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Developing ecotourism in First World, resource-dependent areas   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deborah Che 《Geoforum》2006,37(2):212-226
Ecotourism, an economic diversification tool most commonly applied in the Third World as a means to protect ecosystems, preserve local cultures, and spur economic development, has recently been applied in First World resource-dependent areas. While ecotourism has traditionally focused on Third World ‘undisturbed’ protected lands, it has also been developed in their First World equivalents (i.e., old-growth forests) as well as in First World sites of past resource extraction and in places where current agricultural practices maintain cherished cultural landscapes. Forest County, Pennsylvania, a timber-dependent area, sought to diversify its economy by developing ecotourism based on its unique Allegheny hardwood forests, which are produced by timber harvesting. This ecotourism would encourage amenity-based, locally-driven economic development and maintain timber harvesting. While government and foundation supported ecotourism development efforts in areas dependent on resource extraction have incorporated some of ecotourism’s ideals, these operations have had mixed success. Such isolated areas, which have traditionally drawn visitors independently engaging in traditional outdoor recreation activities, have not been able to draw enough customers willing to pay for natural and cultural history tours. If ecotourism is to be successful, such areas may need further government support and destination branding to increase name recognition in order to counter the global orientation of the nature tour industry. For true community development, local collaborative efforts including resource and environmental interests are also required in which primary production is connected to processing and consumers through value-added and service sector activities such as tourism.  相似文献   
村庄是最能直接体现乡村经济社会活动规律的单元,落实到村级层面的功能类型划分是分类推进乡村振兴的关键。以行政村为基本单元,采用熵权法、泰尔指数及优势功能模型,构建适用于村庄发展功能识别与类型划分的研究思路,并以西北干旱绿洲农业区临泽县为例进行实证研究。结果表明:干旱绿洲农业区总体形成以农产品生产和生态保育为主的国土空间格局,村庄形成农业种植、畜牧养殖、工业加工、商贸旅游、劳务输出、生活保障等多功能地域综合体,其中农产品生产和生活保障功能总体空间差异较小,而非农生产功能空间差异较大。村庄因资源禀赋、规划引导、政策驱动和社会需求差异形成不同的优势功能类型,空间上呈现“外围生态、沿河种植、中部农牧、临城劳务,文旅、商旅、生活保障以政府驻地及附近村庄为主”的分布规律,并形成非农生产功能镶嵌于农业生产功能之中、生产生活功能被生态保育功能包围的分布格局。通过自上而下主体功能统筹与自下而上经济社会需求相结合的方法进行村庄发展功能识别和类型划分具有较强的适用性和实践指导价值,在巩固国家主体功能定位、保障国家粮食和生态安全的同时,可以调整优化县域资源要素配置,实现村庄发展功能互补与功能协调。  相似文献   
The proliferation of soybean monoculture and its expansion into previously marginal territories in Argentina have resulted in land conflicts and attacks on peasant communities that possess land without having secured tenure. However, the rapid and intensive modernisation and industrialisation of agriculture production has had differentiated effect on different territories in Argentina. This article posit that understanding these differences requires an extended temporal analysis. While social research tends to focus on the present or recent past, this paper joins calls for greater attention to historical context and processes when examining current social dynamics and geographies. Focusing on the province of Santiago del Estero in Northwest Argentina, this paper provides a particular temporal-thematic approach for conducting such a historical path analysis, which here focuses on the province’s changing agrarian structures and political shifts that resulted in a complex, irregular and subsequently unstable land tenure system.  相似文献   
