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罗灼礼  王伟君 《地震》2012,32(3):1-14
地震事件一般具有离散性, 即它们的发生和转移具有一定的时间和空间间隔。 当孕震系统处于平衡(或正常)状态时, 系统状态变量X(这里以地震活动性为例)的时间序列概率分布表现为单峰型(如泊松分布); 其时间间隔(或等候时间)Δt分布可用负指数分布来描述。 当系统处于非平衡(或异常)状态时, X的概率分布表现为双峰型或多峰型, 其时间间隔Δt(或空间间隔ΔS)可采用幂函数关系来描述。 可以计算X的1~4阶矩统计参数识别X的概率分布性质, 进一步判断系统所处的状态。 根据这个思路, 本文尝试针对地震活动性的群体概率特征, 探索研究地震活动系统时间和空间结构的演变以及正常和异常状态的辨别, 并将这些方法应用于2008年汶川8.0级地震及其余震趋势和强余震预测实践。  相似文献   
温泉沟群出露在西昆仑麻扎-康西瓦构造接合带的南侧,岩性主要为浅变质的碎屑岩,对这套碎屑岩的形成时代和产出构造背景目前还存在着争议。采于这套地层中的大量微体古生物化石表明,其形成时代为早志留世。物质组成、岩石碎屑特征、岩石地球化学特征等的分析结果显示,其物源区主要为活动大陆边缘、过渡陆壳和造山再旋回物源区,形成时的构造环境为深海相残留洋盆。这些分析结果为康西瓦结合带的研究提供了地层学方面的依据。  相似文献   
Deweras群位于太古界津巴布韦克拉通的西北边缘Magondi沉积变质带内,岩性主要为变质陆相沉积岩和玄武岩,是古元古界地壳运动形成大陆边缘裂谷盆地相.出露在南部的Deweras群沉积岩和基性火山岩与北中部能进行较好的对比.通过分析Deweras群变质玄武岩的地球化学元素含量,分别使用不活泼痕量元素比值Zr/TiO2与SiO2、Nb/Y与SiO2两对参数统计,认为Silverside地区的变质玄武岩属于亚碱性玄武岩.各种微量元素分布模式和比值参数相图分析也表明:位于变质带南部即Munyati,Mupfure和Alaska地区的基性熔岩与变质带北中部Doma西部地区角闪岩岩席特征一致,此处变质玄武岩均是幔源型原始岩浆演化成因.  相似文献   
New data on Sr-and C-isotopic systematics of carbonate rocks from the Upper Riphean stratotype (Karatau Group of the southern Urals) are obtained for several southwestern sections of the Bashkirian meganticlinorium, which have not been studied before. The results obtained supplement the Sr-and C-isotopic information for the group upper horizons thus detailing chemostratigraphic characterization of the entire succession. Limestone and dolostone samples used to analyze the Sr isotope composition satisfy strict geochemical criteria of the isotopic system retentivity and have been subjected to preliminary treatment in ammonium acetate to remove secondary carbonate phases. Data on 255 samples of carbonate rocks (171 studied for the first time) show that δ13C value varies in the Karatau Group succession from ?2.8 to +5.9 ‰ V-PDB with several in-phase excursions from the general trend in all the sections studied in the area 90 × 130 km. The δ13C variation trend demarcates several levels in the carbonate succession of the Karatau Group suitable for objectives of regional stratigraphy and for C-isotope chemostratigraphic subdivision of the Upper Riphean. The results of Sr isotopic analysis of 121 samples (51 unstudied before) from the Karatau Group imply that rocks in its lower part (the Katav Formation and basal horizon of the Inzer Formation) experienced considerable secondary alterations, while limestones and dolostones of the overlying interval of the group are frequently unaltered. In the “best” samples satisfying geochemical criteria of the isotopic system retentivity, the 87Sr/86Sr initial ratio increases from 0.70521–0.70532 in the lower Inzer deposits to 0.70611 in the upper Min’yar carbonates, decreasing to <0.70600 near the top of the latter. Above the regional hiatus separating the Min’yar and Uk formation, this ratio grows from 0.70533 to 0.70605–0.70609 in the limestone succession of the last formation.  相似文献   
在萨尔托海高铝型铬铁矿中发现20余种矿物,包括金刚石、单质铬、自然铁和单质硅等自然元素类;碳化物碳硅石;铁镍、铁镍铬合金等金属合金;方铁矿、金红石、赤铁矿、磁铁矿、钛铁矿、石英和铬尖晶石等氧化物类;方铅矿、闪锌矿、针镍矿、赫硫镍矿和毒砂等硫化物类;镁橄榄石、顽火辉石、透辉石、蛇纹石、锆石和长石等硅酸岩类。这些超高压、强还原性和壳源矿物与俄罗斯极地乌拉尔以及西藏罗布莎铬铁矿可以对比,暗示萨尔托海高铝铬铁矿和高铬铬铁矿一样,可能存在深部地幔成矿阶段。深部地幔矿物以及浅部壳源矿物的发现,暗示萨尔托海铬铁矿的形成可能经历了深部地幔预富集和浅部再造富集成矿两个阶段。  相似文献   
张朝凯  李祥辉 《地质通报》2015,34(12):2236-2245
