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大兴安岭中南段铜成矿带已探明铜矿床众多,矿化类型主要为热液脉型与斑岩型.布敦化铜矿床由于同时存在两种矿化类型而备受关注,然而针对该矿区内相邻两个矿段(金鸡岭、孔雀山)成矿特征差异性缘由尚未得到解释,有关该矿床成矿机制综合研究尚显薄弱,整体成矿模式亟待建立.在综合前人研究成果基础上,认为布敦化矿区如此小范围内存在两种矿化类型,有可能与晚侏罗世成矿阶段构造演化的不同相关。布敦化挤压带两侧地质体发生垂向位移,孔雀山矿段所在部位(上盘)相对上升,得以形成浅成高温热液脉型铜矿.(165±2)~151.95±0.73Ma,极有可能在金鸡岭矿段深部存在当时未上升的黑云母花岗闪长岩,其内、外接触带极有可能形成浸染状铜矿化,可以作为今后该矿段找矿方向.在上述认识基础上构建布敦化铜矿床成矿模式,为揭示大兴安岭中南段铜多金属成矿规律奠定基础.  相似文献   
甲乌拉铜银铅锌矿床是大兴安岭西坡得尔布干铜(钼)-银铅锌成矿带内大型铅锌银矿床之一,长期以来被认为是与火山、次火山热液作用有关的浅成热液矿床;然而近期的研究显示,其成矿可能与深部细脉浸染型铜矿化有着密切的成因联系。为此,我们在野外调研的基础上,开展了与细脉浸染型铜矿化有关的富碱花岗斑岩的年代学和地球化学研究工作。实验结果揭示:花岗斑岩的w(SiO_2)为71.59%~72.36%,w(TiO_2)为0.46%~0.58%,w(Al2O3)为15.45%~15.92%,w(Fe_2O_3)为0.74%~0.90%,w(FeO)为1.67%~1.96%,w(MgO)为0.55%~0.89%,w(Na_2O+K_2O)为9.01%~9.91%,K2O/Na2O值为1.37~2.15,里特曼指数(σ)为2.77~3.43,碱度指数(AR)为3.13~3.96,指示该类岩石为钾玄岩系列、高钾质、过铝质的A型富碱花岗斑岩;稀土元素总量(∑REE)为(350.11~408.80)×10-6,轻重稀土比值(∑LREE/∑HREE)为11.25~11.44,δEu主要集中在0.38~0.44,具有较强的轻重稀土分馏和明显负铕异常、强烈亏损相容元素(Ni、Co、Cr、V、Yb、Eu等)、富集不相容元素(Cs、Rb、Pb、U、Th、Zr、Hf等)、相对亏损Li、Sr等不相容元素以及持有较高的Rb/Sr(0.93~1.31)、Zr/Hf(29.38~35.61)值等特征,揭示原始岩浆来源于以CO_2为主的流体交代下地壳部分重熔或以H2O为主的流体交代下地壳部分重熔,岩浆作用过程受到了强烈的碳酸盐混染,并具有提供铜银铅锌成矿流体的属性。鉴于所获该类岩石具有岩浆和热液锆石共伴生的特点,且岩浆锆石的206Pb/238 U年龄加权平均值为(146.4±1.6)Ma(MSWD=1.30,n=12)、热液锆石206Pb/238 U年龄加权平均值为(143.1±3.9)Ma(MSWD=0.56,n=5),结合前人的研究成果,得出甲乌拉矿床成矿发生在早白垩世初期,与成矿密切的岩浆作用发生在晚侏罗世末,并认证甲乌拉矿床为斑岩型铜-浅成热液铜银铅锌成矿系统;成岩成矿地球动力学背景适值古太平洋板块向欧亚板块俯冲的大陆内部挤压向伸展转换的构造环境,或蒙古—鄂霍茨克洋闭合后造山带碰撞伸展的环境。  相似文献   
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) thermochronometry is an emerging application, whose capability to record sub-Million-year thermal histories is of increasing interest to a growing number of subdisciplines of Quaternary research. However, several recent studies have encountered difficulties both in extraction of OSL signals from bedrock quartz, and in their thermochronometric interpretation, thus highlighting the need for a methodological benchmark. Here, we investigate the characteristic OSL signals from quartz samples across all major types of bedrock and covering a wide range of chemical purities. High ratios of infrared to blue stimulated luminescence (IRSL/BLSL), an insensitive ‘fast’ OSL component, and anomalously short recombination lifetimes seen in time-resolved luminescence (TR-OSL), are often encountered in quartz from crystalline (magmatic and metamorphic) bedrock, and may hamper successful OSL dating. Furthermore, even when the desirable signal is present, its concentration might be indistinguishable from its environmental steady-state prediction, thus preventing its conversion to a cooling or heating history. We explore the saturation properties and the thermal activation parameters of various OSL signals in quartz to outline the capabilities and limitations for their use in low-temperature thermochronometry.  相似文献   
Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating was performed on Late Quaternary deltaic sequences from a 55-m-long core sampled from the Nakdong River estuary, Korea. OSL ages obtained from chemically separated fine (4–11 μm) and coarse (90–212 μm) quartz grains ranged from 29.4 ± 2.6 to 0.4 ± 0.04 ka, revealing clear consistency between the grain-size fractions. The De values from the standardized growth curve (SGC) are consistent with those from the single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) procedure, which suggests that the SGC is valid for the Nakdong deltaic sediments. The 14C ages of shells and wood fragments ranged from 11 to 2.9 ka, demonstrating reasonable agreement with the OSL ages, within