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2013年5月26~28日和6月15~18日南疆连续出现了2场罕见的暴雨过程,利用常规地面和高空探测资料、NCEP/NCAR每日4时次 1°×1°再分析资料和欧洲ECWMF 0.25°×0.25°细网格数值预报产品,对比分析了这2场暴雨的落区和强度差异的成因。2场暴雨均在有利的环流背景下产生,较强暴雨的高空环流经向度更大、中亚低槽与北支槽打通并南伸更南,低层700hPa以下水汽输送较中高层更为重要,日常预报更应注重低层的水汽输入。对比暴雨强度,低层水汽输送越强(更多水汽路径、更多边界的水汽输入、更强水汽通量和水汽输入量)、低层水汽输送时间越长、低层切变线持续时间长且伸展至中高层,暴雨强度均可能更强。中尺度切变线和涌线在暴雨落区预报中具有一定的指示意义。  相似文献   
We present a methodology able to infer the influence of rainfall measurement errors on the reliability of extreme rainfall statistics. We especially focus on systematic mechanical errors affecting the most popular rain intensity measurement instrument, namely the tipping-bucket rain-gauge (TBR). Such uncertainty strongly depends on the measured rainfall intensity (RI) with systematic underestimation of high RIs, leading to a biased estimation of extreme rain rates statistics. Furthermore, since intense rain-rates are usually recorded over short intervals in time, any possible correction strongly depends on the time resolution of the recorded data sets. We propose a simple procedure for the correction of low resolution data series after disaggregation at a suitable scale, so that the assessment of the influence of systematic errors on rainfall statistics become possible. The disaggregation procedure is applied to a 40-year long rain-depth dataset recorded at hourly resolution by using the IRP (Iterated Random Pulse) algorithm. A set of extreme statistics, commonly used in urban hydrology practice, have been extracted from simulated data and compared with the ones obtained after direct correction of a 12-year high resolution (1 min) RI series. In particular, the depth–duration–frequency curves derived from the original and corrected data sets have been compared in order to quantify the impact of non-corrected rain intensity measurements on design rainfall and the related statistical parameters. Preliminary results suggest that the IRP model, due to its skill in reproducing extreme rainfall intensities at fine resolution in time, is well suited in supporting rainfall intensity correction techniques.  相似文献   
This paper presents a practical application of the “hydrologic visibility” concept to select the future site of two planned weather radars of the French national network ARAMIS. This selection was realised by simulating the errors in radar rainfall measurement due to interactions of the radar beam with relief, and to the vertical variation of the radar reflectivity with altitude. Results show the interest of these simulations to optimise the radar location according to the objectives of radar coverage. Beyond these results, this paper highlights aspects interesting for hydrology: this type of simulation can be used to assess the radar measurement quality before initiating a quantitative exploitation of radar data, and before making a comparison or a combination with rain gauge data.  相似文献   
