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素有"黑金子"称谓的石墨,是传统工业和战略性新兴产业必须的矿物原料。文章以阿尔金南缘金鸿山—俄博梁地区的晶质石墨矿床为研究对象,通过成矿地质条件、控矿因素研究,分析了矿床成因。认为金鸿山—俄博梁地区具备较好的晶质石墨矿找矿潜力。  相似文献   
分布在东昆仑山南坡青海省大干沟地区的浩特洛哇组黑色岩系,属陆缘裂陷滨海—浅海相沉积的碎屑岩—碳酸盐岩建造,形成于缺氧环境。区内的大干沟钒钼矿床、大干沟口V-MoPGE矿床均赋存于浩特洛哇组(C2P1h)中,矿体均为层状、似层状,具层控特征。近年工作在大干沟口浩特洛哇组碳质板岩中发现了Mo、Au等元素的化探异常,通过少量的槽探及钻探工程控制钒钼矿体8个;钻孔ZK001、ZK701中均见Pd矿化,w(Pd)=0.03×10~(-6)~0.16×10~(-6),达到伴生矿床工业开采品位。大干沟黑色岩系中伴生铂族元素的发现,给青海省柴南缘地区非传统类型的铂族元素矿床的找矿突破带了希望,与黑色岩系有关的V-Mo-PGE矿产找矿前景光明。  相似文献   
30~#矿权区位于菲律宾迪纳加特岛北部,区内发育有红土型镍矿床。本次勘查圈定4处矿(化)体,其中以Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ矿(化)体的矿化范围较大,厚度变化系数为45%~50%(相对稳定),经济价值较高。红土型镍矿体平面上呈地毯状展布于地表,厚度受地形控制,富镍矿体分布于矿权区东部的5、6、11、12小区;剖面上从地表向深部矿体为铁质红土层、松散红土层及高岭土化蛇纹石化橄榄岩层。30~#矿权区红土镍矿矿床的形成经历了从普通矿到富矿两个阶段,红土镍矿石属于酸性矿石。  相似文献   
鞍山齐大山铁矿王家堡子采区产出鞍山式沉积变质型铁矿,铁矿石多以磁铁贫矿为主,局部产出富铁矿,目前钻探工程控制标高为-600 m,采区深部的资源潜力是急待解决的问题,为此对采区进行音频大地电磁测量和研究工作。齐大山铁矿的电性变化复杂,通过先期的实验剖面确定了矿区铁矿体的3种不同电阻率特征,然后对王家堡子采区的3760线、4050线、4500线进行音频大地电磁测量、数据处理和断面反演分析。推测3760线的低阻由磁铁贫矿引起,局部高阻为假象赤铁贫矿引起;推测4050线和4500线浅部的低阻由磁铁贫矿引起,深部的高阻为假象赤铁贫矿及磁铁贫矿引起。同时预测3760线、4050线和4500线西侧深部均有低电阻率显示,反映出隐伏铁矿床的存在特征,推测在-1 000 m标高以下仍存在有隐伏的富矿体或板状磁铁贫矿。经过钻探验证,获得了预期的找矿效果。  相似文献   
The Dabaoshan polymetallic deposit is a polygenetic composite ore deposit located at south of the Qinhang (Qinzhou-Hangzhou) Metallogenic Belt, which is composed mainly of SEDEX type Cu-Pb-Zn and porphyry-skarn type W-Mo orebodies. Systematic field study shows that the W-Mo mineralization exhibits as quartz-vein type and skarn type orebodies around the granodioritic porphyry, or superimposes on the SEDEX type Cu-Pb-Zn orebody, while the Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization occurs mainly in the Qiziqiao Formation as stratiform-substratiform type and breccia type orebodies with typical SEDEX-type characteristics. Re-Os dating of five molybdenite separates from porphyry-skarn type W-Mo orebodies yielded isochron ages of 163.6±1.0 Ma (MSWD=0.58), which represents the age of W-Mo mineralization. Re-Os dating of seven black carbonaceous mudstone samples from a Cu-Pb-Zn orebody yielded isochron age of 387.6±9.9 Ma (MSWD=56), which is interpreted to be the age of SEDEX-type Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization. These ages indicate that there are at least two stages of ore mineralization in the Dabaoshan polymetallic deposit. The W-Mo mineralization is related to the Yanshanian intermediated-acidic intrusions, while the stratiform-substratiform SEDEX-type Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization is associated with the Hercynian seafloor hydrothermal activities. © 2018, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
The Lehong zinc-lead deposit is one of the new-found large Zn-Pb deposits in the Sichuan- Yunnan-Guizhou Zn-Pb poly-metallic mineralization area. The ore-bodies of the Lehong deposit are strictly controlled by structures, and the fault tectonites can be divided into four groups which include morbruk rock, cataclastic rock and tectonic breccia. The mechanical properties of the faults suggest that there are five tectonic systems formed in the Caledonian-early Hercynian, Indosinian-early Yanshanian, mid-Yanshanian, late Yanshanian and Himalayan periods, respectively. The Lehong fault and the Qiaojia-Lianfeng fault are two important ore-controlling structures which might have acted as channel ways of the ore fluids. The ores are hosted in the subordinary fracture zone, joint fracture zone and interlayer fault zones in trailing folds of the Lehong fault and the Baobaoshang syncline and Jinjiagou anticline. Hence, the Lehong deposit is a tectonic -controlled ore deposit. These research do not only lay a foundation for studying deposit genesis and ore-finding direction in the Lehong deposit, but also provides important enlightenments for the ore-finding prognosis of lead-zinc deposits in northwestern Guizhou ore concentration district. © 2018, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
