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长三角地区交通优势度的空间格局   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
吴威  曹有挥  曹卫东  梁双波 《地理研究》2011,30(12):2199-2208
通过公路网络密度、综合交通可达性以及关键节点联系便捷性三要素的综合集成,探讨了长江三角洲地区交通优势度的空间格局。长三角地区公路路网密度居于全国前列,北部地区明显高于南部;综合交通可达性较好的单元相对集中于沪宁-沪杭-杭甬沿线地区,由此区域向南、向北可达性逐渐降低;各地域单元与关键节点的联系均较为便捷,上海及其临近地区...  相似文献   
Based on hydrometric data and extensive investigations on water-extracting projects, this paper presents a preliminary study on water discharge changes between Datong and Xuliujing during dry season. The natural hydrological processes and human factors that influence the water discharge are analyzed with the help of GIS method. The investigations indicate that the water-extracting projects downstream from Datong to Xuliujing had amounted to 64 in number by the end of 2000, with a water-extracting capacity up to 4,626 m3/s averaged in a tidal cycle. The water extraction from the Changjiang River has become the most important factor influencing the water discharge downstream Datong during dry season. The potential magnitude in water discharge changes are estimated based on historical records of water extraction and a water balance model. The computational results were calibrated with the actual data. The future trend in changes of water discharge into the sea during dry season was discussed by taking into consideration of newly built hydro-engineering projects. The water extraction downstream Datong in dry season before 2000 had a great influence on discharges into the sea in the extremely dry year like 1978-1979. It produced a net decrease of more than 490 m3/s in monthly mean discharges from the Changjiang into the sea. It is expected that the water extraction will continually increase in the coming decades, especially in dry years, when the net decrease in monthly mean water discharge will increase to more than 1000 m3/s and will give a far-reaching effect on the changes of water discharge from the Changjiang into the sea.  相似文献   
分析黄河流域交通供给水平特征及其与经济社会发展的空间适配性,对交通资源优化配置、提升交通供需适配性具有重要参考。论文基于黄河流域现状综合交通运输与经济社会基础数据,分析了黄河流域县域交通优势度分异特征,并探讨了交通与县域发展质量的空间适配性。结果表明:黄河流域县域交通优势度有待提升,在人口与GDP方面呈现一定错配特征;高优势度县域集中分布在济南—郑州—西安—兰州通道沿线。黄河流域交通供给均衡性水平高于经济社会差异;样带交通优势度呈现陇海—兰新“一”字型样带>“几”字湾样带>南北纵向“1”字型样带的分布态势,固定资产投资、产业结构、城镇化、经济基础是影响黄河流域县域交通优势度的主要因素。“几”字湾样带和南北纵向“1”字型样带还受到高程、坡度等自然因素的制约;流域40.05%的县域处于初级适配状态,38.78%的县域为交通劣势型,集中在青藏高原、黄土高原沟壑区和内蒙古中西部地区,亟需提升交通设施对该类县域经济社会发展的支撑与保障能力。  相似文献   
丁俊  王开泳 《地理研究》2018,37(1):53-66
基于多时相卫星遥感影像和GIS技术,对珠三角城市群不同时期的工业生产空间信息进行精准提取,利用多种模型定量分析了其空间扩展格局与特征,并进一步揭示了影响其时空演化的驱动机制。结果表明:① 1990年以来,珠三角城市群的工业生产空间总体上呈现由核心向边缘扩散的特征,且扩展热点格局不断变动,热点区的中心极化作用逐渐减弱;② 珠三角城市群工业生产空间的形态变化呈现明显的阶段性和异质性,2007年以前工业生产空间的破碎化程度增加而紧凑性降低,其面积的增加以外部扩展为主,而2007年以后的变化与此相反;③ 在工业生产空间扩展的不同阶段,驱动机制有所不同,政策因素、经济全球化、区域城镇化以及技术的进步与创新等,推动着珠三角城市群工业生产空间的演化与重构。  相似文献   
A new application of the autocorrelation grain size analysis technique for mixed to coarse sediment settings has been investigated. Photographs of sand‐ to boulder‐sized sediment along the Elwha River delta beach were taken from approximately 1·2 m above the ground surface, and detailed grain size measurements were made from 32 of these sites for calibration and validation. Digital photographs were found to provide accurate estimates of the long and intermediate axes of the surface sediment (r2 > 0·98), but poor estimates of the short axes (r2 = 0·68), suggesting that these short axes were naturally oriented in the vertical dimension. The autocorrelation method was successfully applied resulting in total