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三峡水库运行后长江中游洪、枯水位变化特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
韩剑桥  孙昭华  杨云平 《湖泊科学》2017,29(5):1217-1226
流域大型水库蓄水后,坝下游河道调整过程中的洪、枯水位变化,对下游水安全、水生态和水资源利用影响甚大.利用1955-2012年长江中游各水文站水位、流量等资料,采用改进的时间序列分析方法,对三峡水库运行前后长江中游洪、枯水位变化特征进行了研究,结果表明:三峡水库蓄水前长江中游洪、枯水位变化的周期长度分别为9~14、11~15 a,在假设三峡水库运行后水位无趋势性变化的前提下,估算得到的水位变化周期长度基本在20 a以上,蓄水前的自然周期性已被打破,枯水位发生趋势性下降且无复归迹象,而洪水位波动周期虽有所延长,但上升幅度未超过历史波动变幅,仅可确定洪水位没有明显的下降趋势.三峡水库蓄水后坝下游长距离冲刷,枯水河槽冲刷量占平滩河槽的比例逐年增加,累计至2013年已达91.5%,是枯水位下降的主控因素.河槽冲刷导致的床沙粗化增加了河道床面阻力,高程在平滩水位附近的滩体上覆盖的大量植被增加了水流流动阻力,同时大量航道整治、护岸、码头等工程主体部分布设在枯水位以上,综合因素作用使得洪水河槽阻力增加.三峡水库蓄水后,虽然枯水期流量补偿作用显著削弱了枯水位下降的效应,但枯水位下降事实已经形成,不利于航道水深的提高及通江湖泊枯水期的水量存蓄,洪水位未明显下降,同级流量下的江湖槽蓄量不会明显调整.  相似文献   
Small runoff, large sediment load, and incompatible relationship of flow and sediment load are very important characteristics of the Yellow River. They are also the crux of the most prominent problems of the Yellow River. To solve these problems, the regimes of flow and sediment load have to be improved by increasing water, reducing sediment load, and by using reservoirs to regulate flow and sediment load. The results of experiments for regulating the flow and sediment load in the last three years by the Xiaolangdi Reservoir have indicated that this measure is a realistic and effective way to mitigate the prominent problems in flood control of the Lower Yellow River at present and in the near future. However, the regulation system is still imperfect. It is advisable to speed up the pace of research and construction of the system for regulating flow and sediment load.  相似文献   
天然气水合物与常规油气资源的成藏在时空上存在密切联系,在一定条件下可以共生成藏。存在泄漏共生、封盖共生和遮盖侧储三种基本的共生成藏模式。泄漏共生模式是先期形成了传统油气藏,而后由于发生油气泄漏并在其上方形成天然气水合物,其特征是在水合物的下方生、储、盖齐备;封盖共生模式则是先在上部形成天然气水合物,同时作为下部传统油气藏的盖层,其特征是水合物之下的传统油气藏具备生、储成藏条件,但缺乏盖层成藏要素;遮盖侧储模式是由于水合物矿藏的遮盖作用,迫使在下部形成的烃类物质向上运移时改道,在旁侧具成藏条件的邻区成藏。实际的地质成藏可能会出现这些基本模式的组合形式。  相似文献   
现行农村信用社存在的出资人所有权虚置、收益权削弱、法人财产权丧失等产权制度缺陷 ,严重阻碍着它的进一步发展。形成这些缺陷的主要原因在于农村信用社产权改革的方向不明和对产权范畴的片面理解 ,因此 ,农村信用社产权制度创新应在清晰界定产权的基础上、向股份制、股份合作制、合作制等多种产权形式的方向发展。  相似文献   
南亚热带富营养化抽水型水库轮虫的组成与动态   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
大镜山水库位于广东省珠海市,是一座供应珠海市和澳门特别行政区饮水的抽水型中型水库.抽水改变了水体的水动力过程以及水体生态系统的动态过程.为了解这一动态过程中轮虫的群落结构及环境冈子对轮虫的影响,于2005年1-12月,每月一次对该水库敞水区进行了采样调查.共采集到轮虫32种,其中,臂尾轮科12种,异尾轮科、腔轮科各有4种,它们主要是热带、亚热带地区的常见种和优势种类.热带龟甲轮虫(Keratella tropica)、对棘异尾轮虫(Trichocerea stylata)、螺形龟甲轮虫(Keratella cochlearis)、迈氏三肢轮虫(Filinia maior)、裂痕龟纹轮虫(Anuraeopsis fissa)、角突臂尾轮虫(Brachionus angularis)、剪形臂尾轮虫(Brachionus forficula)、卵形无柄轮虫(Ascomorpha ovalis)、敞水胶鞘轮虫(Collotheea pelagiea)和卜氏品囊轮虫(Asplanchna brightwelli)为优势种,这些优势种个体小、具有硬被甲.轮虫的多样性指数在0.29-0.81之间变动,与相同营养水平的湖泊相比,大镜山水库轮虫的种类数和多样性指数均较低,轮虫丰度和生物量的分布范围分别为21-1094ind./L和4.04-1127μg/L,高峰期均出现在2月和5月,二者具有相似的动态特征.轮虫个体的大小范围在50-620μm之间,轮虫种类和丰度的组成均以200μm以下的小型个体为主,如裂痕龟纹轮虫、角突臂尾轮虫等,轮虫生物量组成主要是以200-400μm的中型个体为主,如卜氏晶囊轮虫、萼花臂尾轮虫(Brachionus Calyeiflorus)等,温度、透明度、浮游植物生物量和蓝藻生物量是影响水库轮虫群落结构特征和动态的主要环境因子.  相似文献   