the error range. However, the limited number and random sampling interval of the 14C age data (10 ages) result in a simple linear and exponential trend in the depth–age curve. In contrast, OSL ages obtained by high-resolution sampling show down-section variations in the depth–age curve, indicating the occurrence of rapid changes in sedimentation rate. It is suggested that the high-sampling-resolution OSL ages provide a more realistic and detailed depth–age curve and sedimentation rate. The Nakdong deltaic sediments were divided into five units based on sedimentation rate. The lowest (unit 5) shows a break in sedimentation between the last glacial maximum (LGM) and the Holocene. The sedimentation rate increased in units 4 and 3, presumably corresponding to the early to middle Holocene sea level rise and high stand. Unit 2 shows a gradually decreasing sedimentation rate following the regression of the shoreline, until about 2 ka. The progradation of the Nakdong River delta resulted in the rapid accumulation of unit 1 during the last 2000 years.  相似文献   
Previous works focused on optically stimulated luminescence dating of quartz extracted from Romanian and Serbian loess reported significant discrepancies between ages obtained on fine (4–11 μm) and coarse (63–90 μm) quartz. The present study is directed at expanding these investigations. The SAR-OSL and double SAR-OSL protocols are applied on quartz of different grain sizes belonging to 9 samples extracted from a newly identified archaeological site at Bistricioara-Lutărie III on the Bistrița Valley (NE Romania). Radiocarbon ages are also obtained for the 3 uppermost cultural layers hosted in the loess-like deposit.Discrepant ages are obtained between fine (4–11 μm) and coarse (63–90 and 90–200 μm, respectively) quartz for equivalent doses higher than ∼80–100 Gy. However, a very good agreement is achieved for the youngest sample, with an age of ∼8 ka (with a De of 38 Gy for fine and 35 Gy for coarse grains, respectively). The comparison with independent control provided by radiocarbon dating suggests better agreement of ages calculated for coarse quartz. Our results are once again proof that concerns should be raised regarding the reliability of the equivalent doses obtained on quartz samples for which the laboratory dose response cannot be fitted by a single saturating exponential function. Further systematic investigations are required regarding the very different saturation characteristics of fine and coarse grained quartz.  相似文献   
This paper describes petrologic and geochemical characteristics of intrusive rocks associated with porphyry copper deposits in south-eastern Mindanao, the Philippines, where the Kingking deposit is located. Intrusive rocks at the Kingking deposit, are classified into biotite-bearing diorite porphyry, hornblende diorite porphyry and diorite porphyry. Intrusive rocks in other areas in south-eastern Mindanao, including Batoto, Bukal, Maragusan, Masara, Amacan and Sumlog, are hornblende diorite porphyry and hornblende quartz diorite. They are adakitic in Sr/Y-Y diagram, but not in La/Yb-Yb diagram due to relatively low REE contents. The magmas are oxidizing as suggested by the high XMg of mafic silicate phenocrysts and SO3 contents of microphenocrystic apatite. An Oligocene-Miocene diorite intrusive complex formed by calc-alkaline, hydrous, oxidizing magma is considered to be associated with porphyry-type copper-gold mineralization.  相似文献   
