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Optical spectrum based measurement of flotation slurry contents   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Monitoring and control of a flotation circuit is mainly based on the information gained by assaying the process slurry lines. In flotation plants, usually an X-ray fluorescence analyzer is used to obtain the on-line assays. This article introduces the visual and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopic analysis of the process slurries as a supplementary method which complements the on-line assay information available from an X-ray fluorescence analyzer. It is shown that the spectral information can be used to accurately predict the element contents in the slurry in between successive XRF analyses. Since the spectral measurements can be taken with high frequency as opposed to the sparse X-ray fluorescence analysis, a practically continuous on-line estimate of the slurry contents is reached. These estimates can be used in the plant control to improve the overall performance of the circuits and to yield also economical savings. Additionally, the frequent monitoring of the grades can provide means to eliminate rapid disturbances in the circuits, thus improving the stability of the process.  相似文献   
This article follows the transformation process in the fishing industry with specific reference to the emergence of a limited commercial sector. In the policy domain, this sector was accommodated through a “one size fits all approach” to access rights, requiring it to compete with the large-scale commercial sector for the same resources. The strategies and actions of successful and unsuccessful applicants in four fishing communities in South Africa are examined. The paper identifies the key challenges facing the limited commercial sector as being the lack of skills to complete the application process, start up capital or credit, organisation and financial and business acumen. It highlights the disjuncture between the Marine Living Resources Act's stated aims of sustainability, equity and stability and the realities of implementation at a grassroots level.  相似文献   
The reflectance and bireflectance of graptolite fragments (Silurian-Ordovician) from southeast Turkey were examined and the morphology was described using reflected light microscopy. The dispersion of maximum and minimum reflectance of graptolites sectioned parallel and perpendicular to the bedding was also determined. The graptolites were anisotropic and the anisotropy was stronger for sections perpendicular to the bedding. The graptolite fragments show two types of surface morphology: granular and non-granular. The granular type had a rough surface and granular anisotropy, the non-granular fragments showed a smooth surface and basic anisotropy. The fine internal structure of graptolite was evident under crossed-polars. The reflectance of graptolite increased with depth and was higher than other organic material, e.g. bitumen, found in the same sediment. The present study indicates that the reflectance of graptolite in sediment can be used to determine the maturity of the dediment.  相似文献   
由CT理论与应用研究编辑部和北京信息工程学院主办、有中国体视学学会多位理事和会员参加的“2002年CT扫描和三维成像研讨会(CT科技学术年会)”于2002年10月18-20日,在北京大学逸夫苑理科楼学术报告厅举行。中国体视学学会副理事长刘国权教授出席致辞,对于这次CT科技年会的召开表示祝贺,并介绍了2003年在美国圣迭戈和北京将要召开第11届国际体视学会大会的有关情况,希望有关专家准备论文出席,来自全国各地48位专家,教授出席了会议,本次会议涉及CT理论、计算方法和软件及硬件技术;医学CT扫描成像和疾病诊断;工业CT和三维成像:地球层析和工程CT。美国爱荷华大学王革教授,纽约罗彻斯特大学宁若拉教授专程到会,分别做了精彩的特邀主题报告:显微CT的锥束重建新方法和近年来在这方面的进展和展望”,“锥光束三维CT技术在美国的过去、现在和未来”“国内专家也报告了前沿研究的新成果,在会前,CT理论与应用研究编辑部,根据收到的论文和摘要汇编和印制了专集,在会议最后一天,召开了“CT理论与应用研究”期刊编委会,传达了中国科协对于办好科技期刊的新要求,会议开得很成功。  相似文献   