延长油田区块位于鄂尔多斯盆地陕北斜坡东部延安单斜的中间部位,为研究天然气储层及储层中高含气分布区,2008年在延长油田区块内完成三维地震勘探344km2。本文对三维地震资料应用吸收系数、频谱分解、振幅衰减等地震属性进行流体识别试验。试验结果表明振幅衰减对含气层段异常响应相对敏感,吸收系数对高含气层段有一定反映。利用天然气储层各层段振幅衰减极大值,参考吸收系数剖面的高值层段,分析预测了三维区块含气概率高的平面分布区,2009年在预测的含气概率高分布区进行了探井验证,取得了比较理想的效果。  相似文献   
ASSESSMENTOFECONOMICDEVELOPMENTFORTHREEGORGESRESERVIORAREA①ChenGuojie(陈国阶)ChengduInstituteofMountainHazards&Environment,theCh...  相似文献   
We describe the phytoplankton dynamics and structure in Xiangxi Bay, Three Gorges Reservoir. Samples were collected monthly in the surface waters between August 2007 and July 2008. We identified 10 principle functional groups. C-strategists and S/R-strategists with a wide range of tolerance dominated the phytoplankton assemblage. Seasonal variation was related to water column stability because of changes in hydraulic operation in October, January, and May. Functional group C (Asterionella formosa) and P (Au...  相似文献   
Soil erosion becomes a serious environmental problem in the world, especially in western China. An effective management practice called the Grain for Green Program (GGP), which was launched in 1999, aims to reduce soil and water loss and alleviate the ecological environment problem in western China. Two typical counties in western China, the Zhongxian (in Chongqing Municipality) and Ansai (in Shaanxi Province) were chosen to evaluate the dynamic changes of land use and agricultural production structure before and after the implementation of the Program in this paper. The results showed that the cultivated land area was reduced by 7.08% from 1989 to 2003. The cultivated land per person was decreased by 8.42% during 1999-2003. Moreover, the stability index of the secondary sector of the economy was increased from 0.91 in the period 1990-1999 to 0.94 in the following ten years. In addition, the stability index of tertiary economic sector increased from 0.88 to 0.92 in Zhongxian county. Meanwhile, the cultivated land area was reduced by 15.48% from 1990 to 1999. The soil erosion modulus was decreased by 33.33% from 1999 to 2006. Also, the stability index of secondary and tertiary economic sectors was 0.86 in the period 1998-2002. However, it decreased by 77% during 2002 to 2007 in Ansai County. These results imply that the Grain for Green Program had different impact on the two regions. Several effective strategies of soil and water conservation have been carried out to ameliorate the sustainable development of ecological environment and economy in these two counties of western China.  相似文献   
鄂尔多斯盆地南部旬邑-宜君地区中生界储层特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对鄂尔多斯盆地南部旬邑 -宜君地区中生界主要储集层——直罗组、延安组、延长组储层特征从沉积相、砂体纵向展布、岩性和物性等几方面进行了简要论述。通过研究指出本区储层具有低孔、低渗的特点。在纵向上以直罗组储层相对最好 ,延安组次之 ,之后才是三叠系延长组。储集层普遍具有岩性细、成岩后生变化强烈的特点。由于储层低孔、低渗 ,因此 ,油层的压裂改造措施必不可少  相似文献   
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