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在利用遥感数据和地理信息系统(GIS)技术的矿产资源勘查与评价中,矿化蚀变信息提取和构造信息提取起着至关重要的作用。以缅甸铜金矿为例,利用ETM+遥感图像,采用比值法、阈值分割和主成分分析(PCA)提取羟基蚀变信息;利用数字高程模型和遥感数据提取与铜金矿化有关的线环构造,结合地质资料和上述信息,利用证据权和分形方法进行整合,确定该研究区的成矿远景区。结果发现,已知铜金矿均分布于成矿靶区中,综合信息可为下一步的矿产资源勘探工作提供决策依据。  相似文献   
会昌浅层次热隆伸展构造与铀成矿   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
蔡煜琦  陈跃辉 《铀矿地质》1997,13(5):257-263
本文运用伸展构造理论对河草坑铀矿田的构造特征进行探讨,厘定出会昌浅层次热隆伸展构造是由伸展构造核、环形剥离断层系和断陷红盆所组成。对会昌浅层次热隆伸展构造的形成与演化作了研究。论述了伸展构造与区域铀成矿的关系,认为剥离断层活动为区域铀矿化准备了有利的构造环境;构造-岩浆作用是导致区内铀矿化和造成不同类型铀矿化特征基本相似的根本原因。  相似文献   
Two distinct series of slumps deform the upper part of the sedimentary sequence along the continental margin of the Levant. One series is found along the base of the continental slope, where it overlies the disrupted eastern edge of the Messinian evaporites. The second series of slumps transects the continental margin from the shelf break to the Levant Basin. It seemed that the two series were triggered by two unrelated, though contemporaneous, processes. The shore-parallel slumps were initiated by basinwards flow of the Messinian salt, that carried along the overlying Plio-Quaternary sediments. Seawater that percolated along the detachment faults dissolved the underlying salt to form distinctly disrupted structures. The slope-normal slumps are located on top of large canyons that cut into the pre-Messinian sedimentary rocks. A layer of salt is found in the canyons, and the Plio-Quaternary sediments were deposited on that layer. The slumps are bounded by large, NW-trending faults where post-Messinian faulted offset was measured. We presume that the flow of the salt in the canyons also drives the slope-normal slumps. Thus thin-skinned halokynetic processes generated the composite post-Tortonian structural patterns of the Levant margin. The Phoenician Structures are a prime example of the collapse of a distal continental margin due to the dissolution of a massive salt layer.  相似文献   
大洋核杂岩与拆离断层研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
大洋核杂岩和拆离断层是洋中脊中发育的重要构造,被广泛关注。拆离断层一般为长期活动的,低角度的,大断距的正断层,绝大多数形成于慢速和超慢速扩张洋中脊的内侧角上,其将地壳深部和上地幔的物质拆离到海底面形成大洋核杂岩。大洋核杂岩因其表面发育了窗棱构造,在多波束图像上更容易识别。大洋核杂岩所处的地壳年龄较年轻,为0~10Ma。洋中脊半扩张速率约为10mm/a,具有不对称扩张的特点,有拆离断层的一侧扩张速率更快。在大洋核杂岩取得的岩芯中代表性岩石为辉长岩,地震资料解释认为大洋核杂岩下具有一个大的辉长岩侵入体。发育大洋核杂岩和拆离断层的区域有升高的布格重力异常,高的P波速度和抬升的莫霍面。拆离断层起源于岩浆供给不足的区域,大多在大洋中脊洋脊段(segment)的末端,其演化会受到上地幔辉长岩体侵入的影响,通过旋转铰链的模式进行。总结了全球大洋核杂岩和拆离断层的分布情况,讨论了其岩石特征、地球物理场特征,探讨其成因机制和演化模式,并探讨了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   
We report two examples from the south of the French Alps, showing that radon emanation monitored by alpha-sensitive film may be used to locate certain discrete structural features revealed in data collected by remote sensing from a satellite. The variations observed in our data, over a period of several months, are in accordance with atmospheric changes and might correlate with local seismic activity when the detectors are located directly above structural fractures and the magnitude of the seismic event is greater than 2.  相似文献   
地理格网模型研究进展   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
地理格网系统起源于早期的制图研究,并发展成为表达复杂地理现象、综合分析自然与人文数据、模拟地理系统功能与行为的基本方法。地理格网系统的组成包括格元、格边和格点,格元代表了区域面状特征,格点确定了格元的基本位置和点状特征,格边用于度量格元间的通量关系。在现代地球测量技术驱动下,地理格网系统的功能从传统的地图定位框架与地理现象表达,进一步拓展出多源地理空间数据融合、地理综合分析等新功能。研究椭球空间下的地理格网系统构建模型、误差分布、地学计算等是地理格网系统研究的前沿和基础性科学问题。  相似文献   
基于球面六边形网格系统的空间信息处理方法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
利用球面离散网格系统管理全球海量空间信息是一种受到普遍关注的新途径.文中提出的方法首先采用施奈德等积多面体投影将平面多分辨率六边形网格映射到球面构成网格系统;然后通过边界点四元组将球面六边形网格之间的空间关系转化为球面三角四叉树处理,利用扩展的QTM编码方案在3轴离散网格坐标系下实现了经纬度和单元地址码之间的转换;最后提出了单元分析和检索算法.实验结果表明,这种数据处理方法直接对单元地址编码进行操作,具有较高的效率.  相似文献   
Two types of tectonic deformations indicating different geodynamic settings are defined in the southwestern Primorye region. Near-latitudinal compression forces were responsible for the oldest, Late Paleozoic deformations. The Permian stratified complexes host a near-meridional system of folds and zones of dynamothermal metamorphism, cleavage, and foliation oriented orthogonally relative to the compression. Late Proterozoic (?) mafic-ultramafic rocks are characterized by similar deformations. In the Late Permian, the deformations were accompanied by granitoid magmatism controlled by fold and cleavage structures. The younger, Mesozoic deformations produced by near-meridional compression are represented by NE-trending sinistral strike-slip faults and their structural parageneses: an ENE-trending system of folds and downdip-thrusts both superimposed on Paleozoic protostructures and manifested in Mesozoic and Cenozoic sequences. It is inferred that, at the Paleozoic-Mesozoic boundary, near-latitudinal compression was replaced by near-meridional compression, probably, in response to the corresponding change in direction of the lateral displacement of the interacting Asian continent and (or) Pacific Plate.  相似文献   
To support Earth system modeling, we propose a discrete global grid system that expresses multi-resolution spatial data. Specifically, a unified coding model that expresses a grid of nodes, edges, and cells is constructed for a triangular discrete global grid system. To fulfill the requirements of practical applications, we design a code-based topological query method for this grid system and an algorithm to transform between grid codes and geographic coordinates. We evaluate the Global Finite Volume Community Ocean Model (Global-FVCOM) on the triangular discrete global grid system in the proposed uniform coding model. The ocean tidal waves simulated by the Global-FVCOM running on the coded grid are then compared with results obtained using a traditional irregular spherical grid system, and the results display comparable accuracy. The uniform coding model proposed in this paper provides a triangular discrete global grid system that can represent multi-resolution spatial data and can be used in Earth system models. This unified coding model can also be applied to the geographic coordinate system made up of latitudes and longitudes, as well as diamond and hexagonal grids.  相似文献   
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