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The Dongping gold deposit, situated on the northern margin of the North China Platform, is a composite deposit composed of auriferous quartz vein-type and altered rock-type ore bodies. It is hosted in the inner contact zone of an alkaline intrusion which was intruded into Archean metamorphic rocks and was formed not later than the Hercynian period. Auriferous quartz veins of the deposit are dated with the fluid inclusion Rb-Sr isochron method at 103 ± 4 Ma, indicating that the gold deposit was formed in the Yenshanian period.87Sr/86Sr sourcetracing shows the ore forming materials came dominantly from alkaline intrusions. These results, combined with other isotope and REE data, suggest that the Dongping gold deposit is not a traditional magmatic hydrothermal deposit, but a reworked hydrothermal deposit related to heated and evolved meteoric water. This project (49372105) is financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  相似文献   
福建永定大排铁铅锌多金属矿床是闽西南地区近年来发现的大型多金属矿床。对矿区内蚀变花岗岩的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年和辉钼矿Re-Os同位素测年结果显示其分别形成于(127.0±1.8)Ma和(133.5±4.1)Ma,这一年龄与区内马坑铁矿及潘田铁矿的成岩成矿年龄相一致,指示区域上该期铁铅锌多金属矿与区内花岗质岩浆作用有密切的时间和成因联系,大排铁铅锌多金属的主成矿期可能为燕山期。结合已有的区域地质资料及研究成果,认为福建永定大排铁铅锌多金属矿床可能为层控矽卡岩型-斑岩型复合型矿床。  相似文献   
The Spessart Crystalline Complex, north-west Bavaria contains two orthogneiss units of granitic to granodioritic composition, known as the Rotgneiss and Haibach gneiss, respectively, which are structurally conformable with associated metasediments. The igneous origin of the Rotgneiss is apparent from field and textural evidence, whereas strong deformation and recrystallization in the Haibach gneiss has obscured most primary textures. New geochemical data as well as zircon morphology prove the Haibach gneiss to be derived from a granitoid precursor, which was chemically similar to the Rotgneiss protolith, thus suggesting a genetic link between those two rock units. Both gneiss types have chemical compositions typical of anatectic two-mica leucogranites. They show characteristics of both I- and S-type granites. Rb-Sr whole rock data on the Haibach gneiss provide an isochron age of 407±14 Ma (IR = 0.7077±0.0007; MSWD 2.2), which is slightly younger than the published date for the Rotgneiss (439±15 Ma; IR=0.7048±0.0026; MSWD 4.9). Single zircon dating of six idiomorphic grains, using the evaporation method, yielded a mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 410±18 Ma for the Haibach gneiss and 418±18 Ma for the Rotgneiss. Both zircon ages are within analytical error of the Rb-Sr isochron dates and are interpreted to reflect the time of protolith emplacement in Silurian times. Three xenocrystic zircon grains from the Rotgneiss yielded 207Pb/206Pb ages of 2278±12, 2490±13 and 2734±10 Ma, respectively, suggesting that