祁连山及河西走廊地区是我国气候变化敏感区和生态脆弱区。本文通过对2005a以来祁连山云水资源相关最新研究成果的总结,旨在揭示气候变暖对祁连山云水资源影响包括气候变化、水汽时空变化、地形云特征的基础上,分析评估了祁连山云水资源开发潜力及效益。实验研究表明,在祁连山区开展人工增雨(雪)作业,每年可增加降水量3.7×108~7.4×108m3。近10年来,甘肃春季飞机人工增雨作业年均增加降水量为13.5×108m3,平均投入产出比为1:30。  相似文献   
多部雷达联合估算淮河流域降水   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
黄勇  胡雯  何永健  叶金印 《气象科学》2010,30(2):268-273
以淮河流域内6部CINRAD雷达基数据资料以及高密度自动雨量站观测资料为源,在应用多种方法进行降水估算和校准,并采用主成分集成方法进行集成应用的基础上,采用"先估算降水再拼图"和"重叠区域选取最大值"的方法来进行整个流域的降水估算结果拼图,从而实现了整个淮河流域的降水估算。从2007年7月初降水过程应用结果来看,经过校准以后估算误差在45%以下,并且能够反映出缺少地面雨量观测站的区域的降水分布,是一种切实可行的淮河流域降水估算的方法。  相似文献   
利用易语言调用surfer8.0绘图软件,设计实现临汾市17个县(市)气象站雨量等值图形化功能。该功能可以方便快捷地实现临汾市雨量等值图的图形化显示、输出和保存等工作。绘制的雨量等值线图结果直观、快捷、方便、准确,提高了工作效率。  相似文献   
李强  邓承之  张勇  何跃  邹倩  何慧根 《气象》2017,43(9):1073-1083
利用四川和重庆123个气象观测站1980—2012年小时降水资料,分析川渝地区主汛期5—9月小时强降水频次、强度和持续性等时间演变和空间分布特征。结果表明,≥20、≥30和≥50 mm·h-1三种强度阈值强降水时间演变上,1980—2012年年际和日变化具有较好的一致性,三种强降水年平均频次分别为504、184和28次。≥20 mm·h-1 强降水空间分布上,在山地地形动力辐合抬升,以及盆地西部较大的地形梯度作用下,≥20 mm·h-1强降水高频次区主要分布于盆地西北部的龙山山脉、西南部雅安及乐山周围与盆地过渡区。≥20 mm·h-1强降水频次的日峰值空间分布上,盆地南部主要出现在20:00—01:00(北京时,下同),而盆地中部、北部和东部主要在02:00—07:00。持续不同小时时间尺度的强降水事件日变化上,具有双峰型结构,午后为第一个降水峰值,20:00至第二天07:00为第二个峰值,白天多为短时间(2~6 h)强降水事件,而傍晚开始至第二天清晨,持续2~18 h强降水事件均有发生。不同开始时间强降水事件的强度与频次和降水量具有一致性的日变化特征,呈现单峰型结构,峰值主要发生在18:00—06:00,且不同开始时间事件频次和降水量空间分布上,白天(09:00—20:00)相对于夜间(21:00—08:00)偏小,即夜间强降水事件特征表现明显。  相似文献   
卫星估雨精度的不确定性受到当地降雨类型和像元内降雨非均匀性影响,而结合这两个关键因素开展半干旱草原卫星估雨的研究有限.2009年夏,我们在中国锡林郭勒半干旱草原用多部微雨雷达和雨量计构建了9 km卫星像元降雨观测网,观测了像元内降雨非均匀性(空间变异系数CV),并评估了卫星估雨精度.结果表明:(1)CV值受像元内平均降雨量,降雨类型,降雨云面积及移向等影响,如高Cv值的降雨过程大多为平均降雨量小,对流性降雨过程,降雨云边缘像元CV值较高;(2)TRMM 3B42V7卫星估雨产品适用性较好,CMORPH和PERSIANN次之,但TRMM 3B42V7易在半干旱草原湖泊处高估降雨.  相似文献   
宁亮  钱永甫 《高原气象》2006,25(3):357-365
利用EOF方法,分析了NCEP/NCAR 1948—2002年再分析资料中月平均全球地面感热资料,揭示了北非和青藏高原感热的振荡特征。分析了振荡关键区的感热距平与我国东部51个测站1951—2000年汛期降水距平的相关关系,用SVD方法分析了关键区感热距平场与我国东部51个测站全年各月降水距平场的空间耦合和时滞关系及关键区感热异常对我国东部降水异常的影响。结果表明,北非和青藏高原两个区域的感热变化呈负相关,它们对我国华北、江淮和华南三个区域的汛期降水滞后影响明显。感热对我国降水的影响以年代际为主。  相似文献   
Forage availability for mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in the Sonoran Desert depends on plant biomass, which is influenced by rainfall. We determined how rainfall, temperature and plant characteristics affected biomass of deer forage. We measured forage biomass, rainfall and temperature every 3 months from April 2000 to December 2002. Quarterly rainfall ranged from <1 to 57 mm, and forage biomass in desert washes fluctuated between 6 and 34 g m−2. There was a positive relationship between forage biomass and rainfall the previous six months (p<0.001), and a negative relationship between biomass and average temperature the previous 3 months (p<0.001). Quarterly forage growth was positively influenced by rainfall (p<0.001) and negatively influenced by forage biomass (p<0.001). The relationships between deer forage and environmental factors established here will be useful in understanding population ecology of mule deer as part of an interactive model of plant–herbivore dynamics in arid environments.  相似文献   
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