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基于地表露头调查、地震资料解释、钻井及与盐相关的构造样式分析,对库车坳陷中部构造变形特征进行研究。结果表明:库车坳陷中部具有南北分带、东西分段、垂向分层的变形特征。以库姆格列木群膏盐岩为界可以分为盐上构造层、盐构造层、盐下构造层及基底构造层4层结构。该区域主要发育收缩构造样式及盐构造样式,盐上构造层、盐构造层及盐下构造层的构造样式及分布具有明显差异。盐上层主要发育逆冲断层及褶皱,盐岩层则以盐流动构造样式为主,盐下层则发育逆冲叠瓦断层等大规模推覆构造。研究区具有明显的分段变形特征,可划分为博孜—却勒构造段、大北—西秋构造段、克深—西秋构造段、克拉3—东秋构造段,其差异性主要表现为地表线性褶皱带分布、盐构造样式、盐下构造变形的差异。区域构造演化剖面研究表明库车坳陷主要经历了中生代伸展坳陷盆地(三叠纪—白垩纪)、新生代早期"挠曲"盆地(古近纪—中新世)及新生代晚期前陆盆地(上新世—第四纪)的演化过程。现今构造主要形成于库车组沉积的中晚期。  相似文献   
不同地表条件下土壤冻结、融化规律分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜琦 《地下水》2009,31(4):27-29
土壤温度是土壤热状况的综合表征指标,以深耕休闲裸地作为对照,分析了不同地表条件下土壤的冻融过程。结果表明,土壤的冻融作用具有阶段性,不同冻融阶段,土壤具有不同的冻结、融化特点。不同地表处理条件土壤的冻结、融化特点亦不同。  相似文献   
This article presents the study conducted and the actions taken to stabilise the foundations of 25 low-rise (two/three-storey) buildings in Alcázar de San Juan (Ciudad Real, central Spain). Owing to the immediate attention required, it was decided that the study would focus on procuring a synthetic model that would be able to provide a satisfactory explanation for the tendency of the movements, overlooking the detailed model of each building. This analysis pointed out that the mobilisation was probably due to both the shrinkage caused by the existing trees during the dry-growing seasons, and to the loss of lateral confinement caused by the excavation of a service trench adjacent to the footings of the buildings. In keeping with this mechanism, stabilization was carried out by transplanting the trees growing near the damaged buildings and installing a line of piles to provide lateral support to the footings. The evolution of the damage was therefore stopped.  相似文献   

Long-term collection of soil temperature with depth is important when studying climate change. The international program GLOBE® provides an excellent opportunity to collect such data, although currently endorsed temperature collection protocols need to be refined. To enhance data quality, protocol-based methodology and automated data logging, along with other physical data, were used to collect soil temperature to a depth of one meter. Data show that diurnal and shallow variation ceases at around 50 cm depth. Therefore the need to incorporate deeper depths into the current protocols for heat flux calculations is warranted. The manual methodology was also found to give representative data.  相似文献   
<正>A theoretical model of a friction pendulum system(FPS) is introduced to examine its application for the seismic isolation of spatial lattice shell structures.An equation of motion of the lattice shell with FPS bearings is developed.Then, seismic isolation studies are performed for both double-layer and single-layer lattice shell structures under different seismic input and design parameters of the FPS.The influence of frictional coefficients and radius of the FPS on seismic performance are discussed.Based on the study,some suggestions for seismic isolation design of lattice shells with FPS bearings are given and conclusions are made which could be helpful in the application of FPS.  相似文献   
Pollution index is a powerful tool for ecological geochemistry assessment. The commonly used pollution indices by heavy metals in soils and sediments were classified as two types of single index and integrated index in an algorithm point of view. Four single indices of contamination factor (or concentration factor), ecological risk factor, enrichment factor, and index of geo-accumulation were illustrated, and the reference values for calculating single indices were distinguished into background levels and threshold pollution values. Eight integrated indices were divided into two groups. One group is suitable for the