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储层孔隙特征和孔隙结构是影响页岩气赋存与储集的重要因素。为评价海陆过渡相高演化煤系页岩储层性质与页岩气储集性能,应用扫描电子显微镜、高压压汞、低温N2和 CO2气体吸附、微米CT扫描、核磁共振实验方法,对沁水盆地武乡区块上古生界煤系页岩气储层孔隙微观特征和孔隙结构进行了研究。结果表明,沁水盆地武乡区块上古生界煤系页岩样品中发育多种类型微观孔隙,常见粒间孔、粒内孔和微裂缝,有机质孔几乎不发育;武乡区块煤系页岩气储层样品孔隙总孔容分布在0.021 9~0.073 5 mL/g之间,平均值为0.039 9 mL/g,总比表面积主要分布在11.94~46.83 m2/g之间,平均为29.16 m2/g,其中介孔(2~50 nm)和微孔(<2 nm)是煤系页岩气储集的主要载体。煤系页岩中的高配位数孔隙数量越多,相应的孔容和孔比表面积越大,孔隙连通性越好;在孔隙数量和总孔容相差不大的前提下,山西组煤系页岩储层孔隙结构与连通性比太原组煤系页岩稍好。  相似文献   
在对沁水盆地北端发育的中生代褶皱、断层和节理等构造研究的基础上,分析并总结了区内的构造变形及构造应力场特征,。结果表明:研究区西部构造线以NE-SW向为主;东部构造线以近SN或NW-SE向为主;两者之间的构造线方向主要表现为近EW向。研究区内的褶皱、断裂、节理以及水系的发育特征均表明:本区在晚古生代—中生代经历过一期近SN向的挤压作用,其最大主应力方位为161°~174°,倾角在10°以内,这期挤压作用可能是对印支期构造活动的响应;此外,在距今165±5 Ma至136 Ma期间,本区可能还经历过一期NW–SE向的挤压作用,其最大主应力方位为152°,倾角1°。  相似文献   
The knowledge of the residence time of formation water is fundamental to understanding the subsurface flow and hydrological setting. To better identify the origin and evolution of coal seam water and its impact on gas storage and production, this study collected coalbed methane co-produced water in the southeast Qinshui Basin and detected chemical and isotopic compositions, especially 36Cl and 129I concentrations. The calculated tracer ages of 129I (5.2–50.6 Ma) and 36Cl (0.13–0.76 Ma) are significantly younger than the age of coal-bearing formation (Pennsylvanian - Cisuralian), indicating freshwater recharge after coal deposition. The model that utilises 129I/I and 36Cl/Cl ratios to constrain the timing of recharge and the proportion of recharge water reveals that over 60% of pre-anthropogenic meteoric water entered coal seams since 10 Ma and mixed with residue initial deposition water, corresponding to the basin inversion in Cenozoic. The spatial distribution of major ion concentrations reveals the primary recharge pathway for meteoric water from coal outcrops at the eastern margin to the basin center. This study demonstrates the occurrence of higher gas production rates from wells that accept water recharge in recent times and suggests the possible potential of the non-stagnant zones for high gas production.  相似文献   
From the comprehensive study on the homogenization temperatures and the occurrence of fluid inclusions in the framework minerals of the strata between or above the Carboniferous–Permian coals in the Qinshui basin, Shanxi, three stages are predicted of hydrocarbon expulsion from the coals. Combined with the known history of basin evolution, it is deduced that the expulsion of hydrocarbons happened during the J1 (210–180 Ma), the early K1 (150–130 Ma) and K2E1 (110–60 Ma). In the early stage, the coals produced and discharged coal-generated oils. The average GOI value of four sandstone samples is relatively high, as they have been exposed to high paleo-oil saturation in the strata between or above the coals. The biomarker compositions of oil-bearing fluid inclusions are similar to those of extracts from the coals, and so it is concluded that those oils were derived from the same family of the coals.  相似文献   
