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“流空间”是人文-经济地理学关注的重要议题。基于城际客运交通流数据,运用ArcGIS空间分析、城市联系强度模型等方法对长江经济带长三角、长江中游、成渝三大城市群城际客运联系网络结构特征进行刻画,结果表明:①长三角城市群城际客运联系网络以上海市为主核心,苏州、南京、杭州为次核心,通过核心城市向外延伸的交通轴线组成相互之间联系紧密的城市网络,西部与南部地区的联系相对较弱;长江中游城市群城际客运联系网络以武汉、长沙、南昌三个省会城市为核心节点,周边次中心城市与其省会交通联系紧密,但城市间跨省联系较弱,本省城市仅与另外两个省会城市存在突出的向心性联系;成渝城市群高等级联系网络大多指向成都、重庆主城区,次级区域中心城市发育不足,成渝城市主轴线在强交通联系推动下发育成型,但川渝接壤地区的城际客运联系存在“断层”。②长江经济带三大城市群在网络化演化进程中,具有城市群“等级-网络”的基本演化特征,其中成渝城市群、长江中游城市群仍处于“核心-边缘”的双核或三核结构,长三角城市群已出现多核网络化发展趋势。③高速铁路作为新兴要素流,对公路、普通铁路等传统要素流具有明显的替代效应,增强了三大城市群核心城市向外延伸的轴线联系,是驱动城市群城际客运联系网络结构演变的新动力。  相似文献   
Based on the stratigraphic sequence formed since the last glaciation and revealed by 3000 km long high-resolution shallow seismic profiles and the core QDZ03 acquired recently off the southern Shandong Peninsula, we addressed the sedimentary characteristics of a Holocene subaqueous clinoform in this paper. Integrated analyses were made on the core QDZ03, including sedimentary facies, sediment grain sizes, clay minerals, geochemistry, micro paleontology, and AMS 14 C dating. The result indicates that there exists a Holocene subaqueous clinoform, whose bottom boundary generally lies at 15–40 m below the present sea level with its depth contours roughly parallel to the coast and getting deeper seawards. The maximum thickness of the clinoform is up to 22.5 m on the coast side, and the thickness contours generally spread in a banded way along the coastline and becomes thinner towards the sea. At the mouths of some bays along the coast, the clinoform stretches in the shape of a fan and its thickness is evidently larger than that of the surrounding sediments. This clinoform came into being in the early Holocene(about 11.2 cal kyr BP) and can be divided into the lower and upper depositional units(DU 2 and DU 1, respectively). The unit DU 2, being usually less than 3 m in thickness and formed under a low sedimentation rate, is located between the bottom boundary and the Holocene maximum flooding surface(MFS), and represents the sediment of a post-glacial transgressive systems tract; whereas the unit DU 1, the main body of the clinoform, sits on the MFS, belonging to the sediment of a highstand systems tract from middle Holocene(about 7–6 cal kyr BP) to the present. The provenance of the clinoform differs from that of the typical sediments of the Yellow River and can be considered as the results of the joint contribution from both the Yellow River and the proximal coastal sediments of the Shandong Peninsula, as evidenced by the sediment geochemistry of the core. As is controlled mainly by coactions of multiple factors such as the Holocene sea-level changes, sediment supplies and coastal dynamic conditions, the development of the clinoform is genetically related with the synchronous clinoform or subaqueous deltas around the northeastern Shandong Peninsula and in the northern South Yellow Sea in the spatial distribution and sediment provenance, as previously reported, with all of them being formed from the initial stage of the Holocene up to the present.  相似文献   
