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樊高峰  马浩  张小伟  刘樱 《气象学报》2016,74(6):959-973
为了全面分析浙江省不同区域能见度变化基本特征及影响机理,基于杭州、宁波、温州3个国家基本气象站2013-2014年逐时能见度观测资料,比较分析了3市能见度变化的基本特征。发现3市不同等级能见度出现频率基本一致,随着能见度等级的提高,出现频率逐渐降低;从能见度的日变化来看,07时(北京时)前后最低,之后缓慢上升,14-15时达到最高,随后逐渐下降;全年有两个能见度较低时段,分别出现在12月-次年2月和5-6月;总体而言,宁波能见度最优,杭州和温州大体相当。功率谱分析结果表明,3市能见度均有显著的日周期,高频波段呈现出多个显著谱峰,低频波段存在若干显著谱峰。进一步开展机理分析,发现相对湿度和PM2.5浓度是调制大气能见度的关键因子,相对湿度增大、PM2.5浓度升高导致能见度降低。在同一相对湿度等级下,初始阶段能见度随PM2.5浓度的升高迅速降低,到达“拐点”之后降低速率趋于缓慢。在同一PM2.5浓度水平下,相对湿度越大,能见度越低,说明水汽对能见度也有重要影响。基于相对湿度和PM2.5浓度两个因子,采用非线性拟合方案构建了大气能见度定量统计模型,总体而言模型拟合效果较好。最后针对研究中存在的不足和未来值得进一步发掘的科学问题进行了讨论。   相似文献   
矿物反应与变形关系研究——以糜棱岩高温高压实验为例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘贵  石耀霖  周永胜 《岩石学报》2016,32(6):1663-1674
矿物反应和变形局部化在中下地壳普遍存在,两者相互影响和促进。实验研究表明,矿物反应与变形关系非常复杂。本文在糜棱岩高温高压流变实验的基础上,分析了实验变形样品中的矿物反应分布特征以及矿物反应引起的化学成分变化,讨论了矿物反应与变形的相互影响。微观结构分析表明,实验变形后的糜棱岩样品在温度800~890℃时,角闪石和黑云母出现脱水反应,生成微晶角闪石和黑云母,并伴有局部熔融。受应变局部化控制,脱水反应产物主要出现在黑云母、角闪石条带边缘。微晶和熔体的成分分析表明,不仅脱水反应形成的微晶与熔体的SiO 2含量非常低,而且黑云母周围的反应产物和熔体主要来自于黑云母的脱水,角闪石边缘的反应产物和熔体主要来自于角闪石脱水,石英、钾长石和斜长石没有参与反应与熔融。本研究中的脱水反应产物中,没有发现辉石和石榴石,这种脱水反应与文献中报道的无局部化的均匀样品在静高压和高熔融比例条件的脱水反应产物和熔体的成分有很大差别。黑云母和角闪石的局部化分布和脱水程度低,可能是造成脱水反应产物有差别的巨大原因。在本实验结果中,脱水反应对变形的影响主要体现为,脱水反应产生了细粒混合矿物相,使得在局部化的剪切带内变形机制从位错蠕变转变为扩散蠕变,导致样品出现应变弱化。另外脱水反应还引起了局部脆性破裂。变形引起晶体塑性变形,增加了位错密度和矿物细粒化,促进了晶体内部成核和黑云母与角闪石的脱水分解;差应力作用增加了局部的正应力和平均应力,增加了黑云母和角闪石能够稳定存在的压力范围,这可能是反应产物以微晶黑云母和角闪石为主,而没有转化为辉石的原因。  相似文献   
In this study we performed three categories of steady- and unsteady-state core-flooding experiments to investigate capillary trapping, relative permeability, and capillary pressure, in a scCO2 + SO2/brine/limestone system at elevated temperature and pressure conditions, i.e., 60 °C and 19.16 MPa. We used a Madison limestone core sample acquired from the Rock Springs Uplift in southwest Wyoming. We carried out two sets of steady-state drainage-imbibition relative permeability experiments with different initial brine saturations to study hysteresis. We found that the final scCO2 + SO2 drainage relative permeability was very low, i.e., 0.04. We also observed a rapid reduction in the scCO2-rich phase imbibition relative permeability curve, which resulted in a high residual trapping. The results showed that between 62.8% and more than 76% of the initial scCO2 + SO2 at the end of drainage was trapped by capillary trapping mechanism (trapping efficiency). We found that at higher initial brine saturations, the trapping efficiency was higher. The maximum initial and residual scCO2-rich phase saturations at the end of primary drainage and imbibition were 0.525 and 0.329, respectively. Each drainage-imbibition cycle was followed by a dissolution process to re-establish Sw = 1. The dissolution brine relative permeabilities for both cycles were also obtained. We characterized the scCO2 + SO2/brine capillary pressure hysteresis behavior through unsteady-state primary drainage, imbibition, and secondary drainage experiments. We observed negative imbibition capillary pressure curve indicative of possible wettability alteration