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王楠  李萍云  井宇  赵强 《气象科学》2016,36(6):742-751
2012年盛夏陕西绥德县出现短时强降水,4 h雨量超过100 mm。利用NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料进行诊断分析发现,在陕北东北部对流层中下层有一中α尺度气旋存在,且随高度向东北倾斜,垂直方向上形成次级环流,使强降水区的上升运动加剧。分析地面观测、卫星资料发现,西路冷空气引导干侵入加强层结不稳定性,东路冷空气楔形抬升作用,使得不稳定能量释放;同时,在东西两路干冷空气的夹击作用下,绥德县内形成中气旋,暖湿空气在当地得以聚集上升;2个中β尺度对流云团在东西路风场作用下合并后迅速增强。多普勒雷达资料显示,2个中γ尺度的超级单体回波在绥德先后发展形成列车效应;2个超级单体中的中气旋特征各有不同,是回波结构演变的主要原因。  相似文献   
王艳辉 《华北地质》2013,(2):104-113
大草坪钼矿区侵入体由花岗岩和花岗闪长岩组成,两者呈侵入接触关系,接触带附近石英脉较发育并见钼矿化。花岗岩与花岗闪长岩具有相似的岩石地球化学特征:主量元素特征均显示富含硅、碱质,普遍具有较高的钾含量,主要属钙碱性系列;稀土元素球粒陨石标准化配分模式显示LREE相对富集,球粒陨石标准化曲线都一致向右倾斜,曲线之间呈现近于平行的特征,说明两者具有同源性。笔者同时认为,大草坪岩体的成因类型为I型花岗岩,岩浆物质具壳幔混源特征;岩体与矿体具有明显的同源分异特征,可为成矿提供一定物质来源。  相似文献   
大宁岩体是一个多期次侵入的复式岩体,主要由石英闪长岩、花岗闪长岩和二长花岗岩等花岗质岩石组成,其中富含镁铁质微粒包体(MME),MME主要出露在花岗闪长岩中.花岗闪长岩中部和边部MME个数与单位测量面积的特征值(直径)之间均存在对数线性关系(p>0.75),表明MME-花岗质侵入岩体系为分形体.结合MME的形态、结构特征,认为大宁岩体中MME为岩浆混合成因.花岗闪长岩中部和边部MME的分维数分别是1.293和0.991,表明混合程度在空间上具有不均一性.MME长轴展布方向与寄主岩体的原生流动线理方向一致,暗示着在镁铁质岩浆注入之前,长英质岩浆已部分结晶.对流作用可能是MME分布、变形和岩浆混合程度差异的主要驱动力.  相似文献   
赋存超大型镍矿床的夏日哈木Ⅰ号岩体位于东昆仑造山带西段之东昆中早古生代岛弧带。锆石U-Pb年龄为439Ma,由分属橄榄岩相、辉石岩相、辉长-苏长岩相的多种岩石类型组成。堆晶结构与堆晶层理发育,属岩床状层状岩体。不平衡结晶作用在岩浆演化过程中居于主导地位。矿物结晶顺序为尖晶石/橄榄石→斜方辉石→单斜辉石→单斜辉石+斜长石→褐色普通角闪石。各种岩石均富集轻稀土元素和大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Ti、P,显示了岛弧环境岩浆岩的地球化学特征。Nd、Sr同位素组成均属富集型地幔范畴和EMⅡ型趋势。矿区内的Ⅲ号与Ⅳ号岩体属蛇绿岩套,证明在昆中岛弧带内部存在岩石圈破裂带。区域构造格局与演化历史以及区域地球物理场的研究表明,东昆中岛弧带属拉张型岛弧带。据此,可以认定拉张型岛弧环境是全球范围内第五种有利于形成镍矿床的构造环境,中古生代是我国第三个镍矿主成矿期。  相似文献   
湘南地区骑田岭芙蓉矿田存在众多航磁以及地面高精度磁力异常,正确认识磁异常与锡多金属矿异常的对应关系,直接涉及到对矿区找矿前景的评价与找矿工作部署。笔者从岩石磁学参数的统计特征来探讨磁法勘探的应用范围及其应注意的问题。  相似文献   
The Xingdi mafic-ultramafic intrusions occur in the northeastern margin of the Tarim craton. The Xingdi No. 3 intrusion is the smallest of four intrusions, with an exposed area of 1.7 km~2, and the zircon U-Pb age of the intrusion is 752±4 Ma. The intrusion consists of gabbros, pyroxenites and peridotites, and exhibits a crystallization sequence of the main rock-forming minerals as olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene and plagioclase. Mineralization occurred at or near the boundaries of the intrusion between pyroxenites and peridotites, and appears as a layered or lenticular shape about 500 m long and 4–15 m wide. The primary sulfides have a relatively simple mineralogy dominated by pyrrhotite-pentlandite-chalcopyrite assemblages, which occur as droplet, star-like and graphic texture and locally sideronitic structures. Geochronological and geochemistry investigations suggest that the Xingdi mafic-ultramafic intrusions and coeval volcanic rock in the Kuluktag area of the Tarim craton formed in an intracontinental breakup environment. Based on the composition of the dominant rockforming minerals and covariant relationships of other oxides versus Mg O, the parental magma of the Xingdi No.3 intrusion belongs to high-Mg tholeiitic basaltic magmas with Mg O of 10.78 wt%. The Xingdi No.3 intrusive rocks are characterized by light REE enrichment relative to heavy REE, negative Nb-Ta anomalies, low ~(143)Nd/~(144)Nd ratios(from 0.511183 to 0.511793) and high initial ~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr ratios(from 0.7051 to 0.7113). The magma was derived from the enriched-lithospheric mantle and was contaminated during emplacement. According to rock assemblages, mineralization, olivine characteristics, geochemical characteristics and mass balance, there are better copper-nickel ore prospects in the Xingdi No.3 intrusion than in the other three intrusions in the area.  相似文献   
钱兵 《地质与勘探》2017,53(5):838-854
