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In this work we develop a new multiscale procedure to compute numerically the statistical moments of the stochastic variables which govern single phase flow in heterogeneous porous media. The technique explores the properties of the log-normally distributed hydraulic conductivity, characterized by power-law or exponential covariances, which shows invariance in its statistical structure upon a simultaneous change of the scale of observation and strength of heterogeneity. We construct a family of equivalent stochastic hydrodynamic variables satisfying the same flow equations at different scales and strengths of heterogeneity or correlation lengths. Within the new procedure the governing equations are solved in a scaled geology and the numerical results are mapped onto the original medium at coarser scales by a straightforward rescaling. The new procedure is implemented numerically within the Monte Carlo algorithm and also in conjunction with the discretization of the low-order effective equations derived from perturbation analysis. Numerical results obtained by the finite element method show the accuracy of the new procedure to approximated the two first moments of the pressure and velocity along with its potential in reducing drastically the computational cost involved in the numerical modeling of both power-law and exponential covariance functions. 相似文献
为了研究地形地表的不规则起伏(简称粗糙地表)对雷电电磁场传播的影响,首先利用二维分形方法模拟了粗糙地表,然后利用Barrick表面阻抗理论和Wait近似算法研究了粗糙地表对雷电电磁场传播的影响。结果表明,粗糙地表对地闪首次回击垂直电场的影响较小,但对继后回击存在明显的影响。随着粗糙度的增加,继后回击垂直电场峰值的衰减程度明显增加,且时域脉冲波形上升沿时间增大。如继后回击电磁场传播100 km,均方高为30 m的粗糙地表(电导率σ=0.1 S/m)引起时域电磁场波形上升沿时间额外增约1.5μs,电场峰值额外减小约12%,且其影响随着地面电导率的减小而增大。因此,在实际工作中应考虑复杂地形地表对闪电定位系统探测精度和效率的可能影响。 相似文献
地震序列性质与断层分形关系的探讨 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文依据地震序列的特点给出地震断层的多分形分割模式,并给出b值在时域分段及区域分段下,地震断层局域定标的配分函数建构方法。同时将地震序列的局域化标度及非线性修正与断层的多标度分形联系起来,为断层分割的几何提供一个普适算法。本文推广D=Ab给出鞍点估计,并讨论局域波动带来的奇异性与阵发混沌。 相似文献
This work proposes a complete method for automatic inversion of data from hydraulic interference pumping tests based on both homogeneous and fractal dual-medium approaches. The aim is to seek a new alternative concept able to interpret field data, identify macroscopic hydraulic parameters and therefore enhance the understanding of flow in porous fractured reservoirs. Because of its much contrasted sensitivities to parameters, the dual-medium approach yields an ill-posed inverse problem that requires a specific optimization procedure including the calculation of analytical sensitivities and their possible re-scaling. Once these constraints are fulfilled, the inversion proves accurate, provides unambiguous and reliable results. In the fractal context inverting several drawdown curves from different locations at the same time reveals more accurate. Finally, hydraulic parameters drawn from inversion should be taken into account to improve in various situations the conditioning of up-scaled flow in fractured rocks. 相似文献
随机地震动场激励下拱坝多点输入的抗震可靠度分析 总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5
本文首次将空间随机地震场输入用于拱坝随机振动分析之中,与拱坝三维动力学有限元法结合,完成了三维拱坝在空间随机地震动场作用下的随机振动分析方法及算法的研究,另外考虑动力和静力的叠加,提出了三维空间随机地震动场的拱坝抗震可靠度分析方法,最后编制了相应的程序,对小湾拱坝进行了抗震可靠度分析,并与随机变量的结果进行了比较。 相似文献
本文应用分数维理论,计算了阿尔金活动断裂带的分数维值,从分数维值的大小反映断裂构造复杂程度的观点出发,分析了阿尔金活动断裂带的活动特点。 相似文献
Sergei A. Fomin Vladimir A. ChugunovToshiyuki Hashida 《Advances in water resources》2011,34(2):205-214
The paper provides an introduction to fundamental concepts of mathematical modeling of mass transport in fractured porous heterogeneous rocks. Keeping aside many important factors that can affect mass transport in subsurface, our main concern is the multi-scale character of the rock formation, which is constituted by porous domains dissected by the network of fractures. Taking into account the well-documented fact that porous rocks can be considered as a fractal medium and assuming that sizes of pores vary significantly (i.e. have different characteristic scales), the fractional-order differential equations that model the anomalous diffusive mass transport in such type of domains are derived and justified analytically. Analytical solutions of some particular problems of anomalous diffusion in the fractal media of various geometries are obtained. Extending this approach to more complex situation when diffusion is accompanied by advection, solute transport in a fractured porous medium is modeled by the advection-dispersion equation with fractional time derivative. In the case of confined fractured porous aquifer, accounting for anomalous non-Fickian diffusion in the surrounding rock mass, the adopted approach leads to introduction of an additional fractional time derivative in the equation for solute transport. The closed-form solutions for concentrations in the aquifer and surrounding rocks are obtained for the arbitrary time-dependent source of contamination located in the inlet of the aquifer. Based on these solutions, different regimes of contamination of the aquifers with different physical properties can be readily modeled and analyzed. 相似文献
在城市浅层地震勘探数据采集中,地震测线经常会遇到河流、桥、交叉路口等地表障碍。为了尽量减小地表障碍造成的影响,需要对观测系统作变观设计。作者分析总结了城市浅层地震勘探中常见障碍以及过障碍变观模式,并开发了浅层地震过障碍变观设计软件,利用此软件可在采集现场快捷地进行过障碍变观。将这种方法应用于实际工作中,有效减小了资料缺失造成的影响,提高了资料的信噪比。该软件能够根据实际工作环境和设备条件在野外现场对观测系统进行灵活变观,设计出合理的过障碍观测系统,有效地提高了变观设计的效率。 相似文献