throughout the experiments due to contact with scCO2 + SO2/brine fluid system. The trapping results were compared to those reported in literature for other carbonate core samples. We noticed slightly more residual trapping in our sample, which might be attributed to heterogeneity, different viscosity ratio, and pore-space topologies. The impact of dynamic effects, i.e., high brine flow rate imbibition tests, on trapping of the scCO2-rich phase was also explored. We performed two imbibition experiments with relatively high brine flow rates. The residual scCO2 saturation dropped to 0.291 and 0.262 at the end of the first and second imbibition tests, i.e., 11.5% and 20.4%, respectively, compared to 0.329 under capillary-dominated regime.  相似文献   
基于龚帕斯生长曲线的高填石路堤沉降规律分析   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
高填石路堤的沉降变形过程一般为从填石体施工期的瞬时变形到进一步的蠕变变形,其沉降变化规律与龚帕斯生长曲线变化规律相似,有着较为明显的出生、成长、成熟和衰老的阶段。通过对龚帕斯生长曲线模型的合理取值,可较好的利用该沉降分析模型来拟合和分析高填石路堤的沉降数据,并且可以反映出沉降的发展变化趋势,作出沉降预测。   相似文献   
以成土母质、土壤酸碱度、土壤类型、植被类型和湿度类型等5个生境因子为基础,建立湖南土壤生态系统对酸沉降的相对敏感性评价指标体系;利用地理信息系统(GIS)工具进行湖南土壤生态系统对酸沉降的相对敏感性区划,结果表明,湖南省可以划分为极敏感区、敏感区、中等敏感区、不敏感区和极不敏感区等5个酸相对敏感性分区,分别占湖南省总面积的2.15%、30.02%、55.01%、10.56%和2.26%.  相似文献   
世界和中国的冰川分布及其水资源意义   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:10  
王宗太  苏宏超 《冰川冻土》2003,25(5):498-503
世界上巨大数量的冰川是优质清洁的淡水资源,但分布极其不均衡,导致在各地区可利用价值的差异.冰盖全部集中在南极和格陵兰,山岳冰川的84%集中于亚洲高地和北美寒区.中国是中低纬带冰川最多规模最大的国家,又是世界荒漠区和贫水国中冰川最多的国家.中国冰川分布以青新荒漠绿洲区最多,其中塔里木是世界上冰川最多的内流水系,并哺育出塔里木冰水绿洲.为平衡绿洲经济发展与生态环境安全的关系,提出"养源平流"方针.  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(17):2083-2099

The high Sr/Y geochemical feature of granitoids can be attributed to various mechanisms, and elucidating genesis of high Sr/Y granitoids provides insights into the material recycling and magmatic processes at depth. In southeastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB), many Middle Permian granitoids exhibit high Sr/Y ratios, but their origins remain unclear, inhibiting a comprehensive understanding of the magmatic response to the final closure of the Palaeo-Asian ocean. Here we present new zircon U-Pb ages, Lu-Hf isotopes and whole-rock geochemical data for the Middle Permian high Sr/Y monzogranites from central Inner Mongolia, southeastern CAOB. LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb data shows that these high Sr/Y rocks were emplaced during 273–261 Ma. They are calc-alkaline, sodium-rich and metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, with enriched large-ion lithophile elements (Rb, Th, K and Pb) and depleted high field strength elements (Nb, Ta, P and Ti), suggesting a mafic lower crustal source rather than evolved potassic crustal materials. Their relatively low (Gd/Yb)N (1.1–2.0), (Dy/Yb)N (1.0–1.3), Nb/Ta (7.9–10.9) ratios and flat heavy rare earth element patterns are characteristics of derivation from a relatively shallow depth with amphibolite as dominant residue. They also have highly variable εHf(t) values (?8.2 to +10.0) and TDMC (1814 to 649 Ma), similar to those of the Early Palaeozoic high Sr/Y intrusions