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在西南极和横贯南极山脉地区,新生代裂谷和剥露作用非常普遍。但是,文献中很少记录东南极地区的新生代剥露作用。文中根据东南极普里兹湾拉斯曼丘陵地质样品的磷灰石裂变径迹年龄和热历史的模拟,认为在东南极海岸边缘存在新生代的隆升和伸展作用,其年龄为始于(49.8±12)Ma。该年龄略晚于西南极裂谷系的启动年龄(约60~50Ma)。由于差异隆升作用,在拉斯曼丘陵地区发育了更新的正断层作用——拉斯曼丘陵拆离断层的新活动,其年龄为约5.4Ma。东南极周缘新生代裂谷和伸展作用的普遍存在,是冈瓦纳裂解以来大陆分离和印度洋形成的结果。  相似文献   
Gravitational collapse in response to the creation of salt swells and diapirs is a common phenomenon within regions such as the Southern North Sea. Although collapse faulting and slumping of linear salt swell flanks has previously been documented, the existence of concentric collapse structures surrounding diapirs and isolated salt lows is a recently recognised feature. 3-D seismic data from the Southern North Sea demonstrates that concentric collapse faulting around both diapirs and subcircular salt lows is common. The recognition of concentric collapse structures formed in response to salt withdrawal, and adjacent inflation, provides an alternative mechanism for the origin of the proposed Silverpit impact crater.  相似文献   
胶东半岛牟平-即墨断裂带晚中生代运动学转换历史   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
牟平-即墨断裂带不仅构成了苏鲁造山带与胶北地块(华北地块)的边界,也是中国东部巨型郯庐走滑断裂系(即郯城-庐江走滑断裂系)的主要组成部分。基于野外断层滑动矢量分析和古构造应力场反演、侵入岩和火山岩锆石U-Pb离子探针和Ar-Ar测年分析,结合海域地球物理资料解释成果,研究了该断裂带平面展布形态和晚中生代构造演化历史。结果表明,牟平-即墨断裂带在晚侏罗世-白垩纪时期经历了挤压左旋平移引张伸展右旋走滑拉分等3个显著不同的运动学转变历史。晚侏罗世是重要的挤压作用时期,沿断裂带发生显著的左旋走滑活动,牟平-即墨断裂带东支桃村-东陡山断裂记录了约30km的左旋错移量。早白垩世时期,构造体制以引张伸展活动为主,引张应力方向为NW-SE至近W-E向,沿断裂带形成一系列深而狭长的断陷盆地;盆地中侵入岩和火山喷发岩锆石U-Pb离子探针和Ar-Ar测试,获得了一致的年龄在106~123Ma。晚白垩世古新世时期,断裂带以右旋走滑活动为主,右旋剪切拉分作用控制了胶县-莱阳伸展断陷盆地的发育,沿断裂带局部凹陷区控制了晚白垩世王氏群沉积。早、晚白垩世之间发生一期构造挤压事件,挤压方向NW-SE,导致断陷盆地构造反转和断裂带左旋走滑活动,但这期走滑位移量不大。牟平即墨断裂带运动学历史和构造应力场演化较完整地记录了中国东部晚中生代构造体制转换过程,并对构造体制转换过程的动力学背景提供了重要的构造地质学制约。  相似文献   
A 12-station temporary microearthquake network was established by the Geological Survey of India for aftershock monitoring of the January 26th, 2001 Bhuj earthquake (M w 7.6) in the Kutch district of Gujarat state, western India. The epicentres of the aftershocks show two major trends: one in the NE direction and the other in the NW direction. Fault-plane solutions of the best-located and selected cluster of events that occurred along the NE trend, at a depth of 15–38 km, show reverse faulting with a large left-lateral strike-slip motion, which are comparable with the main-shock solution. The NW trending upper crustal aftershocks at depth <10 km, on the other hand, show reverse faulting with right-lateral strike-slip motion, and the mid crustal and lower crustal aftershocks, at a depth of 15–38 km, show pure reverse faulting as well as reverse faulting with right-lateral and left-lateral strike-slip motions; these solutions are not comparable with the main-shock solution. It is inferred that the intersection of two faults has been the source area for stress concentration to generate the main shock and the aftershocks.  相似文献   
Summary During earthquake faulting, radiation efficiency and the degree stress relief are critically dependent on the kinetic shear resistance. This is often assumed to stay constant during slip, but geological evidence suggests that for moderate or large shallow earthquakes it may decrease dramatically to near-zero values once slip is initiated, either by melt formation or by transient increases in fluid pressure on the fault plane. The latter, probably more common process may arise partly through an interaction between temperature and water pressure, and partly through dilatancy recovery as shear stress is relieved. If the fault remains undrained, stress relief should be absolute with seismic efficiency reaching high values, so that stress drops give a measure of the level of tectonic shear stress in fault zones. Supporting evidence comes from the observation that apparent stress is generally about half the stress drop.  相似文献   
The Gediz (Ala?ehir) Graben is located in the highly tectonically active and seismogenic region of Western Turkey. The rivers upstream of the normal fault‐bounded graben each contain a non‐lithologic knickpoint, including those that drain through inferred fault segment boundaries. Knickpoint heights measured vertically from the fault scale with footwall relief and documented fault throw (vertical displacement). Consequently, we deduce these knickpoints were initiated by an increase in slip rate on the basin‐bounding fault, driven by linkage of the three main fault segments of the high‐angle graben bounding fault array. Fault interaction theory and ratios of channel steepness suggest that the slip rate enhancement factor on linkage was a factor of 3. We combine this information with geomorphic and structural constraints to estimate that linkage took place between 0.6 Ma and 1 Ma. Calculated pre‐ and post‐linkage throw rates are 0.6 and 2 mm/yr respectively. Maximum knickpoint retreat rates upstream of the faults range from 4.5 to 28 mm/yr, faster than for similar catchments upstream of normal faults in the Central Apennines and the Hatay Graben of Turkey, and implying a fluvial landscape response time of 1.6 to 2.7 Myr. We explore the relative controls of drainage area and precipitation on these retreat rates, and conclude that while climate variation and fault throw rate partially explain the variations seen, lithology remains a potentially important but poorly characterised variable. