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用于湿地气候效应模拟的三江平原下垫面数据获取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三江平原是我国沼泽湿地的重要分布区。在20世纪的后50 a中,三江平原在经过几次大规模的开荒后,其下垫面发生了明显的阶段性变化,湿地大面积消失,农田面积不断增加。为了认识20世纪下半叶不同时期三江平原湿地的气候效应,拟采用第三代区域气候模式(RegCM3)来开展研究。而目前被广泛用于RegCM3的GL-CC数据,所反映的研究区下垫面几乎不存在沼泽湿地,这与事实严重不符,所以必须获取三江平原有沼泽湿地存在的真实的下垫面数据,才能得到可靠的湿地气候效应的模拟结果。分别选择了4期(1954年、1985年、1996年和2000年)有阶段代表性的航片、TM影像数据为主要数据源,利用ERDAS8.7和Arcview3.2等软件,首先得到4期研究区的土地利用数据,然后通过土地利用数据类型向模式数据类型的转换,从4期研究区土地利用数据中提取出了三江平原下垫面的模式数据。经过误差分析,认为获取的4期三江平原下垫面模式数据准确的反映出研究区几个时期的湿地下垫面实况,可以作为三江平原湿地气候效应模拟的基础数据。  相似文献   
松嫩平原内陆盐碱湿地的类型特征及分布规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
内陆盐碱湿地是湿地的重要组成部分,其类型、特征及分布规律的研究十分薄弱。松嫩平原是世界上内陆盐碱湿地发育的典型地区之一。本文参考国内外湿地分类标准,结合松嫩平原的特点,建立了内陆盐碱湿地的分类体系,将该区的盐碱湿地划分为2个湿地类,6个湿地型,13个湿地亚型,描述了各类型的主要特征,并阐述了松嫩平原内陆盐碱湿地的分布规律。这对我国的湿地分类系统是一个重要的补充,对进一步实施内陆盐碱湿地的保护、恢复和重建,促进松嫩平原社会经济和环境的可持续发展都具有重要意义。  相似文献   
高月  卞建民  张真真 《水文》2014,34(4):50-54
针对松嫩平原东部浅层地下水环境特征及存在的问题,利用该区地下水水质检测数据进行了水化学特征分析,利用1983年、1993年、2003年及2012年四个时段的地下水水质资料进行了对比分析,水质出现了明显的变化,在此基础上采用支持向量机法进行了水质现状评价。结果表明:第四系潜水及承压水中Fe、Mn含量较高,总硬度最大值1321.12mg/L,溶解性总固体最大值2214.45mg/L,水化学类型均为矿化度不大于1.5g/L的HCO3-Ca型水。NO3-、NH4+、Cl-、SO42-的含量呈现逐年增加的趋势,同时也出现了原来没有的酚、Cr6+等有毒物质。潜水Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类水样点占总样本的12.03%,Ⅳ、Ⅴ类水占总样本的87.97%。承压水Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ类水占总样本的10.83%,Ⅳ、Ⅴ类水占总样本的89.17%。该方法评价结果与综合指数法结果一致率达95%,因此,评价结果可为该区水资源管理提供科学指导。  相似文献   
广西新元古代BIF的铁同位素特征及其地质意义   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
通过分析广西三江地区新元古代条带状含铁建造的Fe同位素和主量元素组成,对海水的氧化还原状态提供了制约,为富禄期的地球处于间冰期提供了证据。相对于标准物质IRMM-014,新元古代含铁建造不同条带全岩样品的δ57Fe值变化范围1.60‰~2.20‰,平均值为1.85‰,表明BIF样品富集铁的重同位素。条带状含铁建造主要由Fe2O3和SiO2组成,但却具有较高的Al2O3含量。这表明条带状含铁建造样品不是纯净的化学沉积物,而是具有一定的碎屑物质输入。碎屑输入量的不同引起深色和浅色条带之间铁同位素组成存在着0.4‰的差别。剔除碎屑的影响,新元古代BIF从海水中沉淀的赤铁矿δ57Fe的平均值在2‰左右,略高于太古代条带状铁建造的Fe同位素组成,这表明当时海水的氧逸度可能比太古代还低。这说明在富禄期绝大部分海洋仍旧被冰盖覆盖,只在局部出现融化。因此,富禄期的地球可能出于冰期的相对温暖阶段,而不是间冰期。  相似文献   
Igneous rocks derived from high‐temperature, crystal‐poor magmas of intermediate potassic composition are widespread in the central Lachlan Fold Belt, and have been assigned to the Boggy Plain Supersuite. These rocks range in composition from 45 to 78% SiO2, with a marked paucity of examples in the range 65–70% SiO2, the composition dominant in most other granites of the Lachlan Fold Belt. Evidence is presented from two units of the Boggy Plain Supersuite, the Boggy Plain zoned pluton and the Nallawa complex, to