近30年来耕地养老保障功能的时空演变及政策启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
厘清耕地养老保障功能的时空演变,为新时代农村土地保障功能提供科学判断。把拥有承包权的耕地看作农户的一项资产,利用1986—2015年农村固定观察点中近61万份农户资料,分别从全国和省级尺度揭示耕地养老保障功能的演变规律,为完善农村养老保障体系提供参考。结果显示:按1986年不变价,全国层面上,人均耕地养老保障价值从550元/年降至150元/年,研究期内降幅达到72%。20世纪80年代,农民依靠承包耕地能够满足家庭老年居民的养老支出;1994年其价值已无法支撑老年居民消费,此后养老需求的缺口不断扩大。省际层面上,研究期内各省份耕地的养老保障价值均呈现下降趋势,且省际间存在明显差异;养老需求的缺口不断扩大,其中东南沿海、长江沿线地区尤为突出。耕地养老假说已失去其基本论据,依靠耕地无法满足农村老年居民的养老支出。农村养老保障必须建立在公共社会保障体系的基础上,而不能再指望农户家庭拥有的少量耕地,政府应加强农村养老服务的建设。  相似文献   
Liu  Yansui  Zang  Yuzhu  Yang  Yuanyuan 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(12):1923-1942
Journal of Geographical Sciences - The urban-rural transformation from dichotomy to integration is a gradual process. Like rural areas in many countries, Chinese rural society is experiencing a...  相似文献   
黄淮海地区乡村人—地—业协调发展格局与机制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
程明洋  刘彦随  蒋宁 《地理学报》2019,74(8):1576-1589
乡村在社会中占有重要地位,但乡村衰败目前已成为世界性问题,因此,乡村振兴需破解乡村病问题。现有乡村研究主要关注乡村单一系统、乡村转型或乡村特定问题的研究,对乡村系统自身、乡村各子系统之间关系及其驱动乡村发展逻辑的研究则显匮乏。基于黄淮海地区县域数据,选取乡村人—地—业3个子系统,利用耦合协调度模型刻画了乡村内部系统耦合协调度的空间格局,并对人—地—业驱动乡村发展的内在逻辑进行了探讨。结果发现:① 黄淮海地区大部分县域乡村人—地—业发展处于高水平耦合阶段,在空间格局上形成了4条明显的高值轴带,且乡村系统发展水平呈逐年上升趋势。② 黄淮海地区乡村耦合协调水平整体较高,但大部分处于勉强协调或初级协调阶段,耦合协调水平较高的县域主要集中在经济较发达地区。③ 黄淮海地区乡村耦合协同关系可分为低协调水平—土地发展领先型、中协调水平—人口发展领先型和高协调水平—人业发展引领型3种类型,其中产业在黄淮海地区乡村协调发展中至关重要。④ 乡村人—地—业的协调发展可有效激活“四力”,为乡村可持续发展奠定了基础。本研究为理解乡村系统自身、破解乡村问题及实现乡村可持续发展提供了参考。  相似文献   
In most fisheries catch per unit effort shows significant seasonal and spatial variation. Traditionally, i.e. when vessels are free to choose their harvesting strategy, 80% of the Norwegian cod is landed during the winter in a limited geographical area. To alter the seasonal and spatial supply of cod to the fish processing industry, rural community quotas were introduced. In this paper, we develop a model to predict how different vessels will adapt to the quotas introduced. The hypotheses developed are mostly confirmed in an empirical study. Theoretical, methodological, and managerial implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   
丁华  丁辉  张悦  廖文强  陈鑫源 《地质论评》2021,67(2):467-474
区域综合地质调查是助力乡村振兴的基础性工作和重要技术支撑。本研究基于地质视角解读乡村振兴,围绕乡村人地安全、产业发展、地质文化、环境保护等方面进行剖析,提出地质灾害调查、工程地质评价、水文地质调查、农业地质调查、旅游地质遗迹调查等区域综合地质调查助力乡村振兴的关键内容;为提高助力效率效果,需做好项目顶层设计、制定乡村地区区域地质调查技术要求等标准、构建服务地方工作机制、开展系统人才培训培养等战略路径。未来乡村发展中,应进一步解决区域统筹部署与重点发展村镇选择、综合地质调查与乡村规划建设空间尺度匹配、综合地质调查和纵向专业性调查配合使用、工程地质评价与乡村地下空间集约利用、地质文化村建设与乡村规划建设衔接等问题,不断提高区域综合地质调查技术方法的服务能力,为乡村可持续振兴提供解决思路和方案。  相似文献   
巴伦西亚水法庭是欧洲最古老的机构之一,其形式和内容一直延续至今,并对国际水法产生重要影响。针对我国越来越多的农村水事矛盾、水事纠纷事件,巴伦西亚水法庭处理水事纠纷的特点具有重要借鉴价值。研究表明:可以通过借鉴巴伦西亚水法庭重视农村水事纠纷特点的基础上处理好相邻关系;充分发挥民间调解在水事纠纷调处机制中的重要作用;增强用水自律意识;及时解决农村水事纠纷等措施,为充分发挥我国民间社团组织在处理农村水事纠纷的积极作用提供有益参考。  相似文献   
随着农业和农村经济的发展,特别是农业产业化经营的兴起和农村劳动力转移的推进,农村土地承包经营权流转速度明显加快,规模不断扩大。该文论述了我国农村土地承包经营权流转的现状,针对目前农村土地承包经营权流转过程中出现的问题,从现行的法律体系中寻找解决思路,并对现行法律中的不足之处,提出了改良建议。  相似文献   
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