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白石沟井田是近年来探明的大巾型井田,位于五指岭-白寨背斜东端之南翼,新密-新郑复向斜之北翼.岗亚腰断层和梁山断层之间的地垒构造上,其基本构造形态为-向东倾伏的宽缓背斜。二叠系下统山西组二1煤为主要开采煤层,探明二1煤资源量7206×10^7t。分析了井田含水岩组及其富水性,对断层带及其富水特征进行了研究,从矿床(二1煤层)充水的水源、通道、机理三个方面分析了矿床充水因素,指出二1煤层的主要充水水源为该煤层底板的石炭系岩溶裂隙-承压水,充水通道为断层带和灰岩的岩溶裂隙发育带,充水机理为矿压及高水头压力冲破煤层底板阻水层阻力,形成底鼓,迅速突水。认为该井田水文地质勘查类型为三类二型,提出了排除与隔离地表水体,预留防水安全煤柱,灌浆辅助采掘的井田突水防范措施。  相似文献   
波斯湾盆地、东委内瑞拉盆地和西加盆地是全球油气最富集的前陆盆地。根据最新油气地质资料分析,它们的油气分布特征及资源结构存在明显差异。区域上,3个前陆盆地的逆冲褶皱带和前渊一斜坡带均有油气分布,但油气主要分布于前渊一斜坡带。层系上,波斯湾盆地91.0%以上的油气储量分布于被动陆缘层系,而东委内瑞拉盆地和西加盆地的油气则主要富集于前陆盆地层系。波斯湾盆地的油气资源以常规油气为主,而东委内瑞拉盆地和西加盆地则以非常规重油和天然沥青最为富集。区域性盖层与输导体系的配置关系是控制前陆盆地油气资源结构的主要因素。  相似文献   
卧龙湖煤矿岩浆侵入特征及控制因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岩浆侵入对煤矿生产影响极大,淮北煤田卧龙湖煤矿是受岩浆侵入较严重的矿井之一,其地质构造是控制岩浆侵入和岩浆岩展布的重要因素。卧龙湖煤矿自侏罗纪以来岩浆活动剧烈,发生了中性岩浆的侵入,多以岩床形式顺层侵入煤层顶底板及煤层中间。本文基于矿区钻孔数据揭露的岩浆岩分布情况,分析了结果表明卧龙湖矿区岩浆侵入规律,受煤层的形态、结构、理化性质以及产状的控制。  相似文献   
中国作物物候对气候变化的响应与适应研究进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
以气候变暖为主要特征的气候变化对作物物候产生了重要的影响,通常气温升高会导致作物生长速度加快,生育期缩短,从而造成作物产量下降,不利于农业发展。同时,作物物候变化可以直接或间接反映气候变化情况,对于气候变化具有重要的指示意义。作物物候的研究对于农业气象灾害的预防、农业生产管理水平的进步以及农业产量提高都极为关键。随着全球地表气温的持续升高,作物物候相关研究也越来越引起科学家的关注。论文结合作物物候的主要研究方法,综述了中国近几十年来小麦、玉米、水稻以及棉花、大豆等主要农作物的生育期变化特征以及主要的驱动因子,得到以下主要结论:①在研究方法上,统计分析方法应用最为普遍,其他几种方法都需要与统计分析方法相结合使用。另外,作物机理模型模拟方法易于操作、可行性强,在物候研究中应用也比较多。遥感反演方法对作物生育期的特征规律要求较高,一般主要关注作物返青期。②整体上,小麦全生育期主要呈缩短趋势,而玉米和水稻全生育期以延长趋势为主。③作物物候变化的驱动因子主要是气候变化和农业管理措施改变,其中,气候变化是主导驱动因子,对作物物候变化起决定作用,而调整农业管理措施,在一定程度上抵消气候变化对作物生育期的不利影响。作物物候对气候变化的响应和适应研究可以为农业生产适应气候变化提供重要的理论依据和对策。  相似文献   
中国南方中及晚奥陶世岩相古地理   总被引:6,自引:13,他引:6  
中国南方是指西至金沙江一元江断裂、西北至龙门山断裂、北至城口-房县-襄樊-广济断裂、东北至郯城-庐江断裂、东至黄海和东海、南至南海的中国南方的广大地区,面积约200万km^2。在露头剖面和钻井剖面的地层学和岩石学研究所取得的各种定量及定性资料的基础上,采用单因素分析综合作图法,编制出了中国南方中奥陶统胡乐阶(庙坡阶)和}韩江阶(宝塔阶)以及上奥陶统石口阶(临湘阶)和五峰阶的各种单因素图以及相应的各世的岩相古地理图。在这些古地理图中,有7个主要的古地理单元,即滇西台地、康滇陆、扬子台地、斜坡、江南盆地、东南台地和华夏陆。前5个古地理单元属康滇古地理体系,后两个古地理单元属华夏古地理体系。这些古地理图的最大特征是定量,即每个古地理单元的划分和确定都有确切的定量的单因素图和数据为依据。这种定量的岩相古地理图在我国南方中及晚奥陶世还是首次出现。这种定量岩相古地理图在古地理学中是个重大的进展,对石油、天然气以及其他沉积矿产的预测和勘探有重要的指导作用。最后,对两个古地理体系和7个主要古地理单元在整个寒武纪和奥陶纪各期或世的历史演化进行了较详细的探讨。  相似文献   
本文总结了近三十年来所取得的各类铀矿床的水文地质勘探资料和部分矿床开采验证的结果。根据铀矿床围岩特征和含水条件,归纳出坚硬裂隙岩层、半坚硬孔隙岩层、岩溶和赋存温热水岩层四种含水特点。总结出了引起矿床充水的三个主要因素,即矿体与当地侵蚀基准面的相对位置、地表水体(主要是河流)的影响程度和地质构造发育程度及形态特征。在此基础上,将矿床水文地员条件共分为十六种不同情况,得出一个比较简单、直观的分类表,进一步划分出水文地质条件简单、中等、复杂和极复杂四种类型,并作了简要阐述,列举了典型矿床实例。最后得出铀矿床水文地质条件多数不复杂,而复杂和极复杂类型仅占矿床总数的20%,河水、岩溶和温热水是造成矿床水文地质条件复杂的三个主要因素等结论。  相似文献   
大孔隙与大孔隙率矿石的石蜡法体重测定中的修正问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以伽玛测井解释含量确定铀矿储量时,矿石体重应该是天然状态下的体重,当矿心孔隙度较大而有部分失水,并存在表面大孔隙时,封蜡法所测得的体重系统偏小。对此,本文改进了测定方法,提出了修正方案,并以某矿床为例分析了产生表面孔隙的原因及修正后的具体结果。  相似文献   
The Main Hill Arkasani Granophyre Pluton (MAG), a product of Proterozoic intraplate acid magmatic activity, represents an anatectic melt of the enveloping rocks of dominantly pelitic composition with subordinate trondhjemitic gneiss and basic rocks. Petrography, chemistry, correlation between compositional attributes, areal variation of volume percent granophyric intergrowth, and varimax rotated factor analysis of compositional attributes of these rocks suggest that in the MAG pluton, plagioclase phenocrysts and biotite crystallized first, followed by change of level of emplacement of the magma when the groundmass started crystallizing at a rapid rate. The rapid growth of quartz and alkali feldspar crystallizing from the residual melt gave rise to the ubiquitous granophyric intergrowth in the late stage of crystallization. The alkali-rich residual liquid tended to concentrate toward the margin of the pluton where there is a profusion of granophyric intergrowths.  相似文献   
