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The SW Baltic Sea occupies an area where crustal-scale regional tectonic zones of different age merge and overlap, creating a complex tectonic pattern. This pattern influenced the evolution of the Mesozoic sedimentary basin in this area. We present an interpretation of new high-resolution seismic data from the SW Baltic Sea which provided new information both on modes of the Late Cretaceous inversion of this part of the Danish–Polish Mesozoic basin system as well as on relationship between tectonic processes and syn-tectonic depositional systems. Within the Bornholm–Dar owo Fault Zone, located between the Koszalin Fault and Christiansø Block, both strike-slip and reverse faulting took place during the inversion-related activity. The faulting was related to reactivation of extensional pre-Permian fault system. Syn-tectonic sedimentary features include a prominent, generally S- and SE-directed, progradational depositional system with the major source area provided by uplifted basement blocks, in particular by the Bornholm Block. Sediment progradation was enhanced by downfaulting along a strike-slip fault zone and related expansion of accommodation space. Closer to the Christiansø Block, some syn-tectonic deposition also took place and resulted in subtle thickness changes within the hinge zones of inversion-related growth folds. Lack of significant sediment supply from the inverted and uplifted offshore part of the Mid-Polish Trough suggests that in this area NW–SE-located marginal trough parallel to the inversion axis of the Mid-Polish Trough did not form, and that uplifted Bornholm Block played by far more prominent role for development of syn-inversion depositional successions.  相似文献   
The Ni–Cu–PGE sulfide deposits in the Yangliuping area, SW China, are hosted in mafic–ultramafic sills. The four mineralized sills are located in the Yangliuping tectonic dome and intrude Devonian carbonaceous marble, graphitic schist. The sills are 200–300 m thick and 1,000–2,000 m in strike length and now consist chiefly of serpentinite, talc schist, tremolite schist, and meta-gabbro. Disseminated Ni–Cu sulfide mineralisation occurs in the serpentinite in the lower parts of the sills. Massive sulfide mineralisation is located in the base of the sills and in the footwall along fractures beneath the mineralized serpentinite. Although the sulfide ores have been modified by hydrothermal activity, there are relict cumulate textures in the disseminated sulfides indicating a magmatic origin for the ores. The Yangliuping Intrusions and the Dashibao Formation have similar primitive-mantle normalized trace element and platinum group element (PGE) patterns, indicating that they are derived from a common parental magma type. The positive correlation between Cu concentrations and Cu/Zr ratios of the Dashibao Formation basalts indicates that the chalcophile elements were removed before eruption. We propose that fractional crystallization of the Yangliuping magma accompanied by the introduction of S and CO2 from the wall rocks caused the magma to become S-saturated leading to the segregation of magmatic sulfides that became enriched in Ni–Cu–(PGE). The sills acted as conduits for the overlying Dashibao Formation basalts with the sulfide liquid, along with early crystallizing olivine and pyroxene, segregating from the magma as it passed through the conduits prior to eruption.Editorial handling: H.E. Frimmel  相似文献   
《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3):145-167
Folds constitute a significant part within the dominantly extension-related deformation pattern of the Gediz Graben and their origin either extensional or contractional has been the subject of debate. Field and subsurface data presented in this paper suggest that folds of contractional and extensional origin coexist in the graben-fill sediments. Contractional folds are predominantly observed within the Alasehir formation. A north vergent, plunging, asymmetrical to overturned geometry characterizes these folds and they are commonly observed in association with south dipping both thrust and reverse faults; the presence of thrust/reverse faults in the Gediz Graben is documented for the first time here. Fault data suggest an approximately N–S direction of compression that has governed the contractional deformation. Yet the limited distribution of these structures prevents to relate them with confidence to a regional deformation phase.

