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In South Mongolia, the Hercynian structures of a linear collisional thrust-and-fold zone formed in the Carboniferous are bounded by the Caledonides of Central and North Mongolia on the north, being truncated on the south by the Indosinides of the Inner Mongolia. Tectonic sheets of the Caledonides-Hercynides junction zone confined to southern flank of the Mongolian-Gobi Altai are composed of high-gradient metamorphites of the South Altai metamorphic belt. The belt of these rocks traceable northwestward in China and eastern Kazakhstan delineates margin of the North Asian Caledonian paleocontinent. According to results of the previous geochronological study, the high- and low-gradient metamorphic rocks of the belt originated respectively 385 and 360–370 Ma ago. However, tectonic position of crystalline rock sequences, which have not been dated, remains unclear. Geochronological interval postulated for these rocks is very broad, ranging from the Early Precambrian to the Devonian. Dating results obtained in this work for detrital zircons from siliciclastic metasediments of the Bodonchin tectonic sheet of the belt show that their protoliths accumulated during the time span of 460–390 Ma (Late Ordovician-Early Devonian) on a passive continental margin. Transformation of the latter into active continental margin took place in the Early Devonian, when development of the Siberian subduction zone resulted in formation of the South Altai metamorphic belt at deep crustal levels of the Caledonian paleocontinent.  相似文献   
豫西洛宁沙坡岭钼矿床位于华北克拉通南缘东秦岭钼矿带东段,是新近发现的赋存于太古宙太华群变质岩中的细脉浸染型钼矿床。本文对其地质特征进行了研究,并初步测定了1个辉钼矿样品的Re-Os同位素年龄,获得模式年龄为126.8±1.7Ma,表明沙坡岭钼矿形成于燕山期,接近金堆城、雷门沟钼矿的形成时代,Re同位素含量显示其地幔来源的特征。沙坡岭钼矿形成机制错综复杂,有待进一步研究,特别是深部钻孔工程验证工作,对于验证深部是否隐伏着与成矿相关的斑岩体、储量更大的斑岩型钼矿有着重要作用,找矿潜力巨大。  相似文献   
地质年代学发展历史的简要回顾及前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈宣华  董树文  史静 《世界地质》2009,28(3):384-396
简要介绍了基于矿物封闭温度的地质热年代学, 并对多种地质年代学方法, 包括U-Pb 法、 Sm-Nd法、Rb-Sr法、Lu-Hf法、Re-Os法、40Ar /39Ar法、裂变径迹( FT) 测年、(U-Th) /He法、 TIMS铀系法、宇宙成因核素定年(包括14C法等) 和年轻地下水测年(如3H /3He法等) 进行了综合评述。探讨了国际地质年代学百年来和中国20世纪80年代中期以来的发展趋势。根据近期使用情况分析, 认为U - Pb法、40Ar /39Ar法和14C法是目前使用较多的可靠测年方法。应用于山脉隆升和地貌形成的低温热年代学方法及地下水等年轻地质体系的测年, 将是地质年代学发展的重要方向。  相似文献   
The Fosdick Mountains migmatite–granite complex in West Antarctica records episodes of crustal melting and plutonism in Devonian–Carboniferous time that acted to transform transitional crust, dominated by immature oceanic turbidites of the accretionary margin of East Gondwana, into stable continental crust. West Antarctica, New Zealand and Australia originated as contiguous parts of this margin, according to plate reconstructions, however, detailed correlations are uncertain due to a lack of isotopic and geochronological data. Our study of the mid-crustal exposures of the Fosdick range uses U–Pb SHRIMP zircon geochronology to examine the tectonic environment and timing for Paleozoic magmatism in West Antarctica, and to assess a correlation with the better known Lachlan Orogen of eastern Australia and Western Province of New Zealand.NNE–SSW to NE–SW contraction occurred in West Antarctica in early Paleozoic time, and is expressed by km-scale folds developed both in