I.IntroductionTownplanningandmanagementneedsvarioustopographicalmaps,cadastralmapsandplanningmaps,statisticaldataanddynamicallycollectingdatathroughfieldsurveying,remotesensingandonthespotinvestigation.BeforetherapiddevelopmentofGISinthe1980s,howtoimport,…  相似文献   
Understanding spatio-temporal suspended sediment dynamics is more important in large watersheds due to the decisive role of local source apportionment in sediment transport and yield. The Talar River with a large mountainous watershed in northern Iran, which plays a vital role in water supply for agriculture and drinking, recently has faced quality degradation. The current study explores the relative contribution of suspended sediment sources using geochemical tracers and fingerprinting techniqu...  相似文献   
为了阐明滨海湿地不同密度柽柳(Tamarix chinensis)林的生长动态,探索滨海湿地柽柳林的密度合理性,在黄河三角洲莱州湾南岸的山东昌邑海洋生态特别保护区内,利用标准木树干解析法,对10a生的3种密度(2400株/hm2、3 600株/hm2和4400株/hm2)的柽柳林地上生物量、林木生长动态和基径分布特征进行研究.结果表明,3种密度林分的地上生物量、树高生长量和林木基径生长过程差别较大.随着林分密度增大,林木单株生物量和基径减小,但单位面积林分生物量增加;树高、基径的速生期都出现滞后现象.3种密度林分基径分布的偏度系数(SK)差别较大;密度为3 600株/hm2林分的SK值为0.085,接近正态分布,林分密度结构和基径分布较为合理;密度为2 400株/hm2和4 400株/hm2林分的SK值分别为-0.842和0.303,偏离正态分布,林分密度结构不合理.密度为2 400株/hm2林分的峰度系数(K)为0.017,林木生长相对整齐;密度为3 600株/hm2和4 400株/hm2林分的K值相差不大;密度因素对林木分化作用较小.若不考虑10a间的林木间伐利用,该区柽柳人工造林合理的初植密度建议为3 600株/hm2(株行距约2.0 m×2.0 m).  相似文献   
将规范分析与实证分析相结合,提出了一个评估区域各点位土地利用/土地覆盖变化的新方法:(1)采用相对原则观察一时段内的变化方向;(2)物理模型与统计模型相结合,基于区域实际情况建立生境适宜性参照基准;(3)用多变量分析方法量度各点位与参照基准的差异。结合GIS和遥感技术,这种方法被应用于伊洛河中部地区的研究中。  相似文献   
I.TheTerracesoftheUpperYellowRiverTheterracesoftheupperYellowRiveraremostlydispersedalongthewidercoursesinseveralMesozoicCenozoicbasins(Figure1).1.TerracesbetweenNgoringLakeandGyaringLakeThesurfacelayersofthesedimentinthewideandshallowbasinswheretheYell…  相似文献   
城市是游客活动的重要空间载体,把握游客在城市间流动特征是探究区域城市旅游联系、明确旅游影响区域发展的作用机制与优化未来城市旅游发展布局及策略的前提和基础。本研究借助聚类法、挖掘算法与网络分析法,以地理标记照片为研究对象,对泛长三角区域52个地级城市入境游客空间特征从分布、类型、流动、意象等视角进行分析。结果显示:依据入境游客聚集程度泛长三角区域可被划分为入境旅游核心区、次核心区与边缘区,其中,核心区与区域经济中心高度吻合,次核心区旅游资源特色突出,边缘区旅游发展潜力较高。同时,入境游客流动网络密度由中部核心区向外部边缘区逐渐降低,形成一个包含四等级的网络层级结构。且各省市区域内部入境游客分布与流动也呈现差异化特征,并与各地资源禀赋、经济水平、交通条件和服务接待水平等因素密切相关。最后,入境游客意象分析也在一定程度印证出目的地最本质的地方性特征对入境游客空间分布和流动特征的影响及作用。  相似文献   
谭华云  周国华 《地理学报》2022,77(4):869-887
乡村绅士化是城乡要素双向流动背景下乡村转型与振兴的新型路径。基于对广西巴马盘阳河流域乡村绅士化现象的历时性田野调查,采用行动者网络理论解析乡村绅士化演化的过程、类型与机制。研究表明:在巴马盘阳河流域乡村人类行动者与非人类行动者、“草根”行动者与机构行动者共同缔结的行动者网络的转换过程中,伴随关键行动者从“候鸟人”先锋、屯社精英向地方政府、投资开发商的更替,乡村绅士化路径从“草根”绅士化向机构绅士化演替,乡村产业从接待“候鸟人”、发展旅游转向大健康产业融合发展,乡村绅士化类型从单一的舒适移民绅士化向舒适移民、旅游和地产共构的“一地多类”绅士化演化。关键行动者更替及其功能角色转换、绅士化路径变迁和主导产业更替与融合发展、宏观乡村发展制度与地域自然人文环境共同作用于乡村绅士化的阶段演替与类型共生。行动者网络理论与方法利于呈现乡村绅士化的阶段演替脉络与共生演化特征,并揭示乡村绅士演化的一般机制与地域机制。  相似文献   
对无定河流域野外考察,在其下游苏家圪坨(SJGT)地点发现夹有古洪水滞流沉积物(SWD)的全新世剖面。古洪水SWD厚度30 cm,具有平行微薄层理特征,且直接覆盖在东汉文化层之上。室内分析结果表明古洪水SWD有着与2012年洪水SWD相似的沉积学特征,以粗粉沙为主,分选良好,磁化率和烧失量较小,说明它记录了一次无定河下游的大洪水事件。文化层光释光(OSL)测年结果显示该次古洪水事件发生在1 900~1 700 a BP。古洪水洪峰水位和洪峰流量分别为765.9 m和10 530 m3·s-1。同时利用2012年洪水洪痕水位验证,在同一断面用相同参数恢复洪峰流量为1 030 m3·s-1,实测洪峰流量为1 000 m3·s-1,误差为3.09%,说明古洪水洪峰流量恢复结果合理可靠。研究结果延长了无定河下游洪水数据序列,对水资源、水能源的开发利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
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