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Little information is available on denitrification potential of marsh soils in natural saline-alkaline wetlands. The denitrification potentials of an open wetland in the floodplain(Erbaifangzi wetland) and a closed wetland(Fulaowenpao wetland) in backwater areas in Jilin Province of Northeast China were monitored by an anaerobic incubation at 30℃ for 25 days. Our results showed that the relative denitrification index(RDI) increased gradually with incubation time, and showed a rapid increase in the first 5 days of incubation. The RDI values declined quickly from surface soils to subsurface soils and then kept a small change in deeper soils along soil profiles over the incubation time. Denitrification proceeded much faster in the top 20 cm soils of open wetland than in the closed wetland, whereas no significant differences in RDI values were observed in deeper soils between both wetlands. The RDIs were significantly negatively correlated with bulk density and sand content, while a significantly positive correlation with clay content, soil organic matter, total nitrogen and phosphorous. The maximum net NO–3-N loss through denitrification in 1 m depth were higher in the open wetland than the closed wetland with higher soil pH values. Future research should be focused on understanding the influencing mechanisms of soil alkalinity.  相似文献   
In this paper, a coupled model was used to estimate the responses of soil moisture and net primary production of vegetation (NPP) to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration and climate change. The analysis uses three experiments simulated by the second-generation Earth System Model (CanESM2) of the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (CCCma), which are part of the phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5). The authors focus on the magnitude and evolution of responses in soil moisture and NPP using simulations modeled by CanESM, in which the individual effects of increasing CO2 concentration and climate change and their combined effect are separately accounted for. When considering only the single effect of climate change, the soil moisture and NPP have a linear trend of 0.03 kg m^-2 yr^-1 and-0.14 gC m^- 2 yr^-2, respec- tively. However, such a reduction in the global NPP results from the decrease of NPP at lower latitudes and in the Southern Hemisphere, although increased NPP has been shown in high northern latitudes. The largest negative trend is located in the Amazon basin at -1.79 gC m^-2 yr^-2. For the individual effect of increasing CO2 concentration, both soil moisture and NPP show increases, with an elevated linear trend of 0.02 kg m^-2 yr^-1 and 0.84 gC m^-2 yr^-2, respectively. Most regions show an increasing NPP, except Alaska. For the combined effect of increasing atmospheric CO2 and climate change, the increased soil moisture and NPP exhibit a linear trend of 0.04 kg