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本文基于虚功原理,结合工程地质勘察资料,在岩层层面和不利结构面组合切割下,由于锚碇工程荷载作用,研究坝陵河大桥西岸隧道式锚碇边坡的整体稳定性。本文的力学分析模型采用多个块体破坏机构的分析方法,假定块体的底面和侧面均达到了极限平衡状态,安全系数可通过功能平衡的虚功原理表达式来求解。功能平衡方程中仅有安全系数一个未知数,条块底部和界面上的法向压力和切向摩擦力并不出现,求解大为简化。  相似文献   
1996年10月28日发生在金沙江下虎跳峡口的滑石板滑坡,因堵塞金沙江、摧毁公路而引起高度重视。野外调查发现,滑石板滑坡是典型结构面控制的顺层基岩滑坡,层面和两组近于垂直层面的节理将边坡厚层灰岩切割成不同规模的菱形块体,长期的风化作用、重力、降雨、人工开挖公路等因素作用下,这些菱形块体从顺层稳定状态演化为稳定性较差的悬挂体,受河谷边坡斜向割切影响,表现为梯级叠次悬挂,最外边的悬挂体稳定性最差,最容易发生快速滑动。因此,该滑坡每次发生破坏滑动的体积不会很大,但是具有多次重复发生的特点,值得高度注意。  相似文献   
The Eagle Ford Shale of Central and South Texas is currently of great interest for oil and gas exploration and production. Laboratory studies show that the Eagle Ford Shale is anisotropic, with a correlation between anisotropy and total organic carbon. Organic materials are usually more compliant than other minerals present in organic‐rich shales, and their shapes and distribution are usually anisotropic. This makes organic materials an important source of anisotropy in organic‐rich shales. Neglecting shale anisotropy may lead to incorrect estimates of rock and fluid properties derived from inversion of amplitude versus offset seismic data. Organic materials have a significant effect on the PP and PS reflection amplitudes from the Austin Chalk/Upper Eagle Ford interface, the Upper Eagle Ford/Lower Eagle Ford interface, and the Lower Eagle Ford/Buda Limestone interface. The higher kerogen content of the Lower Eagle Ford compared with that of the Upper Eagle Ford leads to a negative PP reflection amplitude that dims with offset, whereas the PS reflection coefficient increases in magnitude with increasing offset. The PP and PS reflection coefficients at the Austin Chalk/Upper Eagle Ford interface, the Upper Eagle Ford/Lower Eagle Ford interface, and the Lower Eagle Ford/Buda Limestone interface all increase in magnitude with increasing volume fraction of kerogen.  相似文献   
楚雄盆地烃源岩有机地化特征及综合评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李秀梅 《云南地质》2000,19(4):416-422
对楚雄盆地各组段烃源岩的厚度分布特征、地化特征及成熟度特征分别进行静态研究,对各组段烃源岩的优劣及生烃潜力作出了综合评价,并预测了各区块的油气勘探前景。  相似文献   
华南成矿省(云南部分)堆积型铝土矿典型矿床   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
云南堆积型铝土矿典型矿床称为卖酒坪式,成矿物质来源于吴家坪组或龙潭组原生沉积铝土矿/岩层。矿床分布于与矿源层邻近的下伏中、上泥盆统一下二叠统中发育的溶丘漏斗、溶蚀坡地、石牙坡地和峰丛谷地等4种岩溶地貌类型中。岩溶地貌对堆积体厚度及形态起控制作用,各堆积类型Al2O3、A/S和含矿率均有一定规律。  相似文献   
The visualization of rock structure is a very useful and important technique in many aspects in geological and geotechnical engineering such as investigating and evaluating the stability of a high rock slope. The conventional method used to visualize rock structure is limited to plotting the orientation of individual discontinuities by using the Schmidt stereographic net. The present paper shows a new technique to visualize the three-dimensional structure of rock masses. The fitting function for three-dimensional rock structure was established based on data gathered from field survey. Two fitting methods by which the discontinuous points gathered from a plane and discrete points from field survey were fitted respectively are suggested. The technique to visualize the three-dimensional structure of rock masses includes many aspects such as projection transformation, blanking and mutual cutting, are investigated. Based on the visualizing technique, the rock structure at the site of Xilupdu dam which is being built in Southwest of China was investigated.  相似文献   
陈宗基先生在1979年提出了封闭应力假说,认为它是岩石工程灾害的原因。近年来,钱七虎院士和王思敬院士分别对封闭应力假说作了肯定的定性讨论。30多年过去了,这个封闭应力假说仅得到极其少的定量研究和发展。在本文中,我提出和试图论证流体包裹体是一种具体、实在、可测量和计算的应力包裹体。它在地质岩石与矿物中普遍存在。它有压强和体积膨胀能。它是一种封闭应力和内应变能的具体存在和作用形式。我给出了这个压强、体积膨胀能和封闭应力包裹体对围岩作用的计算公式和算例。这个包裹流体压强值与深部岩石高地应力场值相当。我进一步分析和讨论了,岩石微小、密封、压紧的流体包裹体应该是深部工程岩石开挖洞室或巷道出现的岩爆、冲击地压、矿震、洞壁劈裂、围岩分区破裂和巷道大变形的一个共同张性体积力源。我认为,这个地质岩石与矿物内紧压膨胀的流体包裹体封闭应力能够完整逻辑一致地、符合自然规律地解释人们所见到的、报道的、与这些深部工程灾害相关的所有事实。并且,它能将这些事实和现象合理地、随时间演变地联系和重塑起来。这种实在、可测试、可定量的封闭应力源和能源的提出和研究能为岩石力学工作者,更好地沿着老一辈岩石力学专家们指引的途径和思路,来建立新的地质岩石力学理论、方法和技术,以更加符合自然规律地解决岩石力学领域世界性难题的深部工程灾害问题。  相似文献   
金川二矿区多中段开采曾引起了许多研究焦点,尤其是多中段开采导致的围岩变形和灾变问题最为突出。本文以多年地表监测的结果验证了多中段开采至结束期间并没有造成地表岩体变形的异常或突变。研究认为开挖的地质力学模型内所赋存的岩体应变能是一定值,开挖活动是能量耗散和转移的动态过程。因此,在构造应力影响的开挖力学模型中,不能采用外力边界条件而应采用位移边界条件。小步距开采-充填有利于避免大幅度的岩移发生,矿岩才保持了相对缓慢的低能量释放率的松动、破裂,是矿岩未发生大的灾变失稳的关键因素。最后指出,地表岩移速率大小主要与地下开采速度和采充比有关,在金川二矿地下开采速度和采充比基本保持不变的情况下,地表岩体移动、变形速率不会发生突变现象。  相似文献   
