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余恒文  宋锦良  冯德益  蒋淳 《地球物理学报》1995,38(05):683-684,385,686-687
通过实验力学方法研究了几种典型组合裂纹非共面破裂特征.实验结果表明,在双轴加载条件下,脆性材料内部的初始不闭合裂纹在受力闭合之前出现新裂纹,扩展裂纹中不仅有张性裂纹,而且有剪切裂纹,部分甚至还出现逆向剪切裂纹.对单轴加载和双轴加载两种条件下裂纹的破坏规律作了比较.  相似文献   
采场顶板稳定性动态预测及控制研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
运用人工神经网络技术,综合岩石介质条件、赋存环境条件以及工程因素3大方面的5个指标,即岩石单轴抗压强度、岩石质量指标、煤体强度、地下水状况、工作面月推进速度,建立了采场顶板稳定性动态预测模型。并以工作面月推进速度40m、60m、80m、100m分别预测了新集井田顶板稳定性分区。根据5个指标因素分析结果,对顶板稳定性影响程度由大到小排序为岩石质量指标、地下水状况、岩石单轴抗压强度、煤体强度、工作面月推进速度。  相似文献   
无人机遥感技术在采煤地面塌陷监测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究无人机遥感技术在采煤地面塌陷监测中的应用,以宁东煤炭基地金凤煤矿011805综采工作面为例,探讨了利用无人机遥感技术进行地表裂缝解译、地面沉降量计算和地面塌陷规律研究的方法。结果表明:无人机飞行航高可根据需要识别的地表裂缝宽度确定,地形平坦地区识别2 cm地表裂缝的飞行航高一般应不超过143 m;地表裂缝宜于采用基于光谱、延长度和紧密度规则的面向对象的信息提取方法进行自动识别,在采用这种方法发现地表塌陷裂缝时宜采用基于边缘检测的图像分割模型和基于Full Lambda Schedule的图像融合模型;对无人机遥感地表高程值进行拟合校正可近似获得采煤工作面地表下沉量和下沉系数,说明无人机遥感技术可应用于采煤地面沉降量监测;综采工作面内地表裂缝数量多,总体垂直回采方向排列,切眼和顺槽附近地表裂缝数量少,总体平行顺槽和切眼展布。  相似文献   
For a large part of the year, the forested catchments in the Keuper formation of east Luxembourg produce more direct run-off on a storm basis than paired cultivated catchments. The occurrence of shrinkage cracks, their pronounced opening and closing, and the occurrence of natural pipes in the forested environment play a major role in explaining this phenomenon. The effect of land use on storm run-off is studied in relation to that found for lithology in the same area.  相似文献   
An experimental study of water fluxes from roofs in a residential area has quantified water fluxes from different types of roof and identified the major controls on the process. Roofs with pitches of 0°, 22° and 50° and orientations of 15° (from true north) (NNE) and 103° (ESE) were selected. A novel automatic system for monitoring has been developed. Noticeable differences in rainfall, runoff and evaporation were found for different roof slopes, aspects and heights. Depending on height, flat roofs collected 90 to 99% of rainfall recorded at ground level. Roofs with a 22° slope; facing south‐south‐west (i.e. facing the prevailing wind) captured most rain, whereas east‐south‐east facing roofs with slopes of 50° received the least. Depending on the roof slope, the average rainfall captured ranged from 62 to 93% of that at ground level. For the same slope, the results indicated that from roofs orientated normal to the prevailing wind; (i) captured rainfall was higher, (ii) evaporation was higher and (iii) runoff was less than that from roofs having other aspects. Monthly variations in the runoff–rainfall ratio followed the rainfall distribution, being lowest in summer and highest in winter. The highest mean ratio (0·91) was associated with the steeper roof slope; the lowest ratio (0·61) was for roofs facing the prevailing wind direction. For the same amount of rainfall, the runoff generated from a steeper roof was significantly higher than that generated by a moderate roof slope, but the lowest runoff was from roofs facing the prevailing wind. The results have also shown that the amount of runoff collected (under UK climatic condition) was sufficient to supply an average household in the studied area with the major part of its annual water requirements. The use of this water not only represents a financial gain for house owners but also will help protect the environment by reducing demand on water resources through the reduction of groundwater abstraction, construction of new reservoirs, and a reduction of the flood risk as its in situ use is considered a preventive measure known as a source control. