样品中常量和微量元素含量,对元素浓度含量特征、元素间相关性和空间分布特征进行了分析,并使用富集系数法和因子分析法进行元素来源解析。研究表明:在PM10-100中富集的元素多在地壳中含量很高,重金属元素在PM2-5中高度富集,不同粒径大气颗粒物中各元素质量浓度整体水平为:大庆>绥化>哈尔滨>齐齐哈尔。富集因子分析表明:Fe、K、Ti、Mn、Co的富集因子小于1或非常接近1,Ca、Mg、Ni、Cr的富集因子大于1但仍小于10,Na、Zn、Cu、Cd、Pb、Se的富集因子大于10,表现出较为明显的人为来源特征。参照颗粒物不同源主要标识元素,对各元素进行主因子分析结果表明:松嫩平原南部大气可吸入颗粒物的主要来源是土壤扬尘,此外还有燃煤、垃圾焚烧、汽车尾气、碱尘大气传输、燃油和工业来源。  相似文献   
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