along the Bainaimiao arc belt. Combined with data from literatures, we suggest that the high Sr/Y monzogranites in this study were probably generated by reworking of the newly underplated juvenile high Sr/Y lower crust of the Bainaimiao arc belt. Moreover, taking into account the regional investigations, the sublinear distributed Middle Permian magmatic rocks in the southeastern CAOB were likely associated with the incipient slab break-off of the Palaeo-Asian oceanic lithosphere following initial collision between the North China craton and the South Mongolia terranes.  相似文献   
We have performed measurements of minerals based on the synchrotron source for single crystal and powder X-ray diffraction,inelastic scattering,spectroscopy and radiography by using diamond anvil cells.We investigated the properties of iron(Fe),iron-magnesium oxides(Fe,Mg)O, silica(SiO2),iron-magnesium silicates(Fe,Mg)SiO3 under simulated high pressure-high temperature extreme conditions of the Earth’s crust,upper mantle,low mantle,core-mantle boundary,outer core, and inner core.The results provide a new window on the investigation of the mineral properties at Earth’s conditions.  相似文献   
半坡地区地面高精度磁测成果发现正磁异常与镁铁—超镁铁岩体的关系比较密切。随即开展△T异常圈定镁铁—超镁铁岩体范围,推断岩体的大大致形态,为在岩体中寻找岩浆岩型镍铜铂钯矿提供深部岩体形态资料。  相似文献   
High maturity oil and gas are usually generated after primary oil expulsion from source rocks, especially from oil prone type I/II kerogen. However, the detailed impacts of oil expulsion, or retention in source rock on further thermal degradation of kerogen at the high maturity stage remain unknown. In the present study, we collected an Ordovician Pingliang shale sample containing type II kerogen. The kerogens, which had previously generated and expelled oil and those which had not, were prepared and pyrolyzed in a closed system, to observe oil expulsion or oil retention effects on later oil and gas generation from kerogen. The results show that oil expulsion and retention strongly impacts on further oil and gas generation in terms of both the amount and composition in the high maturity stage. Gas production will be reduced by 50% when the expulsion coefficient reaches 58%, and gas from oil-expelled kerogen (less oil retained) is much drier than that from fresh kerogen. The oil expulsion also causes n-alkanes and gas compounds to have heavier carbon isotopic compositions at high maturity stages. The enrichment of 13C in n-alkanes and gas hydrocarbons are 1‰ and 4–6‰ respectively, compared to fresh kerogen. Oil expulsion may act as open system opposite to the oil retention that influences the data pattern in crossplots of δ13C2–δ13C3 versus C2/C3, δ13C2–δ13C3 versus δ13C1 and δ13C1–δ13C2 versus ln(C1/C2), which are widely used for identification of gas from kerogen cracking or oil cracking. These results suggest that the reserve estimation and gas/source correlation in deep burial basins should consider the proportion of oil retention to oil expulsion the source rocks have experienced.  相似文献   
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