Rock Mass Rating (RMR) measurements from 65 sites within Huntly East underground coal mine are presented. All measurements are in coal, for which the dominant discontinuities are vertical cleat. Basic RMR values using two discontinuity spacings are presented: overall RMR based on the average spacing of all individual discontinuities; and cleat zone RMR based on the average spacing between zones of cleat. Cleat orientations are highly variable, but on average approximately parallel horizontal stress axes (face cleat follows maximum horizontal stress axis, butt cleat follows minimum horizontal stress axis).Contours of RMR variations throughout the mine are used to compare rock mass conditions with geological structure. It is apparent that: (1) RMR is least within downthrown fault blocks, and particularly immediately on the downthrown sides of faults, and greatest in upthrown fault blocks; and (2) RMR contours parallel horizontal stress axes within fault-bounded blocks, and bend to parallel faults at block boundaries. From similar contours for parameters contributing to RMR, the Rock Quality Designation (RQD), groundwater rating, and discontinuity condition rating create most of the observed variations in RMR. RQD is determined from the measured discontinuity frequency and hence is a measure of the degree of fracturing of the rock mass. This is interpreted as influencing the groundwater and condition parameters directly by allowing greater water ingress. Discontinuity frequency is greatest (least spacing) in the immediate vicinity of faults, and in downthrown fault blocks, generating low RMR values. Within fault blocks RQD varies little, so RMR contours align with cleat orientations.As RMR contours, faults, stress field and cleat orientation are clearly interrelated, there is unequivocally a connection between RMR and structural geology; this allows some predictive capacity in terms of ground conditions. If geological features can be accurately defined through either drilling programs or seismic surveys, then ground conditions may be predicted before panels are driven.  相似文献   
The neural network system has been developing very fast recently. It has been widely used in many industries such as automation, nuclear power plant, chemical industry, etc. Neural network systems have a great advantage in dealing with problems in which many factors influence the process and result, and the understanding of this process is poor, and there are experimental data or field data. In rock engineering, many problems are of this nature. In this paper, a brief introduction to neural network systems is given. Problems such as what is a neural network, how it works and what kind of advantages it has are discussed. After this, several applications in rock engineering, made by us, are presented. Case 1 is ore boundary delineation. In this case, the rock are divided into three classes, i.e.: (1) waste rock; (2) semi-ore; and (3) ore for mining purposes. The neural network system built can judge whether it is ore, semi-ore or waste rock along the borehole according its corresponding geophysical logging data, such as gamma-ray, gamma-gamma, neutron and resistivity. Case 2 is aggregate quality prediction. In this case, the quality parameters: (1) impact value; (2) abrasion value I; and (3) abrasion value II are predicted by using a neural network system based on density, point load, content of quarts and content of brittle minerals. Case 3 is rock indentation depth prediction. In this case, the rock indentation depth under indentation load is predicted by the established neural network system based on the indentation load on rock, indenter type and rock mechanical properties, such as uniaxial compressive strength, Young's modulus. Poisson's ratio, critical energy release rate and density. In all these cases, the neural network systems have been applied successfully. The testing results are satisfactory and better than the existing techniques.  相似文献   
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