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Abstract. Plagioclase porphyroblasts from silvergrey schists belonging to the Nevado Filabride Complex in the Sierra Alhamilla (Betic Zone, SE Spain) are interpreted as having been formed preand synkinematically with respect to the second phase of deformation. Different types of inclusion patterns represent 'snap-shots'(high growth-rate/strain-rate ratio features) of the formation of a diffentiated crenulation cleavage during this second phase of deformation, by the processes of kinking, crenulation and associated differentiation.
Regional considerations indicate an Alpine age for this tectono-metamorphic event, which can be explained by the'hot emplacement'of the higher Nevado Filabride units. The observed structural evolution is not consistent with a pre-Alpine polyphase deformation history.  相似文献   
中国人口迁移的区域差异与流场特征   总被引:40,自引:4,他引:36  
通过2000年人口普查省际迁移数据的分析,揭示了当代中国人口迁移的区域分异性,以及不同原因的流场新模式。研究发现,中国人口迁移进入高活性、高能力的新阶段;东中西部人口迁移的不平衡性不断加剧,“中部塌陷”不仅是经济意义上的,而且也是社会意义上的;人口省际迁移的辐合流场与辐散流场在进一步发展,珠江三角洲是最大的迁移辐合中心;东北与山东的对流渐趋消失,西北取代东北成为非沿海区域新的人口引力中心;以秦岭-淮河线东段和黑河-腾冲线南段为界,人口迁移分裂为东南和西北两大“流域”。就业迁移的优势程度在进一步加大,市场取代计划成为人口和人才流动的第一动力;婚姻迁移的主流方向是西南贫困山区指向华东农村,形成了西南“喀斯特新娘输出区”。  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to propose an efficient numerical method for solving Lane-Emden type equations arising in astrophysics using Bernstein polynomials. First Bernstein operational matrix of differentiation is derived using Bernstein polynomials and then applied to solve the linear and nonlinear differential equations of Lane-Emden type. Some illustrative examples are given to demonstrate the efficiency and validity of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   
汪德根  徐银凤  赵美风 《地理学报》2021,76(8):1997-2015
作为长江经济带综合立体交通走廊建设的关键环节,交通枢纽是推动长江经济带发展的基础保障。高铁枢纽承载着“时空压缩最后一公里”效应,是构筑高效便捷的现代化综合交通体系的关键。首先诠释了高铁枢纽“时空压缩最后一公里”效应原理,其次构建高铁枢纽接驳—集疏运绩效指标体系,进而对长江经济带37个城市高铁枢纽的接驳—集疏运绩效进行测度,并分析绩效空间分异特征,最后揭示高铁枢纽接驳—集疏运绩效的影响机理。结果显示:① 长江经济带高铁枢纽接驳—集疏运绩效等级分异呈“橄榄型”结构,即优质绩效和一般绩效的高铁站数量较少,良好绩效和中等绩效的高铁站数量较多;② 地带分异呈“东高西低、北高南低”格局,而城市群分异则呈“核心高、边缘低”格局,且9个评价指标值空间差异明显;③ GDP、城镇化率、城市等级、车站客流量和发送班车次数是影响高铁枢纽接驳—集疏运绩效的关键驱动因子;同时,优质、良好、中等和一般等不同等级绩效的关键驱动因子存在显著差异。  相似文献   
选取2001年、2006年、2009年、2016年4个时点的城市商品住宅交易数据,基于空间分析与计量模型等方法,对开封市住宅价格时空变化特征及其与区域一体化因素的关系进行分析。结果表明:开封市城区住宅价格空间分布由单中心模式向多中心结构转变,邻近郑州的金明区正成为房价“高峰”;跨界交通和新城规划等一体化因素对开封市住宅价格的影响较为显著,且影响力随着一体化推进而变化。其中,郑开大道对住宅价格的正向促进作用呈先增后降的特点,开通相对较晚的郑开城际轻轨对住宅价格有着明显的正向作用,而开封西郊金明区的快速扩张弱化了其潜在效应。这有效地证实了区域一体化对城市住宅价格有显著影响。  相似文献   
军事测绘学和军事地理学的演进与发展,都有近两千多年的历史,如今都已进入信息时代,成为分属工科和理科的两门独立的学科。本文论述了军事测绘学和军事地理学的研究对象、内容、范围和方法;分析了军事测绘学和军事地理学各自的发展过程,描述了各自的演进轨迹,特别是分析了信息时代的军事测绘学和军事地理学的发展趋势和各自特点;就军事测绘学和军事地理学在战场地理环境信息保障中的作用,分别从战场地理环境信息保障的两种思维、发展过程、发展特点和发展趋势等几个方面,分析了军事测绘学和军事地理学的"分异"与"聚焦";最后,从哲学的高度论述了"空间与时间一起构成运动着的物质存在的两种基本形式"和"空间参照与时间参照是自然与社会现象的两个基本参照系统"的观点,认为军事测绘学和军事地理学都是研究存在于空间和时间之中且运动着的物质,但研究的具体对象、内容、范围和方法有很大区别,必将在无限和有限统一的空间和时间中深化各自的研究内容、开拓各自的研究范围,创新各自的研究方法,同时又更加紧密地聚焦于战场地理环境信息保障。  相似文献   

Based on a large-scale household survey conducted in six large Chinese cities, this study is among the first attempts to juxtapose factors related to institution, market, and demography to examine the complex patterns and mechanisms of housing differentiation and housing poverty in low-income neighborhoods, which are conventionally conceived as homogenous substandard settlements. Results of Theil indices and multivariate regression models convey several interesting findings. First, the forces of the market and the State have projected different impacts on various aspects of housing status. Institutional factors had significant impacts on some costly and durable housing indicators such as housing tenure and housing area, while market forces have swiftly transformed the most malleable aspects of housing conditions, such as housing facilities, and will eventually replace some institutional legacies. Second, within-group housing differentiation is more palpable than between-group housing differentiation, suggesting that low-income neighborhoods in large Chinese cities are fluid and heterogeneous. Third, different institutional elements have different impacts on housing poverty. The well-functioning market remuneration system helps reduce the risk of housing poverty, yet working poor remains a severe problem. These findings can inform policies promoting social mix and housing affordability.  相似文献   