The main methods of coalbed methane(CBM) development are drainage and depressurization, and a precise prediction of coal reservoir pressure is thus crucial for the evaluation of reservoir potentials and the formulation of reasonable development plans. This work established a new reservoir pressure prediction model based on the material balance equation(MBE) of coal reservoir, which considers the self-regulating effects of coal reservoirs and the dynamic change of equivalent drainage area(EDA). According to the proposed model, the reservoir pressure can be predicted based on reservoir condition data and the actual production data of a single well. Compared with traditional reservoir pressure prediction models which regard EDA as a fixed value, the proposed model can better predict the average pressure of reservoirs. Moreover, orthogonal experiments were designed to evaluate the sensitivity of reservoir parameters on the reservoir pressure prediction results of this proposed model. The results show that the saturation of irreducible water is the most sensitive parameter, followed by Langmuir volume and reservoir porosity, and Langmuir pressure is the least sensitive parameter. In addition, the pressure drop of reservoirs is negatively correlated with the saturation of irreducible water and the Langmuir volume, while it is positively correlated with porosity. This work analyzed the reservoir pressure drop characteristics of the CBM wells in the Shizhuangnan Block of the Qinshui Basin, and the results show that the CBM reservoir depressurization can be divided into three types, i.e., rapidly drop type, medium-term stability type, and slowly drop type. The drainage features of wells were reasonably interpreted based on the comprehensive analysis of the reservoir depressurization type; the latter was coupled to the corresponding permeability dynamic change characteristics, eventually proving the applicability of the proposed model.  相似文献   
沁水盆地煤系地层页岩气储层特征及评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沁水盆地是我国重要的含煤盆地,不仅其煤炭及煤层气资源丰富,在上古生界石炭纪-二叠纪地层中还有大量页岩发育。而目前,针对该地区页岩地层的相关研究极少,该地区页岩气资源是否具有勘探开发潜力有待深入而细致的研究。本文以沁水盆地上古生界石炭系-二叠系海陆交互相页岩储层为研究对象,通过薄片鉴定、X线衍射分析、氩离子抛光扫描电镜分析、核磁共振、氦气吸附等实验方法,研究了富有机质页岩储层有机质含量、类型、成熟度等有机地化特征以及储集空间类型、物性、矿物组成、孔隙结构等储层特征。在此基础上,对研究区页岩储层的勘探开发潜力进行了评价。结果表明:沁水盆地石炭纪-二叠纪富有机质页岩储层中发育形态各异的不同类型孔隙及微裂缝。其中,矿物基质孔十分发育,主要包括有呈片状、三角形及不规则形态的粒间孔和晶间孔等;而有机质孔不发育,呈点状,偶见椭圆型。从孔隙结构上看,孔隙具有较大的比表面积,主要分布在2.84~6.44 m2/g,平均值为4.26 m2/g。平均孔径分布在3.64~10.34 nm,以中孔隙发育为主。从矿物组成来看,各矿物含量比例适中,黏土矿物含量较高,达到57.5%,有利于微孔隙发育和页岩气的吸附;以石英及长石为代表的脆性矿物含量较高,达到41.3%,易于后期压裂造缝。从有机地化特征来看,有机碳含量高,有机质类型以腐泥腐殖型为主,且受中生代异常地温场控制,有机质热成熟度高,有利于页岩气的生成和吸附存储。总体来说,虽然研究区石炭纪-二叠纪页岩储层埋深浅,但有机地化参数、矿物组成、孔隙发育及结构特征都有利于页岩生烃和页岩气储存,具有较大的勘探与开发潜力。  相似文献   
水动力场研究在煤层气勘探开发中具有重要作用。本文首先讨论了基于煤层气井排采资料的水动力场研究方法,在分析沁水盆地柿庄区块原始水动力场特点的基础上,结合前人在盆地其他区块水动力场的研究成果,分析了沁水盆地原始水动力场的类型,进而探讨了水动力场类型对煤层气排采的控制作用。研究表明:沁水盆地自边缘向腹部依次存在重力驱动型、滞流型和压实驱动型三种类型的区域原始水动力场;重力驱动型和滞流型水动力场具备煤层气保存条件,含气量高,煤层气排采效果相对较好,而压实驱动型水动力场虽具备一定的保存条件,但因地层压力较高,煤层气井排水降压困难,产气效果较差;无论是在重力驱动型还是滞流型的区域水动力场中,局部的低势汇聚区具备煤层气保存和排采的有利条件,煤层气开发效果一般较好。在未来煤层气勘探开发过程中,应将重力流驱型或滞流型水动力场所在区域中的局部低势汇聚区作为煤层气开发的甜点区。  相似文献   
沁水煤层气田高阶煤解吸气碳同位素分馏特征及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沁水盆地是我国煤层气勘探开发的重要有利区,沁水煤层气田位于盆地东南部。对采自沁水煤层气田两口井的煤开展了罐解吸实验。结果表明,该地区煤层气解吸速率很快,96 h后解吸气量都达到了总解吸气量的60%~85%,720 h后解吸过程基本结束;解吸气量大,平均在18 m3/t以上。煤层气解吸过程中甲烷发生碳同位素分馏,δ13C1值变化与解吸率呈良好的线性关系,参考这种正相关关系曲线,定期监视煤层气降压排采过程中甲烷δ13C1值的变化情况,可以大致推测出该地区煤层气解吸率,从而预测煤层气的采出程度。跟踪测试沁水煤层气田A1和A1-3井在试采过程的甲烷δ13C1变化情况,推测现在采出的煤层气可能主要是煤层裂隙中以游离形式存在的煤层气,表明该区煤层气稳产性较好,资源前景广阔。  相似文献   
在建立沁水盆地3#煤层气井煤层气运移产出地质概念模型的基础上,采用Langmuir等温吸附定律,Fick第一定律和多相渗流理论建立了与之相适应的三维数学模型,并通过历史拟合计算,校正、识别了模型中的有关重要参数,预测了3#煤层气井单井开采及井网优化开采时的气、水产量。  相似文献   
页岩孔隙结构是影响页岩气赋存与储集的基本因素之一.为研究高演化海陆过渡相煤系页岩的孔隙结构和评价页岩气储集能力,主要运用扫描电子显微镜、高压压汞、低温N2和CO2气体吸附实验方法,对沁水盆地阳泉区块太原组海陆过渡相煤系页岩孔隙微观特征与孔隙结构进行了研究,并分析了太原组煤系页岩孔隙发育的影响因素.研究结果表明:沁水盆地...  相似文献   
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