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结合研究实例,提出了根据成因地层学分析的储层地层单元分级以及充分认识沉积微相基础上的小层划分与对比;同时,依据钻井、测井资料,以环境水动力条件变化为基础总结出稳定型、分叉型、尖灭型、稳定 叠置型、叠置分叉型、叠置尖灭型等6种小层稳定性类型。  相似文献   
大港油田板桥凹陷构造变换带与油气富集*   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在伸展断陷盆地中,构造变换带对油气具有重要的控制作用,其附近往往是油气富集的有利部位。伸展断裂沿走向上发生伸展量呈消长关系变化的部位通常是构造变换带发育的部位。由于地层的沉降幅度在构造变换带附近具有减小的趋势,沿构造变换带走向上地层沉降幅度的差异造成了大港油田板桥凹陷“凸、凹相间”的构造古地理格局。构造变换带附近往往发育断鼻等正向构造,因此,构造变换带也常常是油气富集的有利部位。研究发现,板桥凹陷构造变换带较为发育,且其附近断鼻构造圈闭发育,并处于生烃洼陷之中,因此,构造变换带成为板桥凹陷油气较为富集的有利部位。  相似文献   
勘探实践证明,松辽盆地葡萄花油层成藏条件优越,具有“满凹含油”特征,是开展石油资源精细勘探的主力层系,剩余资源主要分布于成熟探区及其周边。优选位于成熟源岩区内的敖南地区作为典型刻度区,利用岩芯、测井和试油等资料,对葡萄花油层的源岩、储层及油藏进行了详细解剖和刻画,认为该区具备3个有利成藏的地质条件:①有效烃源岩控制油气分布范围;②三角洲前缘亚相薄互层砂体构成油气储集层;③砂体、构造匹配发育大面积岩性油藏。通过综合评价,确定敖南地区含油面积为256.3 km^2,采用容积法和油藏规模序列法估算该区资源量为5057.1×10^4 t,并获取运聚系数、可采系数和资源丰度等可代表资源评价的关键参数。  相似文献   
胜利油田渤19区块注交联聚合物开采多年后,因注入水的水质不达标导致聚合物过度交联形成强凝胶,造成聚合物注入区块许多油水井的堵塞。对现场聚合物垢样品所做的化学组分、表面元素能谱及红外光谱的研究表明,垢的主体结构由交联的聚丙烯酰胺组成,交联体吸收了大量水分,在交联体内小环境中因富集而形成氯化物矿物晶体无机垢结构,而在成垢的过程中又将地层内的一些粘土矿物包裹于交联体内,形成具有聚合物-矿物复合结构的强胶凝态物质,严重影响聚合物注入—调剖—驱油过程中的聚合物溶液的流动。  相似文献   
塔河油田碳酸盐岩缝洞型油气藏的特征及缝洞单元划分   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
塔河油田奥陶系碳酸盐岩缝洞型油气藏的主要特征表现为油气藏高度远大于残丘圈闭幅度,油气分布受储集体发育程度控制,纵向上不连续,储集体主要为岩溶-构造作用所形成的缝洞,单个缝洞储集体为独立的油水系统等。运用油藏压力降落法、类干扰试井法和流体性质变化法等方法将塔河油田主体开发区划分出10个连通储渗单元和20个孤立或相对定容封闭体,对这些缝洞单元的特点作了描述。塔河油田整体上不具统一的底水;各油气藏流体性质变化较大。  相似文献   
松辽盆地三肇凹陷葡萄花油层成藏模式初探   总被引:6,自引:5,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
运用源控含油气系统理论与综合分析技术,按成藏“层次分析”方法,通过对生、储、盖、圈(闭)静态要素及其内生、排、运、聚、散(失)动态过程的综合研究,对松辽盆地中央坳陷的三肇凹陷葡萄花油层成藏条件进行探讨,提出了以次级凹陷为中心、不同类型的油气聚集带紧邻并围绕次级凹陷最低部位呈环带状分布的大型凹陷内成藏模式,并进一步提出永乐次级凹陷中心及其三级聚油环带及徐家围子次级凹陷以西为"网式"运聚特征;在凹陷级成藏模式的指导下,通过对大面积密井网开发区综合解剖,提出三级构造带中单个的局部构造圈闭(群)、单个的(局部构造——)岩性圈闭(群)控油和成藏规律,为认识本区基本控油单元、油水分布规律、油气勘探及扩大新探区提供重要的理论依据。  相似文献   
针对辽河油田地区地下水开采引起的降落漏斗形成及扩展、咸水入侵与水质污染等问题,已开展了大量研究。提出利用VB编程软件、MO组件在ArcView GIS和Access数据库的基础上建立一个集数据库管理、水质评价、水位和水量预测、空间分析等功能于一体的地下水资源管理决策支持系统的总体开发思路。该系统将信息管理与决策支持有效融合,在运用GIS功能的同时,嵌入专业模型,实现人机交互、信息共享。  相似文献   
塔河油田勘探表明,上奥陶统良里塔格组是潜在勘探层位.通过岩心、测井、薄片、物性、钻井和生产测试等资料综合分析,认为良里塔格组具两套岩性组合,顶部和底部为浅水高能沉积,中间为深水低能沉积,物性比中下奥陶统差,渗透率非均质性较强,主要受泥质条带和裂缝影响.储集空间主要包括溶蚀孔隙、溶蚀孔洞和裂缝3类.储层类型有孔隙-裂缝型和孔洞-裂缝型两类,后者是主要储层类型.储集空间形成主要受同生期和表生期岩溶作用、埋藏溶蚀作用和断裂作用4个因素控制,其中断裂作用是良里塔格组储层形成和分布的主控因素.  相似文献   