The Baogutu porphyry copper belt lies in the Darbut transitional island arc of the western Junggar, in the western section of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt in NW China. Our new petrographic results for the ore-bearing porphyry stocks in the Baogutu porphyry copper belt recognize them as diorite porphyry stocks rather than the granodiorite porphyry stocks as previously identified. The copper mineralization is hosted in the diorite, diorite porphyries and related breccias of the diorite porphyry stocks.Geochemical data indicate that the ore-bearing porphyries have a predominantly intermediate composition with a transitional character from tholeiite to calc-alkaline, and are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) and depleted in high field strength elements (HFSE) with a clear negative Nb anomaly. REE patterns show distinct enrichments in LREE relative to HREE. The rocks also exhibit high initial εNd(t) (+ 2.7 to + 6.3) ratios and low initial 87Sr/86Sr values (0.70359–0.70397). Many samples are chemically similar to adakites (e. g. Yb < 1.9 ppm, Y < 18 ppm, Sr/Yb > 20, 87Sr/86Sr < 0.7045). These data are consistent with a transitional island arc from immature arc to mature arc and suggest that the ore-bearing porphyry system was derived from the partial melting of multiple sources including oceanic crust and a subduction-modified mantle wedge, with melts undergoing significant crystal fractionation during convergence between the paleo-Junggar ocean and the Darbut arc.  相似文献   
Late-Hercynian, high temperature (HT) shear deformation affected the zone straddling the contact between the Sila Massif batholith (above) and the host migmatitic paragneisses (below). A segment of the regional HT shear zone was investigated close to the town of Mesoraca, where a natural section allows one to analyse the solidus deformation of syn-tectonic granitoids. Shearing favoured the formation of polycrystalline quartz ribbons in deformed granodiorite and tonalite. Two main c-axis fabrics were found in the quartz-ribbons, different from each other by opening angles around Z between strong point maxima, in accordance with deformation under granulite to amphibolite facies conditions. These fabrics, along with microstructural observations, suggest that temperature of deformation played a key role and that ribboning was accompanied by the activation of (i) prism [c] slip and prism [c] + prism <a> slips, under granulite facies conditions, followed by (ii) basal <a> and prism <a> slips under amphibolite facies conditions.  相似文献   
40Ar-39Ar dating of albite from the Meishan and Taocun iron deposits yields plateau ages of 122.90±0.16 Ma and 124.89±0.30 Ma, and isochron ages of 122.60±0.16 Ma and 124.90±0.29 Ma, respectively. Phlogopite from the Zhongshan-Gushan ore field has a plateau age of 126.7±0.17 Ma and an isochron age of 127.21±1.63 Ma. Analysis of regional geodynamic evolution of the middle-lower Yangtze River region suggests that the porphyry iron deposits were formed as a result of large-scale lithosphere delamination and strong sinistral strike-slip movement of the Tancheng Lujiang fault zone. The copper, molybdenum and gold deposit system in the middle-lower Yangtze River region was formed during the stress transition period of the eastern China continent.  相似文献   
为确定念青唐古拉成矿带斑岩型矿床的成矿时间,对亚贵拉铅锌钼多金属矿集区斑岩钼矿的5件辉钼矿样品进行了Re-Os同位素分析,所获辉钼矿模式年龄在(64.27±0.90)~(65.97±1.13)Ma范围内,等时线年龄为(65.0±1.9)Ma(MSWD=3.2)。亚贵拉辉钼矿属主碰撞期成矿,成矿与短期内大规模的岩浆活动有关,暗示念青唐古拉—冈底斯地区存在大规模的主碰撞期成矿作用。  相似文献   
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