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Systematic variability in metal concentrations is recorded in near-surface (1 m deep) Late Quaternary sediments of Po coastal plain, across the boundary between alluvial deposits of Apenninic provenance and a formerly active, now abandoned, delta lobe of the Po River. In the latter area, high Cr and Ni concentrations, exceeding the national standard limits, are attributed to sediment provenance from ultramafic source rocks of Po catchment basin, and not to anthropogenic impact. Spatial distribution of carbonate-related elements, such as Ca and Sr, displays consistent differences between the two areas, confirming a primary control of provenance domains on sediment composition. Accurate facies characterization of near-surface sediments, coupled with detailed information on sediment dispersal patterns, enable a reliable interpretation of the spatial variability of major elements and trace metals in the study area. Particularly, detailed reconstructions of source area composition and changes in flow directions through historical times allow precise correlation of apparently anomalous geochemical patterns with distinctive depositional events, such as shifts in channel course, crevasse splay formation and beach-ridge evolution. The findings of unusually high, natural (provenance-controlled) heavy metal concentrations in pre-industrial near-surface levels highlight the contribution of a sedimentological approach to a reliable interpretation of geochemical data. This should be taken into account when determining background values versus anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   
Un‐fragmented stratigraphic records of late Quaternary multiple incised valley systems are rarely preserved in the subsurface of alluvial‐delta plains due to older valley reoccupation. The identification of a well‐preserved incised valley fill succession beneath the southern interfluve of the Last Glacial Maximum Arno palaeovalley (northern Italy) represents an exceptional opportunity to examine in detail evolutionary trends of a Mediterranean system over multiple glacial–interglacial cycles. Through sedimentological and quantitative meiofauna (benthic foraminifera and ostracods) analyses of two reference cores (80 m and 100 m long) and stratigraphic correlations, a mid‐Pleistocene palaeovalley, 5 km wide and 50 m deep, was reconstructed. Whereas valley filling is chronologically constrained to the penultimate interglacial (Marine Isotope Stage 7) by four electron spin resonance ages on bivalve shells (Cerastoderma glaucum), its incision is tentatively correlated with the Marine Isotope Stage 8 sea‐level fall. Above basal fluvial‐channel gravels, the incised valley fill is formed by a mud‐prone succession, up to 44 m thick, formed by a lower floodplain unit and an upper unit with brackish meiofauna that reflects the development of a wave‐dominated estuary. Subtle meiofauna changes towards less confined conditions record two marine flooding episodes, chronologically linked to the internal Marine Isotope Stage 7 climate‐eustatic variability. After the maximum transgressive phase, recorded by coastal sands, the interfluves were flooded around 200 ka (latest Marine Isotope Stage 7). The subsequent shift in river incision patterns, possibly driven by neotectonic activity, prevented valley reoccupation guiding the northward formation of the Last Glacial Maximum palaeovalley. The applied multivariate approach allowed the sedimentological characterization of the Marine Isotope Stage 7 and Marine Isotope Stage 1 palaeovalley fills, including shape, size and facies architecture, which revealed a consistent river‐coastal system response over two non‐consecutive glacial–interglacial cycles (Marine Isotope Stages 8 to 7 and Marine Isotope Stages 2 to 1). The recurring stacking pattern of facies documents a predominant control exerted on stratigraphy by Milankovitch and sub‐Milankovitch glacio‐eustatic oscillations across the late Quaternary period.  相似文献   
本文通过地貌、第四纪地层、钻探、槽探和浅层地震勘探等资料分析,研究了闽江断裂带第四纪活动特征,并探讨了活动断裂与地震的关系。结果表明:(1)闽侯-南屿断裂展布于旗山东侧山前,与五虎山北麓断裂共同组成北西向的闽江断裂带,控制了福州盆地的西侧和南侧边界;(2)闽江断裂带的活动时代从山地向平原方向逐渐变新,山地基岩内的断裂为中更新世断裂,山前断裂多为晚更新世断裂,呈正断性质,上盘沉积速率为0.78mm/a—1.2mm/a;(3)闽江断裂带及其与北东向断裂交汇部位附近小震活动相对密集。  相似文献   