The main reservoir of the Humbly Grove Oilfield comprises variably dolomitic grainstones and packstones representing the Bathonian Great Oolite Group. The Bathonian sequence commences in Lower Fuller's Earth claystones which coarsen upwards into oncolitic claystones and skeletal packstones probably equivalent to the Fuller's Earth Rock. Above is a variable succession of wackestones and thin packstones which have a distinctive sandstone at their base. This sequence is named here the Hester's Copse Formation. The succeeding Great Oolite Limestone is predominantly oolitic and cross-bedded on a variety of scales. It exhibits both coarsening and fining sequences which have locally well-developed capping hardgrounds and burrowed horizons. The Great Oolite Limestone is subdivided into three Members: the lowest (the Humbly Grove Member), and the highest (the Herriard Member) begin with massive shoal oolite deposition, but each then pass upward into more interbedded sequences representing a more transgressive environment. The middle member (the Hoddington) is a thin but widely correlatable wackestone. The overlying Forest Marble commences abruptly in claystones, but there is an upward increase in both the incidence and thickness of discrete oolitic limestones. Both the Great Oolite Limestone and Forest Marble were affected by early fresh-water dissolution and cementation in addition to the localized development of submarine cements. The top of the Great Oolite Group is represented by the Cornbrash. The Lower Cornbrash is a thin micritic limestone while the Upper Cornbrash is a calcareous claystone which passes upwards into the Kellaways Clay. The Bathonian sequence overlies the dolomitic limestones of the Inferior Oolite, the Lower Fuller's Earth claystones being interpreted as a basinal marine mudstone sequence, marking a substantial deepening and transgressive phase at the opening of the Bathonian. These mudstones shoal upwards into the quiet, but photic, water deposits of the Fuller's Earth Rock. The Hester's Copse Formation represents the temporary development of wave-dominated terrigenous shoreface and lagoonal conditions. Renewed transgression established a high-energy, tide-dominated, carbonate shelf upon which the Great Oolite Limestone was deposited as a series of shoal oolites, channels, tidal deltas and spill-overs. Periodic exposure of the carbonate sand-bodies led to the production of early dissolutional and cementation fabrics that post-date (and largely obliterate) submarine cements. The Forest Marble opened with a further phase of deepening, and the temporary establishment of muddy facies. Subsequently discrete tide-dominated ridges and linear channelized oolitic sands prograded into the area. The latest Bathonian is marked by subsidence of the carbonate ramp to the south of the London Platform, the Cornbrash-Kellaways Clay sequence accumulating under progressively deepening waters.  相似文献   
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