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Gemmi fault is a prominent NW–SE striking lineament that crosses the Gemmi Pass in the central Swiss Alps. A multidisciplinary investigation of this structure that included geological mapping, joint profiling, cathodoluminescence and scanning electron microscopy, stable isotope measurements, luminescence- and U-TH-dating, 3D ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveying and trenching reveals a history of fault movements from the Miocene to the Holocene. The main fault zone comprises a 0.5–3 m thick calcite cataclasite formed during several cycles of veining and brittle deformation. Displaced Cretaceous rock layers show an apparent dextral slip of 10 m along the fault.A detailed study of a small sediment-filled depression that crosses the fault provides evidence for a post-glacial reactivation of the fault. A trench excavated across the fault exposed a Late-Glacial-age loess layer and late Holocene colluvial-like slope-wash deposits that showed evidence for fault displacement of a few centimeters, indicating a recent strike-slip reactivation of the fault. Focal mechanisms of recent instrumentally recorded earthquakes are consistent with our findings that show that the fault at the Gemmi Pass, together with other parallel faults in this area, may be reactivated in today's stress field. Taking together all the observations of its ancient and recent activity, the Gemmi fault can be viewed as a window through geological space and time.  相似文献   
Supergene nickel deposits of New Caledonia that have been formed in the Neogene by weathering of obducted ultramafic rocks are controlled by fracture development. The relationship of tropical weathering and tectonic structures, faults and tension gashes, have been investigated in order to determine whether fractures play a passive role only, as previously thought; or alternatively, if brittle tectonics was acting together with alteration. Observation of time‐relationship, textures, and mineralogy of various fracture fills and fault gouges shows that active faulting has played a prominent role not only in facilitating drainage and providing room for synkinematic crystallization of supergene nickel silicate, but also in mobilizing already formed sparse nickel ore, producing the very high grade ore nicknamed “green gold”.  相似文献   
深源地震机理的新认识──反向裂隙断层作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高温高压实验究表明,地幔矿物相交与深源地震有着密切的关系。在具有放热效应的橄榄石一尖晶石相变过程中形成的反向裂隙(anticrach)是诱发深源地震的主要原因;而发生在下地幔的相变作用(例如钛铁矿-钙钛矿相变)因其具有吸热效应的特征,不形成反向裂隙,从而导致深源地震终止于下地幔顶界。  相似文献   
In the interior of the Iberian Peninsula, the main geomorphic features, mountain ranges and basins, seems to be arranged in several directions whose origin can be related to the N–S plate convergence which occurred along the Cantabro–Pyrenean border during the Eocene–Lower Miocene time span. The Iberian Variscan basement accommodated part of this plate convergence in three E–W trending crustal folds as well as in the reactivation of two left-lateral NNE–SSW strike-slip belts. The rest of the convergence was assumed through the inversion of the Iberian Mesozoic Rift to form the Iberian Chain. This inversion gave rise to a process of oblique crustal shortening involving the development of two right lateral NW–SE shear zones. Crustal folds, strike-slip corridors and one inverted rift compose a tectonic mechanism of pure shear in which the shortening is solved vertically by the development of mountain ranges and related sedimentary basins. This model can be expanded to NW Africa, up to the Atlasic System, where N–S plate convergence seems also to be accommodated in several basement uplifts, Anti-Atlas and Meseta, and through the inversion of two Mesozoic rifts, High and Middle Atlas. In this tectonic situation, the microcontinent Iberia used to be firmly attached to Africa during most part of the Tertiary, in such a way that N–S compressive stresses could be transmitted from the collision of the Pyrenean boundary. This tectonic scenario implies that most part of the Tertiary Eurasia–Africa convergence was not accommodated along the Iberia–Africa interface, but in the Pyrenean plateboundary. A broad zone of distributed deformation resulted from the transmission of compressive stresses from the collision at the Pyrenean border. This distributed, intraplate deformation, can be easily related to the topographic pattern of the Africa–Eurasia interface at the longitude of the Iberian Peninsula.Shortening in the Rif–Betics external zones – and their related topographic features – must be conversely related to more “local” driven mechanisms, the westward displacement of the “exotic” Alboran domain, other than N–S convergence. The remaining NNW–SSE to NW–SE, latest Miocene up to Present convergence is also being accommodated in this zone straddling Iberia and Morocco, at the same time as a new ill-defined plate boundary that is being developed between Europe and Africa.  相似文献   
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