Buried Quaternary valleys in Denmark are complex structures filled with various deposits consisting primarily of glacio-lacustrine clay, till and meltwater sand, and gravel. The valleys are important geophysical targets, because they often contain significant volumes of groundwater used for public water supply. About 700 km of buried valley structures have been imaged in the western part of Denmark by the transient electromagnetic (TEM) method. The ability to map the valleys depends primarily on valley geometry, infill architecture and the resistivity of the fill sediments as well as the substratum. One-dimensional (1-D) inversion models of the TEM soundings have been used to construct contour maps of 20 m average resistivities and depth to a good conductor, which provide images for geological interpretation. Images of buried valley morphology, fill properties, infill architecture, such as cut-and-fill structures, valley distribution and valley generations, are characterized for case studies from Hornsyld, Holstebro and the Vonsild/Agtrup areas of Denmark.  相似文献   
煤田火区烧变岩光谱特征分析及其信息提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国北方煤田煤层自燃现象非常严重.利用遥感手段可以快速实现火区的动态监测,及时为灭火工程提供信息.烧变岩作为火区的地表指示性特征,是火区解译最直观的信息.本文从烧变岩的反射光谱曲线特征入手,对几种提取烧变岩信息的方法进行比较,从而确定解译烧变岩的最佳方法,为圈定火区的范围和位置奠定基础.  相似文献   
王岩  李丽琴  张筱青 《地质论评》2016,62(2):375-380
惰质组是煤中一种常见的显微组分。它不仅能用来鉴别成煤前植物的木炭化程度,而且还是泥炭沼泽古环境恢复的有效途径。近年来,欧洲学者利用惰质组成功推算了地史时期三叠纪—侏罗纪之交(T—J)的古火灾温度及类型,并重建了古植被类型及泥炭沼泽古生态环境变化。与其它方法相比,利用煤中惰质组含量及其反射率进行古环境恢复的工作对于植物种类繁多、沉积岩层中夹杂的煤层或煤炭、尤其对于古气候环境波动较大的地质转折时期最为理想。因此,利用惰质组的部分参数对我国含煤沉积盆地的古生态恢复以及成煤环境的研究有积极的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
霍娟 《大气科学》2018,42(5):1013-1022
本文运用CloudSat卫星上搭载的雷达探测数据和AQUA卫星搭载的辐射光谱仪探测数据,选择2007年1月至2010年12月期间,地理位置位于(15°~45°N,145°~165°E)区域内(远海)发生的云场数据开展分析,研究云的物理结构特征与其光谱辐射特性的相互关系。不同光谱波段对云物理结构变化的响应情况各有不同,首先从MODIS光谱仪22个云相关光谱波段中分析并选择出与云物理结构特征密切相关的光谱组合(包含13个波段),而后开展了这些光谱波段的云辐射特性与云物理结构特征的相互变化关系研究。统计分析表明,在外部大气、地表条件以及太阳入射辐射变化不大情况下,云的结构变化与其光谱辐射变化之间总体存在单调相关关系,物理结构变化不大的云廓线之间其光谱辐射的变化也小,反之也成立,即光谱辐射变化小的云廓线之间物理结构变化也小。从而,对于某些内部物理结构特征未知的云,利用与其光谱辐射特性相近的云结构数据可实现自身垂直结构信息的重建。基于光谱辐射相近则云物理结构很可能相近的特点,本文对未知云场的物理结构重建开展了模拟试验,试验结果表明光谱相近原则匹配物理结构的方法一定程度上能够实现云物理结构的构建,为利用被动遥感数据推测云物理结构特征研究提供参考。  相似文献   
General purpose Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) solvers are frequently used in small-scale urban pollution dispersion simulations without a large extent of ver- tical flow. Vertical flow, however, plays an important role in the formation of local breezes, such as urban heat island induced breezes that have great significance in the ventilation of large cities. The effects of atmospheric stratification, anelasticity and Coriolis force must be taken into account in such simulations. We introduce a general method for adapting pressure based CFD solvers to atmospheric flow simulations in order to take advantage of their high flexibility in geometrical modelling and meshing. Compressibility and thermal stratification effects are taken into account by utilizing a novel system of transformations of the field variables and by adding consequential source terms to the model equations of incompressible flow. Phenomena involving mesoscale to microscale coupled effects can be analyzed without model nesting, applying only local grid refinement of an arbitrary level. Elements of the method are validated against an analytical solution, results of a reference calculation, and a laboratory scale urban heat island circulation experiment. The new approach can be applied with benefits to several areas of application. Inclusion of the moisture transport phenomena and the surface energy balance are important further steps towards the practical application of the method.  相似文献   
基于反射光谱和模拟MERIS数据的太湖悬浮物遥感定量模型   总被引:23,自引:5,他引:23  
吕恒  李新国  江南 《湖泊科学》2005,17(2):104-109
利用地物光谱仪研究了太湖水体的反射光谱特征,通过对比分析,发现580nm反射率值和810nm的反射峰高是太湖悬浮物的敏感波段,并通过光谱微分的方法,发现840nm附近的一阶微分与悬浮物浓度相关性最好,基于上述结论,分别建立了太湖悬浮物的反射光谱和一阶微分遥感定量模型,并利用反射光谱数据,模拟MERIS数据的波段设置,结果表明MERIS第5、12、13波段可以很好的估测太湖的悬浮物浓度.  相似文献   
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