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试论东海陆架盆地的基底构造演化和盆地形成机制 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
本文主要根据东海陆架盆地和周边的地质、地球物理资料,分析盆地的基底岩性特征、结构特征。认为东海陆架盆地的基底除元古界片麻岩外,还分布有一定范围的中生界及古生界。基底构造特征是纵向上多层次,横向上不均一,南北有别,东西分带。构造演化上经历了张、合、压、扭等复杂过程。 相似文献
作为古潮汐研究窗口的现代潮汐沉积体系,其研究的不断深入为古地层序列中潮汐沉积环境的重建提供了重要的理论基础与识别依据。潮汐体系的不同分类与潮坪环境的异样分带,为多样的潮汐信号提供了独特的沉积环境;现代潮汐体系中的微生物研究不断扩展生物成因古潮汐信号的涵盖范畴,物理成因潮汐信号的丰硕成果为古沉积环境重建奠定了坚实基础。结合潮汐沉积体系中古潮汐信号的新进展,分析了豫西元古界鲁山剖面的沉积特征,旨为区域古环境重建提供借鉴意义。 相似文献
东海磁场及磁性基底特征 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用东海及邻域最新的磁力异常数据,分析东海的磁场特征,并利用该磁力数据计算东海的磁性基底界面,分析解释磁性界面的特征及地质特征。研究表明,从陆区、陆架盆地到冲绳海槽中部,磁力异常呈正负相间变化,最大值出现在福建沿海地区;磁性基底深度在4~11 km之间变化。从冲绳海槽中部到琉球群岛,磁异常从正磁异常变为负磁异常;磁性基底深度为7~12 km之间变化。从琉球弧前盆地到琉球海沟,磁力异常为正负相间变化,中部磁异常为负值,两侧异常为正值;磁性基底深度为7.5~11 km之间变化。 相似文献
综合利用岩心、薄片、压汞数据、测井曲线及储层物性等资料,对平北地区基底岩浆岩储层特征及优质储层发育条件等进行研究。结果表明,储层以花岗岩储层物性最好,其储集空间以构造缝、溶蚀缝和溶蚀孔为主,其中,构造缝占比61%,在作为良好的储集空间的同时,也为原生孔隙的连通起到至关重要的作用。本区花岗岩储层发育具Ⅰ型模式,即,整体呈漏斗形,上部地区因裂缝、溶蚀孔洞被充填而形成致密区,储层物性差;中部大气淡水淋滤和构造应力作用下,裂缝发育,具备优异的储集空间和孔喉条件,为优质储层发育区;下部大气淡水淋滤作用弱,构造应力影响小,裂缝不发育,储层物性最差。研究认为优质基底岩浆岩储层位于基底中上部,大气淡水淋滤作用强,构造应力强,断层、断裂较为发育的地区。 相似文献
胶东地区苏鲁超高压变质岩系和华北克拉通东部陆块的前寒武纪变质岩系直接相连,由此它成为对比华北-扬子板块前寒武纪基底差异、研究华北-扬子板块界线的关键区域之一。对胶东地区前寒武纪岩石组合、地球化学和年代学的综合研究表明:胶北地块前寒武纪基底以太古宙-古元古代的结晶基底为主,~2.7 Ga的造壳活动最为显著,经历了~2.5 Ga的构造事件后接受了1.9~2.1 Ga的孔兹岩系沉积,在~1.8 Ga变质事件后地壳基本处于稳定状态,至震旦纪发育了亲华北的蓬莱群沉积;与胶北地块不同,北苏鲁以新元古代双峰式岩浆岩系为主,残留少量太古宙-古元古代的残留地壳,并经历了1.8~2.2 Ga的构造事件,但主要记录Rodinia超大陆裂解期(0.7~0.8 Ga)年龄。并对胶北地块和北苏鲁超高压变质带的构造归属以及二者界线进行了讨论。 相似文献
本文利用南通幅区域地质调查的重磁异常数据,在重磁异常特征分析的基础上,采用一维频谱分析法对南黄海进行磁性基底反演。结果表明:南黄海属于扬子块体向海域的延伸,具有元古代结晶基底和古生代褶皱基底的双基底结构,其磁性基底深度在2—10km之间变化,是褶皱基底与磁性层最小埋深的结合,在坳陷和隆起上表现不同。通过利用综合地质和地球物理综合方法,对南黄海区域的四大构造单元华北—狼林地块、扬子—京畿地块、华南—岭南地块、东海大陆架进行重磁异常变化特征和磁性基底特征分析,为研究区断裂等区域构造特征解释提供了依据。 相似文献
The Parnell Quartz Monzonite in the Pilbara Block of Western Australia is a Proterozoic (1731 ± 14 Ma) pluton characterized by high modal K‐feldspar and a greater abundance of hornblende relative to biotite, as is typical of Phanerozoic monzonitic rocks in eastern Australia. The only geochemical features reflecting its setting in an Archaean terrain are high Na2O, Ni and Cr. The pluton is zoned, with an increase in K‐feldspar, quartz and biotite and a decrease in plagioclase and hornblende from margin to core. Chemically, this zoning is reflected by systematic variation of CaO, K2O, Na2O, Sr and Rb, but ferromagnesian elements have irregular trends, implying preferential extraction of feldspars relative to mafic minerals during differentiation of the magma. The unusual geochemical trends are explained by a model involving ‘in situ’ feldspar fractionation of a K‐rich residual liquid from a mafic crystalline mush. A parent magma similar to the average rock composition of the pluton is deduced because high ferromagnesian trace element abundances preclude extensive fractionation of mafic minerals. Geochemical and isotopic constraints suggest that the ultimate source was chemically similar to a shoshonitic basaltic andesite, that must have been emplaced beneath the eastern margin of the Pilbara Block in the Early Proterozoic. Subsequent partial melting of this postulated underplated source at ~ 1700 Ma to produce the Parnell Quartz Monzonite was probably associated with tectonism in the Gregory Range Complex. 相似文献