late Archaean to early Proterozoic crust was involved in the generation of the granite from which the Rotgneiss is derived. Although it is assumed that the granitic protoliths of the two gneisses were formed through anatexis of older continental crust, the relatively low 87Sr/86Sr initial ratios of both gneisses may also indicate the admixture of a mantle component. The Rotgneiss and the Haibach gneiss thus document granitic magmatism at an active continental margin during late Silurian times.  相似文献   
 大量含石榴石的基性麻粒岩透镜体出露于苏鲁变质带的北部及邻近地区,它们可能是再变质的高压变质岩石。在详细的岩相学研究的基础上,确定采自莱西和文登的样品WD01、WD04、ML06 是由高压麻粒岩经中-高压麻粒岩相再变质形成的,而采自威海的样品WH1 是由柯石英榴辉岩经中-高压麻粒岩相再变质形成的。Sm-Nd 同位素年代学研究也证实了二者的重大差别。3 个高压麻粒岩样品的矿物-全岩内部等时线年龄分别是1 846+ /-76Ma,1 743+ /-79Ma 和1 752+ /-30Ma,TDM 模式年龄是3.3Ga,3.0Ga 和2.8Ga.上述数据说明原岩形成在太古宙,而1 800Ma 是麻粒岩相降压变质事件的记录,这与华北克拉通前寒武纪高压麻粒岩的年代学一致。威海样品的Sm-Nd 同位素特征则完全不同。矿物和全岩形不成等时线,表现出它们之间的同位素不平衡。εNd(0)值高达+ 127,TDM 模式年龄是1.3Ga.这与Jahn(1994,1996)对威海同类样品的测定结果相同。可以推测威海样品的原岩是元古宙岩石,在后来复杂的变质过程中,在水岩相互作用和岩浆及重熔作用的影响下,同位素系统发生重大变化。同位素年代学为苏鲁变质带和华北克拉通的界限是昆嵛山岩浆-变质杂岩带提供了依据。  相似文献   
内蒙古乌奴格吐山斑岩铜钼矿床的成岩,成矿时代   总被引:43,自引:1,他引:43  
秦克章  李惠民 《地质论评》1999,45(2):180-185
内蒙古满洲里地区乌奴格吐山斑岩铜钼矿床系80年代探明的特大型斑岩铜钼矿床,关于其成矿的成矿时代,一直是本区研究的薄弱环节,以前据二长花岗斑岩体的一件K-Ar年龄(138Ma)认为其系晚燕山期成矿,这一认识与中,蒙邻区同类矿床时代相悖,本文进行了多种方法同位素年龄系统测定,获得三组年龄:二长花岗斑岩单颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄183.3±0.6Ma;全岩Pb-Sr等时线年龄183.9±1.0Ma,蚀变岩绢  相似文献   
华南分布了大量的印支期-燕山期复式花岗岩体,其成岩及相关成矿过程一直存有争议。本文选择湖南典型的花岗质复式大岩基——沩山岩体为例,通过细致研究其中多期云母的单颗粒Rb-Sr年龄及地球化学组成,探讨了它们对相关成岩成矿过程的指示意义。单颗粒云母Rb-Sr等时线定年结果显示,沩山复式花岗岩主体唐市黑云母二长花岗岩中黑云母结晶年龄为221.9±5.8Ma(MSWD=3.8),主体边部的新浦高演化花岗岩中黑云母结晶年龄为227.0±13Ma(MSWD=1.6),主体内部的巷子口二云母花岗岩中白云母结晶年龄为210.1±3.3Ma(MSWD=0.21)。电子探针主量元素及激光探针LA-ICM-MS微量元素测定结果表明,沩山复式花岗岩中黑云母或白云母的成分存在明显差异,由此指示该岩体多期岩浆的温度、氧逸度以及源岩浆成分的差异。本文研究还表明,巷子口二云母花岗岩中白云母属于次生白云母,不能用来限定岩浆源区深度及岩石成因。鉴于多期云母的成分分异趋势及指示意义,我们认为沩山复式花岗岩多期岩浆具有同源关系,均来自于同一深部大岩浆房,是在不同时期不同构造背景下经历分离结晶和/或同化混染作用侵位而成。其中,印支晚期及之后的二云母花岗岩可能最具铀矿找矿前景。  相似文献   
郯庐断裂带北段形成的年代学及其意义   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:27  
窦立荣  王瑜 《地质论评》1996,42(6):508-512
对郯庐断裂带北段内的依兰-伊通断裂带测定断民支岩的黑云母单矿物^40Ar/^39Ar坪年龄为100±2.3-95.7±2.74Ma,同时测定了带内的辉绿岩全岩Rb-Sr等时线年龄为100±5.9Ma,而辉绿岩中辉石单矿物的^40Ar/^39Ar坪年龄为105Ma。结合断裂切过下白垩统泉头组,表明左行走滑断裂形成于100Ma左右,即早白垩世末期。  相似文献   
滇西金满铜矿床成矿年龄测定   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
李小明 《现代地质》2001,15(4):405-408
采用石英流体包裹体Rb Sr等时线法和磷灰石裂变径迹法对滇西金满铜矿床的成矿时代进行测定。研究结果表明燕山晚期为金满矿床的初始成矿期 ,喜山期是主要成矿时期 ;流体包裹体的Rb Sr法和裂变径迹法测定热液矿床的成矿年龄具有一定的意义 ,但需进一步探讨 ;锶同位素数据为成矿流体来源提供了进一步的证据  相似文献   
 乌拉乌苏地区的斜长角闪岩和德言其庙地区的斜长角闪岩变质较深,已达角闪岩相,两者在变质程度、空间展布型式以及岩石学、岩石化学和稀土配分型式上都十分相似,二者形成时代相近,应为同一套变质岩系,具有相同的形成环境和构造成因。样品的εNd(t)值反映了它们来源于中等亏损的地幔,稀土元素配分曲线呈平坦型,与之有关的幔源花岗岩在ACF图解中投影在拉张区,具有拉张过渡壳特征。乌拉乌苏斜长角闪岩和德言其庙斜长角闪岩Sm-Nd同位素全岩等时线年龄分别为(607±46)Ma和(638±14)Ma,这表明华北地台北缘中段晚元古代-早古生代经历了拉张解体的演化阶段,Sm-Nd同位素等时线年龄代表了这一拉张解体演化的开始时间。  相似文献   
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