采用野外地质点观察、岩相分析及碎屑锆石U-Pb定年方法,对雅鲁藏布江缝合带东段南侧的朗县白垩纪混杂岩(KL)进行研究。分析结果显示,以乃东-金东-莫洛断裂为界,该断裂南侧具有以板岩/千枚岩为主夹砂岩、粉砂岩的特征,属于海底扇沉积,其碎屑锆石年龄谱有230Ma和530Ma 2个峰值,与南部的上三叠统复理石郎杰学群极其相似;而该断裂北侧狭长地带的KL则主要为陆棚相板岩与大理岩,属于拉萨南缘沉积。为此认为,南部主体属于上三叠统郎杰学群,暗示印度大陆与欧亚大陆在西藏东南部的缝合碰撞边界可能是乃东-金东-莫洛断裂,而不是北侧的泽当-加查-朗拉岗则断裂或南侧的乃东-曲松-白露断裂。  相似文献   
基于详细的野外地质调查,对南辽河群下部里尔峪组斜长角闪岩进行了岩相学和地球化学研究。岩相学研究表明,南辽河群下部里尔峪组斜长角闪岩属于正变质岩。地球化学研究显示,这些斜长角闪岩原岩属于高铁拉斑玄武岩系列(Nb/Y=0.16~0.4),SiO_2含量为47.27%~50.68%,具有较低的TiO_2含量(0.92%~1.61%),亏损高场强元素(Nb、Ta、Zr、Hf等),表明其原岩形成于岛弧或活动大陆边缘,而非前人所说的大陆裂谷。综合岩相学和地球化学特征,初步认为其岩石成因与活动大陆边缘有关。  相似文献   


在中国区域定位系统(Chinese Area Positioning System,CAPS)中,带通滤波器是用户接收机的重要组成部分,对于宽频测距码来说,其群时延特性是测距的重要误差来源之一.分析了接收机码跟踪环路,给出相关函数估算测距偏差,对带通滤波器群时延开展仿真分析,并研究了改进接收机设计以优化群时延特性的方法.研究对GNSS接收机的射频和环路设计有一定借鉴意义.  相似文献   
The Matt Wilson structure is a circular 5.5 km-diameter structure in Early Mesoproterozoic or Neoproterozoic rocks of the Victoria Basin, Northern Territory. It lies in regionally horizontal to gently dipping Wondoan Hill and Stubb Formations (Tijunna Group) and Jasper Gorge Sandstone (Auvergne Group). An outer circumferential syncline with dips of 5?–?40° in the limbs surrounds an intermediate zone with faulted sandstone displaying horizontal to low dips, and a central steeply dipping zone about 1.5 km across. Several thrust faults in the outer syncline appear to indicate outward-directed forces. The central zone, marked by steeply dipping to overturned Tijunna Group and possibly Bullita Group sandstone and mudstone, indicates uplift of at least 300 m. The rocks are intensely fractured with some brecciation, and contain numerous planar to subtly undulating surfaces displaying striae which resemble shatter cleavage. Thin-sections of sandstone from the central area show zones of intense microbrecciation and irregular and planar fractures in quartz, but no melt-rocks have been identified. The planar fractures occur in multiple intersecting parallel sets typical of relatively low-level (5?–?10 GPa) shock-pressure effects. Alternative mechanisms, i.e. igneous intrusion, carbonate collapse, diapirism and regional deformation processes, have been discounted. The circular nature, central uplift, faulting, shatter features and planar fractures are all consistent with an impact origin. The Matt Wilson structure is most likely a deeply eroded impact structure in which the more highly shocked rocks of the original crater floor have been removed by erosion. Estimates of the age of the Auvergne and Tijunna Groups range from Early Mesoproterozoic (which we favour) to Late Neoproterozoic. Early Cambrian Antrim Plateau Volcanics near the impact structure show no signs of impact effects, allowing the age of impact to be constrained between Early Mesoproterozoic and Early Cambrian. The presence of widespread soft-sediment deformation features, apparently confined to a single horizon in the Saddle Creek Formation some 700?–?1000 m stratigraphically higher in the Auvergne Group than the rocks at the impact site, and apparently increasing in thickness towards the Matt Wilson structure, lead us to speculate that this probable event horizon is related to the impact event: if correct the impact occurred during deposition of the Saddle Creek Formation.  相似文献   
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