The results of stratigraphic and tephrostratigraphic analyses of several pyroclastic levels, collected along the coastal sector of the Cilento region (southern Italy), are presented. Some of these levels are here described for the fist time, others, already known in literature, were reconsidered in order to better understand their stratigraphic position and to point out the possible volcanic sources.  相似文献   
Numerous geophysical investigations in the western part of onshore Denmark constitute the basis for a delineation of buried Quaternary valleys. The geophysical methods comprise primarily Transient ElectroMagnetic (TEM) and reflection seismic surveys, and the geophysical data have been combined with lithological data from boreholes. Buried valleys appear both as single valleys and in dense networks. The internal structure of the valleys is typically complex due to repeated erosional and depositional events. Buried valleys are common geological structures in the region and they influence the distribution of Tertiary and Quaternary sediments greatly. A large number of buried valleys in the region contain important aquifers, whose natural protection varies depending on thickness and character of overlying clay layers. Many of these aquifers are deep-seated and well protected, but because of the prevailing heterogeneity of the valley infill and the erosional incisions created by different valley generations, preferential flow paths for downward transport of contaminated water from shallow aquifers may occur.  相似文献   
This study presents rock strength variations at granite outcrops and in subsurface vertical profiles in the Jizerské hory Mountains, Czech Republic. Schmidt hammer rebound values in subsurface profiles change gradually from the bedrock surface downward. An exponential relation has been observed between the R‐values and depth in rock outcrops to a depth of around 4·5 m. The exponential nature of the curve indicates that rock hardness increases more rapidly with depth in the uppermost 1?m section of the rock profile. A detailed study of rebound values obtained from both intact and polished rock exposures reveal effects of surface grinding on results of the Schmidt hammer method. The range of data collected increases after grinding, allowing more precise discrimination of rock surfaces in respect of age and weathering. The Schmidt hammer method may be used effectively as a relative‐age dating tool for rock surfaces that originated during the Late Pleistocene. It is concluded that this time limitation can be significantly mitigated by surface grinding before measurement. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
祁连山北缘玉门-北大河断裂晚第四纪活动特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过卫星影像解译、野外实地调查并结合前人研究成果,对位于祁连山北缘的玉门—北大河断裂晚第四纪构造活动特征进行研究。结果表明,玉门—北大河断裂为一条全新世活动的逆冲断裂,该断裂西起玉门青草湾,向东经老玉门市、大红泉止于骨头泉,全长约80km,整体走向NWW。根据断裂的几何结构及活动习性可将其分为三段:东段构造形态简单连续,为逆冲断层陡坎为主的古地震地表破裂带;中段结构复杂,由多条次级断层组成,以逆冲扩展为主;西段未出露地表而成为盲断裂-褶皱带。通过对断层陡坎差分GPS测量及相应地貌面年代测试,得到断裂晚更新世以来逆冲速率约为(0.73±0.09)mm/a。  相似文献   
地震地表破裂发育特点及环境条件分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过已有震害实例分析,总结出了地震地表破裂的发育特点,在此基础上,结合震源破裂的深、浅部环境条件和形成力学机制、震源破裂和地震地表破裂的相互关系,讨论了地震地表破裂形成的环境条件。认为其所处的地震地质区特点是影响地震地表破裂发育的宏观环境条件,而场地第四系松散地层是影响地震地表破裂发育的微观环境条件。第四系地层对地震地表破裂的影响主要取决于第四系地层的土动力学性状、不均匀性和土层厚度等因素。  相似文献   
磁性地层学结合宇宙成因核素、AMS 14 C测年为晚新生代可靠的长序地质年代框架建立提供了有效快捷手段。在北京平原东南部钻取的NBT1全取芯钻孔进行了详细的磁性地层学研究,400 m钻孔335 块样品识别出10个正极性和9个负极性时段,记录了布容(Brunhes)、松山(Matuyama)、高斯(Gauss)、吉尔伯特(Gilbert)极性时,孔底进入到4. 2 Ma的Gilbert负极性时。以岩性组合、26 Al/10 Be、AMS 14 C年代学为基础,结合测井沉积〖JP2〗相分析,判断钻孔上新世晚期地层底界位于319. 60 m,第四系下更新统、中更新统、上更新统底界分别位于214. 80 m、〖JP〗70. 60 m、59. 25 m。在上新世约4. 2~3. 5 Ma发育了6期明显的冲洪积扇的快速沉积过程,第四纪早更新世以曲流河沉积体系为主,中更新世以湖沼沉积为主,夹分支河道沉积,沉积厚度相对较薄,晚更新世以分支河道- 湖沼沉积为主,其顶部末次盛冰期浊黄橙色硬质黏土发育。钻孔包含了3个沉积速率较高(>150 m/Ma)的时期,分别为3. 58~3. 33 Ma、1. 945~1. 778 Ma和0. 126~0. 010 Ma,与上新世以来青藏高原隆升扩展及华北地区晚更新世构造活化在时间上具有一致性,揭示了华北地区的沉积构造演化对青藏高原隆升具有一定响应。  相似文献   
地球轨道要素的变化已作为确定地质年表的一种重要依据。应用地球轨道参数变化理论计算值来进行小波分析,结果清楚地展示出偏心率值约100ka、405ka、1Myr和2.3Myr等周期成份的随时间变化特征,100ka和405ka周期的振幅强度的变化成反相位关系,2.3Myr周期对100ka和405ka周期成份有调制作用。0—51Ma范围内变化较为稳定的地球轨道偏心率值的变化分析可以为地质年龄的划分和对比提供一定的参考。  相似文献   
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