陈端吕  陈哲夫  彭保发 《地理研究》2018,37(9):1692-1703
土地利用生态服务价值体现了土地通过集约利用与空间优化所发挥生态效益的大小,可在一定程度上反映土地利用与与经济发展的协调关系。以西洞庭湖区为研究对象,在ArcGIS软件支持下,通过评价与分析生态服务价值变化,分析生态经济协调发展水平及其空间差异,探讨土地利用生态服务价值与区域经济发展的互动响应与耦合协调关系。研究表明:① 2000年以来西洞庭湖区土地利用生态服务价值呈下降趋势,2000年西洞庭湖区生态服务价值为1292.13×106元·a-1,2011年为953.03×106元·a-1,损失339.10×106元。② 从整个研究区来看,整个研究阶段处于低度冲突的县有6个,分别为常德市辖区、安乡县、汉寿县、澧县、临澧县、津市市,只有桃源县处于潜在危机状态。从数量上看,整个区域内大多为冲突状态,区域在经济发展中存在的潜在危机较大。③ 从空间分异来看,2008年与2011年土地利用生态经济协调度基本上为低度冲突状态,需采取生态服务供给恢复与重建措施,控制生态服务消费需求的过快增长。整个区域只有桃源县与汉寿县由不协调转换为协调状态,主要原因是森林覆盖率相对较高,林地类型面积大,水土保持与水源涵养生态服务功能较强,提高了生态服务价值。  相似文献   
China’s investments, financial incentives and deductions in terms of ecological conservation are based at the county level. Therefore, the monitoring and assessment of the effects of ecological conservation at the county level is important to provide a scientific basis for the assessment of the ecological and environmental quality at the county scale. This paper quantitatively estimated the dynamics of high-quality ecosystems and vegetation coverage over the past 15 years, and their relationships with the number of ecological conservation programs at the county level were analyzed. Then, the effects of ecological conservation measures on ecological changes at the county level and their regional suitability were assessed and discussed. The results showed that counties with a percentage of high-quality ecosystems greater than 50% were primarily distributed in northeastern China, southern subtropical China and the southeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and those with a percentage lower than 20% were mostly distributed in northwestern China, the southwestern karst region and the North China Plain. In recent decades, ecological conservation has focused on ecologically fragile regions; more than five ecological conservation programs have been implemented in most counties of the Three River Source Region in Qinghai Province, southeastern Tibet, western Sichuan, the Qilian Mountains, southern Xinjiang and other western regions, while only one or zero have been implemented in the eastern coastal area of China. Over the past 15 years, the proportional area of high-quality ecosystems has increased in approximately 53% of counties. The vegetation coverage of counties in the Loess Plateau, Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (Jing-Jin-Ji), Sichuan-Guizhou-Chongqing, and Guangdong-Guangxi provincial-level areas has increased significantly. However, it decreased in northern Xinjiang, central Tibet, central and eastern Inner Mongolia, the Yangtze River Delta and other regions. The relationships between the numbers of ecological conservation programs and the indicators of ecosystem restoration response, such as high-quality ecosystem and vegetation coverage, do not show positive correlations. These results suggest that ecological conservation programs should be planned and implemented according to the distribution patterns of high-quality ecosystems and that restoration measures such as afforestation should follow natural principles and regional differentiation under the background of climate change.  相似文献   
中国土地利用程度的区域分异规律模拟研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
吴承祯  洪伟 《山地学报》1999,17(4):333-337
在前人提出的土地利用程度地综合指数计算方法和指标体系基础上,应用地统计学方法模拟了我国土地利用程度的区域分异规律,结果表明,我国土地利用程度与经度和海拔之间存在一定的经向区域分异规律,地统计学“Krige”内插技术模拟的回归优度达99.99%,明显优于二元线性回归模型的模拟效果,能更真实反映我国土地利用程度的区域分异规律,从而为我国土地利用程度时空分布的模拟与预测提供可靠方法。  相似文献   
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