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Forest canopy density (FCD) is a major factor in the evaluation of forest status and is an important indicator of possible management interventions. The study uses the FCD model with Landsat TM and Landsat 8 OLI images to assess canopy density in India’s Manipur valley and surrounding hills. Normalized difference built-up index (NDBI) was used to extract built-up areas and population density was retrieved from LandScan data, while elevation and slope were obtained from ASTER DEMs (30 m). Four types of canopy density were delineated with crown cover above 71%, 41–70%, 11–40%, below 10% and areas with no canopy cover, that is 0%. A sharp decline in forest area occurred during 1989–2016 at a rate of loss of 2.9 % year-1 with an average rate of deforestation of 3051 ha year-1. Dense forests exhibited remarkable degradation, especially towards the central valley. The variation in the topographical (elevation and slope) gradient resulted in significant differences in the canopy density over the study area barring some hill slopes. Population pressure and various developmental activities in recent decades led to forest degradation in this fragile yet rich Eastern Himalaya biodiversity hotspot.  相似文献   
根据漫湾、大朝山电站移民安置的经验和教训,在云南省高山峡谷区建大型水电站,开发性移民主要应做到:移民安置必须和国民经济与社会发展结合起来,应尽量外迁农业安置:补偿和开发扶持相结合;正确选择移民安置区;合理确定移民的土地,给移民提供生产基地;统一规划建设适用坚固的住房和生产生活配套设施;为移民发展生产提供技术支持;引导和帮助移民进行生态环境保护和建设;建立统一有效的移民管理体制,实现依法移民。  相似文献   
1 Introduction With progressive researches on global climate change, an integrated study of various disciplines tends to be inevitable. Mr. Moore III, chairman of IGBP, holds that the key to integration is to synthesize scientific findings so as to get new ideas and to chance cognition up to a new high[1]. Micro-study, rather than macro-study focuses on regional change[2-5]. To strengthen the global perspective in the study, "to research on typical regions and to deepen the regional divide…  相似文献   
我国山地旅游资源特征及可持续开发利用对策探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
山地旅游资源分为自然旅游资源和人文旅游资源。我国山地旅游资源的特色鲜明,不仅旅游资源丰富多样,开发利用潜力巨大,而且大部分山地既是风景区,叉是自然保护区,是开展各种旅游与科考活动的极佳场所。长期困扰我国山地旅游资源开发的主要问题是资金投入不足、交通不便、基础设施落后、管理混乱。近年来,国家和地方有关部门已加大对山地旅游资源开发规划和管理整顿的力度,促使山地旅游资源开发逐步迈上科学、和谐发展的轨道,其特有的价值和经济效益得到初步体现。文章在分析我国山地旅游资源特征、开发优势的基础上,提出了我国山地旅游资源可持续发展的具体对策。  相似文献   
分析洪灾成因 :长时间连续降雨和随后而至的暴雨 ,是山洪成灾主要因素 ;特殊的水系结构使洪峰流量在城区河流汇合处叠加 ;山洪的动能大 ,挟带泥沙和冲蚀能力强 ;泥石流、滑坡、崩塌强烈活动 ,为山洪提供大量泥沙、推移质 ;人类经济活动不当 ,加大了灾害损失  相似文献   
作物生产潜力变化具有明显的区域差异性,亟需针对不同地理单元实施有效应对措施和调控策略。选择陕西省三大地理单元(陕北高原、关中盆地和秦巴山区)为研究对象,运用全球生态区模型(GAEZ)分析了陕西省不同地理单元作物生产潜力变化趋势,探讨了不同作物生产潜力变化的区域差异,辨识出影响不同作物生产潜力变化的主要因素,结果显示:(1) 1980—2015年间,陕西省玉米生产潜力总量增加了150.55×104 t,小麦生产潜力总量则下降了402.69×104 t。(2) 关中盆地的玉米和小麦生产潜力皆最大,陕北高原次之,秦巴山区的玉米和小麦生产潜力皆最小;陕北高原和秦巴山区的玉米生产潜力皆表现出先增加后减小再增加的变化趋势,关中盆地的玉米生产潜力则先减小后增加再减小;关中盆地和秦巴山区的小麦生产潜力都呈下降趋势,陕北高原的小麦生产潜力则有所提高。(3) 土地利用变化呈现减产效应,这一效应在关中盆地尤为显著,其次为陕北高原;气候变化导致玉米生产潜力增加,使小麦生产潜力下降;气候变化对不同地理单元的影响也不相同,在陕北高原表现为增产效应,在关中盆地和秦巴山区则为减产效应。(4) 在陕北高原,气候变化的增产效应是玉米和小麦生产潜力提高的主要原因,气候变化对玉米生产潜力的影响大于对小麦的影响,耕地向草地、林地和建设用地的转化是降低作物生产潜力最主要的土地利用变化因素;在关中盆地,作物生产潜力的变化主要是受气候变化的影响,小麦受气候变化的影响较玉米为大,以建设用地占用耕地为特征的土地利用变化对玉米生产潜力的影响大于对小麦的影响;在秦巴山区,土地利用变化是玉米生产潜力变化的主要原因,而小麦生产潜力的变化主要受气候变化影响。  相似文献   