demonstrate that these high‐temperature magmas solidified under a regime of convective fractionation. By this process, a magma body solidified from margin to centre as the zone of solidification moved progressively inwards. High‐temperature near‐liquidus minerals with a certain proportion of trapped interstitial differentiated melt, separated from the buoyant differentiated melt during solidification. In most cases much of this differentiated melt buoyantly rose to the top of the magma chamber to form felsic sheets that overly the solidifying main magma chamber beneath. Some of these felsic tops erupted as volcanic rocks, but they mainly form extensive high‐level intrusive bodies, the largest being the granitic part of the Yeoval complex, with an area of over 200 km2. Back‐mixing of fractionated melt into the main magma chamber progressively changed the composition of the main melt, resulting in highly zoned plutons. In the more felsic part of the Boggy Plain zoned pluton back‐mixing was dominant, if not exclusive, forming an intrusive body cryptically zoned from 63% SiO2 on the margin to 72% SiO2 in the core. It is suggested that tonalitic bodies do not generally crystallise through convective fractionation because the differentiated melt is volumetrically small and totally trapped within the interstitial space: back‐mixing is excluded and homogeneous plutons with essentially the composition of the parental melt are formed.  相似文献   
江汉平原古生界构造结构特征及油气勘探方向   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
江汉平原古生界具有北西—南东向分为三块、北东—南西向分为三带及纵向上多层楼的构造结构特征。三个区块为当阳—京山构造区、荆州—仙桃构造区及鄂城—大冶构造区,每个区块均可划分出三个次级构造带,并在全区形成三个构造变形分带。这三个分带在变形强度、构造样式等方面具有特征性差异:北东侧的构造分带受东秦岭—大别山造山运动产生的挤压应力的直接作用,显示以逆冲推覆结构为主要特征;南西侧的构造分带在三个构造区有差别,在当阳—京山构造区形成斜坡稳定带,在另两个构造区则以推覆叠瓦构造为特征;中部构造分带一般显示前缘断褶或复合叠加构造。当阳—京山构造区东部和鄂城—大冶构造区应以逆冲推覆体为勘探对象;荆州—仙桃构造区的仙桃地区应以上古生界油气藏为勘探目标;当阳—京山构造区西部宜昌稳定带和荆州—仙桃构造区的珂理—簰洲地区则应以下古生界油气藏为勘探目标。  相似文献   
The Jinping terrane is situated in the southern segment of the Ailaoshan ore belt, Sanjiang Tethyan Orogen (SW China). The Paleogene intrusions in Jinping consist of syenite porphyry, fine-grained syenite and biotite granite stocks/dikes, and contain relatively low TiO2 (0.21–0.38 wt%), P2O5 (0.01–0.35 wt%), and high Na2O (2.00–4.62 wt%) and K2O (4.48–7.06 wt%), belonging to high-K alkaline series. Paleogene gold mineralization in Jinping comprises four genetic types, i.e., orogenic, alkali-rich intrusion-related, porphyry and