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河北省秦皇岛灵仙洞发现了一批最后斑鬣狗化石,标本达上千件,至少代表了30个不同个体,包括3具骨架(其中骨架Ⅰ是世界上迄今所发现最完整的1具),还发现了一些其他哺乳动物化石,共计26属27种.根据动物群组成、地质地貌以及堆积物的综合分析判断,它的时代可能属于中更新世晚期至晚更新世早期.动物群的生态组合反映当时处于一个温热偏干、半封闭或开阔的山间草原而周边山上有树林的生态环境.标本(尤其是完整骨架)的保存为典型的原地埋藏,死后未受到包括斑鬣狗自身在内的动物干扰和破坏.斑鬣狗在动物群中占绝对优势以及幼年个体和粪化石的发现,表明灵仙洞是一处斑鬣狗族群的巢穴.与其他斑鬣狗巢穴不同的是:斑鬣狗的猎物稀少,鲜见斑鬣狗的活动痕迹,尤其是幼年斑鬣狗啃咬形成的特定产物“nibbling sticks”,这说明灵仙洞既非用于猎物遗骸的储藏,也非用于幼崽的抚养,而是一处共用巢穴,同时也表明灵仙洞的骨骼聚集与埋藏有着特定的成因和机理.  相似文献   
滇中富民县宝石洞岩溶地下河洞穴景观系统规模适中,洞内岩溶景观千姿百态,洞中有宝(玛瑙),洞外有优美的生态环境和多元民族宗教文化以及潜在的温泉资源,加上优越的交通区位,旅游要素集群度较高,具较高开发价值.文章根据宝石洞地区区域地质背景,分析了该地区区域地史演化特征,根据本次对宝石洞的实地探测成果,总结了宝石洞旅游地质特征...  相似文献   
黄琨  武亚遵  万军伟  肖攀 《中国岩溶》2010,29(4):385-388
根据区域岩溶发育史分析认为,湖北宣恩县落马洞暗河的形成总体上可分为两个阶段:第一阶段发生在白垩纪末至晚第三纪。在该阶段中,降水主要通过发育于卧西坪岩溶坡立谷地两侧的小型洼地、落水洞汇入地下管道,往卧西坪谷地排泄,在卧西坪一带形成一小型岩溶湖泊的同时,还在谷地西侧形成了下黑槽、铜锣坪、扁洞三个近东西向地下暗河系统。第二个阶段发生在晚第三纪至今。在这一期间,随着区域构造运动的振荡性抬升,岩溶侵蚀基准面不断下降,在谷地内形成了上、下黑槽、铜锣坪落水洞与卧西坪消水洞等垂向岩溶管道,贯通早期形成的东西向管道并袭夺卧西坪和铜锣坪一带的地表岩溶湖水,使得原分散的岩溶水系统通过南北向的主管道集中排泄,形成了多进口的树枝状复杂管道暗河系统。卧西坪岩溶坡立谷内常年遭受洪涝的原因主要是由于落马洞地下暗河形成年代较晚,管道规模较小,且洞内坍塌淤积严重,排水能力小。在此基础上,提出了加强流域水土流失管理、疏通河道和新建排水隧洞等治理措施与防治对策。   相似文献   
为模拟洞穴系统的发生、演化及分布规律。对缓倾岩层(倾角<15°)裂隙疏散或密集及多层或单层含水层结构的模型所做的溶蚀试验表明:均匀介质含水层在平面上洞穴发育呈不均匀状况,剖面上以浅饱水带及承压含水层顶板附近洞穴较发育;在裂隙不发育或不贯通时洞穴发育受层面裂隙控制;在缓倾岩层中,洞穴发育循反倾向的方向逐渐减弱。  相似文献   
Salinity and temperature variations in groundwater discharge from the Altug submarine karst cave have been observed at 28 m below sea level for every 10 min between November 2004 and August 2005 to determine the drivers that govern the salinization. Comparisons between temporal trends of salinity and temperature with those of precipitation, air pressure, sea level and wind velocity revealed an apparent dominance of precipitation regime on the salinity and temperature variations. Spectral analyses applied to observations showed that the air pressure and sea level oscillations are affected by sun and moon tides which do not have an appreciable impact on the salinity and temperature variations. Annual rate of salinization in Altug cave seems inversely related to the inland groundwater head so that the maximum and minimum fresh water contributions occur at mid-spring and late-summer, respectively.  相似文献   
王华  张远明  覃嘉铭  李强  杨琰 《地球学报》2008,29(6):725-728
攀枝花市西区龙洞煤矿经过十余年的生产,不但在地下形成了较大范围的采空区,而且通过影响地下水形成了较大范围的疏干,致使矿区内大部分泉点断流.因而,为确定矿山地下水长期疏干对龙洞泉流域的影响程度,笔者通过比较水库水、大气降水、地下水与渗漏水之间的同位素特征,区分出了地下水的补给来源,并为查明本区的水文地质条件及确定矿坑地下水疏干的影响范围提供科学依据.  相似文献   
Unconsolidated mud clast breccia facies in the hominin-bearing (Homo naledi) Rising Star Cave, Cradle of Humankind, South Africa, are interpreted to have formed through a process termed sedimentary autobrecciation in this study. This process, by which most of the angular mud clast breccia deposits are thought to have formed autochthonously to para-autochthonously via a combination of erosion, desiccation, diagenesis and microbial alteration of laminated mud deposits, is thought