Hydrothermal dolomite commonly closely associates with oil-gas reservoirs and sediment-hosted Pb-Zn deposits, the Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) Pb-Zn deposits in particular. Host rocks of MVT deposits usually experienced extensive dolomitization, and indeed, hydrothermal dolomite is considered as a useful prospective indicator for MVT mineralization. However, genetic link between the hydrothermal dolomitization and MVT Pb-Zn mineralization is a matter of debate. This paper briefly reviewed the nomenclature and research history of hydrothermal dolomite, introduced the major geological, geochemical characteristics, and distribution of hydrothermal dolomite, spatial and possibly genetic relationship between hdyrothermal dolomite and hdyrothermal ore deposits and oil-gas reservoirs based on case studies including the occurrence of hydrothermal dolomites in MVT deposits in Southwest China. The temporal and genetic relationships between dolomitizaiton and thermal sulfate reduction, sulfide precipitation and thus the location of ore mineralization well worthy more attention, and comprehensive geological and isotope geochemical and state of art in situ techniques will contribute to understanding of the genesis of hydrotherml dolomite and the spatially related ore deposits and oil-gas reservoirs. © 2018, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
The ancient landslide has endured long-term slope evolution which results in its complicated material and special rock-soil properties. The risk of ancient landslide reactivation is substantially increasing due to the increase of intensified human engineering activities and the frequency of extreme weather events. Many ancient landslides have been reactivated all over the world and led to serious fatalities and severe damage to many important engineering facilities such as transportation and hydropower engineering projects. On the basis of the analysis of the research situation about the ancient landslides at home and abroad, the main research advances were summarized including the regional developing laws and recognizing of the ancient landslides, the mechanics properties of ancient landslide body and related sliding zone, reactivation mechanism of ancient landslides, reactivating process and modeling analysis of ancient landslides, early recognization of ancient landslide reactivation, etc. To meet the demands of disaster prevention and reduction, three key scientific issues were put forward to be solved: ①automaticaly establishing the methodology and identification criterions for recognition of ancient landslide; ②revealing the reactivation mechanism of ancient landslide based on a new strength theory; ③establishing the early rapid recognition method and predictive model for ancient landslide reactivation. Solving the above mentioned scientific theory and methodology will facilitate the planning and site selection of major projects as well as the disaster prevention and reduction in ancient landslide developing areas.  相似文献   
焦森 《地质论评》2021,67(Z1):67z1143-67z1145
正研究区位于福建省邵武市大坪—张厝一带,区内断裂构造发育,萤石矿化强烈,物化探异常明显,萤石矿床(点)众多。综合区内成矿地质特征及成矿规律,区内萤石矿找矿潜力大,新发现的张厝、新坪萤石矿通过进一步工作,有望达到中大型萤石矿床规模。1 区域地质  相似文献   
非洲锰矿床成矿规律、开发利用与勘查建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
栾卓然 《地质与勘探》2021,57(6):1216-1228
锰矿是我国重要的战略矿产资源,需求量不断增长,长期依赖国外资源保障供需关系。本文总结分析了非洲锰矿资源的特点、矿床类型与成矿规律等地质特征与勘查开发利用及贸易现状。分析表明:非洲是全球探明锰矿储量和资源量最多的地区,具有分布集中,规模大、品位高、杂质少的特点;锰矿床类型主要有条带状含铁建造(BIF)型、海相沉积型、海相火山-沉积型、陆相(湖相三角洲)沉积型、岩浆热液型等五大类,普遍遭受表生风化淋滤(溶蚀)作用改造;主要分布在卡普瓦尔克拉通、刚果克拉通西北部的加蓬地块和西非克拉通南缘的马恩-莱奥地盾中;成矿时代主要集中于前寒武纪,尤其是2.2~2.0Ga;非洲锰矿资源的勘查开发程度较高,其中南非是非洲锰矿勘查程度最高的国家,中非、北非国家的勘查开发程度较低;南非是全球最大的锰矿石生产国和锰矿产品出口国,目前占全球出口量的68.19%以上,我国是非洲锰矿产的最大出口地,占其出口总量的70.19%。建议:我国在非洲的勘查应重点关注非洲中部的条带状含铁建造(BIF)型锰矿和海相火山-沉积型锰矿;在非洲已有的中企基础上,组建大型的集团公司,建立多元的锰矿资源供应体系。  相似文献   
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