Different models were developed for evaluating the probabilistic three-dimensional (3-D) stability analysis of earth slopes and embankments under earthquake loading using both the safety factor and the displacement criteria of slope failure.The probabilistic models evaluate the probability of failure under seismic loading considering the different sources of uncertainties involved in the problem. The models also take into consideration the spatial variabilities and correlations of soil properties. The developed models are incorporated in a computer program PTDDSSA.These analysis/design procedures are incorporated within a code named SARETL developed in this study for stability analysis and remediation of earthquake triggered landslides. In addition to the dynamic inertia forces, the system takes into consideration local site effects.The code is capable of assessing the landslide hazard affecting major transportation routes in the event of earthquakes and preparing earthquake induced landslide hazard maps (i.e., maps showing expected displacements and probability of slope/embankments failure) for different earthquake magnitudes and environmental conditions. It can also beused for proposing a mitigation strategy against landslides.  相似文献   
Characterization of Geochemical Distributions Using Multifractal Models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The use of multifractals in the applied sciences has proven useful in the characterization and modeling of complex phenomena. Multifractal theory has also been recently applied to the study and characterization of geochemical distributions, and its relation to spatial statistics clearly stated. The present paper proposes a two-dimensional multifractal model based on a trinomial multiplicative cascade as a proxy to some geochemical distribution. The equations for the generalized dimensions, mass exponent, coarse Lipschitz–Hölder exponent, and multifractal spectrum are derived. This model was tested with an example data set used for geochemical exploration of gold deposits in Northwest Portugal. The element used was arsenic because a large number of sample assays were below detection limit for gold. Arsenic, however, has a positive correlation with gold, and the two generations of arsenopyrite identified in the gold quartz veins are consistent with different mineralizing events, which gave rise to different gold grades. Performing the multifractal analysis has shown problems arising in the subdivision of the area with boxes of constant side length and in the uncertainty the edge effects produce in the experimental estimation of the mass exponent. However, it was possible to closely fit a multifractal spectrum to the data with enrichment factors in the range 2.4–2.6 and constant K1 = 1.3. Such parameters may give some information on the magnitude of the concentration efficiency and heterogeneity of the distribution of arsenic in the mineralized structures. In a simple test with estimated points using ordinary lognormal kriging, the fitted multifractal model showed the magnitude of smoothing in estimated data. Therefore, it is concluded that multifractal models may be useful in the stochastic simulation of geochemical distributions.  相似文献   
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