supergene laterite. The NW–NNW-trending faults and their subsidiaries are the major ore-controlling structures. The orogenic Au mineralization, dominated by polymetallic sulfide-quartz veins, occurs in the diorite and minor in Silurian-Devonian sedimentary rocks. It contains a CO2-rich mesothermal fluid system generated from the mixing of mantle-derived fluids with crustal-derived metamorphic fluids, and the ore-forming materials were upper crustal- or orogenic-derived. The alkali-rich intrusion-related Au mineralization is hosted in the Ordovician-Silurian sedimentary rocks and minor in the Paleogene alkaline intrusions, and the Au orebodies occur predominantly in the alteration halos. It contains a CO2-bearing, largely metamorphic-sourced mesothermal fluid system, and the ore-forming materials were derived from the ore-hosting rocks and minor from the alkali-rich intrusions. The porphyry Cu-Mo-Au mineralization occurs in the granite/syenite porphyries and/or along their contact skarn, with the mineralizing fluids being magmatic-hydrothermal in origin. The former two hypogene Au mineralization types in Jinping were mainly formed in the late Eocene (ca. 34–33 Ma) and slightly after the porphyry Cu-Mo-Au mineralization (ca. 35–34 Ma), which is coeval with the regional Himalayan orogenic event. Subsequent weathering produced the laterite Au mineralization above or near the hypogene Au orebodies.  相似文献   
以MAPGIS为工作平台,以地下水类型、盖层岩性、地下水埋深为评价指标,利用国际上广泛应用的GOD模型开展了湖北省钟祥市第四系浅层孔隙水的脆弱性评价.研究结果表明:区内浅层孔隙水的脆弱性评分值在0~0.7间,其中极低脆弱性区(评分值=0~0.1)、低脆弱性区(评分值= 0.1~0.3)、中等脆弱性区(评分值=0.3~0.5)、高脆弱性区(评分值=0.5~0.7)和极高脆弱性区(评分值=0.7~10.0)的面积分别占评价区总面积的0.3 %,0.0 %,64.1 %,35.6 %,0. 0 %.换言之,钟祥市汉江河谷平原区浅层孔隙水总体上具有中等脆弱性和高脆弱性,且脆弱性最高的地段几乎全部分布在汉江沿岸.为解决钟祥市工农业发展带来的高污染风险性与地下水具有较高脆弱性这一对明显的矛盾,应加强汉江河谷平原区的地下水资源的管理工作.  相似文献   
三江盆地七星河区成因地层分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区内存在5种等时性地层界面,据此将含煤岩系划分为6个成因单元,10个亚单元。沉积环境经历了5个演化阶段,其中扇三角洲废弃阶段为最有利的聚煤时期。聚煤的有利部位位于废弃的扇三角洲体之上。  相似文献   
江汉平原沔城M1孔的沉积特征与古环境重建   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对江汉平原沔城M1孔湖泊沉积物进行沉积特征、粒度、14C年代、孢粉分析,重建了晚冰期以来该地区古环境、古气候演化的过程和序列:晚冰期后期有一扩张期,气候温湿并出现湖泊相沉积;晚冰期末期气候温凉偏干、河流环境;全新世初期(10-8.9kaBP),气候转向温湿;全新世大暖期(8.9-3.5kaBP),总体上气候温暖湿润,其中6.8-4.9kaBP是最宜期,4.9-4.8kaBP和4.4-4.2kaBP为两次降温事件,4.8kaBP积水湖盆开始形成,3.9-3.5kaBP为云梦泽鼎盛期;全新世晚期(3.5-1.7kaBP),气温较大暖期有所下降,其中3.5-2.5kaBP温凉偏湿,2.5-1.7kaBP较为温湿,湖泊较为稳定,1.7kaBP开始,云梦泽萎缩,钻孔所在位置出露水面。   相似文献   
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