lower crustal metasedimentary migmatite gneisses of the Fosdick Mountains and in low greenschist-grade turbidite successions of the upper crust, present in neighboring ranges. The metasedimentary rocks and structures were intruded by calc-alkaline, I-type plutons attributed to arc magmatism along the convergent East Gondwana margin. Within the Fosdick Mountains, the intrusions form a layered plutonic complex at lower structural levels and discrete plutons at upper levels. Dilational structures that host anatectic granite overprint plutonic layering and migmatitic foliation. They exhibit systematic geometries indicative of NNE–SSW stretching, parallel to a first-generation mineral lineation. New U–Pb SHRIMP zircon ages for granodiorite and porphyritic monzogranite plutons, and for leucogranites that occupy shear bands and other mesoscopic-scale structural sites, define an interval of 370 to 355 Ma for plutonism and migmatization.Paleozoic plutonism in West Antarctica postdates magmatism in the western Lachlan Orogen of Australia, but it coincides with that in the central part of the Lachlan Orogen and with the rapid main phase of emplacement of the Karamea Batholith of the Western Province, New Zealand. Emplaced within a 15 to 20 million year interval, the Paleozoic granitoids of the Fosdick Mountains are a product of subduction-related plutonism associated with high temperature metamorphism and crustal melting. The presence of anatectic granites within extensional structures is a possible indication of alternating strain states (‘tectonic switching’) in a supra-subduction zone setting characterized by thin crust and high heat flow along the Devonian–Carboniferous accretionary margin of East Gondwana.  相似文献   
东秦岭钼矿带位于华北板块南缘,NW-NWW向的固始―栾川深断裂带控制着钼矿床的空间分布.黄水庵碳酸岩脉型钼(铅)矿床的确定,为本矿带内已有碳酸岩脉型钼(铅)矿床(黄龙铺地区的大石沟、石家湾和桃园等)增添了又一新成员.本矿带不仅钼金属储量居世界已知单个钼矿带之首,而且碳酸岩脉和花岗斑岩两个成矿体系并存,亦是本区钼矿带的一大特色.业已查明,黄水庵和黄龙铺(大石沟)等碳酸岩脉型钼(铅)矿床的δ~(13)C=-5.3‰~-7.0‰,~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr=0.7049~0.7065.同时,方解石富含轻稀土(LREE/HREE=1.8~2.9).辉钼矿以富含Re(平均为110×10~(-6)~244×10~(-6))为特征.基于含矿碳酸岩脉方解石的Sr、Nd、Pb同位素比值(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr对~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb、~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb对~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb和~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd对~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)的关系图,我们初步判断本矿带区域陆壳之下可能存在有EMI(富集地幔Ⅰ),这些含矿碳酸岩脉是源于EMI的碱性硅酸盐-碳酸盐熔体-溶液结晶分异的产物,成矿金属Mo、Pb主要来自EMI.根据黄水庵和黄龙铺(大石沟)钼(铅)矿床的成矿年龄(Re-Os年龄分别为209.5 Ma和221 Ma),我们推断,碳酸岩脉型钼(铅)矿床形成于华北和扬子两大板块三叠纪碰撞造山后伸展阶段的晚三叠世时期,而在侏罗纪陆内造山晚期的伸展阶段,形成了晚侏罗-早白垩世的斑岩型和斑岩-矽卡岩型钼矿床(Re-Os年龄介于147~116 Ma).  相似文献   
北武夷地区逆冲推覆构造的特征及其控矿作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
北武夷地区成矿地质条件优越,矿产资源分布广泛,而广泛发育的推覆构造深刻影响着矿床的成生与保存。区域性推覆构造是成矿前、成矿期还是成矿后的构造,其精细结构特征如何,是否具有控岩控矿作用,如果是破矿作用,是否造成矿体重复增大或者隐伏、缺失等问题,严重影响着地质找矿的效果。建议开展面积性、追索性的路线地质调查,查明逆冲推覆构造的区域分布、不同单元的产状、构造样式,分别采用40Ar-39Ar和Re-Os定年技术测定推覆构造和矿体的形成时代,结合定量化分析及精细构造解析,研究构造与矿床的成生联系,预测隐伏矿体可能的位置,进而为北武夷地区寻找隐伏矿床和扩大矿床远景提供参考。  相似文献   