m^2 yr^-1 and 0.83 gC m^2 yr^-2 at a global scale. In the Amazon basin, the higher reduction in soil moisture is illustrated by the model, with a linear trend of-0.39 kg m^-2 yr^-1, for the combined effect. Such a change in soil moisture is caused by a weakened Walker circulation simulated by this coupled model, compared with the single effect of increasing CO2 concentration (experiment M2), and a consequence of the reduction in NPP is also shown in this area, with a linear trend of-  相似文献   
动三轴采集的试验数据点(剪应变与动剪模量和阻尼比之间)具有离散性和有限性,为方便应用需要对数据点进行拟合,但现有经验公式不一定很好吻合试验数据。为得到不同剪应变与对应的动剪模量和阻尼比之间的关系,本文利用最小二乘原理,对渤海某海洋平台地基土进行动三轴试验获得的动剪模量、阻尼比与剪切应变的数据进行了分段多项式的拟合。数据处理过程是先对剪应变值进行了压缩处理,然后再分段低次多项式拟合,得到多项式拟合参数。通过此项改进解决了正规方程解中的病态问题,且拟合效果良好。  相似文献   
江苏平原地区(淮河流域)潜水碘含量控制因素探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陆徐荣  杨磊  陆华  谷小溪 《地球学报》2014,35(2):211-216
本文通过工作区潜水碘含量的分布特点,与所处土壤、水文地质条件、地形地貌等一起进行综合分析,对地下水中碘的控制因素有了一个全新的认识:与前人认为地下水中碘的含量与有机质成正比的观点不同的是,本文认为地下水中碘的含量与有机质含量无固定关系,但有机质有助于促进水溶性碘的增加,相似水文地质条件下成正比;地下水径流条件对潜水碘含量影响重大,径流条件较好的丘陵、岗地往往较低,地势低平、径流条件较差的洼地和泛滥沉积区往往为高碘地区;相同水文地质条件下,地下水中的碘含量与土壤中的含量成正比;碘的另一重要特征是在地下水中的浓度较为稳定,随时间、开采而变化不大。  相似文献   
与碎屑岩地区相比,特殊的岩溶水文地质结构,导致岩溶区存在不同的水土流失过程和特点,尤以峰丛洼地区最具代表性。通过广西平果县果化岩溶峰丛洼地土壤地表侵蚀和地下漏失的调查研究显示:洼地不同地貌部位水土流失差异较大,从山峰、垭口、山坡、山麓到洼地底部,土壤地下漏失模数分别为49.09 t/(km2·a)、212.06 t/(km2·a)、727.71 t/(km2·a)、1104.03 t/(km2·a)、909.11 t/(km2·a),分别占该点年均总土壤侵蚀模数的92.43%、96.24%、78.57%、70.88%和38.68%;不同土地利用方式下的土壤侵蚀存在差异,其土壤侵蚀模数大小依次为坡耕地苦丁茶地苏木林地灌草坡牧草地。通过对该地区水土流失防治及石漠化综合治理,山峰主要涵养水源林、山坡主要发展生态产业防治水土漏失、洼地修建排水系统工程得到良好的效果,治理区土壤侵蚀模数从2003年到2010年下降了65%。  相似文献   
通过工程实例,介绍了一种在深厚杂填土基坑中运用钢管土钉结合压密注浆技术的围护方法,对钢管土钉及压密注浆的设计及施工作了详细说明。监测结果表明,该支护方法可以有效控制基坑变形,确保基坑及地下结构施工期的安全,为类似条件的基坑围护工程提供借鉴。  相似文献   
某金矿区农田土壤重金属元素Pb的累积速率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以某金矿区农田土壤重金属Pb为研究对象,分别以2004和2012年采集样品的测试结果作为计算农田土壤重金属Pb累积速率的依据,以2004—2012年作为计算时间区间,以农田土壤重金属Pb的累积速率为研究内容,采用对比分析方法,分析区域Pb的累积速率特征,阐明人类工程活动极大地影响着农田土壤重金属Pb的累积过程。研究结果表明,全区农田土壤Pb平均累积速率为31.8mg/kg·a-1。选取选矿厂、冶炼厂、尾矿库、污水灌溉区、车载尾矿弃渣等典型污染源,对周边农田土壤Pb累积的时空变化特征进行分析。结果显示,选矿厂对农田土壤Pb累积的影响最大,其周边农田土壤Pb累积速率相当于全区Pb累积速率的4倍,该结论对防治重金属污染及保障人体健康具有实际指导意义。  相似文献   
河南刘河煤矿矿二1煤层上为厚度20~40m的第四系覆盖层,其中黏土层平均厚度为6.6m。由于第四系孔隙水含水组的四个含水段均为富水性中等及以上含水层,所以该层黏性土在受到上覆高压影响后能否控制顶板突水显得尤为关键,是解决新生界含水层下的安全开采的关键问题。通过室内实验测得该矿深度约在150m的4个钻孔土样的物理参数和土颗粒级配分析,按实验结果模拟深层黏性土,考虑受力面积、含水率和厚度3个影响黏性土破坏的主要因素,利用正交实验原理安排实验。结果表明,受力面积和含水率越大,黏性土的破坏程度增大;黏性土的厚度越大,破坏程度相应减小;3个因素中,受力面积的影响最大;当黏性土含水率在10%~25%,受力面积越小,厚度越大,黏性土不易发生破坏。该研究对预防和保证矿山安全生产具有重要意义。  相似文献   
针对在地下水资源评价中入渗补给量采用经验估算存在较大误差的问题,以神东矿区为例,在广泛调查矿区包气带岩性结构并结合野外取样、室内参数测定的基础上,采用数值模拟的方法建立包气带水分运移数值模拟模型,定量模拟矿区内不同地段降雨入渗强度,探讨影响降雨入渗强度的主要因素,计算得出研究区降雨入渗系数大致在0.18~0.27,分析认为影响降雨入渗强度的因素有降雨量、潜水埋深、包气带岩性等。其中在研究区广泛分布的风积沙对地下水资源起到了一定的保护作用。  相似文献   
膨胀土地区的基坑支护一般采用土钉墙型式,但出现了较多的垮塌事故。详细介绍了邯郸市某小区综合楼的膨胀土基坑喷锚支护工程的设计与施工方法。考虑膨胀土吸水膨胀失水收缩对边坡稳定性的影响,针对基坑支护结构验算的相关参数,依据膨胀土地区情况给予了相应的调整。基坑分层开挖进行喷锚支护后整体稳定性较好,达到了预期目的。本实例旨在为膨胀土地区基坑支护设计与施工提供一个借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
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