Extensional folds occur in association with normal faults either as structures longitudinal or transverse with respect to the general graben trend. Transverse folds are a very common within the buried graben block, owing to the lateral displacement gradients (lateral difference in offset) on the individual fault segments along the southern margin of the graben. Synclines and anticlines have formed at displacement maxima and minima, respectively. Thickness of strata increases at synclines and decreases at anticlines, thus indicating the syn-depositional origin of the folding.  相似文献   
SHRIMP U-Pb zircon age, geochemical and Nd isotopic data are reported for the Neoproterozoic Guandaoshan pluton in the Yanbian region, SW Sichuan. This pluton is of typical I-type granite and emplaced at (857±13) Ma. Geochemical and Nd isotopic characters suggest that the pluton was generated by partial melting of pre-existing, young (late Mesoproterozoic to early Neoproterozoic) low-K tholeiitic protolith within an intraplate anorogenic setting. The Guandaoshan pluton probably records the earliest magmatism induced by the proposed ca. 860-750 Ma mantle superplume beneath the supercontinent Rodinia.  相似文献   
The Younger Dryas (YD) maximum highstand shoreline in SW Norway has traditionally been considered as being slightly concave, gradually steepening in the direction of uplift. This phenomenon is attributed to geoidal and isostatic effects near the former ice-sheet margin. On the basis of isolation basin data from the region, we have reconstructed this shoreline, and a Bølling-Allerød (B-A) lowstand shoreline, along three profiles in SW Norway. Along all profiles there are shore levels which, within the error limits estimated, cannot be captured by a single straight (or curved) shoreline. The anomalous shore levels occur near major fault zones and are interpreted to reflect differential uplift rates on opposite sides of faults, superimposed on the general glacio-isostatic tilting of the region. The inferred faulting is consistent with observations previously reported as neotectonic ‘claims’ in the region and shed new light on the deformational structures observed in seismic profiles of the fjord sediments. Excluding the anomalous shore levels, a straight shoreline with gradient ca. 1.1 m/km provides the best and most consistent representation of the YD shore levels along the three profiles. The B-A lowstand shoreline is constrained by fewer data points, but is approximately parallel-dipping the highstand shoreline. Our reconstructions imply a less steep YD maximum highstand shoreline compared to previous reconstructions, where gradients up to 1.4 m/km have been inferred. This may imply that the ice load effect on the lithosphere in SW Norway during the YD is less than previously assumed.  相似文献   
At Wadi Sabra (SW Jordan) human occupation dates back to the Palaeolithic and Epipalaeolithic. Although there is stratigraphic correlation based on archaeological finds of Ahmarian origin, numerical age estimates are lacking. We applied single-aliquot optical dating of coarse grained quartz of wadi deposits and investigated the luminescence properties in detail to achieve more accurate age information about the time of human occupation. Weak luminescence signals and scattered dose distributions characterise the multi-grain aliquots. The residual doses of the investigated modern wadi sediment are between 0 and 7 Gy. Moreover, comparison of equivalent dose (De) values of 1 mm and 8 mm aliquots shows higher equivalent doses for the large aliquots. Both experiments indicate that the luminescence signal is partially bleached prior to deposition. The dose distributions of all samples are broadly scattered and have overdispersion values between 25 and 43%, some samples are significantly skewed. The shape of the dose distributions points to other sources of scatter, in addition to partial bleaching. Comparison of 1 mm multi-grain and single-grain data demonstrates that the luminescence signal of one multi-grain aliquot most likely is from a single grain. For this reason, variation in the number of photon counts due to the weak luminescence intensity and variations in beta microdosimetry have a bigger impact on the spread of dose distributions. However, we cannot quantify the particular impact of partial bleaching, weak luminescence intensity and beta microdosimetry. To account for the spread of the dose distribution, we use the central age model to calculate equivalent doses. Age calculations yield results in the range of 30–48 ka.  相似文献   
乍得Bongor盆地是受中非剪切带影响发育起来的中、新生代陆内强反转裂谷盆地,反转和走滑构造是盆地最显著的构造特征。所发现的原油主要为中质油(重度为20°~34°API),其次为重质油(重度小于20°API),普遍高含沥青质、高含蜡、高酸值、低含硫。为了探讨高酸值原油的成因,作者选择了该盆地15个不同酸值的原油样品,尝试应用高分辨率质谱分析原油有机酸的组成。分析结果表明,高酸值原油的有机酸主要由环烷酸组成;环烷酸碳原子数分布范围较宽,且以一环、二环、三环环烷酸为主。生物降解作用是形成高酸值原油的主要原因,而构造反转造成盆地抬升,则加速了生物降解作用的发生。  相似文献   

Le Lac Tchad est modélisé par un bilan de volume donnant ses niveaux et superficies de plans d'eau en fonction d'apports et pertes: débit des tributaires; pluie; évaporation; infiltration. Il est représenté par trois réservoirs (cuvette nord et archipel connectés à la cuvette sud) dont les niveaux de plan d'eau, distincts en période d'apports déficitaires (situation actuelle), sont confondus en période excédentaire (situation avant 1973). Suite aux observations de terrain, la cuvette nord est représentée avec un “réservoir sol” devant être rempli pour que l'eau puisse apparaître en surface. Le modèle utilise sept paramètres optimisés: intensité d'infiltration; profondeur du “réservoir sol”; quatre paramètres d’échange entre réservoirs; niveau de fond de l'archipel. Grâce aux données mesurées au sol ou par satellite (débits, précipitations, évaporation, niveaux et superficie de plans d'eau) il est calé sur la période 1970–1996 et validé sur la période 1956–2008.

Citation Bader, J.-C., Lemoalle, J. & Leblanc, M. (2011) Modèle hydrologique du Lac Tchad. Hydrol. Sci. J. 56(3), 411–425.  相似文献   
Major rivers have traditionally been linked with important human settlements throughout history. The growth of cities over recent river deposits makes necessary the use of multidisciplinary approaches to characterize the evolution of drainage networks in urbanized areas. Since under‐consolidated fluvial sediments are especially sensitive to compaction, their spatial distribution, thickness, and mechanical behavior must be studied. Here, we report on subsidence in the city of Seville (Southern Spain) between 2003 and 2010, through the analysis of the results obtained with the Multi‐Temporal InSAR (MT‐InSAR) technique. In addition, the temporal evolution of the subsidence is correlated with the rainfall, the river water column and the piezometric level. Finally, we characterize the geotechnical parameters of the fluvial sediments and calculate the theoretical settlement in the most representative sectors. Deformation maps clearly indicate that the spatial extent of subsidence is controlled by the distribution of under‐consolidated fine‐grained fluvial sediments at heights comprised in the range of river level variation. This is clearly evident at the western margin of the river and the surroundings of its tributaries, and differs from rainfall results as consequence of the anthropic regulation of the river. On the other hand, this influence is not detected at the eastern margin due to the shallow presence of coarse‐grain consolidated sediments of different terrace levels. The derived results prove valuable for implementing urban planning strategies, and the InSAR technique can therefore be considered as a complementary tool to help unravel the subsidence tendency of cities located over under‐consolidated fluvial deposits. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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