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Voronoi, or area-of-influence, polygons are convex, space-filling polygons constructed around a set of points (Voronoi centers) such that each polygon contains all points closer to its Voronoi center than to the center of any other polygon. The relationship of Voronoi centers to edges of Voronoi polygons is used to test whether any convex tessellation consists of Voronoi polygons. This test amounts to finding Voronoi centers that best fit the given tessellation. Voronoi centers are found by solving two systems of linear equations. These equations represent (1) conditions on the slope of polygon edges relative to the slope of lines through Voronoi centers, and (2) conditions on the distance from edges to Voronoi centers. Least squares and constrained least-squares solutions are used to solve the two systems. Different methods of solution can provide insight as to how a tessellation varies from Voronoi polygons. A goodness-of-fit statistic is derived and examined by testing randomly generated convex tessellations. Some polygonal ice cracks provide an example of naturally occurring polygons that are approximated closely by Voronoi polygons.  相似文献   
在地球物理领域,时频分析方法在资料处理过程中占据着愈发重要的位置;运用分频属性检测断层、裂缝等应用广泛;因此,寻求更高精度的时频分析方法一直是地震信号处理领域所追求的目标。改进短时傅立叶变换方法由于窗函数的限制导致时频分析结果准确度不理想,为了更大限度地提升时频分辨率,对改进短时傅立叶变换后的时频谱进行挤压,发展了同步挤压改进短时傅立叶变换;根据合成信号结果可知,同步挤压改进短时傅立叶变换其时频汇聚程度更加明显,在刻画信号的时频特征上更有优势。理论表明,地震数据高频成分可以对微小的次生裂缝进行精确的雕刻,而蚂蚁追踪技术是检测裂缝、断层信息的有效手段。因此,本文基于高分辨的时频分析方法,并结合蚂蚁追踪技术对三维数据体进行裂缝预测,结果表明:该方法可以更好地勾勒出微小裂缝以及伴生褶皱,识别精度与传统蚂蚁追踪算法相比有了明显的提高,同时也证实了该方法在实际应用中可行且有效。  相似文献   
Currently, very few roof shape information for complex buildings is available on OSM. Moreover, additional data requirements (e.g. 3D point clouds) limit the applicability of many roof reconstruction approaches. To mitigate this issue, we propose an approach to roof shape recommendations for complex buildings by exploring the inherited characteristics of building footprints: the disclosure of rectangles combinations in a partition of footprints and the symmetrical features of footprints. First, it decomposes a complex footprint into rectangles by using an advanced minimal non-overlapping cover algorithm. Second, a graph-based symmetry detection algorithm is proposed to identify all the symmetrical sub-clusters in partitions. Then, a set of selection rules are defined to rank partitions, and the best ones are chosen for roof shape recommendation. Finally, a set of combination rules and a symmetry rule are defined. It enables to evaluate the probability of a footprint being a certain combination of roof shapes. Experimental results show the growth of the probability of correctly recommending roof shapes for single rectangles and buildings from a prior probability of 17–45% and from a prior probability of 0.29–14.3%, removing 60% and 93% of the incorrect roof shape options, respectively.  相似文献   
Loading and unloading effects of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet triggered halotectonic movements in Northern Germany. We present newly detected geomorphological features—termed surface cracks—which indicate a relation between ice sheet-induced salt movement and surface processes. As a part of the Central European Basin System, numerous Zechstein salt structures are abundant in the North German Basin. On the basis of high-resolution digital terrain data, more than 160 surface cracks were mapped in Northern Germany, which were grouped into 30 clusters. Almost all of the surface cracks occur above the top regions of Zechstein salt structures. The surface cracks can be several kilometres long, up to more than 20 m deep and more than 100 m wide. The comparison of the shape of the salt structures and the orientation of the cracks reveals a geometric dependency, indicating that the cracks preferably occur near the crest margins of the salt structures. Furthermore, 3D seismic data from two sites show that subsurface faults originating from salt movement exist beneath the surface cracks. We interpret the cracks as surface ruptures due to ice sheet-induced halotectonic movements. The cracks occur in a variety of Quaternary sediments and landforms. This indicates that widespread halokinetic movements occurred in the region after the last (Weichselian) deglaciation and likely before the thawing of the permafrost, possibly in a time frame from c. 30–20 ka until c. 15 ka.  相似文献   
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