Magmatic rocks of the Pikan and Un’ya massifs situated in eastern segment of the Mongolian-Okhotsk foldbelt are studied using isotopic-geochronological (U-Pb zircon dating) and geochemical methods. Two rock complexes different in age are recognized in the Pikan massif: the high-Al gabbro-tonalite association of the Middle Ordovician (468 ± Ma) and granodiorite-granite association of the Late Silurian-Early Devonian (415 ± 7 Ma). The Late Ordovician age (454 ± 5 Ma) is established for leucocratic granites of the Un’ya massif. As is suggested, the Pikan and Un’ya massifs are “allogenic blocks” detached from continental framework of the Mongolian-Okhotsk foldbelt and tectonically emplaced into the foldbelt structure at the last stage of its development.  相似文献   
The field relations, mineralogy, and major and trace elements (including REE analyses of whole-rock samples and minerals) of granites and their associated molybdenite uranium mineralized aplites in Southeastern Desert, Egypt, have been studied. The granites are leucocratic and mostly peraluminous in nature with muscovite increasing at the expense of biotite. The chemical and mineralogical characteristics of the granitic rocks indicate that their melts originated from the LILE-enriched mantle wedge by partial melting and are contaminated by crustal melts, followed by thermogravitational processes. Leucogranites with higher Na2O/K2O ratios from Um Dargag and Um Maiat crystallized under H2O-saturated equilibrium conditions in which the exsolved vapor continuously migrated away. The REE patterns of the granites studied are characterized by LREE enrichments and negative Eu anomalies. In comparison, the potassic aplites and the more sodic leucogranites are depleted in LREE, enriched in HREE and show more remarkable negative Eu anomalies. Allanite and monazite are the most important REE carriers in the granites. These minerals are strongly enriched in LREE, whereas fluorite and xenotime, which are more abundant in the aplites, are enriched in HREE. The average Lu/Ce ratio represents the fractionation trend with respect to HREE. It is 0.71 for radioactive fluorite, and it increases to 1.22 for non-radioactive fluorite. The high REE contents of molybdenite represent re-deposition of the mobilized Mo and REE. Due to the strong control of accessory minerals, the REEs are of limited use in petrogenetic modelling of highly evolved granitic systems.  相似文献   
在大地构造位置上, 越南西北部地区是古特提斯造山带东段重要的组成部分, 并记录了印支陆块和华南板块碰撞拼合历史.其构造归属是厘定该地区古特提斯板块缝合带位置的关键.报道了出露的基底岩石Sinh Quyen岩组副片麻岩的碎屑锆石年龄, 探讨其沉积物源和归属问题.该岩组主要由长英质副片麻岩和混合岩等岩石类型构成, 被认为是越南西北部中元古代—古元古代基底岩石.采用LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年方法分析了3个长英质副片麻岩样品的116粒碎屑锆石.123个分析点锆石年龄的统计结果显示, 碎屑锆石形成时代主要集中在约1.8 Ga左右, 有少量约2.2~3.0 Ga中太古代碎屑锆石, 暗示Sinh Quyen副片麻岩沉积物源主要为早古元古代基底岩石.基底岩石在形成时间上与华南板块古老基底相似, 推断Sinh Quyen岩组在构造归属上可能来自华南板块.部分碎屑锆石边部记录约250 Ma变质增生作用, 可能与华南板块—印支板块的印支期拼合有关, 记录了古特提斯造山作用.   相似文献   
郭小飞 《地质与勘探》2022,58(3):585-596
赣南西华山钨矿是与侏罗纪花岗岩有关的大型石英脉型矿床,也是我国南岭成矿带赣南地区典型的钨矿床。本文选取西华山钨矿成矿花岗岩进行了锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb定年、微量元素和Hf同位素分析,旨在揭示花岗岩的形成时间并推断岩石成因及其对成矿的指示。锆石U-Pb测年结果表明,西华山中粒黑云母花岗岩锆石206 Pb/238 U加权平均年龄为154.8±6.0 Ma。锆石形态、激光拉曼和地球化学特征表明,该花岗岩受到岩浆热液的影响。锆石的176 Yb/177 Hf和176 Lu/177 Hf比值较高,表明源岩浆有强烈的流体出溶作用。西华山黑云母花岗岩的εHf(t)变化范围较小,呈明显负值(-12.8~-10.8),且集中在华夏地块古老基底范畴内,指示其形成于古老地壳物质的部分熔融。  相似文献   
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