The Qilian mountain area was examined for using the Logistic-CA-Markov coupling model combined with GIS spatial analyst technology to research the transformation of LUCC, driving force system and simulate future tendency of variation. Results show that:(1) Woodland area decreased by 12.55%, while grassland, cultivated land, and settlement areas increased by 0.22%, 7.92%, and 0.03%, respectively, from 1986 to 2014. During the period of 1986 to 2000, forest degradation in the middle section of the mountain area decreased by 1,501.69 km~2. Vegetation cover area improved, with a net increase of grassland area of 38.12 km~2 from 2000 to 2014.(2) For constructing the system driving force, the best simulation scale was 210m×210m. Based on logistic regression analysis, the contribution(weight) of composite driving forces to land use and cover change was obtained, and the weight value was more objectively compared with AHP and MCE method.(3) In the natural scenarios, it is predicted that land use and cover distribution maps of Qilian mountain area in 2028 and 2042, and the Lee-Sallee index test was adopted. Over the next 27 years(2015–2042), farmland, woodland, grassland, settlement areas show an increasing trend, especially settlements with an obvious change of 0.56%. The area of bare land will decrease by 0.89%. Without environmental degradation, tremendous structural change of LUCC will not occur, and typical characteristic of the vertical zone of the mountain would remain. Farmland and settlement areas will increase, but only in the vicinity of Qilian and Sunan counties.  相似文献   
The Norwegian massif of Rondane is part of the Scandes Mountains and is subject to polar, oceanic and continental influences. Because of its climatic context and its quartzitic structure, the massif has one of the thickest functional periglacial belts in Europe (1200 m). This belt is not fixed considering its translation in altitude since the end of the Little Ice Age. This mobility is continuing and involves periglacial decay dynamics which are revealed by numerous and various periglacial forms in the field. Because of their frequency in the massif and also their sensitivity to climate fluctuations, earth patches and small non‐sorted circles have a diagnostic value for current periglacial climate fluctuations. The major aim of this study is to propose several indicators of this periglacial decay and to highlight its consequences on periglacial belt mobility because these landforms enable the delimitation of a critical belt of decay in the massif.  相似文献   
沙丘粒度特征不仅能反映沙丘沙物质的来源与动力,也可以体现地形对风沙流运移的改变。对西藏朋曲流域不同地貌部位流动沙丘表层沉积物的粒度特征进行分析。结果表明:(1)朋曲流域流动沙丘表层沉积物粒度组分以中沙(46.51%)和细沙(40.52%)为主,粗沙(5.87%)与极细沙(5.87%)次之,黏土(0.37%)与粉沙(0.85%)含量最低。流动沙丘表层沉积物平均粒径1.41—2.32 Φ,分选系数0.45—0.79 Φ,偏度0.01—0.24,峰度0.98—1.80。(2)从河漫滩到河流阶地到山坡,流动沙丘粒度逐渐变小,频率分布曲线逐渐变高变窄,粒径越来越集中,沿主导风向自西南向东北概率累积曲线斜率逐渐增大,分选性逐渐变好。(3)河漫滩至河流高级阶地流动沙丘表层沉积物随海拔升高粒径变小,坡麓至坡顶随海拔升高粒径变大,分选却变好,表明山坡上沙丘与阶地上沙丘的沙物质来自于不同河段的河床或河漫滩。  相似文献   
山区生态县区域协调发展的机制构建--以粤北始兴县为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
税伟  陈烈  唐常春 《山地学报》2006,24(1):70-78
区域协调机制在不同类型地域和一种类型地域的不同的发展阶段是不同的。始兴县作为一个典型的山区生态县,工业进入加速发展时期,在此经济发展阶段的区域协调问题主要表现在:与外部区域经济、社会发展差距拉大,工业化与流域生态环境保护的矛盾已开始凸现,县政府协调区域发展的财政能力较低,区域协调机制不健全等。由此对始兴县的区域协调机制进行建构:建立健全多层次的区域协调机构;加大纵向和横向政府财政转移支付的力度;加强与相邻相关地区的协调;实施区域空间管治协调,保护城乡生态环境;科学合理选择产业,大力发展循环经济;全县推行绿色GDP考核等。  相似文献   
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