Abstract Post-depositional quicksand structures are described from the Jotnian sandstone of the Nordingrå region, Västernorrland County, where they are developed as point-up structures and sandstone dikes. Disturbance by an earthquake shock wave, uneven compaction of the material, current turbulence and overloading are possible factors which could form these quicksand structures. Earth movements and overloading are the probable causes for the structures in the Jotnian sandstone. The sandstone is essentially an arkose and subarkose with some siltstone and shale. 相似文献
Jens Gutzmer 《Mineralium Deposita》2006,40(6-7):664-685
The Pering deposit on the Ghaap Plateau, Northwestern Province, South Africa, was the largest of several Zn–Pb occurrences hosted by Neoarchean platform dolostones of the Transvaal Supergroup. With a Paleoproterozoic mineralization age, these occurrences are widely regarded as the oldest representatives of Mississippi Valley-type Pb–Zn deposits. Hosting an initial resource of 18 Mt at an average grade of 3.6 wt% Zn and 0.6 wt% Pb, the Pering deposit was mined from 1984 until its final closure at the end of November 2002. In this study, available geological and grade distribution maps were evaluated and complemented by the examination of mining-related outcrops, drill core, and a large set of ore and host rock samples. Four different styles of brecciation can be distinguished at the Pering deposit: (1) pyritic rock matrix breccia; (2) chemical wear breccia; (3) mosaic breccia; and (4) crackle breccia. Geological and mineral paragenetic observations on these different breccia types suggest that the formation of the Pering deposit commenced with an initial stage of hydrothermal karstification. Large volumes of pyritic rock matrix breccia formed by wall rock collapsing into the open space attributed to carbonate dissolution. This stage of hydrothermal karstification acted as ground preparation for the subsequent mineralization event. By the upward advance of the hydrothermal karstification process, fluid reservoirs in the previously undisturbed dolostone host rock succession were tapped, ultimately leading to fluid mixing. Hydrothermal sulphides are the most abundant where fluid mixing was most effective, i.e. along the outer and upper margins of the breccia bodies, and in stratabound zones along permeable host rock units. Chemical wear brecciation and formation of large volumes of fine-grained replacive sphalerite mineralization mark the early stage of hydrothermal Zn–Pb mineralization associated with this fluid mixing. The fine-grained stage of sulphide mineralization was succeeded by very coarse-grained open-space-infill mineralization. The latter is very uniform across the entire deposit and typically cements mosaic and crackle breccia, but also fills remaining open space within chemical wear brecciated portions of the deposit. 相似文献