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地下工程中岩土结构面的影响分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
研究已表明岩土体中都存在结构面,工程岩土体的变形破坏一般受结构面控制。本文依据结构面 (断层 )优势指标综合值 (Ri)的量化比较,可得出各结构面 (断层 )对隧道稳定影响程度的大小,从而针对各结构面 (断层 )采取不同的工程措施。本文分析还表明,结构面和地下工程中的水害、瓦斯突出、岩体质量好坏等也有密切关系。  相似文献   
岩体块度特征是岩体完整性评价的重要指标, 通常用岩石质量指标RQD来表征。但是RQD是有不足之处的, 岩体基本块度的概率分布、块度百分比、RQDt、块度指数RBI等参数是描述岩体块度特征的重要补充, 它们更全面地、更深入地表征了岩体的完整性, 丰富了岩体质量评价的定量指标。本文以金沙江下游溪洛渡水电站工程坝基岩体块度调查统计资料为基础, 对岩体基本块度的概率分布、块度百分比、RQDt、块度指数RBI等岩体块度特征进行了深入研究。  相似文献   
On 12 May 2008, the magnitude 8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake occurred along the Longmen Shan nappe, Sichuan, China. This devastating earthquake led to a heavy death toll of greater than 80,000. The seismic origin of this earthquake is currently hotly debated. We suppose that it is a special type of intraplate earthquake called an active-nappe-type earthquake. Using a holistic methodology, incorporating rockmass structure cybernetics and Byerlee’s law, we present a comprehensive study on the geological origin of macroseisms in the Longmen Shan area and the seismic origin of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Previous studies of neotectonic activity indicate that the Longmen Shan nappe moves at a rate of 1~3 mm/yr, due to horizontal compressive stress from the Tibetan Plateau. The difference between movement rates in the Bayankala block, Longmen Shan nappe and Sichuan Basin cause slow shear stress and strain accumulation in the Longmen Shan nappe. It is exhibited a relatively simple linear relations for the shear strength and the buried depth of the structural planes, and the detachment layer of the nappe has a higher shearing-sliding strength compared to the overlying fault planes and the underlying ductile shear belts, thus making it more prone to stick-slip deformation. Therefore, the detachment layer was the main section responsible for the Wenchuan earthquake. The initial rupture burst in the detachment layer under the Yingxiu-Beichuan fault, the rupture area nearly 1.4454 × 104 km2,encompassed the cross point of the Yingxiu and the Anxian-Guanxian faults with the detachment layer, then caused the Yingxiu-Beichuan and Anxian-Guanxian faults took an active part in this earthquake, so this earthquake might consist of three chain-like earthquake stages, totally increasing the duration of this earthquake an unusually large amount, to 120 s. The focal depth spanned range of 10-20km,consistent with the observed result of this focal depth by several agencies.  相似文献   
本文较为详细地介绍了某矿井筒应力观测情况。得出了井筒壁后岩体空间附加应力随工作面推进的变化规律。观测结果表明 :井筒上部壁后岩体在铅垂方向上受张应力影响 ,而井筒底部壁后岩体应力的大小和性质与工作面的布置方式、开采顺序以及井筒与工作面的相对位置有关。  相似文献   
为研究复杂地质条件下隧道全断面开挖条件,以成兰铁路平安隧道为研究对象,建立基于施工现场调查及试验的隧道围岩岩体物理力学参数快速评价体系,综合强度折减法及快速拉格朗日元,进行隧道全断面开挖判定,并进行监测论证。研究表明:基于综合岩体强度快速测试、结构面强度参数测试、结构面安息角测试以及GSI综合岩体强度参数测试,获取的试验结果具有快速、准确、可靠的特点;在采用全断面开挖的前提下,本文所述掌子面围岩的安全系数均大于IⅤ级围岩情况下的围岩的参考安全系数,围岩能够满足全断面开挖隧洞自稳要求,计算结果与监控量测结果具有较强一致性;通过隧道开挖进尺进行优化计算,平安隧道单循环进尺应该控制在2.5m范围以内;在类似于本文所述掌子面岩体物理力学参数的情况下,平安隧道进行全断面开挖施工是完全可行的。  相似文献   
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