呼德生岩体位于柴北缘造山带欧龙布鲁克微陆块东南缘,侵位于古元古代金水口变质岩群中。该岩体从中心到边缘依次出现橄榄岩→辉石岩→辉长岩的岩相分带特征,岩石主要类型有纯橄岩、橄榄二辉岩和辉长岩,各岩石之间多为过渡接触关系,镍铜矿化主要赋存于辉石岩中。锆石LAICP-MS U-Pb年代学研究表明,岩体形成年龄为425.2±5.8Ma,为柴北缘晚志留世-晚泥盆世后造山伸展阶段岩浆作用的产物。岩石镁铁比值(m/f)为2.51~5.37,属于铁质系列基性-超基性岩。各类岩石富集轻稀土元素(LREE)和大离子亲石元素(Ba、Sr、Rb),而亏损高场强元素(Zr、Hf、Nb、Ta)。岩相学、矿物学及岩石地球化学研究表明岩浆在演化过程中发生了一定程度的结晶分异作用和同化混染作用。结合岩体形成年代及区域地质资料,呼德生岩体应形成于大陆边缘伸展阶段,原始岩浆在演化过程中经历了地幔流体的交代作用。通过对岩浆结晶分异程度及同化混染情况等方面的综合评价,认为呼德生岩体具有良好的铜镍硫化物矿床形成条件。  相似文献   
华南是我国最重要的锡成矿省,产有大量的与花岗岩有关的大型-超大型锡多金属矿床。近年来,在湘南新探明一个超大型锡矿床-芙蓉锡矿床,其中,最重要的锡矿化产在骑田岭花岗岩体西南部的破碎蚀变带内,与绿泥石化密切相关。骑田岭花岗岩富含角闪石,具有较高的氧逸度,显示出准铝的地球化学特征,在花岗岩形成过程中发生过壳-幔岩浆混舍作用。这些特点都表明骑田岭花岗岩并不同于一般的S型含锡花岗岩,而显示出A型花岗岩的地球化学特征。同位素定年分析表明,芙蓉锡矿床主成矿阶段的形成时代要晚于骑田岭花岗岩侵位年龄近20Ma。氢、氧同位素分析表明,发生过水-岩反应的大气降水在成矿流体中占有很重要的地位。硫同位素分析表明花岗岩和地层都提供了成矿所需的硫。因此,用花岗岩浆结晶分异过程中分离出富锡的岩浆流体来形成锡矿的传统模式并不适合于解释芙蓉锡矿的形成。我们认为芙蓉锡矿的形成主要与骑田岭花岗岩的绿泥石化蚀变有关,循环的大气降水与花岗岩发生水-岩反应,富锡的铁镁矿物在蚀变成绿泥石的同时释放出Sn和Ti等金属到流体中,当物理化学条件改变时,沉淀形成锡矿体。这是一种比较独特的锡矿化模式,丰富了华南与花岗岩有关的锡矿化类型。  相似文献   
Earthquake swarms are often assumed to be caused by magmatic or fluid intrusions, where the stress changes in the vicinity of the intrusion control the position, strength and rate of seismicity. Fracture mechanical models of natural intrusions or man-made hydrofractures pose constraints on orientation, magnitude, shape and growing rate of fractures and can be used to estimate stress changes in the vicinity of the intrusions. Although the idea of intrusion-induced seismicity is widely accepted, specific comparisons of seismicity patterns with fracture models of stress changes are rarely done. The goal of the study is to review patterns of intrusion-induced earthquake swarms in comparison to the observations of the swarm in NW Bohemia in 2000. We analyse and discuss the theoretical 3D shape of intrusions under mixed mode loading and apparent buoyancy. The aspect ratio and form of the intrusion is used to constrain parameters of the fluid, the surrounding rock and stress. We conclude that the 2000 NW Bohemia swarm could have been driven by a magmatic intrusion. The intrusion was, however, inclined to the maximal principal stress and caused shear displacement additional to opening. We estimate that the density diference between magma and rock was small. The feeding reservoir was possibly much larger than the area affected from earthquakes and may be a vertical dike beneath the swarm region.  相似文献   
Hydrographic and biogeochemical observations were conducted along the longitudinal section from Ise Bay to the continental margin (southern coast of Japan) to investigate changes according to the Kuroshio path variations during the summer. The strength of the uplift of the cold deep water was influenced by the surface intrusion of the Kuroshio water to the shelf region. When the intrusion of the Kuroshio surface water to the shelf region was weak in 2006, the cold and NO3-rich shelf water intruded into the bottom layer in the bay from the shelf. This bottom intrusion was intensified by the large river discharge. The nitrogen isotope ratio (δ15N) of NO3 (4–5‰) in the bottom bay water was same as that in the deeper NO3 over the shelf, indicating the supply of new nitrogen to the bay. The warm and NO3-poor shelf water intruded into the middle layer via the mixing region at the bay mouth when the Kuroshio water distributed in the coastal areas off Ise Bay in 2005. The regenerated NO3 with isotopically light nitrogen (δ15N=−1‰) was supplied from the shelf to the bay. This NO3 is regenerated by the nitrification in the upper layer over the shelf. The contribution rate of regenerated NO3 over the shelf to the total NO3 in the subsurface chlorophyll maximum layer in the bay was estimated at 56% by a two-source mixing model coupled with the Rayleigh equation.  相似文献   
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