to have taken place under relatively dry (i.e. non-flooded) conditions inside the cave. Subsequently, gravitational slumping and collapse was the dominant mechanism that produced the mud clast breccia deposits, which commonly accumulate into debris aprons. The mud clast breccia is typically associated with (micro) mammal fossils and is a common facies throughout the cave system, occurring in lithified and unlithified form. This facies has not been described from other cave localities in the Cradle of Humankind. Additionally, sedimentary autobrecciation took place during the deposition of some of the fossils within the Rising Star Cave, including the abundant Homo naledi skeletal remains found in the Dinaledi Subsystem. Reworking of the mud clast breccia deposits occurs in some chambers as they slump towards floor drains, resulting in the repositioning of fossils embedded in the breccias as evidenced by cross-cutting manganese staining lines on some Homo naledi fossil remains. The formation of the unlithified mud clast breccia deposits is a slow process, with first order formation rates estimated to be ca 8 × 10−4 mm year−1. The slow formation of the unlithified mud clast breccia facies sediments and lack of laminated mud facies within these deposits, indicates that conditions in the Dinaledi Chamber were probably stable and dry for at least the last ca 300 ka, meaning that this study excludes Homo naledi being actively transported by fluvial mechanisms during the time their remains entered the cave.  相似文献   
由于湖北建始龙骨洞洞穴沉积地层年代存在疑问,对建始龙骨洞沉积剖面的154块样品进行了磁性地层学再研究,并建立了磁极性序列,结果显示龙骨洞沉积地层记录了单一的反极性序列,仅在距顶部0.93m处存在一个短期的正极性事件。将龙骨洞剖面极性柱与国际标准极性柱对比,反极性序列应对应于松山反极性时,正极性事件可对应于Cobb Mountain或者留尼旺正极性事件。如果龙骨洞沉积中的哺乳动物年代偏向早更新世,后一种对比方案可能更合理。由此龙骨洞哺乳动物群年龄为1.945—2.581Ma,古人类化石年龄为2.148—2.581Ma。  相似文献   
基于地质异常理论的分析,并结合兰坪盆地的地质、构造特点,充分发挥地壳升降系数法的定量化及其空间优势,对兰坪盆地地质、构造演化进行了形象、直观的表述,对进一步反演兰坪盆地独特构造格架形成的古应力场,具有十分重要的作用。  相似文献   
The resistivity method is often used in cave prospecting. In this paper the pole–dipole array ability to detect cavities at different depths and with different water contents is investigated. The research was performed using analogical and numerical modelling. According to the results, empty caves at a depth less than four times its diameter can be easily detected. The ability of the pole–dipole array to detect water-filled caves reaches a minimum at filling percentages of 30–50%. Overburden effects research shows that low resistivity overburden reduces the resolution capability of the array. This study shows that equivalent results can be obtained by modelling the empty caves as infinite resistivity bodies or, alternatively, as very high resistivity ones. The analysis of field data acquired in the Maciço Calcário Estremenho (Portugal) shows the practical importance of the pole–dipole array in cavities prospecting.  相似文献   
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