normal distribution single indices including the sum, average, weighted average,vector modulus, and Nemerow pollution indices, and the other for log-normal distribution including the product, root of product, and weighted power product pollution indices. Using background levels as reference values, five contamination classes were divided, and the terminologies are suggested for the single and integrated indices to unify the assessment results. Software of EGAPI was developed in a single document interface to calculate the four single and eight integrated indices by heavy metals to assess the quality of soil and sediment ecological geochemistry. Pollution indices by heavy metals of Cu,Pb, and Zn in soils in parks of Beijing were calculated using EGAPI software, and these five contamination classes and terminologies suggested in this study were evaluated and used. Results ofintegrated indices of Cu, Pb, and Zn in soils indicated that the soil qualities are unpolluted as a whole and varied from low polluted to unpolluted status from the center to the outskirts of Beijing City.  相似文献   
慕士塔格新冰期以来冰碛物风化成土特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对慕士塔格西坡冰碛物粒度及磁化率分析表明:<1 mm的冰碛物以4~6Φ (0.063~0.016mm)含量为主,平均粒径(Mean)在2~6Φ之间,分选系数(δ)在1~3之间,峰态系数(Kg)为1.5~3.5,偏度(SK)系数在-2~2之间;磁化率分别与时代较老的冰碛土的粘土,和时代较新的冰碛土的粗砂成正相关.土壤发育过程和风力作用是影响冰碛物演化的重要因素,原生冰碛物保留的平均深度在30 cm以下.  相似文献   
Remote sensing applications are important in the fisheries sector and efforts were on to improve the predic-tions of potential fishing zones using ocean color. The present study was aimed to investigat...  相似文献   
Recent applications of sliding block theory to geotechnical design   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The sliding block theory was proposed by Newmark for determining the permanent displacement of embankments and dams under earthquake loading. This paper highlights recent applications of sliding block theory to different geotechnical structures. The equations to determine seismic factor of safety, yield acceleration and permanent displacement are given for rock block, soil slope, landfill cover, geosynthetic-reinforced soil retaining wall, and composite breakwater. The presented equations for seismic stability degenerate to that of static stability in the absence of earthquake. The permanent displacement for various structures can be obtained from that of a horizontal sliding block through a correction factor. A simplified procedure is included for the permanent displacement under vertical acceleration. The sliding block approach is rational for design under high seismic load.  相似文献   
1992-2015年中亚五国土地覆盖与蒸散发变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
阮宏威  于静洁 《地理学报》2019,74(7):1292-1304
1991年苏联解体,中亚五国独立使得土地覆盖与蒸散发格局发生深刻变化。以中亚五国为研究区,采用欧空局气候变化项目(CCI)土地覆盖和全球陆地数据同化系统(GLDAS)蒸散发数据,分析1992-2015年土地覆盖与蒸散发时空变化特征,进一步研究耕地蒸散耗水特征。结果表明:① 中亚五国土地覆盖变化具有阶段性特征,耕地扩张引起土地覆盖格局变化。1992-2003年耕地快速增加(1.1万km 2/a),林地和草地大幅减少。2003-2015年耕地增速趋缓(0.3万km 2/a),林地和草地有一定恢复,裸地和水体持续减少,城镇用地持续增长。耕地共增加12.3万km 2,林地和草地分别减少4.0万km 2和2.3万km 2,且集中于哈萨克斯坦中北部。裸地减少3.5万km 2,集中于哈萨克斯坦西南部,水体减少3.1万km 2,集中在咸海湖泊。乌兹别克斯坦耕地减少、裸地增加,吉尔吉斯斯坦、塔吉克斯坦和土库曼斯坦土地覆盖变化幅度较小;② 中亚五国蒸散发变化与土地覆盖格局基本一致。蒸散发总体呈增加态势(6 mm/a),1992-2003年快速增加(11.3 mm/a),2003-2015年缓慢上升(2.4 mm/a)。中亚五国年蒸散发达到276.8 mm,东南部的吉尔吉斯斯坦(347.3 mm)和塔吉克斯坦(302.9 mm)最高,中北部的哈萨克斯坦(297.9 mm)次之,西南部的乌兹别克斯坦(211.0 mm)和土库曼斯坦(150.0 mm)最低;③ 中亚五国蒸散耗水结构受耕地面积大小的影响。中亚五国耕地蒸散耗水的贡献由24.7%增至27.9%,土库曼斯坦耕地蒸散耗水仅占本国的11%,其他国家均超过25%。草地、林地和裸地的蒸散耗水贡献降低,但哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦和塔吉克斯坦仍以草地和林地蒸散耗水为主(≥ 50%),土库曼斯坦(61.3%)和乌兹别克斯坦(46.4%)的裸地蒸散耗水占绝对优势。本文明确了中亚五国土地覆盖连续动态变化过程,细化各国土地覆盖与蒸散发特征及差异,增强对土地覆盖与蒸散发现状的认识,可为水土资源管理和生态环境保护提供数据参考。  相似文献   
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