irreducible error of 14% over a range of mean grain sizes of 1 to 200 mm. Compared with reported edge and object‐detection results, it is noted that the autocorrelation method presented here has lower error and can be applied to a much broader range of mean grain sizes without altering the physical set‐up of the camera (~200‐fold versus ~6‐fold). The approach is considerably less sensitive to lighting conditions than object‐detection methods, although autocorrelation estimates do improve when measures are taken to shade sediments from direct sunlight. The effects of wet and dry conditions are also evaluated and discussed. The technique provides an estimate of grain size sorting from the easily calculated autocorrelation standard error, which is correlated with the graphical standard deviation at an r2 of 0·69. The technique is transferable to other sites when calibrated with linear corrections based on photo‐based measurements, as shown by excellent grain‐size analysis results (r2 = 0·97, irreducible error = 16%) from samples from the mixed grain size beaches of Kachemak Bay, Alaska. Thus, a method has been developed to measure mean grain size and sorting properties of coarse sediments. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
基于对珠江口盆地东部新近系下中新统珠江组碳酸盐岩1483块常规及铸体薄片显微特征的观察、描述以及古生物特征和岩石学特征的研究,依据碳酸盐岩颗粒组分和结构构造等特点,将珠江组碳酸盐岩划分为8个主要微相类型,并根据灰岩颗粒类型及相对含量的多少,将其进一步细分为22个次一级的微相类型。根据这些微相类型在纵向上的组合特征与环境意义,可在珠江组碳酸盐岩中识别出碳酸盐岩缓坡、局限台地、开阔台地、台地边缘滩、台地边缘礁、台地前斜坡等6个沉积相带。这些沉积相的纵向演化规律揭示了东沙隆起在早中新世海平面上升过程中经历了由碳酸盐岩缓坡到台地的沉积演化历程。   相似文献   
为验证济南泉域的泉水来源,选取趵突泉周围13个取样点岩溶水中的微量元素Ba和Sr,运用PHREEQC软件对这两种元素进行不同比例的混合。结果表明,济南南部山区、东郊、西郊等处的岩溶水都对趵突泉泉水有不同程度的贡献,并首次试算出各个方向来水比例。这从水化学的角度说明,趵突泉水的来源是多源的。  相似文献   
珠江口盆地的沉积充填与珠江的形成演变   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
沉积物元素地球化学分析表明,南海北部地区沉积物渐新统与中新统明显不同,两者之间存在物源突变事件。这一沉积地质事件在时间上与南海扩张轴发生跳跃、滇西高原以及东喜马拉雅构造结的快速隆升等一系列地质构造事件十分吻合,是珠江以及珠江口盆地搬运—沉积—充填演化史上一次重大的转变。Ca/Si、CIA以及Al2O3等参数变化显示,珠江侵蚀区极有可能由渐新世近源硅酸盐为主的华南沿海地区拓展为中新世远达青藏高原东麓的云贵高原碳酸盐为主的地区,流域范围突然扩大。同时伴随沉积物供给增大,造成珠江口盆地从渐新世富砂为主的沉积堆积体系转变为中新世以来以泥为主的沉积堆积体系,显示出珠江的发育演化以及中新世以来的青藏高原隆升在南海北部的沉积充填演变中扮演了重要角色,对南海北部地区油气藏的形成影响深远。  相似文献   
Dating deposits in caves formed by rivers may yield insight into rates and processes of bedrock incision. Three cave passages at different levels have developed in the walls of the Qianyou River valley in the Qinling mountains, south of the city of Xian, China. Twelve speleothem samples near the position of palaeowater tables in three cave passages are dated by the 230Th dating method. The results show that the river cut down at the rate of 0.23 ± 0.02 mm/yr from 358,000 ± 38,000 to 247,000 ± 28,000 yr ago, 0.19 ± 0.03 mm/yr from 247,000 ± 28,000 to 118,000 ± 19,000 yr ago, and 0.51 ± 0.08 mm/yr from 118,000 ± 19,000 yr ago until today. These fall very close to the glacial-interglacial transition following marine oxygen isotope stages 10, 8, and 6, respectively. The increase in downcutting rates during the interglacial period is consistent with warm, wet weather, increasing rates of erosion. This may lead us toward an underlying mechanism for modulating incision that is not in a direct response to the presence of headwater glaciers.  相似文献   
李开明  李绚  王翠云  乔艳君 《冰川冻土》2013,35(5):1183-1192
以黄河源区气象台站的降水和气温资料以及玛多、达日、玛曲、唐乃亥和兰州水文站的径流资料为基础, 分析研究了该区降水、气温、水文变化趋势, 并对研究区的土地利用现状变化及原因进行了探讨. 结果表明: 在年代际变化趋势上, 黄河源区气温总体上呈升温态势, 降水呈减少趋势, 径流量也表现为减少趋势.土地利用现状的变化表明人类活动对研究区生态湿地的干预增强.自然因素和人类活动的综合作用, 使得黄河源区生态环境进一步恶化, 亟需进行人工干预, 保护和改善黄河源区生态湿地环境.  相似文献   
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